"We can't let this go any longer."

Jed was sitting in the tent. The wine in the wine glass on the table had bottomed out. More than a dozen leaders were there. They were talking about Allen's affairs. Today's incident was obviously planned by Allen early in the morning, so they We can no longer remain indifferent.

The leaders are basically aware of the many things Irene has done in the past few months. He is already destroying the balance of the region. It is false that he actively participates in the construction, but it is true that he wants to gain benefits from the construction.

"We'd better kill him while he's still weak."

Jade looked at the leaders, and he naturally knew that everyone wanted to be Allen, because Allen's current gang is the most stable, and that fortress is an ideal choice for many people. .

The location of the fortress is very delicate. Once a problem occurs on this grassland, Allen has too many choices. No matter who is nearby and allies with Allen, it is a very good choice.

The leaders have now begun to focus on the future. Everyone knows that some things cannot be stopped. Now disputes have begun to arise. Less than one-third of the reservoir has been built, and the disputes are already very obvious.

Not to mention other things planned by the gods, medicines are also a major source of disputes. Although each gang has its own doctors involved in manufacturing medicines, the distribution of medicines is currently unbalanced, which has led to dispute.

Because of the disputes caused by many issues, Jed has held many meetings with the bosses to resolve the disputes. Wanting to kill Allen is not only proposed by one of the bosses, but now it is indeed the best way to calm everyone's disputes. Good idea, as long as there is a common enemy.

But there is one issue that Jed has considered very clearly. Once Allen is finished, Allen's current fortress will inevitably become a key location for many bosses to fight for.

The answer to what Allen wants to do with so much metal has long been clear. They are secretly manufacturing weapons. Now the metal is basically supplied to construction. It is difficult for anyone to ask for part of the metal, because this is tantamount to building weapons for the present. Subtle forms added fuel to the fire, and Allen did what many bosses wanted to do, and he did it without saying it, and successfully diverted the crime.

Seeing that the discussion would not lead to any results, Jade could only stand up and let everyone go back first.

After all the leaders left, several of Jed's confidants came in immediately.

"You guys come with me, I have to talk to Allen in person."

Everything Allen has done recently has made him the target of public criticism, but if Allen is solved now, a bigger dispute will inevitably arise.

Soon Jed got into an electric-powered car and headed towards Allen's fortress.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the car stopped in front of Allen's fortress, the lights shone down, and several of Jed's men seemed a little nervous, although Jed explained their purpose.

After a while, the small door of the fortress opened. As soon as Jed walked in, he saw some metal wrapping behind the door. It still looked wooden on the outside, but reinforcements had begun on the inside.

After glancing around at Allen's men, Jade sensed their fear and doubts, because if they let themselves in now, they would definitely be exposed, and they didn't know what their leader Allen meant.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Allen was already waiting. He made a gesture of invitation. Jed followed Allen and walked up. Allen did not go to the house, but climbed up the observation tower.

After the lights came on, Allen ordered someone to bring some wine and food.

"It's great here."

Jade nodded, looking at the stars and lights in the distance, and the oncoming breeze was very pleasant.

"Whenever I have nothing to do, I usually enjoy the sunshine and read here."

“Really a great place.”

Jed said as Alan took out some cigarettes.

"Try it. This is the tobacco we have recently grown here, and we roll it ourselves."

"Can you make paper already?"

Allen nodded.

"You must have a lot to say when you come here tonight."

Jed asked angrily.

"For your plan, you killed the foreman. Don't you have any idea?"

Allen raised his hand to interrupt Jed's words. He didn't intend to hide anything from Jed, because the only leader on this grassland who could talk to him about something was Jed.

"Yes, it is true that I caused the death of the foreman, but you have to change your thinking. If he had not agreed to my conditions, he would not have died. He could even report me. I gave them a lot of benefits. ."

Jade angrily grabbed Allen's collar and asked.

"Obviously everything is fine now, why would you do something like this? As long as we all have a good talk and distribute everything, we will definitely do it."

"The situation you think will not happen. Everyone wants more. This is the status quo. Everything I do is to protect myself and deal with possible conflicts that may arise next."

Jade let go of Allen, he looked very weak, and he also knew how pale everything he just said was.

"It's not just me, those guys have also done a lot of shameful things in private. Don't tell me you don't know, including many people under your command."

Jade did not refute. Indeed, many of his subordinates had done similar things to Allen in order to consolidate their territory, and Jade could only turn a blind eye.

"Many of us have seen the future quite clearly. Stop fooling yourself, Jade."

Food and drinks were soon served, including dried meat and some dried vegetables.

Alan poured Jade a glass of wine and the two took a sip.

"We have already started breeding some wild boars caught in the mountains and forests. Do you think Shenmen will come down personally to handle some matters?"

Jade shook his head.

"That's not possible at the moment."

"It's much easier since you don't know."

Allen stood up and pointed to the grassland in the distance.

"Winning the king and losing the bandits, this is what I understand the gods want."

Jade scratched his head. He heard the words he least wanted to hear. I'm afraid Jean and the others figured out the problem much earlier than he did.

On such a grassland where forces are mixed, once a dispute arises, there will inevitably be a situation where the big fish eats the small fish. To stabilize, only when this situation reaches a relative balance can peace be possible.

