Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2516 Innovation (Part 1)

"Doctor Huashen has already gone in. There will definitely be no problem."

Le Xiao said, and the AI ​​Eddie on the phone laughed and said.

"Okay, if you want to start the next game, just shout and I will call you."

The call ended. Alpha's expression was solemn. The streets had begun to become more and more commotion. Many people were speculating about what happened to the wedding. Now there are rumors on the Internet that there may have been a major problem at the wedding venue that prevented the wedding from going ahead. .

Everyone was waiting for Alpha to speak. After all, he had to issue a statement now, but it was obvious that Alpha didn't know how to speak. This time Huashen took a little longer to enter.

At 1:50 in the morning, the busy area gradually became quiet, but there were still many people eating. The current situation was strange to many people.

Because the wedding that was supposed to start tonight was suddenly interrupted due to the explosion just now, many people are suspecting that rioters attacked the wedding scene. The current situation has not been announced by the police, but a reporter just saw some police officers The high-rise building is near the district office.

Now all the entrances outside the wedding stage have been closed. People from Section 5 are guarding the outside. A large number of reporters are waiting. Many people know that there must be some major problem that caused the wedding site to be blocked.

Time passed minute by minute and at 2 o'clock, Huashen walked out. Everyone looked over and Le Xiao hurried over and asked.

"How's it going, Dr. Huashen?"

Huashen nodded and said with relief on his face.

"It's okay for the time being. The second stage of the operation has been successful. Now we have to give her a recovery time, which will take about two hours. If the situation is good, we can proceed to the third stage of the operation. Don't worry, she should be fine. ."

Huashen said this to appease everyone, but the actual situation was far more dangerous than they thought. Su Xi's physical condition was not up to standard for the second stage of surgery, but if it was not done, Su Xi would definitely die.

In desperation, Huashen had no choice but to gamble, and the situation turned out to be better than expected. Huashen's hands and legs were now weak. He knew very well that Su Xi would die immediately with just the slightest disturbance.

The situation in the operating room just now left everyone on the edge of the cliff. Many people basically gave up, but in the end Huashen made a decision.

Alpha saw the uneasiness in Huashen's relaxed expression. She walked over, called Huashen and walked into the district office, and Le Xiao followed.

"It wasn't easy just now. I almost died."

After Huashen finished speaking, Le Xiao's eyes widened. She was thinking about any way to save Su Xi. Huashen explained the specific situation. Although Le Xiao couldn't understand it, Alpha understood it as soon as he heard it. It was very difficult. Then Alpha said.

"I'm here to help you ensure that the third stage of the surgery is completed smoothly."

Huashen was a little confused. At this time, a touch of cyan particles floated out slowly. Huashen said in shock.

"President, are you planning to use this ability to give me hints?"

Alfa nodded and said.

"3 seconds is the limit. I can see Su Xi's situation after 3 seconds. This way, I can at least add insurance for you."

Huashen nodded and said.

"Indeed, having this ability should be able to reduce the risk, but the biggest problem now is that those toxic chemicals are still eroding her body, and her body functions will continue to deteriorate because of these toxic substances. This is the biggest problem at the moment, we think Even if you use some chemicals to neutralize it, it will most likely cause irreversible damage to the body."

It is difficult for Huashen himself to explain the current situation. Such a serious injury can basically be regarded as death. If it were not for the presence of an experienced director from Section 4, Su Xi might have died on the spot.

This director had performed countless large and small surgeries in his life and was very knowledgeable in surgery. Hua Shen often discussed surgical matters with him. He used just the right method to help Su Xi stop the bleeding. Suppressing body functions, and then waiting for Huashen and others to arrive, they directly cut off Su Xi's pain nerves in order to protect the brain from functioning normally.

Later, a mechanical heart was used to connect various functions of Su Xi's body. Although there is still a way to carry out biochemical mechanical transformation, at least Su Xi can save her life, but the problem is that Su Xi's body cannot withstand this kind of transformation now. After the explosion, the brain has received too many damage signals and the brain has been damaged. Under such circumstances, there is no way to reform it.

