The rain was falling from the sky. Allen looked sideways at the misty road outside the window. The speed was very slow. Some of his men on motorcycles temporarily found a place to take shelter from the rain until the weather cleared.

Fortunately, with this rain, it seems that you won't meet anyone on the road. Traveling in rainy days is fatal to many people, so Allen can go to the city boldly and safely.

This time Allen brought out all elites, each equipped with a long-range sniper rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition, including an automatic rifle, 500 rounds of ammunition, and some grenades.

The doctors have listed in detail the medical equipment they need, as well as a small number of medical drugs. The accompanying doctors are sitting in the back of the truck, wearing body armor and helmets. Doctors are extremely important existences in Allen's society.

Now Allen asked the doctors to find ways to find some younger people, or people with more flexible brains, to teach them medical-related knowledge, which is extremely important for their overall society.

Relying on the foot of the mountain, Allen also had an idea. It would be enough to absorb some outstanding talents and develop his kingdom to 1,000 people soon, which was also the limit.

The two-day journey was not too short. They had to move forward at a constant speed to reduce energy consumption. The way down the mountain was relatively easy, but it would be troublesome to go up the mountain.

So Allen had to get a large gasoline truck in the city to transport most of the supplies.

"Alan, I don't think there's any need to talk to them. Those treacherous guys started attacking us as soon as we left them."

One of the confidants muttered, and Allen smiled.

"I don't want anyone to suffer any losses, and don't do anything unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Everyone is on alert for what's ahead."

In a daze, Allen saw some light. He immediately picked up the megaphone on the car and shouted. Everyone behind the truck woke up and everyone picked up their weapons. The car slowly approached the light source and stopped on the side of the road.

Allen saw a small truck with a light on such a rainy night. There were some people in the truck. Allen walked over with a few men.

"You must have come from above."

Allen walked over and saw a family of several people cooking in the cargo box behind the truck. There were seven people in total. The man at the head looked very happy.

"Did you modify this?"

Allen asked, and the man said with a smile.

"I used to be an automotive engineer, and I modified this car myself to make it a multi-functional car."

Allen looked at it with interest, and then the man asked happily.

“Is it really all farmland up there?”

Allen nodded and explained some of the things that the man was worried about. The man laughed excitedly. His family members also looked very happy. The man also carried an automatic rifle on his back and was able to come here all the way from other places. It's really not easy, these people are all injured.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Allen turned around and planned to leave, but with a clicking sound, the man behind Allen immediately changed his face.

"Give some of the supplies in your car to us, sir. We don't want any problems."

Allen smiled slightly. He glanced at other places and could see something, which should be corpses. The people who could come here were not simple.

"Why don't you go your way and we go ours, sir. You only live once."

Allen said, and the man took a step forward.


Gunshots rang out, and the man behind Allen was headshot in an instant. Allen reacted quickly and fell down, and the two men who followed him fired decisively, and sniper rifles in the distance sounded continuously.

The battle was over in less than 30 seconds. Allen was pulled up from the mud by two men. He took off his coat and looked at the dead family in the car.

"Take their stuff away."

Soon the men came over, and in a short time they plundered everything in the pickup truck, including the corpses, and also found some candies.

Allen and his confidants have all walked through this hell. This man thinks too simply. If he doesn't plan to take action, Allen and the others will not do anything. But when he steps over and wants to use his gun, The moment they took hold of Allen's head, they were already dead.

Allen was so leisurely along the way, which is why most of his confidants were willing to follow him. Soon the truck started. Allen and the others took a look at the small truck with chemical batteries, and then moved the body to the road. On the other side, I plan to contact my subordinates and ask a few subordinates to drive this small truck with sufficient electric power.

It was already noon the next day when the car was halfway through the journey, and they would arrive in the city in more than ten hours.

Allen led everyone to start cooking. There was still a lot of blood on the small truck last night. Some of his men went to the nearby river to fetch water and planned to clean it.

The group of people started to make a fire to cook, and Allen looked at the map. This was the map of the previous city. Even though the city had changed greatly, many routes would not change.

There are two hospitals and six clinics in that small city. This is the first place Allen and the others go to. One of the hospitals is abandoned, but you can still find some useful things in it.

Another hospital is under the control of a gang with more than 200 people, and there are many things in it that can be used. Allen has only seen the situation in other clinics in the area under his control before, and some clinics still have medical equipment.

Allen planned to go to some clinics to see what he could find, and then go to an abandoned hospital. If he was unlucky and couldn't find everything he needed, Allen would have to negotiate with the gang leaders. Get medical equipment in their hands.

Allen planned to plan a few routes first so that everyone would not be too spread out and could only search in a carpet-like manner, and also ensure that they could escape unscathed when encountering danger.

While eating quickly, Allen took a map with red and blue pencils and began to draw lines on the map for everyone, asking them to remember each place in detail. The actions were taken by each group of five people. Squad leaders communicate with each other via radio.

Allen will serve as the commander-in-chief, asking everyone to change routes or respond at critical moments.

The whole process lasted for three hours, and after many people remembered it, Allen and the others started.

The truck wandered on the mountain road until 3 a.m., and you could already see scattered lights on the opposite side. This was just the right time. When they arrived, it was around 5 a.m., and many people were resting at this time.

