a month later

A modified vehicle equipped with three engines was filled with dry food and drinking water. For Jean and Deguna, who were already accustomed to high-precision operations, this modification was very simple.

The car is made up of three cars. In addition to the driver's seat, there are six seats, a material storage box in the back, and two rear-wheel drive engines. Li Chu also directly programmed an intelligent drive system for the car. , which can save a lot of manpower during driving.

The compressed corn dry food has been made. After living in the village for a while, their bodies have basically recovered. Werther and Ellie also found a lot of medicine in the mountains and forests, and they made it directly into swallowable form. powder.

It was just 8 o'clock in the morning. Everyone had had breakfast and was ready to start heading towards the highest peak. Although there was no navigation, Li Chu's computer had a complete route map. In the past few days, he had charged up many solar cells. , which is basically enough for the whole trip, and there are also chemical batteries made by Gu Yi and Rose.

There are many things that can be seen everywhere in real life. As long as you have enough knowledge, you can make some pretty powerful things.

After all, in the past, someone had successfully obtained a large amount of radioactive raw materials by chemically reducing some of the collected materials, which resulted in a serious accident.

Fortunately, this town is highly modernized, and all the raw materials needed can be dismantled and used from some places. After chemical reduction, the raw materials can be easily obtained.

The car is now four-wheel drive, with full kinetic energy and good carrying capacity. Deguna is sitting in the driver's seat, and others are coming over one after another. Gene is sitting in the passenger seat, holding a gun in his hand, followed by Rose. Tang Rao and Ai Li, and in the last row are Gu Yiwei and Li Chu.

This hand-made spliced ​​car looks very ugly and weird, Tang Rao joked.

"Don't you two pay attention to the aesthetic design? Such an ugly car will be noticed at a glance when driving on the road."

After the car was officially started, it felt much better than before, because the previous car was too weak and often lacked power when driving.

Along the way, they saw many vehicles parked on the side of the road. Some were damaged and their contents were taken away. They still collected some gasoline in case of emergency. Deguna and Jean also built several vehicles. A small steel crossbow, after all, weapons and ammunition are not that easy to obtain.

Corn has been made into dry food like compressed biscuits. Just eat a small piece and drink some hot water to fill your stomach and supplement nutrients.

Soon they drove onto an open road. Many cars were abandoned on the side of the road. They must have run out of gasoline. They stopped along the way to see if there was anything useful in the car.

Still, a lot of useful things were collected. A big city could be seen in the distance. Rose knew the language of this place because he was the one who mastered the most foreign languages ​​among all the people, reaching more than 20. Li Chu They can speak 11 languages, and others can speak at least five languages.

Now they had absolutely no way back. Encountering serious traffic jams in some places, they could only get down and use some tools and levers to move cars out of the way.

The car successfully arrived at a small city. The city was already riddled with holes, and dilapidated cars were parked randomly on the road. There must have been large-scale riots in the city in a short period of time. This city belongs to a small, backward country in the south of Continent Y. This country has been at war for years. When disasters occur, the rioters should be looking for opportunities to seize power.

There were many corpses on the street, and traces of battles could be seen everywhere. Gene pointed to a sign not far away to give Deguna directions because he had seen the map and had a photographic memory.

It was already 12 noon. After finding a place, everyone got off the car and planned to see if they could find something to eat.

The shelves in the supermarket had been emptied out a long time ago, with only a few items left. We started looking around in pairs.

Gene and Ellie walked into an empty supermarket, which was full of stench. After the two looked around, there was basically nothing left, only a smashed cash register. Gene walked over and took a look. , then took out a screwdriver, disassembled the radio, and put some usable parts into a small bag.

Guyi and Witte entered a building. The situation inside was very tragic. Many people died in the corridor, some were beaten to death, and some were infected with the virus.

The two of them were lucky enough to find a few pieces of chocolate from a house, while Werther walked to the window and picked up a pot of green plants. This was a pot of cactus, and the soil was still a little moist, indicating that it was It must have rained for a few days.

Rain still falls from time to time, and they have tested it long ago. There are no serious pollutants in the rain as they thought, which means that the ecology of the entire planet has not rapidly deteriorated to the point where humans cannot survive.

This small city should have been empty for a long time. In a mobile phone store opposite the building, Li Chu looked at many good mobile phones with excitement. The parts inside were all excellent materials for making electronic products. Tang Rao casually I picked up a few mobile phones, but they were already out of battery.

Deguna stood on the empty street, looking at some corpses around him. He found a store and found tobacco from the store. Gu Yi entered an underground parking lot, hoping to find another electric vehicle. If the car they modified with their own hands breaks down one day, they won't be at a loss.

