The cloudy days and light rain in recent days have made the air temperature extremely low.

"how's it going?"

Gene asked, and Li Chu, who had climbed to the top of a big tree, shook his head. They had been in the forest for 8 days and there was not much food left. Fortunately, there were too many things to eat in the forest, and they did not Not starving, but if they could no longer find the right bearing, they would become extremely dangerous.

Werther was already ill, and it was a very serious illness. Two days ago, he had difficulty even walking. He could only walk with the help of others, but in such a mountain forest, it would be difficult for a patient to walk.

"Drink some water first."

Ellie was holding a bottle of water. Werther was almost fainting at this time. He was infected with a virus, which was probably caused by parasites. Although they had caught fish because of the rain, it was extremely difficult to make a fire on a rainy day. They could only marinate it with some salt and eat the raw fish directly.

The other seven people had no problems, but Witt developed symptoms of infection. Although he had some antibiotics, it was obvious that Witt's condition was still very bad after taking them.

Werther had no strength to speak. He knew very well that getting sick under such circumstances would be fatal. If he continued to follow the crowd, he would definitely drag them down.

"Throw me down."

Werther muttered, and Ellie shook her head. They had already reached this point, and it was impossible for them to let go of Werther. As long as they found the base, there were a lot of medicines stored in the base, and Werther would definitely be rescued.

Gu Yi blamed himself a little. Although they found the sentry tower, it was obviously not the sentry tower he remembered before. Maybe the only deviation in his memory was here. Now if they want to find the base, they must find what Gu Yi said A canyon full of rocks, but it was already the third day and they still couldn't find it.

"It's okay, let's keep walking."

Deguna and Tang Rao drove the Vette directly, and everyone continued to move forward on the foothills. They planned to go directly to the top of the mountain, carefully observe the surroundings, and then look for the valley full of rocks.

Gene's expression was slightly heavy. Everyone knew this fact. The fatigue of the past few days had weakened their resistance. And now with Werther's condition, it is certain that the parasite has infected his lungs. This It is very fatal and requires surgery.

But in such an environment, let alone surgery, it is not easy to find food.

There are almost no animals in the mountain forest, because the mountain forest is gradually dying, and many trees are showing symptoms of death. In a short time, many plants will die.

Although the road in front of them is not too difficult, every step they take is a great test for them because their physical strength has been stretched to the limit.

There was almost no food, and everyone still had a biscuit. Everyone was observing as they walked. Only if they saw something edible could they be rescued.

However, when he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Werther developed a violent cough and wheezing. Ellie fed him some antibiotics. This was the last antibiotic. If he could not find the base again, Werther's life would be in danger.

After finally reaching the top of the mountain, Li Chu held up his telescope and looked around carefully. Many places around him were covered with bare mountain ridges, and the rocky land that Guy Yi mentioned was not visible at all.

There was a violent coughing sound, Werther pressed his chest in pain, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Gene closed his eyes, took out the last pack of cigarettes, lit one and handed it to Tang Raohe. Deguna.

"Leave me alone and continue to carry my words."

Deguna shook her head.

"Stop saying that. Even if you die, we will take your body over."

At this moment, Li Chu shouted excitedly.

"I saw it, I saw it."

Li Chu pointed to a place in the distance. Gene walked over and took the binoculars. He looked over and the corners of his mouth immediately raised.

"Gu Yi, hurry up and take a look."

Gu Yi held the telescope, checked it for a while and said excitedly.

"It's that rocky land. As long as we get there, we can be saved."

Gene walked over and carried Werther on his back without saying a word. The others also walked quickly. If they arrived earlier, they could perform surgery on Werther earlier.

Both Ai Li and Tang Rao were convinced that as long as there was a certain medical environment, they could operate on Werther.

Jean grinned slightly and walked quickly with difficulty. Deguna and Gu Yi were behind him, stretching out their hands to help Jean support Werther on his back. Li Chu walked in front with a telescope to confirm the position.

The rocky land can be clearly seen. There is still less than 30 kilometers away. They only need to walk to the end of the ridge, then go down and pass through a forest to reach the rocky land.

Werther's breathing became more and more rapid. His body was very hot. Gene could feel it. He walked forward with all his strength again. Suddenly, his feet softened and he almost fell. Several people around him hurriedly came to help him.

"Be a stretcher."

Ellie suggested, and everyone nodded, but there was no material to make a stretcher now. They reached the end of the ridge and started going down the mountain. They soon found some low trees, and everyone took their knives to cut off some branches.

Soon a simple stretcher was ready, and they put Werther on it. It was much easier now. The road down the mountain was very difficult and dangerous. Li Chu was at the front to confirm the position of his feet, and then everyone went as Li Chu said. Go down.

"Hold on."

Gu Yi said, Werther's body temperature had dropped a lot at this time, and everyone was worried, but the way down the mountain was only halfway, and there was still more than half of the journey.

Time passed by minute by second, until the sun set and the sky turned gray, they finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. If they walked more than ten kilometers, they could reach the rocky land. As long as they reached the rocky land, Guyi said Go through and you will immediately find the entrance to the base.

"We tried our best."

Deguna said, and hugged the crying Aili comfortingly. Li Chu squatted aside. He could hardly walk. Tang Rao and Gu Yi stood quietly under a tree. .

Rose wiped her tears. This journey was too difficult, but some of the eight of them still died. Jean lit the last cigarette, took a few puffs, and handed it to Deguna. She pressed it helplessly. forehead.

