The girl was so angry that her face turned red. She pressed against the wall of the alley and watched Nanhai talking and laughing with the woman. The atmosphere between the two made the girl extremely jealous.

"Tell me what to do?"

the girl asked.

The man on the phone laughed.

"It's very simple. Follow my instructions, go to the designated place, and buy a piece of Xiangguo dry-roasted pork strips. Act quickly."

After hearing this, the girl ran away. After a while, she bought something as the man said, and then the man's voice sounded again.

"Okay, now you can go back and clean the house. You have 1 hour."

Although the girl felt strange, she still ran away. After a while, the girl cleaned the house and it only took 40 minutes. During this period, the man kept reminding the girl about some details.

"Is it of any use?"

A man's voice sounded.

"Now just go to the place I told you to wait. Buy another small rabbit gummy candy and put it in a small bag. You can take it out when I ask you to take it out."

After a while, the girl left home and came to a place more than one kilometer away. She was a little excited, because following the guidance of this voice, she really felt magical. Sure enough, before standing for a while, the girl saw the boy. She took the initiative according to the man's instructions. Go up and say hello.

The boy didn't recognize the girl at first, but after taking a closer look, his eyes were shocked, but then the confusion in his eyes turned into surprise.

The two chatted for a while, and the boy kept his eyes fixed on the girl's new look. At this time, the girl also felt that the boy had never looked at her like this before.

"If you have nothing to do this weekend, come and sit at my house while I go shopping."

The girl invited the boy, but this time she got her wish. The boy was willing to go to the girl's house. The girl had invited the boy many times before, but he refused every time.

"What's next?"

The girl asked in a low voice, and there was a small sound in her ears, and the man said.

"Listen to me carefully. As long as you do these few things, this boy will like you. If you just take a step further, you can become a couple."

The girl was very happy. She listened to the voices all the way and didn't have much words with the boy. She also found that the boy's eyes were always wandering on her. This unprecedented feeling made the girl's boredom and bitterness disappear. .

The girl took the boy back home. The boy looked at the clean and tidy room with some surprise, and then said.

“Pretty clean.”

The girl looked at the boy with joy in her eyes. She began to follow what the man said and talked about something, which was about business. Although the girl didn't understand, she listened to the man and repeated it simply.

Then the girl took out the dried-roasted pork sticks she bought in a hot pot. She saw the surprise in the boy's eyes. The two chatted for a while. After the boy finished eating with satisfaction, he felt a little spicy. At this time, the girl took out the soft noodles from the small bag. sugar.

The boy said in surprise.

"This is my favorite gummy candy. I've loved it since I was a kid."

The girl also hurriedly agreed.

"Huh? Why do you do it too? I've also liked it since I was a child."

The boy didn't expect that he and this girl he didn't think much of before would have so many common interests and hobbies. Moreover, this girl was very tidy and kept her home well.

The two had a pleasant day. In the afternoon, the boy said he wanted to treat him to dinner and let the girl choose. The girl chose a nearby restaurant and ordered dishes that the boy liked very much.

It wasn't until 8 o'clock in the evening that the two reluctantly said goodbye at the door of the girl's house. When they returned to the house, the girl casually threw her bag and coat on the ground. After taking off her shoes, she didn't bother to wash her feet and just lay down on the sofa. , enjoying the sweet aftertaste.

At this time, the mysterious person claiming to be a ghost called again, and the girl hurriedly picked up the phone and asked.

"What about tomorrow?"

Because she had made an appointment with the boy to go to Angel Paradise together tomorrow, the girl knew that maybe the two of them could be together tomorrow. At this moment, a helpless laughter came from the phone.

"I've given you a good start, and it's up to you to continue."

the girl shouted immediately.

"No, why don't you help me again, or tell me what to do tomorrow?"

the voice replied.

"Just the same as today."

The phone was hung up, and the girl looked for the call records in frustration, but found that there was no record. It all seemed like a dream. At this time, the boy took the initiative to call. After the girl picked up, she happily chatted with the boy.

A flash of light flashed on the wires outside the house. Eddie smiled and looked at Leng Shi aside and said.

"How about it?"

Leng Shi shook his head.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Eddie said, holding up a finger.

"Of course it's chaos. This city will be in chaos again. Countless sorrows will pile up. What do you think?"

Leng Shi shook his head.

"It's not what it used to be. Your approach won't succeed every time."

Eddie laughed.

"Then let's go to the next place. I just used big data to select some suitable people, and I will slowly guide them."

While talking, Eddie came to the door of a small restaurant. The restaurant was deserted. The owner looked helplessly at the flow of people on the street. He had to pay the rent again next month, but the business of his store was not good. The owner opened a Noodle shop and some fast food.

But during this period of time, although there was a lot of traffic on this street, there were no customers in the boss's small restaurant from a certain day. Many people would take a look when passing by, but then leave. The boss also tried They solicited customers at the door, but many customers turned around and left when they saw the situation in the store.

The boss asked the customers what was wrong. Some customers said they didn’t want to eat noodles. The boss was helpless. The shop was just opened a month ago. The decoration is very new in all aspects, and the food ingredients used by the boss are all very fresh. , but no one has visited recently, and some ingredients are not very fresh.

The boss is very worried now. This shop has sold more than 20,000 yuan since its opening. This is the boss’s capital. The boss was originally just an ordinary worker. Because he cooks very delicious noodles, his family supports him in opening a shop. Noodle House.

After all, the catering industry on the market is too hot now. In order to increase the price a little bit, the boss came to the middle level to open a store. He did not plan to go to the bottom level. If it is on the bottom level, the cost does not need to be 20,000, but at most 12,000.

The boss's noodles are not expensive, only 4 yuan a bowl, but they are more affordable than those at the bottom. If the bottom tier sells them, they may cost up to 2 yuan a bowl, which is still relatively expensive.

