Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2491 Ghost Game 2 (Part 2)


Everyone was waiting. Zhang Zhao's mood had stabilized. He thought of too many things that had been buried in his memory for decades. Perhaps this love affair made Zhang Zhao too desperate. , so his subsequent life never had much ups and downs.

"I probably should have listened to her then."

After Zhang Zhao finished speaking, Ran Zhi nodded.

"Indeed, in that era, there were very few lucky people, and unfortunate people were everywhere."

Wu Lei looked solemn, because there were still reporters present, he said immediately.

"But you are not at fault in this matter, so don't think too much. When Chen Rui comes, if we know Ding Ziqi's whereabouts, we will help you find her, and we can have a good talk."

Zhang Zhao nodded and said.


At this time, some people from Section 5 came over. A director from Section 5 brought a man. He was over 80 years old and still looked very young. The man was Chen Rui. He was extremely scared at this moment. He walked over with a solemn expression.

At noon, Section 5 suddenly came to the door and asked Chen Rui to come over to help investigate an incident that happened more than 40 years ago. Chen Rui couldn't even remember who Ding Ziqi was, but after being questioned, Chen Rui recalled it. Although he wanted to He wanted to find a lawyer, but when he heard that the secretary of Section 13 asked him to go there, Chen Rui gave up the idea.

Chen Rui knew very well that he was finished this time, but Chen Rui called his lawyer. The lawyer told Chen Rui that such a crime would usually have a prison term of 1 to 3 years, but the premise was that there were no other similar crimes except this matter. type of thing, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

After Chen Rui asked clearly, he was already planning to bite him to death. He asked with some fear.

"Master Le Xiao, I was young at the time, and it was her choice. I did not force her."

As soon as Chen Rui finished speaking, Zhang Zhao said angrily.

"Are you young? We were not even 20 at that time."

Ran Zhi smiled and held down Zhang Zhao, then looked at Chen Rui and said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen Rui, you'd better explain clearly what happened. Otherwise, we will investigate you from head to toe. Of course, if you have no other crimes, you should be fine. And now we also There is no concrete evidence.”

Chen Rui understood it as soon as he heard it, and he said hurriedly.

"I met her in a bar. A friend who was close to me brought some girls over, and I got chatting with her, and we were in a relationship. Is it okay to buy something for my girlfriend? "

When Chen Rui said this, Le Xiao's teeth started to itch, and she frowned and said.

"You'd better put away this rhetoric, otherwise I will wait until Section 5 has thoroughly investigated it before calling you."

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, Chen Rui immediately changed his words. He lowered his head in fear and said.

"I used material to lure her. I'm sorry, Master Le Xiao."

Ran Zai looked at Ran Zhi and then said.

"Old man, you are sick again."

Ran Zhi smiled awkwardly. He really wanted to mention Chen Rui just now, but he had no evidence, so Chen Rui immediately changed his mind.

"Indeed, we have no evidence now. More than 40 years have passed since this incident. There is no evidence that you used money to make that girl become your lover. But there is one thing that you can't avoid. Just investigate A lot of things should come out in the future, and I believe that many victims of the past will be willing to come forward and provide some evidence, after all, this is a lot of money."

As soon as Ran Zai finished speaking, Le Xiao's eyes became serious, and the director of Section 5 who brought Chen Rui said immediately.

"Master Le Xiao, we will set up a special investigation team to follow up on this matter, and there should be results soon."

Le Xiao said yes, Chen Rui almost cried, he kept apologizing, Le Xiao said.

"That's enough. Let's talk about what happened to Ding Ziqi and where did she go? Didn't you say you wanted to support her in college? What happened?"

Chen Rui's face was solemn, Zhang Zhao clenched his fists, Chen Rui thought for a while and then said.

"When she left here I gave her a sum of money and our relationship ended."

"How many?"

Le Xiao asked.


Lexiao said angrily.

"Where does she live? Did she say where she was going?"

Chen Rui recalled it, but he couldn't remember it after much thought. Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Ran Zai said.

