Li Chu stepped into the signal station and paid attention to Sang Gu from the corner of his eyes. This guy was very smart. Li Chu was extremely sure of this. Otherwise, he would not be able to dominate. Everyone under his command seemed to listen to him. of.

Several technicians talked about some of the existing problems. These problems were huge problems for them, but to Li Chu, they seemed to be just problems for kindergarten children.

There is a diesel generator in the signal station, and the signal station has been attacked in disputes before. Some equipment in the machine room has also been damaged to varying degrees. Li Chu took a look and said.

"It's just a small problem. Let's troubleshoot the faults in the computer room first and remove the unusable machines."

Soon after the diesel generator started, Li Chu checked in front of a computer. He simply tapped the keyboard and easily saw some fault conditions of the signal unit, including the failure rate. Several programmers exclaimed.

"Is there another way? How is it done?"

Li Chu just smiled and did not answer them. In Li Chu's eyes, these people were just ants. He was debugging in all aspects unhurriedly. It is true that the system has been locked. This kind of national-level system cannot be cracked. It was very difficult, but Li Chu had no choice but to do it. In his eyes, it was very simple.

Now it is even simpler, because without a country, it will not be connected to the external national network, so the system will be automatically locked. Li Chu came to the main control room, and he asked these programmers to open a lot of functions as he said. computer.

Then Li Chu made a piece of code and asked the programmers to operate it on the computer. Within a few minutes, everyone exclaimed that the locked program was opened. Sang Gu patted Li Chu on the shoulder with great joy.

"You are really amazing Mr. Li Chu."

Having the Internet means greater control, and it can also provide some entertainment on the Internet, so many people will naturally continue to rely on Sanggu.

Li Chu knew Sang Gu's thoughts very well. He was much better than Sang Gu when it came to scheming. After all, he had to walk on thin ice since he was a teenager. He only needed to make one wrong step and he would be finished.

Seeing Sang Gu's happy look, Li Chu patiently explained something to these programmers. They took notes seriously with their pens. Li Chu had already buried something from this string of code. After all, among these young programmers, In the eyes of the staff, they already have the source code of the control, and they can rest assured about Li Chu.

Li Chu knew their thoughts very well. He had already created a piece of source code in the source code that seemed normal to them, but in fact it was a cheat that could skip everything and completely control the system.

It's a pity that they don't know anything, not just the signal station, but also the thermal power plant. When it is completely repaired, Li Chu will naturally find a way to control the power.

Even if they take away their computers, Li Chu can still find a way. All he needs is a mobile phone. The online world is so scary, but this is their last resort. If Sanggu wants to completely control them, he won't let him. If they leave, they can only use such unconventional means.

All Li Chu saw on the street were some unsightly things. This place was hopeless. It was like a big tree whose roots had begun to rot. It still looked leafy from the outside, but its roots had long since rotted away. , the collapse happened in just a moment.

The other two forces will definitely take action after they repair the signal station and thermal power plant.

We had mutton for lunch, which was really good for Li Chu. If the managers here were just a little capable and thought about how to make everyone survive, they would definitely stay and help with the construction. It's a pity. In such a world, if such a person appears, people will probably say that there is something wrong with his brain.

After a busy day, Sanggu looked at his mobile phone excitedly. He actually had a signal and could send messages to others. Sanggu was very happy.

"By the way, Mr. Li Chu, can you control it so that the signal only covers our area?"

Li Chu also adjusted the system and removed the charges. Everyone can use the Internet for free, and can make unlimited calls as long as the mobile phone still has power.

Sanggu is very satisfied, but currently many signal stations do not have electricity. As long as the thermal power plant is restored and the power is restored, the network will naturally be smooth. After returning home, Sanggu found that many people looked much better and no longer There were those wails.

The subordinates also followed the three doctors' supervision and began to treat some diseases on the skin. Sanggu felt relieved now. As long as he kept eight people, he could become the master of the city.


Jean and the others returned to their place of residence. The test of the thermal power plant went smoothly today. They will continue a round of testing tomorrow. After all the values ​​are corrected and some protection measures are installed, the thermal power plant can officially start generating electricity.

"How's the situation?"

Deguna asked, and Li Chu made an OK gesture. Everyone's expressions became more relaxed. After a while of discussion, everyone knew that they could not stay in this place. If they continued to stay, they would definitely be controlled.

But where to go next is another question. This city would be perfect if it were used as a refuge for humans. It's a pity that the people who manage this place are scum. They don't think about the future. They just Consider whether you will be able to live comfortably tomorrow.