Soon at 5 o'clock in the morning, Allen drove the truck into a place in the southwest that was full of abandoned cars and trucks. This was the best shelter. Allen led people and began to enter the city. This area was originally The area managed by Jade and the others, but everything here has been looted and no one lives there anymore.

With the dim light, Allen wore night vision goggles and led his men into the city. Sure enough, everything here was abandoned and many houses had been evacuated. Allen and the others first came to the first small clinic. There were some shriveled corpses inside. It looked like there had been a fire fight here, and the medicine cabinets in the house were empty.

Someone turned on the flashlight, and the doctor was identifying it in detail. Everyone began to search the clinic. Soon, a multifunctional medical bed that could still be used was still there, with a mummy lying on it. After Allen and the others removed the body , the doctor checked the bed and made sure it could be used, as well as a broken instrument beside it.

"There should be a way to repair this instrument."

It was an electrocardiograph. Soon Allen and the others brought the bed and the electrocardiograph back to the truck. They also found some protective masks, including some protective equipment, some unopened syringes, and a small amount of medicine.

Although many things seemed to be fragmentary, for them, it was completely enough. In order to make it more convenient, Allen had a small truck with a chemical battery driven over, but without turning on the lights, it was driving very fast. slow.

According to the route drawn at noon yesterday, Allen and the others were going directly to the abandoned hospital. They would take advantage of the night to move more usable things. The abandoned hospital was located to the east and no one lived here.

Because there had been conflicts with Jed and his men before, but walking near the abandoned hospital, Allen found that there should have been another large-scale conflict after they left.

There were traces of conflict everywhere in the hospital. Allen and the others found some empty oxygen bottles as soon as they entered, and also found the corresponding items for making oxygen in the warehouse. They selected five relatively new oxygen bottles and put them into the hospital. All the materials for making oxygen were put on the small truck. While there was no one around, the two of them were responsible for transporting them back to the big truck.

"They really don't take medical care seriously."

After searching for a while, the doctor looked at some surgical tools with joy. These were very good things for them. Allen was relieved. If his wife had a difficult delivery, she would have to have a caesarean section. Soon they collected the surgical tools. full set of equipment.

Many of the equipment can still be used. If you take them back and put them together, you can create a modern operating room.

After searching carefully in some warehouses of the hospital, I still found a lot of medicines. Many of these medicines that were randomly discarded were not opened because doctors here are too scarce. Allen tried his best to find them along the way. 10 doctors took them all the way.

The harvest of this trip was very rich. By 7 a.m., Allen and the others had carried a lot of things back to the truck. They could get more things, but now they still needed a truck.

"I think we should go back first, Mr. Allen. It's almost dawn, and we'll be in trouble if we're discovered."

Some subordinates observed the situation on the top floor of the hospital, and signs of a gang's activities could be seen a few hundred meters away from them.

Allen hesitated for a moment and then said.

"When we come out this time, we must take what we can with us. After all, this is the last time we come down. As long as we make sure we receive medical treatment, everything will go smoothly in the future."

Allen and the others continued to search. There were so many useful things in this abandoned hospital. Unfortunately, many people here could not use them because they did not have any medical-related knowledge. When they were in this city, Allen We have already secretly counted the number of doctors, and there are less than 30 of them.

Moreover, many doctors and nurses in the hospital were killed in some conflicts before. These gang members have no brains at all. They have no idea how important doctors and nurses are in an era like this.

Allen not only has 10 doctors here, but also more than 50 nurses. Allen protects them all the way to prevent these women from being poisoned, and they play a very important role in all aspects.

The sky has become slightly brighter, and there is almost no sunlight here. The whole city seems to be dead, and not a single sound can be heard.

Allen led some people towards the location of the gang in front. After observing around, Allen quickly identified some sniper locations. He planned to talk to the leader of the gang and get a truck from him. , Allen can exchange it for some food.


Gunfire rang out, and soon the neighborhood in front of him was crowded with people, and many people came out with weapons. Allen held a loudspeaker, lay down behind the bunker and shouted.

"You bastards, you have made this happen not long after we left. Get your head out of here Harry."

Allen's voice sounded, and many people looked frightened, especially those who were formerly Allen's subordinates. Many people occupied some high points with weapons, and then began to wait. After a while, a man ran over.

"Ellen, I didn't expect you to come back again. Why can't you survive on that grassland? Hahaha."

"Harry, I give you a chance to make a deal with me. We need a truck, and we can give you a lot of food."

For a moment, the people on the other side started shouting and laughing. Allen was not going to be polite to them, and immediately ordered to fire. In a short time, seven or eight people on the other side were killed directly. Gunshots were heard everywhere, and Allen picked up the gun. A sniper rifle, the trigger was pulled directly.

Soon the opponent began to retreat, as if they wanted to outflank them. Allen had already divided the 30 people into two groups. If they dared to come over, they would suffer heavy losses.

Allen would not be so stingy with bullets as others, only giving a few rounds.

"Stop it, Alan, stop it."

The other party shouted, and Allen put down his sniper rifle. The other party had just moved and had already lost more than 50 people. They still don't know how many people Allen and his friends have come, but judging from the firefight, the number of people Allen brought Much.

"Not only can I give you food, but I can also tell you important information. Bring the truck over. We will drop off the food and leave. Fill up the tank."

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