"If you go to the company where Ding Ziqi's father worked and look for records, you should be able to find the records of the workers. After all, the Mining Tax Section 7 should have complete records at that time."

Ten minutes later, an address was sent, No. 398, South 6th Street, District 101, and the head of the household was Ding Mao.

"As long as we find someone, it will be easy. Let's go directly."

Le Xiao stood up directly, and soon a helicopter came over. A group of people got on, and Wu Lei sent an order document to the local Section 5.

After 20 minutes, the takeoff and landing landed in a small square in District 101. Many people were watching the excitement on the edge of the square. This program was broadcast live in real time.

Many people want to see what will happen in the end. After all, this kind of thing was very common before. Many people have heard or seen it, but more people are discussing it in times like that. The root cause of endless chaos.

Several local officers came over. They had found the place. Le Xiao and his party went there under the leadership of several officers.

The north side is almost dilapidated now, and that place is close to the stench area, but as soon as we pass there, we can hear the sound of rumbling machinery, and the tracks of the waste treatment plant are being laid and built.

There are basically no people in the southern area of ​​District 101. Because this place is close to the stench area and has a year-round economic depression, it is a relatively poor area. A large number of crimes have occurred here.

People from the local Section 5 have been asked to retrieve some case records from that year. They should be able to find out the situation of Ding Mao's family soon. Since they were expelled, they must have committed a very serious crime.

Xiao Xiao and the others arrived at Ding Ziqi's home. The two-story house was dilapidated. There was nothing left inside except some garbage and debris. Zhang Zhao walked in and looked at the narrow house. Inside, and the dilapidated walls, he lowered his head in thought.

"Maybe it would have been different if I had listened to what she said."

At this time, people from Section 5 found neighbors who lived nearby and knew Ding Ziqi's family.

The neighbor talked about the situation of Ding Ziqi's family. There are four elderly people in Ding Ziqi's family, including Ding Ziqi and an older brother. The whole family relies on Ding Mao and his wife for their living expenses.

Later, Ding Ziqi's brother was imprisoned because of a case, and this case also involved the issue of compensation. The money that the family had finally saved was wiped out.

At that time, the old man at home was sick and needed treatment, and Ding Ziqi also needed to go to school. In desperation, her parents sold some things and actually went to work in the mines in the north for a while.

After returning, Ding Mao and his wife opened a small stall. The family's life seemed to be better, but the good times did not last long. Because of local gang members, their family suffered a disaster.

Because Ding Mao refused to comply with the threats of the gang members, his legs were broken by the gang members. This incident was recorded at the time. However, because Alpha left at that time, these cases were closed due to the collusion between the locals and the gang members. That’s it.

After that, the life of the Ding family plummeted. Later, Ding Ziqi also dropped out of school and became a practitioner in the special service industry. The neighbors were not clear about the details of what happened next. They only knew that Ding Ziqi killed someone, and it was a vicious incident.

Ding Ziqi killed 4 people and was later arrested and sentenced to 50 years in prison. Later, Ding Ziqi chose to be deported in prison. She left the city, and the conspirators were Ding Ziqi's parents, so the whole family went to the barrier area. .

An officer from Section 5 talked about some things from that year, but many things were unclear. In the more than ten years after Alpha left, it was the era when low-level crime was most rampant, and countless unjust, false and wrong cases occurred.

The sorrows of countless people have been repeated alternately in these ten years. Ran Zhi has also committed countless crimes in these ten years.

"Has that gang member been arrested?"

Le Xiao asked, and the officer of Section 5 hurriedly inquired and said.

"More than 30 years ago, they were all arrested by Lady Niya."

Soon everyone saw the case records at that time. Niya rushed into the gang's building alone and beat up all the people. More than 100 people, more than 80 of whom were seriously injured, were hospitalized.

The public security at the bottom gradually improved when Niya started her career as a clerk in an area. This violent woman made all the gang members at the bottom fearful and intimidated.