There would be nothing but chaos in such a place, and at this time everyone noticed that Gu Yi hesitated to speak.

"Say what you want to say."

Gu Yi said after being silent for a while.

"On the land further up, where a large range of mountains and plains meet, there is a military base in the mountains. It was many years ago. I have been there before, but that military base has been abandoned for a long time."

Deguna looked at Gu Yi angrily.

"We've already reached this point, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

If they had told them earlier, they would not have to come to the city. They could completely bypass the city because they have not yet decided where to go next. If it is a military base and it is in the mountains, it is simply an excellent shelter. Place.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, and Deguna put away her angry face. She understood why Gu Yi didn't say anything.

"Sorry, we were all scientists from different countries. I almost forgot."

Gu Yi shook his head.

"That's what I wanted to say, but I never got the chance."

Ellie said with a smile.

"I don't think we need to hide from each other anymore. After all, we have shared life and death together."

Li Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure in his heart suddenly reduced a lot. Since it is a military base, there must be some old equipment. For them, Dongxu can conduct various research very well, and Don't worry about the situation in the future when the sky and the sun will be covered in one fell swoop. The remaining humans at that time will only fall into madness.

"Starting tonight, there is no need to keep vigil for the time being. Sanggu still has to rely on us, so he won't do anything to us."

Deguna said, and everyone also noticed that Sanggu and his men all respected them, and there was no hostility like before. After all, the eight of them were people who could bring huge benefits to the Sanggu Group.

Early the next morning, Sanggu asked someone to cook a whole roasted lamb and said that he wanted to celebrate the eight people because the power station would be put into use this afternoon and the electricity would be available soon. As long as there is electricity, It can solve many long-standing problems.

Because there is no electricity, many electrical appliances cannot be used. Many people can only use the most primitive coal to cook and boil water. As a result, the entire beautiful urban area has now become dark, and accidents often occur.

Coal is the most important energy source for the three gangs, and it is also extremely scarce for people in the city. Many people cannot use it for several days.

The current situation is that Sanggu has taken a big step first, and at this time several of his men ran over. Sanggu heard a noise, it was a pack of wolves coming over, and soon some people holding weapons and riding motorcycles, The team in cars came over, and a man in formal clothes got out of a convertible sports car.

"Mr. Sanggu, congratulations. I heard that your power plant is almost repaired."

The mustache in front of me is the leader of the wolves, named Mu Cha. He is also from this land, but he came from another city. They were very powerful when they arrived, and they had a fierce fight with the people under Sang Gu. conflict.

"Well, thank you. Our technicians finally thought of a way and it will be fixed naturally."

Mu Cha laughed and then said.

"I heard that there are several scientists here. I wonder if you can introduce them to me, Brother Sanggu. Some of our facilities there also need repair. If possible, I am willing to use some supplies to ask them for help. "

Sanggu glanced at Mu Cha's people. There were about 200 people, all armed. It seemed that he was bound to win today. However, Sanggu was not a vegetarian. Soon everyone from Sanggu came over, and Several tanks.

Mu Cha also saw what Sang Gu meant and he laughed.

"We are all locals and we should unite as one. Brother Sanggu, those guys from outside are the ones we should exclude, right?"

"Where are you from? You are not from somewhere else."

Mu Cha smiled.

"Would it be better for three companies to dominate alone, or for two to dominate? I hope Brother Sanggu will think about this carefully."

Mu Cha wanted to go in and take a look, but when they saw Sang Gu's people coming, they went back, but he believed that Sang Gu would definitely cooperate with him and kill the outsiders first, and then the two families could be divided. It would be nice to have the right to own the city and live in peace, but this is impossible in Mu Cha's opinion.

"Do you want to cooperate with them?"

One of his men asked, and Sanggu laughed.

"Are you a fool? Don't you know who Mu Cha is? The territory of those people in the Endeavor Society is separated from Mu Cha's territory. If we cooperate with him, once the Endeavor Society falls, it will be our turn."

Gene, who was installing some safety equipment on a high-rise building in the power plant, saw this scene. He knew very well that they had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise they would definitely be involved in the disputes in the city.

Once they get involved in this kind of city-level infighting, they will be in danger.

But it will take some time, because if everything is planned and arranged now, Sanggu would rather kill them than let them go.

Jean and Deguna have already discussed it, and now they need to find out everything about the city, so that they can be undetected when they leave.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, lights suddenly came on in the dark west, and there were cheers everywhere. However, the lights in some places went out again. It seemed that there was no electricity for a long time. Some external power facilities were damaged, and some of the original power facilities were damaged. The people at the power plant said they would go directly there and repair it overnight.