Therefore, the premise of peace is that disputes produce results. This has been the case throughout human history. In such a chaotic situation, disputes may be a good medicine. Peace will only appear when the disputes end.

"I'll just tell you Jade, we are producing weapons in large quantities and we can cooperate."

Jed took a sip of wine, looked at Alan blankly, and then laughed.

“Collaboration is based on trust Alan.”

"Whether you believe me or not, all I do is to protect myself. If you don't take it, others will take it. That's the reason. If you want to survive better and longer , you have to make a decision.”

Jed lowered his head, looking a little dull, because he still hoped that everyone could talk peacefully. There were many things that could be discussed, but as Alan said, such an idea was too childish.

Jed was very aware of the cruelty and nature of the dispute, so he unconsciously allowed his men to do something. It was not Allen who was destroying the balance, but everyone was destroying the balance.

Mineral deposits, water, and electricity have now become points of contention.

Everyone hopes that this will be established as soon as possible, and that after the fruits are obtained, they can share more. Many recent conversations have been about expanding some things, because everyone wants to get more and no one is willing to suffer.

After the construction is completed, the distribution of water sources, mineral deposits and electric energy will not be determined by the gods, but the so-called negotiations between various groups.

Some small gangs have begun to take sides, and each leader is wooing some gangs.

Because at this time, everyone agrees that I should receive corresponding compensation for my hard work, but this compensation is a bottomless pit.

"It's time to make a decision. Our two territories are 20 kilometers apart, but within this 20-kilometer area, there are hundreds of gangs, large and small, of which there are three largest gangs. You know what I mean."

"Once it really opens up, it will eat all the gangs within 20 kilometers first, right?"

Allen laughed, raised his glass and took a sip with Jade.

War is inevitable. Once the gods return to the mountains and forests, the situation will soon escalate, because there are no rules in this land. No rules means chaos. Everything must be suppressed before it can be established. Come up with a set of rules and order.

"We can build a country within these 20 kilometers instead of letting this chaos continue, right?"

Jed nodded. After thinking about it, it was most beneficial to cooperate with Allen. Many other leaders were unable to cooperate in Jed's eyes.

"Cheers to our future."

Allen raised the wine glass in his hand, Jed stood up, and Jed asked after the two drank.

"What are you going to do?"

"Mining farms, power plants, and reservoirs are facilities that everyone will definitely compete for in the future. Now you have nearly 3,000 people under your command."

Jade nodded.

"Although I only have six or seven hundred men capable of fighting, compared to those rabble, we have been training. The other large and small groups combined have at least twenty to thirty thousand people, which is ten times more than us. But there is one thing worth it. Fortunately they won’t cooperate.”

"You want me to figure it out."

Allen shook his head.

"It's not for you to think of a solution, but for us to intensify the conflicts and let them start fighting in advance. We can sit back and take care of everything. Although it sounds despicable, in an era like this, being despicable is the best way to survive. method. After taking control of this area, we can establish a solid defense line to isolate other people."

Jade thought for a moment and said.

"It's too risky. If we occupy the mines, reservoirs and power plants, we will be flanked by people from the east and west."

Alan laughed.

"I've thought about this too, but there's a question, have you thought about it?"

Allen said, walking to the edge of the stage, and then laughed.

"What's the situation on the east and west sides?"

Jade seemed to understand, and Allen said directly.

"Now we are closer to the water, first come first, get the best resources, and our accumulation is many times that of theirs. The war is all about land, people and materials. We are better than them in these three things. Once we integrate everything in this area , we will be able to isolate threats from both sides."

Jade nodded and Alan continued.

"If you are worried that when we start to integrate this land, people on both sides will start to move, you don't have to worry, their development is much lower than ours. At this time, their only idea is to reap the benefits. ."

Jade hummed.

"Indeed, they will not take such risks to get involved."

"I have placed a lot of people on this land. What we need to do now is to intensify the conflicts in the area between our two families. At the same time, we can create some conflicts on both sides outside the area and unite some guys. This way We were able to quickly take control."

Jade walked up to Allen and had a sip with him. The two looked at the grassland in the distance, and Allen said with a smile.

"Without bloodshed, there will never be peace on this grassland. Once we control the area and establish a stable country, it will be much better than allowing friction to continue."

As he spoke, Allen turned around and walked away. He planned to take Jed to see his arsenal. After all, he really planned to cooperate with Jed, because Jed was indeed the best choice. He could not occupy the entire area by himself. It’s regional, so we have to find someone to cooperate.

Allen has been in contact with many gang leaders, but they are all too false, except Jade.

Soon Jed followed Alan to a cave. As soon as he entered, Jed smelled the smell of gunpowder.

"Alan said with a smile, we have successfully produced some gunpowder. Although the quantity is still very small now, in an era when such cold weapons are about to come, gunpowder can become a decisive factor in victory or defeat."

Not only the flames, Jade also saw some manufactured cold weapons such as crossbow arrows and bladed spears.

"I will slowly give you some gunpowder, Jed. We must join forces to clean up the chaos in this land."

Jade closed her eyes, thought for a moment and then reached out her hand.

"I just hope there won't be a war between us in the future."

"After I take control of this place, I will still be in the fortress and you can be the actual manager. I just hope for peace. So I don't think you need to worry. After all, we have cooperated several times. , isn’t it!”

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