There was a bit of business at the beginning and many diners thought it was okay, but gradually the business became not so good, so the boss started selling fast food. The business was good at the beginning, but now there is no business at all.

At this time, a phone call came. The boss thought it was for ordering food and answered the call enthusiastically. However, the boss soon discovered that it was an unfamiliar number and a man with a clear voice said.

"Do you want your store's business to improve?"

The boss looked solemn and then said angrily.

"Which gang are you from, right? My store's business is so bad, could it be you who are causing trouble? I'm going to report you right now. If you want me to give you money to dream, do you think it's still the same as before?"

The boss's anger that had been pent up for many days burst out, but the man on the phone smiled.

"I just want to tell you how to improve your store's business. If you do as I say, business will definitely improve tomorrow."

The boss hesitated, and the anger on his face disappeared a little, and he asked.

"You want to cheat me out of money?"

The man laughed.

"I don't need a penny from you. I'm just a disembodied ghost. I saw how miserable your store is and want to help you."

The boss laughed, and he felt more and more that it might be a scam call.

"Tell me, why is my business so bad?"

the man said.

"Your family thinks the noodles you make are delicious, but that doesn't mean that people outside can accept it. People at home think it's delicious because they're used to eating your noodles, but what about people outside? You didn't consider the customers. , think carefully about how the people who came on the first day looked after eating."

The boss frowned. He remembered that on the first day of opening, many people left in a hurry after eating, and some people didn't even finish.

But the boss quickly retorted.

"It's impossible. Not only my family members said it was delicious, but some friends and neighbors also thought it was good."

There was laughter on the phone again.

"Think about it carefully, where are your friends and neighbors from? What is their income?"

The boss was stunned. He had a vague feeling that the taste of his noodles might be very ordinary. It was very homely. In such a mid-level business district, it seemed to be quite ordinary.

There are also shops with poor business on the street where the boss is located. The boss has also paid special attention to them. Like the boss, they are very melancholy and don't know what the problem is. Even if they try to break through, they can't find any solution. direction.

"Although your noodles taste good, they are too ordinary. Many customers may have the impression that they are ordinary after eating them. There are quite a few noodle shops on this street that cost 4 yuan a bowl, but your noodle shop is... Among all stores, the price/performance ratio is the lowest. So naturally no one would be willing to come in and eat."

The boss asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"What should we do?"

The boss now felt that what the man said made sense, and he also felt that the man who claimed to be a ghost did not seem to be a gang member or a fraudster.

"It's very simple, you just need to follow the steps I told you to make noodles, and your business will be fine."

The boss was doubtful, so he brought up the light and shadow screen, followed the steps the man said, and started recording, and then the man said.

"Pour away the broth you made, as well as the noodles you made, including some condiments that need to be replaced. And the condiment bottles must be replaced with ones that can be accurate to the gram."

When the boss heard this, he had to change everything. After calculation, if he started doing it now, it would cost at least more than 300 yuan. The boss gritted his teeth and had no choice but to do it, because the cooking method the man said, the boss had been cooking for so many years, and he felt that Very professional.

Then the boss closed the shop. It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening. Half an hour later, the boss bought all the things the man said, poured out the broth, and started to mix some ingredients.

After a while, the boss followed the steps the man said, processed the bones for soup and put them into the big pot. The man said 3 hours and 20 minutes was just right, so just stop at that time and just keep it warm.

The boss closed the door and looked at the people on the street outside. There were people on this street all night long. The boss could only sell some in the early morning because many drunk people would come.

After the boss got everything done, it was already 0 o'clock. He set the alarm clock and went to sleep.

Feeling uneasy, the boss still fell asleep.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, the boss woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. After he got up, he smelled an aroma. When he went to the kitchen, there was an aroma filling the big pot. The boss swallowed a mouthful and wanted to open the lid of the pot, but the man I said it would be ok until 3:20.

As time passed, the man opened the lid of the pot and turned it to keep warm. He took a sip of the soup and was shocked. He had never tasted such delicious soup.

And there was no salt added. The boss hurriedly started kneading the noodles according to the man's method. After a while, the boss used a machine to make noodles.

I opened the door directly and turned on the light. Within 10 minutes of opening the door, three drunk men came in, one of them said.

"This place doesn't taste good, let's go somewhere else."

Another man shouted, leaning against the wall, unable to move any further.

"Whatever, as long as it fills my stomach."

Although the boss was angry, he still walked over to greet them with a smile on his face. The three of them ordered three bowls of noodles. The boss quickly cooked the noodles according to the steps the man said. After a while, the three bowls of noodles were served. The boss looked at the three of them and they ate. got up.

Within a few minutes, the man who said it was not delicious stood up and said.

"Boss, why are your noodles so delicious today?"

The other two men nodded again and again. The three of them finished the noodles quickly and drank every drop of the soup. They all asked the boss for soup.

At this time, another customer came in. As soon as they came in, one of the three people said that this restaurant was delicious.

At 7:20 in the morning, the noodle shop was full of people, there were people queuing outside the shop, and there were delivery people waiting.

One pot of soup is enough to make hundreds of bowls of noodles, but now there is not much soup left. Although the boss is tired, he has never been so happy.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, everything was sold out. The boss just followed the man's instructions and went to buy some bones, and then planned to make soup for the afternoon. He closed the door.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Cold Stone asked, and Eddie laughed.

"I just want to help them now. After all, there are still many desperate people in the city now, and I want to help them."

Cold Stone didn't believe it at all, Eddie seemed to be enjoying it now, Cold Stone said.

"If you do something that harms humanity, I will definitely stop you."

Eddie smiled and disappeared, and Leng Shi disappeared immediately.

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