Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2529 Under the mountain top

The sky in the distance was a vast expanse of darkness, and only the sky behind him was clear. Gene stood quietly on the edge of a mountain col. He could still vaguely see the previous city in the distance. They were already on this road around the mountain. Been driving for two days.

Because the car is for charging, although it has a gasoline engine, according to calculations they can only reach a small city below the highest peak at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

There is still half a day's journey to reach the small city. Jean and the others only hope that this city can have a certain order. They want to use the grains obtained from Sanggu to conduct some cultivation experiments. This is what Werther is The most expert.

As long as the experiment is successful, they can find some land to cultivate more crops and start to reserve food. If they don't start quickly, when the sun disappears, mankind will encounter a disaster.

The speed at which the planet was completely wrapped far exceeded the calculations of a few people, and the speed has slowed down. According to the current situation, it will take at most 1 to 2 years.

"Hurry up and eat."

Ellie ran over and shouted. Gene nodded and threw away the cigarette in his hand. A burst of aroma wafted over. They had been eating pancakes for the past few days. This kind of food is very resistant to hunger and is made of highland barley.

Basically, it can meet certain nutritional needs of humans, and there are also some potatoes that are easy to store. This is what Witte plans to study, to increase the yield of potatoes. These two crops can allow humans to eat and continue to live after the sun disappears. Go down.

After witnessing the end of that city, the eight people all knew that human society was completely finished, and it was impossible for anyone to build a civilized and orderly city.

The eight of them also decided to find some people who were willing to follow them and establish a small human society. According to calculations, only up to 500 people were needed. Such a small society would have a relatively simple and stable structure, and there would not be too many disputes. .

Li Chu looked at the map on the computer. The city they were about to arrive in was a relatively backward city. This city was just below the highest peak in the world. It mainly relied on tourism to make a living.

This small city is full of places to eat and live, and there is basically nothing industrialized. The eight people do not have high hopes, because even if they take root there, once the living environment deteriorates, the big city below People will still come here.

They only planned to stop and complete some research, breeding and cultivation of crops before leaving and go directly to the base in the mountains.

Tang Rao couldn't eat much today. She didn't know why she had a bad appetite recently, and she didn't feel too hungry. She didn't suffer too much physical loss. No matter what, she was in good physical condition.

"It's almost time to finish eating and leave quickly."

The three people came along and saw some people fleeing. They waved and wanted to get into the car, but the eight people did not stop because the supplies on the car, including the electric energy of the car, did not allow them to carry more people.

People can still be seen on some distant roads. Many of them can only walk on foot. The situation in that city is probably very bad. After the war, some facilities were destroyed, and there may be problems with the power supply.

Although they repaired the thermal power plant, some equipment required regular maintenance and replacement, and some of the things they made were not durable because there were no suitable materials in the city.

The same goes for the communication station. That place lacks too many materials. In order to make missiles, a lot of materials were taken away. Once a problem occurs, it cannot be repaired. If they are still there, there may be a way, but now there are only two places If something goes wrong, they don't have the ability to fix it.

Witte also learned about the conditions of the farmland from Sanggu's men, and also used an aerial vehicle to take a look at it. The condition of the fields was very bad. It was obvious that they did not know how to take care of the fields. Many of the people who took care of the fields looked like they would never be able to take care of the fields. Not farmed.

Many residents of that city were basically forced to flee because most people kept coming and the city was already overloaded.

After eating, the group of people started to hit the road again. The car was traveling slowly on the road, and many abandoned vehicles could be seen along the way.

These cars are full of usable materials, so people will still get out of the car to see what can be dismantled from the car, and if there is any usable material, they will just dismantle it.

After a while, a large number of people carrying bags appeared in front of them. When Jean drove the vehicle past, a group of people gathered around him, and many of them looked sallow and thin.

They had been walking for a month, and they were running out of water and food. Many people begged Jean and the others to give them some supplies. Gu Yi and Ai Li couldn't bear it, but Jean decisively refused.

"Sorry, we'll be there in just a few more walks."

"Can you give me some water, sir?"

Witte said with a slight frown.

"You go along that road, there should be a river over there."

Werther clearly remembered that there was a river at a crossroads. Many people ran hurriedly when they heard it, but some people still pestered them, hoping to give them something to eat.


Deguna raised the gun in her hand and fired a shot into the sky before the entangled people dispersed. There were too many situations like this along the way. Giving a little to others meant starving yourself.

In an era like this, if you want to survive, you have to be ruthless. If you weren't ruthless, they would have died countless times.

It was another uphill road. Gene got off the car directly, Ellie came to the cab, and several others got off the car and started pushing the cart. After all, they couldn't waste too much power. They didn't know whether there was still electricity in that small city. supplied.

After finally reaching the slope, everyone saw a small city far away under the majestic mountains and rivers. It was about 30 kilometers away from here. After everyone got on the bus, it was now downhill and no electricity was needed at all.

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the car was parked hundreds of meters away from the small city. There were a lot of cars parked outside the city, and the city looked strange because many places were occupied by people. Covered with graffiti, this small city that was originally a tourist city has now become dirty and messy.

There are many three-story wooden buildings in the city. Some of them seem to have been burned down, and some have completely collapsed. You can see that they are crowded with people. It is difficult to see anything for the time being, because there is no one holding hands at the intersection into the city.

