The climate began to change suddenly, the sun's rays began to be blocked by thick clouds, and many crops and vegetables had problems. Jed was leading people, holding plastic films in their hands, to distribute to some nearby people.

Due to the sudden cold snap, some crops in many people's farmland were frozen to death. Fortunately, they had stored enough food before, but many people were still very anxious.

Now we can only use film to cover some vegetables with short growth cycles to prevent them from freezing to death. Some crops have withered and turned yellow and cannot withstand the cold wave at all.

The operation a month ago was half a success and half a failure. The people sent by several large gangs to search for some supplies in the city were all damaged without exception. The two sides engaged in fierce exchanges of fire. What annoyed many leaders was that, The other party seemed to know in advance that they were going and had set up an ambush.

Although some equipment was brought back, a heavy price was paid. Of the more than 300 people who went, less than 100 returned, and some vehicles and weapons were abandoned in the city.

Although they also talked about going to the city for the second time to search for some mechanical equipment, it was obvious that other gangs were not very interested in this matter. The most serious problem on the entire grassland now is the competition for technical personnel.

People who have mastered certain technologies are the most important resources on this grassland. More and more people are realizing how important mastering a technology is to their future lives.

Some gangs have also begun to fight openly and secretly, giving very good treatment to some doctors, mechanics and other people with professional skills, allowing them to go to the gang's territory. Food is obviously not very attractive, and women are the best means.

One of Jed's doctors left their territory yesterday and went to other gang members. The current situation made Jed feel very powerless. Everything seemed peaceful, but everything was so... Despairing.

The number of people on the entire grassland has skyrocketed again, and there are still a steady stream of people coming here. They have traveled all the way over mountains and rivers. This makes Jed feel that it is really incredible that human beings are such creatures.

In the past, Jade and the others also traveled across mountains and rivers to come here. For them, everything in the past was something they would never want to think about.

The current food production is enough to feed everyone, but this cold snap may bring about different changes. What Jed is most worried about now is the dispute.

Moreover, there are many small gangs doing some things secretly. This is the last thing Jade wants to see. Gene and the others should have anticipated these things a long time ago, so they left.

Jed was a little tired. He planned to go back to the tent to rest for a while and tell his people to be as fair as possible when distributing the money.

After returning to the tent, Jed looked at the half bottle of wine left. It was because of this bottle of wine that he did not have a proper talk with Gene and the others. Now Jed regrets a little.

If Jade had been willing to have a good talk with Jean and the others at that time, he might have been able to establish a relatively stable gang. In this case, he might have been able to control the situation. Now the situation is completely out of control.

Just when Jade opened the wine and was about to take a sip, there were footsteps outside, and several men came in looking panicked.

"What happened?"

"Someone is sick."

Jed's face was solemn, and he quickly stood up. His original sleepiness disappeared. Soon Jed saw a jar room. There were many people crying and shouting. Jed felt it as soon as he walked over. Creepy.

A doctor made a judgment that it was smallpox. Dozens of people had already developed symptoms and had many red rashes on their bodies. If this continued, it might spread on a large scale. Jed immediately ordered that these people be gathered in a farm shed. Inside the house, you must never leave.

Many people seemed to be in great pain. What Jade was worried about still happened. Once such a large-scale infectious disease appeared, the situation would be even worse. In the modern era before the destruction, this disease basically only required medicine and injections. It can be treated, but there are currently no medical conditions.

Even some of his own men were in trouble. Such a virus would most likely spread on a large scale, which would be devastating to Jed and the others. Jed immediately ordered that no one be allowed to reveal the problem.

But this approach was just a drop in the bucket. Soon several doctors gathered together. If they wanted to solve the current problem, they could only use the most primitive method. After drying and crushing the substances in the chickenpox of smallpox patients, the normal If people inhale it, it may activate the immune system, causing normal people to produce antibodies.

But Jed also knows that such a method has extremely poor success rate and reliability, and there are currently no conditions to manufacture a vaccine.

"Those who can bear it can live, and those who cannot bear it can only die."

A doctor said, and Jed agreed with their approach. Jed asked them to get protective equipment, which was a scarce amount of medical supplies they had been storing.

Jed asked everyone to bring as much cloth as possible to cover their mouths and noses to reduce the risk of infection.

Now the area under Jed's management has exceeded 20,000 people, and he has nearly 2,000 people under his command. Jed immediately began to assign work, asking people to find the sick people as much as possible, and then isolate them together. We are already thinking of ways.

Some people who knew that the doctors were trying to find a solution felt at peace at this time, but this was just what Jed said to stabilize everyone. In fact, this problem was almost impossible to solve.

Jed felt very tired and physically uncomfortable. At this moment, he felt afraid that he might have been infected with the virus.

Then Jed returned to the tent, took off his clothes, and held a small mirror. After seeing the red rash on his body, Jed almost collapsed. He covered his head and his mind went blank.

Jed didn't know what his fate would be, but one thing was certain. If his leader also got sick, he might be doomed. Even if he could survive it, he might be doomed in the future.

Jed was sitting on pins and needles. He felt more and more uncomfortable. His body was feeling hot. He knew he had a fever. At this time, a subordinate came in. Jed pretended to be calm and arranged some things, and then said he was a little tired. Take a break.

Jed soon took out some antibiotics, which he and some of his henchmen carried with them. After Jed took the medicine, he prayed that the antibiotics would work, otherwise he would be finished.

Time passed by, and soon Jed was woken up. His eyes were red and his body felt a little more comfortable. Several of his subordinates looked at Jed's appearance and felt something was wrong.