Sure enough, we found a few cars in the parking lot, but unfortunately they were not the bigger ones that Gu Yi had imagined. Although it might be good to drive them on the road, charging them would be too troublesome at that time.

"Why are you back again?"

Gu Yi asked Deguna as soon as he got up. He shook his head helplessly.

"We found the car, but it's a little too small. Forget it, we'll just ride in the same car."

"It's really ironic."

Deguna muttered, Gu Yi looked at her doubtfully, but then he thought about it and nodded.

"I thought that such a disaster would be the best opportunity to seize power, but unexpectedly it turned into an escape journey."

Looking at everything in this city, it is certain that the city was attacked when a disaster occurred, and then the right parties and the rioters conveniently started a war, but perhaps no one expected that they missed the best opportunity to escape. Because the viruses that came one after another destroyed everything.

"Let's keep looking. Maybe we can find some food."

It was not until 5 o'clock in the afternoon that everyone returned to the car. They all seemed to have gained a lot. They found some bottled water, candies and chocolates, and some unopened snacks.

After looking at the map for a while, everyone decided to move on and rest in the next town 60 kilometers away before leaving early tomorrow morning.


The car stopped in a small town. The town in front of me was shocking. Some corpses were hung on the houses, and there were many more. There were traces of war everywhere in the town. Let alone rest now, we could only continue to move forward. .

Soon the car stopped while passing a gas station. Although the gas station had been ransacked, it seemed to be still intact, and everyone decided to get out of the car and rest.

"Stop keeping vigil, there's no one here anymore."

Li Chu complained, but Deguna threw the gun to him anyway.

"Let me do it. I've slept all day today and I'm very energetic. Li Chu did a lot of things, so he didn't rest."

Witte said and took the gun from Li Chu's hand. No one felt that Deguna was too cautious. Instead, because of her caution as a soldier, they avoided danger many times in advance.

The night passed without incident, and the eight of us rested until 9 o'clock before setting off.

The route was decided yesterday. They did not take the highway because the main road entering the city was full of cars yesterday. It would be troublesome if the highway was blocked.

Sure enough, the road was basically smooth and there were not many vehicles. They were taking an old road that had been in disrepair for a long time. The road surface was bumpy and damaged. Although it was a little slower, they were not hindered along the way.

The car smoothly followed the dilapidated old road to the capital city of this small country. As expected, the capital city was full of holes. Several crashed combat aircraft could be seen, as well as some abandoned tanks and armored vehicles. Some weapons could be seen on the ground from time to time.

Everyone immediately got out of the car and began to check around carefully. After confirming that no one was there, Deguna asked everyone to help pick up some weapons and ammunition, and bring them with them as long as they can be used. In this era, nothing is more reasonable than weapons. Something, everyone has already clearly realized it.

After collecting some usable weapons and ammunition, everyone planned to set off directly and leave the city. The sooner they could reach the plateau, the better. Now they had to race against disaster, arrive earlier and start building a shelter.

For several days in a row, except for looking for some food, water and other useful things on the road, there was basically no delay. The eight people took turns driving, and there was a lot less food in the trunk. Several people took turns to go to the back to soft Go to sleep on the bedding.

The car began to drive into the plateau area. The vehicles here were very concentrated. From the many license plates, they could be identified as people from different countries and even vehicles from 0 continents.

I'm afraid many people have the same idea as Jean. Now the places away from the sea have been polluted, and the cities along the coast have been submerged. The only way to survive is to go higher.

After the car drove continuously for ten days, they finally met people in a small city, some unkempt men with weapons. The car was forced to stop under the gunpoint of the other party.

"lay down your weapon."

A man holding a musket shouted. Jean and Deguna looked at each other and everyone got out of the car and raised their hands.

"Take everything out of the car."

A middle-aged man said, looking at Ellie and the other women. There were more than ten people blocking the road. Deguna smiled slightly. Many of the weapons they used were relatively primitive, and they had experienced such scenes countless times. The other six people also knew that in this situation, they must protect themselves.

Tang Rao had already loaded the hidden crossbow arrows, and the atmosphere in the scene was very tense. At this time, the leading man spoke.

"You can survive by leaving the supplies and women, do you understand? Listen to what I say clearly."

Seeing a person approaching, only three of them had weapons, and the others were armed with blades and sticks. There were some abandoned vehicles parked around, which seemed to have been looted, and the bodies of some men and women.

There were people approaching from a place not far away. Gene took out a cigarette, and several men approached him at once.

Li Chu and Werther also held crossbows. They took time to practice every day, and now they can shoot very accurately. Gu Yi and Rose and Ellie looked at each other and suddenly Tang Rao took action first, holding up the crossbow and firing. .