It wasn't until Niya became the section chief of Section 5 that crime began to be completely suppressed by Niya.

"Perhaps they have died in the barrier area."

Zhang Zhao looked very uncomfortable. He lowered his head, thinking that maybe it would be okay if he didn't know all this, but if he knew now, it would be too late.

Wu Lei was under great pressure at this moment, because this incident was being broadcast live to the public. At this time, there was a lot of discussion in the surrounding areas, and someone said.

"I know what happened back then."

Le Xiao immediately called this man in. The man claimed that he worked as a waiter in a nightclub, and Ding Ziqi's wife also worked in that nightclub.

At that time, the owner of the nightclub was a gang member who was very powerful in the local area. The leader would ask Ding Ziqi to accompany him from time to time, but then Ding Ziqi could no longer bear it.

Especially when he saw his father being treated like this by the gang members, Ding Ziqi planned for a while. The man saw it, but he didn't say anything.

Until one night, gunshots were heard in the house, and four men in the house were beaten to death by Ding Ziqi. After that, after the investigation of Section 5, the whole family was taken away.

The old man in Ding Ziqi's family finally died alone in the house, and no one knew about it. He was not discovered until nearby neighbors smelled the stench.

After Alpha left, Bright City ushered in the darkest 10 years. Everyone's hope was extinguished in an instant. Le Xiao looked at the old house with a heavy heart. People around him were silent, and Ran Zhi looked solemn.

Ran Zai looked at the people in the distance. Many people were talking about the miserable things they had seen back then. Wu Lei walked towards the reporter and wanted to ask the reporter to stop playing, but at this time Le Xiao revealed a smile.

"I will help you find her. Of course, I said I would help you."

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, Zhang Zhao was a little surprised and then said.

"It's impossible."

Le Xiao said.

"Indeed, although the hope is a bit slim, it is different now, isn't it?"

Le Xiao raised her volume, then took out a loudspeaker and shouted.

"Please don't worry. Now is completely different from before. Such a tragedy will never happen again, I promise."

There were warm cheers all around, and Le Xiao looked at the barrier area in the distance. Now she could only ask Section 3 for help. After all, Section 3 had already completed the preliminary census and some registration work for the barrier area.

Xiao was very happy to call Xima, and Xima was a little confused.

"It's no problem to find someone. I'll have people check the information later. But if it's a criminal, there's no way to enter the city now."

Le Xiao said.

"It would be nice to find it."

Xima said with a hum.

"Wait for me for a while, and I'll ask them to help you find it first."

After the call ended, everyone present was a little helpless. After all, if they were expelled more than 40 years ago, the barrier area at that time would be simply a purgatory, and it would be extremely difficult to survive.

No one knows what will happen next, but many people hope to find this woman named Ding Ziqi.

Time passed by, and half an hour later, news came from Xima that there was no woman named Ding Ziqi among the people registered.

"Maybe there's really nothing we can do."

Xima said, Le Xiao frowned slightly, she thought for a while and said.

"Can you please send a message to all the people in Section 3 outside and ask them to directly ask people nearby. I think they might be able to find it."

Xima was a little confused and then said.

"What if I still can't find it?"

Le Xiao thought for a while and said.

"Then keep looking. We obviously have the ability now, so I think if we can't do such a small thing, let alone some big things in the future."

"I see."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Zhang Zhao seemed a little at a loss. Le Xiao sniffed the oncoming stench in the air. This kind of odor is still overwhelming now, although after the waste treatment plant is built, this smell will disappear. It no longer exists, but the scars from the past may never heal.

At this time, in the barrier area, Ye Chunwang looked at a lot of department staff outside asking people in the barrier area.

"what happened?"

Ye Chunwang walked out. A director came over and showed Ye Chunwang an order just issued by Xima. He briefly explained what happened. Ye Chunwang laughed. He looked at Brilliant City and then smiled.

"I think it's good that you send some of your manpower to the nearby gathering places for people in the barrier area to help inquire about this matter. And bring some food to them."

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