"Let's go on our way, we can't leave him here."

As Li Chu said, everyone continued to walk. Witte on the stretcher had stopped breathing before going down the mountain. No one was willing to stop, but they stopped only after they reached the bottom of the mountain.

The road in front of them was much easier. At 10 o'clock in the evening, they arrived at the rocky land. Gu Yi looked around angrily. He seemed very remorseful. If there hadn't been a certain deviation in his memory, Werther might have Will not die.

"Found it, over there."

Guyi pointed to a stone wall above a slope, and everyone began to walk over. After climbing up the stone wall with difficulty, they came to a platform. It can be seen that the slope of this slope is not very steep. If it is according to natural conditions, Look, the slope of this slope is very steep. It is certain that this slope has been carved manually.


Some gravel fell down, and Gu Yi took a small hoe and knocked hard on the stone wall. Soon everyone saw the metal exposed under the stone wall, and everyone started to get busy.

After a while, they saw a metal wall and a password disk. The password disk was fingerprint authenticated.

"Throw away all weapons."

As Gu Yi said, everyone threw down their weapons. Soon, with a mechanical sound, an LCD screen lit up. Gu Yi stretched out his palm, and with a beeping sound, the red light on the panel began to change. green.

Welcome, Dr. Guyi!

There was a clicking sound, and a stone wall in front of him began to crack. Then a small door 2 meters high and more than 1 meter wide opened. There was a clicking sound, the lights came on, and there was a corridor in front of him.

"Very good."

Li Chu screamed excitedly, but soon he realized everyone's frustrated mood and said sorry.

Everyone entered the base. After the door was closed, although there was some smell of dust, the air was pretty good and did not feel suffocating. Gu Yi said that the exhaust system here is very advanced.

The corridor less than 100 meters away soon reached the end. A thick metal door opened with Gu Yi's unlocking. There was darkness in front of them, but as the lights came on, everyone was stunned. In front of them was an extremely empty space. There are many helicopters parked in the space, six of them, all of which are armed transport helicopters, as well as some trucks, and a lot of unopened mechanical equipment.

The most important thing now is food. After Gu Yi recalled it for a while, he walked to the left. After opening a door, a warehouse with a large amount of goods appeared in front of him. Li Chu was excited Walked over.

"It's compressed dry food and canned food. There are so many."

Everyone looked at the food and medical supplies piled up like mountains, and they all showed joy. However, this joy was fleeting. They all looked at the stretcher at the door, where Werther's face turned blue.

"Let's eat first and hold a simple funeral for him when we're full."

Deguna said, and everyone started looking for it in a hurry. Now it was completely possible for them to eat something hot. Soon they found electromagnetic equipment in another small room.

After opening some meat cans, the meat inside was intact. They took a lot of things and came to the room with electromagnetic equipment. Within a few minutes, a scent filled the room.

"Eat slowly, we have been hungry for almost two days."

Soon the seven people began to eat. The food here was perfect as Gu Yi said. This is the best shelter for mankind. They only need to continue the research on seeds. This hall is not a cement floor, but mud. As for the land, you only need to improve the soil here and provide lighting equipment, and you can start planting in the cave.

And that full warehouse of food is enough for the seven of them to feed them for many years. As long as they successfully produce crops here, they can go out and find some humans to come in, so that the human race can slowly be eliminated. It continued.

This kind of canned food is really delicious because it uses real ingredients. It is different from many canned foods on the market. There are many canned meats, as well as many canned cereals and beans.

After two hours, everyone was full. They had not eaten so full for a long time. Deguna and Li Chu also found several large boxes of tobacco, which was too good for them.

"Let's take a break and hold a funeral for him."

Li Chu said, and everyone nodded. In the next few days, they will be completely familiar with everything in this base in detail, because electric energy is obtained through external solar panels, and they have to completely check the circuit. , in order to ensure that there will be no problems with the circuit.

Li Chu will make some changes to the system inside, so that they can shuttle freely in the base. This base in the mountain is very large. Judging from the doors everywhere in the hall, Gu Yi I also said that when I came here in the past, I only saw one-third of the entire base.

The base also has lower floors. Because it conducts top-secret research, the base is very well concealed. The reason why this base will be abolished is because the power of the country no longer needs to operate in such harsh conditions. Conducted secret research.

At that time, all the experimental personnel, including some important equipment, were moved to the newly built Dragon Lighthouse. Gu Yi still clearly remembered that he and his team were responsible for checking whether some equipment could be used or modified, and this continued. One month.

It should be impossible to move all the equipment, so tomorrow they will start to confirm what equipment is available in the base one by one. After making a summary, they will customize a detailed plan, and then start to reclaim the land in this hall.

But at this moment, when everyone was about to take a rest, the lights suddenly flickered. Li Chu looked at his laptop in confusion, and the screen on it began to look blurry.

"what happened?"

Gu Yi stood up in horror, and everyone looked over following his voice. Everyone was stunned for a moment, because the dead Werther stood up from the stretcher, with an orange light all over his body and was walking toward them step by step. Come.

"Holy shit."

Li Chu picked up a knife in a panic, but Aili soon shook her head.

"He's still alive."

Soon Werther walked up to them, with a large number of orange particles surrounding his body, like fireflies.

"When did we get here? Why didn't you wake me up?"

Gene smiled and picked up a can.

"There should be some wine over there, let's have a drink!"

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