Jean and the others returned to where they lived, and Sanggu gave them a large roasted whole lamb, which tasted very good, and also had very good wine.

Everyone drank a lot that night. They had not been so relaxed for a long time. Ellie was even a little drunk. After taking a shower, Ellie entered Gene's room.

"How about we have a wedding when we get there Gene."

Gene nodded. He also wanted to live there with Ellie until the day he died of old age.

Tang Rao looked angrily at the fact that Ellie was not in the room. He probably knew what she had gone to do. He was a little unhappy and a little irritable. At this time, Rose stood at the door and said with a smile.

"Would you like me to help your sister?"

"go away."

Deguna was also a little drunk, but she still restrained herself because she felt something was wrong. When she was observing at the window, several groups of people passed by on the street below them. Although there were more than ten people outside, Sanggu's people were guarding, but it was obvious that they were just a group of ordinary people with guns. When a problem really occurred, their combat effectiveness was zero.

Deguna observed for a while, and there were still people there at 12 o'clock, because many places in the west had lights on, and people from other places came running over. It seemed that there was nothing unusual, but Deguna used a telescope After looking at several groups of people, I found that they would look at them from time to time.

I'm afraid it's either the Mu Cha who came during the day or another group of people. Deguna called quickly and quickly called everyone together. She didn't call everyone to the room where there was no monitoring, but directly in the living room. Talked about it.

Deguna's words were naturally meant for Sanggu, but Deguna still kept an eye on it. After all, if the other party came to force them, there was nothing they could do.

So tonight everyone slept on the ground floor in a convenient room and fled directly to the outside room. As expected, more than ten cars came over soon, many of them were Sanggu's subordinates who were armed with weapons.

Early the next morning, Sanggu strengthened the security of several people, and bluntly asked a few people to move to the backyard where he lived. Jean and the others agreed, but several of Sanggu's men muttered with him. Few things.

"Damn it, you dare to mess with Tai Sui, that bastard Mu Cha."

The men have inquired clearly. Mu Cha did send some people last night, and they were all armed. If Sanggu hadn't sent many people later, they might have taken action last night.

The signal station has been powered on today. Li Chu went directly over and started asking the programmers what to do. Sanggu asked.

And according to Sanggu's request, the signal was controlled in the western area. Sanggu was very happy. He knew very well that within a month, the other two groups would try their best to beg him.

Because the two of them are also short of electricity. After the normal supply of electricity last night, they found that more than two-thirds of the day's power generation was left after supplying it to the west. Electricity is Sanggu's capital. Now they have to kneel down. Ask yourself.

Sanggu laughed happily when he thought of this. Sure enough, within a few minutes, people from both sides sent people over, hoping that Sanggu would go to a restaurant in the middle to discuss something. Sanggu refused directly and said There's still a lot to deal with.

Sanggu just wanted to hang them for a while, so that they would understand what was going on in this city.

Sanggu directly arranged for people to clean up the houses for Jean and the others. They were all single-room ones, and installed monitoring equipment. As long as he controlled these people, he should be able to create a lot of things in the future. Judging from the overall situation of their work these days, they are really very professional in all fields.

Sanggu's next step is to ask them to help make some weapons. After all, whoever has more weapons is the boss at this time. Now the weapon ration rate for all his subordinates is only 20%. The reason why that foreign group can occupy a place , because their weapon distribution rate has reached more than 60%.

And Mu Cha was not much better. What he brought over that day was almost all his family wealth, and Sanggu naturally had no choice but to bring his family wealth.

After working all day, Sanggu set up a large table at home, with a lot of meat, some cakes, and a small amount of vegetables and fruits.

Such a sumptuous dish is already very luxurious in such an apocalyptic world.

"Everyone, let me toast you first and thank you for your help during this time."

Sanggu raised his wine glass, then toasted each one, sat down and said with his tongue.

"Hey, everyone, you don't know that the other two gangs in our area are actually the source of the chaos. We have no choice but to suppress them because we have too few weapons."

"Would you like our help in making weapons?"

Deguna asked, and Sanggu nodded hurriedly.

"What do you want? How about missiles? Small ones, with good lethality and accuracy."

Sanggu looked at Deguna in shock, then he thought Deguna was joking, Gu Yi said with a smile.

"As long as you have the raw materials, you can make a small guided missile."

Li Chu showed a cruel smile. The missile must have been made, but it was not made for Sanggu, but for their escape.

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