"Head, what are you doing?"

Jade said shakily.

"I might be infected too, send me to an isolation shack."

A few subordinates could only follow the instructions, because there had been deaths, and the doctors had begun to use primitive methods to inhale the vaccine, but it was obvious that such a method might lead to more people being infected.

But there is nothing we can do. If nothing is done and a large-scale infection breaks out, more people will die.

Soon Jed came to a shack, which was filled with an extremely unpleasant smell. Many people were wailing. Jed found a corner in pain and huddled up with a blanket. Jed realized that someone should have already He died because he could smell the stench of corpses.

Jed felt fear and trembled. He thought of his family. Although his family had died long ago, he survived alone, but now he had to miss them because he might soon We are about to see them.

Under the cold moonlight, a streak of light blue particles streaked across the water. Jean jumped to the shore with Tang Rao on his back. Tang Rao put down his backpack comfortably and watched that the lake level not only did not fall, but instead rose a lot, because they had been there before. A scale was erected here.

"I think it's necessary to test the water quality."

As Tang Rao said, Gene asked.

"Did you feel something?"

Tang Rao sighed and took out a cigarette, and Jean also took one. The two sat by the lake. After resting for a while, Tang Rao took out some equipment. Soon, under Tang Rao's inspection, A variety of pathogens have been found in the water.

"How should I put it, I feel something is wrong."

Jean looked at the light spots in the distance. Through the dim light, Jean discovered a large area of ​​farmland. However, the temperature was a bit low now. After Jean got closer, he found dead crops. It should have been affected by the cold wave, resulting in The crops were frozen to death.

"It's really beyond our expectation. We didn't expect it to develop like this."

Tang Rao muttered and looked at some microorganisms in the water. Tang Rao saw a variety of pathogens in an electron microscope, one of which was smallpox.

"There should be a large-scale outbreak of infectious diseases in this place."

After Gene came over and Tang Rao explained to him, Gene reluctantly held his cigarette in his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Let's look around first."

The two entered the path in the fields. Many crops along the way were frozen to death, but some vegetables had been wrapped in plastic films. It seemed that the place was already capable of producing this kind of plastic films. It was indeed a good method. But it doesn't seem like the right approach.

Although Jean and Tang Rao are not experts in agriculture, they have followed Ellivitt for so long, and they are somewhat familiar with some of the more professional knowledge in agriculture. Such practices will cause problems for both the soil and vegetables.

The correct approach is to use plastic film to create a circulating constant temperature chamber, so as to ensure that there will be no problems with vegetables and soil, but obviously no one knows such knowledge.

After Jean and the others walked for a while, they saw some simple huts built with wood on the edge of the fields. Some of the houses were still lit with lights. The two of them did not stop, but continued to move forward. Now they There is no need to worry about threats from weapons anymore.

However, after walking for a while, the two were discovered, and several people with weapons stopped them.

"We just got here."

Jean said something, and the other party explained the situation. Either he would go to other places to cultivate land, or he could stay and work as a helper for the land owner so that he could have enough to eat.

"Is there something wrong here?"

Gene lied that they were working for another landowner before, but they came here because the situation was not good. The other party did not explain, saying that everything was normal, and asked them to go to a row of shacks not far away. , where you can stay overnight.

After the two walked over, there were people guarding outside. Many people were sleeping inside, but some were still awake.

After Jean and the others entered, they did not find a place to rest. Then the people outside pointed to the shack on the other side. Jean and the others walked over and saw that the tent they had set up was still there from a distance.

"It's really incredible. It was obviously dark, but I could see it very clearly."

Tang Rao muttered, and Gene sighed.

"It's true, it's incredible."

It only took the two of them less than a day to get here. They also made some marks along the way and determined the route. Now they just want to see the conditions on this grassland.

The two of them did not go to the shack, but went directly to the row of tents. They didn't know if Jed was still there, but they had to go and check and ask about the situation.

The moment the two people approached the shack, some people came out of the shack. They raised their weapons and pointed them at the two people. The lights came on. Gene looked relaxed, but Tang Rao still looked around worriedly. With.

"Who is your leader here?"

Jean asked, and at this moment one of Jade's men recognized Jean and the others.

"Aren't you Mr. Jean? And Miss Tang Rao."

Several other confidants also recognized it at this time and hurriedly asked their men to put down their weapons. Jean and Tang Rao found that there were a lot of things drying on one side of the shed, and the shed seemed to have been cleaned.

"Is there a large-scale infectious disease outbreak?"

Jean asked, and one of his men came over and said.

"Yes Mr. Jean, Jade is sick too."

Tang Rao sighed.

"Is there any way?"

Many of his subordinates seemed to see hope at this time and gathered around. Many of them didn't know Jean and the others, but they didn't say much.

"Get what I need and I might be able to make some vaccines."

Tang Rao said, and Jade's men immediately nodded happily.

Gene walked into the shed, and his men did not stop him. He saw the bottle of wine on the shelf, with half a bottle left.

"Really, it's only been eight months. Haven't you finished drinking it yet?"

Tang Rao quickly called over 20 of Jed's confidants and started making a list, asking them to prepare what they needed. Making a vaccine under such circumstances was indeed difficult, but it was not impossible. In addition Now that the crop yield here is so abundant, these crops can be used to make vaccine culture fluid.

"Act quickly. If this infectious disease breaks out in a large area, many people will die."

As Tang Rao said, Jade's men immediately ordered people to move.

Looking at the busy people, Tang Rao joked.

"Our presence is really like gods to them."

Gene smiled and said.


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