A crossbow arrow shot directly into the eye of a man close to Jean. Immediately, Deguna took out the tactical saber, took a step forward, and pushed away the hand of the man holding the gun before he fired. , and wiped out the man's neck with a sharp knife.

Gene grabbed the man who was shot in front of him and struggled to lift him forward. With a bang of a gun, Gu Yi led Rose and Ellie and ran towards the side of the exhaust car not far away. .

Gene used the man in front of him as a cover. The moment he pushed the man away, the dagger in his hand was directly inserted into the chest of the man holding the gun, and then he quickly pulled it out. The leading man was shocked. He had never seen it before. Such a scene.

Facing those people holding weapons, Deguna quickly and fiercely used her dagger to kill them. The leader raised his gun and shot, but after Gene rolled a few times, Witte and Li Chu behind him had already fired their crossbows. After entering the leader's arms, he screamed, and Jean immediately stood up and suddenly jumped forward.

This jump shocked everyone who saw it. It was extremely fast and at a distance of more than five meters. Gene jumped over and grabbed the man's gun. The blade in his hand pierced the man's frightened begging for mercy. It hit his heart.

The remaining people turned around and ran away in fear. Deguna directly picked up the gun that fell on the ground. Jean also picked up the gun. As the gun rang out, the people who ran away fell down one by one. Finally, There was still a dying man who had been shot through the eye by a crossbow.

Deguna walked over and pulled out the crossbow. The man howled in pain and stopped moving after a while. Ellie looked at everything in front of her with a pale face. She was still a little unaccustomed to it. Rose on the side comforted her. holding her.

"It's okay, Ellie."

Gu Yi sighed and looked at his slightly trembling hands. He was also a little uncomfortable with it. He had previously accused Jean and Deguna of killing innocent people indiscriminately, but after coming out of the mine, he felt that his previous speech How childish.

Looking at his weak legs, Gu Yi glanced at Ai Li, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled. They had experienced this kind of thing many times along the way. This was difficult for the two of them to accept at first. .

"Okay, everyone, calm down and let's find a place to eat."

Some people appeared near the entrance of the small town, including many women who looked panicked and were in ragged clothes. One of the women screamed. Jean and the others got back in the car and continued to drive along the city roads. On the way, they saw many people. There are few people, mostly women, and there are also men, but they are all elderly.

They did not encounter any attacks along the way, and there were not many people in the city. There were only a few dozen, mostly women. Ellie lowered her head unbearably. They had already discussed it along the way, not to worry about anything. Don't ask anything.

Once attacked, a direct and thorough counterattack is the most effective way to ensure safety, because the attackers were not dealt with along the way, leading to many crises.

Gu Yi now fully understands that human beings without any rules or Tao are the most terrifying. The women he just saw should have been passed by here when the men accompanying them were killed, and they survived Coming down, you can imagine what you have to endure.

Gene looked at Ellie through the rearview mirror from time to time. He knew what Ellie was thinking in her heart, and Deguna laughed.

"It's already this time, are you two still thinking about what's right and wrong?"

"Can you please stop saying a few words?"

Rose said with an angry look on her face, Deguna smiled, but then she put away her smile and said seriously.

"We will meet more people soon. You will have to think clearly by then. If it really comes to a last resort, I will not care about you."

There was silence in the car for a while, and they didn't meet anyone until they reached the edge of the city. The group got out of the car to eat, and everything they could take away from the city was taken away.

It seems that many people are heading towards the plateau. In the distance is an endless road with towering mountains on both sides. They have entered the plateau area. They can go directly to a big city along this road, but I'm afraid Things don't get much better.

Because everyone wants to live and no one wants to die. Some people may think they can go back to the past, but such people often die quickly.

Such a doomsday may be the best relief for some people. Death is the best relief. Human beings have lived on this planet for too long and have become the masters of this planet, but they cannot escape the fate of destruction.

"Sorry Ellie."

Gene said something, and Ellie shook her head.

"I just feel a little uncomfortable."

Gene held Ellie tenderly, and the two of them looked at the mountains in the distance under the weak sunlight. After a while, Ellie's mood improved.

"Jean, how on earth did you do that just now?"

Li Chu asked, and Jean shook his head. He didn't know how he did it. The distance was very far at that time. Jean wanted to run over, but he jumped so far when he jumped. He took advantage of the situation and took the opportunity. The gun was fired.

Li Chu also felt very strange. Not only Jean, but also himself had changed. Just now, he seemed to be able to see the still time. His reaction in a split second allowed him to shoot the crossbow and successfully hit the man, but only on his head. One human hit with a weapon.

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