After waiting and watching for half an hour, they determined that there was no danger and got into the car again. However, they did not intend to drive the car in. After finding a place to park the car, Deguna, Witte and Gu Yi guarded it. The car and the other five entered the city.

You can see many people standing at the door and setting up stalls on the street. There are many things on the stalls that people need in daily life.

"Would you guys like to take a look at my batteries? I still have a lot of them. You can just exchange them with food."

The streets were full of people, and they seemed peaceful, but some arguments could be seen, but those nearby would soon stop them.

Gene asked.

“Isn’t this city without a governor?”

The vendor didn't look happy to say it. Gene could only take out a few pieces of candy, and he started talking after taking them.

"There is no actual manager in this city, but there are some gangs who will spontaneously manage things in the area and occasionally get some things from us. When we need help."

Jean felt a little relieved when he heard that the city was not as chaotic as they imagined. After walking around for a while, they saw a cafe filled with people who seemed to be from this area. Small gangs, many of them carrying guns and wearing different clothes.

"It's not bad for now."

Jean muttered, and then Jean walked directly in. The people in the cafe looked at Jean and the others.

"Where can I find a house to live here?"

"How many people?"

Gene said.


A man in a somewhat shabby suit standing at the bar came over, holding a bunch of keys and said.

"What have you brought? If you want to live in our area, you have to pay something."

Gene said with a smile.

"What do you think of technology?"

The man was energetic. He looked gentle and handsome. He looked to be in his early 30s at most.

"Mr. Angus, you'd better be careful, there are many scammers."

A man reminded that the man in front of him was named Jed Angus. When the crisis broke out, he took his whole family, including some bodyguards and some supplies, and came here on a private plane because their vacation was in this area. manor.

Jed used to be a rich man. After his people came here, the situation changed out of control. In the end, only the Angus family could stand in this area. This small city has many different sizes. More than ten groups of people.

Jed also tried his best to calm down some frictions between the parties. Everyone lived here together in peace and began to plant crops around the city, which also yielded certain results.

There is still barter for barter here, but the security is much better. Anyone who causes riots here will be expelled from the city. The city has been stable for five months, during which everything was fine.

On a street where many children were playing, Jade brought Jean and the others over. In front of them were some houses. These houses were three-story duplex structures. They used to be used to sell evil spirits. This small city Some private holiday villas have just been developed, but what happened is that many facilities are relatively new.

"You can live here, but you are required to provide help to the neighborhood. No matter what it is, if you don't want to pay for supplies, just work. You just said you have technology, right? What kind of help is it?"

Li Chu said with a smile.

"Full range of technology."

Jed was a little surprised, and then laughed. There was a wind power plant nearby, which was the city's main energy supply. After all, this place was too cold. If there was no power at night, people would freeze to death.

"Let's trust you for now and don't cause trouble. Go to the factory over there early tomorrow morning. Some of the food production machines there are malfunctioning and need to be repaired."

"Go now."

Gene didn't say much and asked Ai Li and Tang Rao to go back and inform the other three people. Then he took Li Chu and Rose and followed Jade to the factory.

Some machines in the factory were humming, and Jean glanced at them and discovered that they were grain processing machines. The grains were directly crushed, and then some things were added to process them into some compressed coarse grains, which seemed to be for the convenience of storage.

There was indeed only one machine working, and other machines that seemed to have different functions had been broken for a long time. When several workers saw Jed, they called Mr. Angus affectionately.

It can be seen that Angus is a very good person and is admired by everyone. Jean did not waste any words and directly disassembled the machine. Li Chu took the computer and connected it to the main program of the machine and checked it. All actions were very smooth. Ji En. Well, I found the problem right away.

"I didn't expect it to be true, Mr. Jean, thank you for coming."

"We are some of the top scientists in our fields and should be able to help you."

Rose said and Jade nodded happily.

Soon Gene had a piece of machinery running successfully, and many people in the factory clapped their hands.

"Thank you Mr. Jean, you guys have a good rest today and let's talk tomorrow."

Gene did not reject Jed's kindness. Soon Jed saw Gene's car and knew that it was assembled by themselves. Now Jed completely believed that they were scientists.

"There is actually a doctor."

Jed laughed happily, and immediately Ellie, Werther and Tang Rao followed Jed. Gene and the others planned to clean the house first so that they could live in it temporarily.

There are not many people in the area, and not too many, because many people have died. There was a virus outbreak here, but the source was contained. Now the virus is gone, and there have been several outbreaks. The war was chaotic, but now it has completely calmed down.

The facilities in the house are complete. Jean and the others began to allocate rooms. The three-story villa-style house is completely sufficient for eight people. There seem to be families nearby, with more than ten people and some with just a few. Five or six.

And they said that some single people will be arranged to live in some ground-floor apartments by Jed. Jed manages more than 8,000 people in this area very well, and has a very harmonious relationship with people in other areas.

"It looks like we can stay here for a while."

Li Chu sat comfortably on the sofa. He didn't expect that they would end up in such a peaceful place.

Some materials on the car were carried in by them. Although this small city is small, its power generation and water sources are relatively stable. Fortunately, when it was developed at the time, many businessmen spent a lot of money to build this city. The money was spent to build everything here. There is a lot of light industry, but there is no heavy industry. It is mainly for vacation and tourism services.

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