So now we can only gamble, Huashen sighed, and Le Xiao asked.

"Does Dr. Huashen have no other options? For example, artificial organs or something?"

Huashen shook his head.

"Artificial organs must be matched in all aspects by the organ transplanter first. They can only be replaced without rejection. It cannot be replaced just as you want."

After Huashen finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Le Xiao and Le Xiao's cells, but Huashen quickly rejected this idea. This may be the only way to save Su Xi now.

Although Alpha helps in the surgery, Su Xi's mortality rate will be reduced, but it can only be reduced by 1% at most. Huashen knows better than anyone that there is no miracle in such an operation.

Alpha noticed the change in Huashen's expression. She looked at Le Xiao and said, "You go and give a speech on TV and tell the people that there is no need to worry. However, the wedding may be postponed to tomorrow because there is a problem at the scene. Because of some An equipment malfunction caused the explosion, and the department is currently undergoing emergency repairs."

Le Xiao nodded and went out, followed by some directors.

"Tell me, there is another way, no matter what it is."

Huashen nodded and motioned Alfa to go to the roof. Soon the two of them arrived on the roof, Huashen said.

"After the girl was kidnapped, her heart had been shot through, but she miraculously survived. I couldn't hold back at that time and studied the girl's cells."

Alpha looked solemn, but said immediately.

"The eighth divine power!"

Huashen nodded.

"Yes, I don't know what the probability of success is, but it should be very high. We studied it for a while later, and the gods also knew about it, but they didn't stop it. You call the gods over, and if they allow it, I We will extract cells from Lexiao now and start producing regenerative drugs. Only this kind of drug can save Su Xi."

Alpha's face was solemn, and then he nodded. Soon the commotion outside ended with Le Xiao's televised speech, and the city began to fall silent.

After the two went down, Liu Xin's interrogation was over. She explained everything, from when she first received the call from the ghost, how she did it step by step according to the ghost's instructions.

It is certain that AI Eddie has calculated everything, and they will even find that Liu Xin has been included in the calculation. Alpha is a little regretful. If all couples were investigated that day, maybe Liu Xin will be discovered, and they can Know something in advance.

When he roughly knew what was going on, an explosion occurred. Alpha looked at the report submitted by Section 10, which contained an analysis of the composition of this explosive. It was a new type of explosive.

It is very easy to make, and the detonation relies on the principle of vibration. This is the first time that such a new type of bomb has appeared. It is certain that it is the product of AI and has been tested.

This kind of bomb is very safe and cannot explode as long as there is no physical shock.

Liu Xin called Su Xi and asked for the pendant. He said that a friend wanted to see it and asked her to bring the pendant and put it in front of the phone. Then Liu Xin turned on the vibration. The moment Su Xi's phone vibrated, this kind of After the atoms of the synthetic explosive were shaken, an atomic chain reaction occurred, and an explosion occurred after 1 second.

Such a simple process made everyone fall into deep thought. Nowadays, AI has evolved self-awareness, and as long as they, like AI Eddie, simply tell some people what to do, they can create some harmful things. thing.

"General manager, what kind of charges are you going to charge Liu Xin with?"

A council officer asked, and Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Attempted murder, premeditated accessory."

Now we can only sue like this for the time being, and if it is announced that this incident was caused by AI, the problem will be even more serious, because the last incident of AI having self-awareness has not yet passed, especially if the ghost of the Hillman family If it is announced, Eddie can confuse more people and cause greater harm to the city.

Le Xiao came back after a while, Huashen called Le Xiao over, and Gu Ningning also followed.

"What's wrong, Doctor Huashen?"

Le Xiao was at a loss, but after entering a room in the district authority, Le Xiao was stunned because the three gods were there, Deguna, Li Chu and Rose.

Le Xiao looked at them strangely, because as soon as she came in, everyone looked at her, Le Xiao swallowed and asked.

"What's the matter?"

Gu Ningning explained.

"Lele, we have studied your cells before."

Le Xiao was still a little confused, but soon Deguna played a video. Le Xiao looked at herself in the video in shock. A big hole had been opened in her chest, and she was completely dead.

"What's going on?"

Le Xiao was shocked, remembering that when she was kidnapped before, the bomb still exploded. When she woke up, everything was fine.

"In addition, you have been eating toxic liquid food for a long time, but it did not cause hemangiomas. It is because your cells have innovative properties."

After Huashen finished speaking, Le Xiao didn't understand at all, and then asked.

"what's up?"

Gu Ningning saw that Huashen and the others were planning to explain, and then said.

"I've said it to the doctor. We can't delay it any longer now."

Le Xiao looked at Gu Ningning and said.

"To put it simply, your cells can save Su Xi now, so we need to extract your stem cells, study the ratio immediately, and then inject them as medicine into Su Xi."

Le Xiao nodded in understanding, then lifted up her sleeves and said.

"Hurry up, tell me earlier, if there is a way."

Huashen sighed helplessly and said.

"After our previous research, it is true that your cells have the effect of regeneration. It is a true super-speed regeneration that can repair damaged parts. I call it innovation, but there is a question. If humans really master such power , then in the future world, I can’t imagine how far human beings will develop.”

Le Xiao said hurriedly after hearing this.

"Stop talking about Doctor Huashen, hurry up. Isn't it the time to die now? Let's bring Su Xi back to life first."

Huashen nodded and Gu Ningning reminded him.

"Stem cell extraction may cause damage to your body and may even cause problems in the future."

Le Xiao was stunned, and then asked.

"Ning Ning, I've come back from the dead, what else can be wrong? Not only did I not poison myself after eating something poisonous, but am I still fine now?"

Deguna laughed and then said.

"You have the same ability as Ellie, the eighth divine power."

Le Xiao blinked and thought of the real ghost in her mind, she said in shock.

"Ellie? The ghost?"

Rose and Li Chu both looked at Deguna, and everyone felt something was wrong, because Deguna had spilled the beans. Sure enough, Le Xiao knew about Aili, and maybe Le Xiao could see Aili.

"Let's talk about this later."

Le Xiao hummed and said.

"As long as we can save Su Xi, let's start quickly."

Gu Ningning said.

"Let's go, I'll pump it, please bear with it if it hurts a little later."

Le Xiao hummed and Huashen said.

"It's too late to give anesthesia now, because anesthesia may slow down the process. You have to do it as soon as possible. If you feel pain, just shout out."

Le Xiao swallowed, then looked at Gu Ningning and said.

"Be gentle, Ning Ning."

Gu Ningning said.

"Don't worry, this pain may be similar to colic caused by stones."

Le Xiao swallowed. She had suffered this before, and the pain was worse than death.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Le Xiao started shouting, and the voice was very cruel. Alpha sighed. Huashen immediately summoned all the researchers from the Department of Medicine. The equipment had been delivered. Now Huashen and the others were racing against time. According to the previous After studying the situation, all that is needed now is to make the ratio and then start injecting Su Xi with this new type of cell drug.

As long as Le Xiao's cells work, Su Xi's body will repair at a super speed and she can save her life.

After a while, Gu Ningning came out. She handed the extracted stem cells to Huashen. Huashen turned and left. Gu Ningning sighed and smiled.

"Look, it just hurts for a little while. It's okay. You'll be weak these days, so just take a good rest."

Le Xiao hummed, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead. It did hurt, but she felt much more relaxed now, and Le Xiao also felt that as long as she could save Su Xi, it would be no problem.

"This could be another catastrophe, and once this drug can help humans, I'm afraid there will be amazing changes in the future."

After Li Chu finished speaking, Le Xiao said.

"I think there's nothing wrong with it as long as it's used for treatment. Isn't the purpose of medicine just to save people?"

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