Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 250 Regaining Life (Part 1)

Gene sat quietly by the window. The wise man next to him looked at everything outside the window helplessly. There were sounds of running water in the bathroom. Leng Rui and Alpha had already washed themselves, and they were silent. Sitting in the corner, Alpha kept looking at the light and shadow kettle next to him, watching in trance. At this time, Quasimodo was alone in the bathroom.

Billy had already washed himself under the water in an empty room, and he seemed very tired.

"I just didn't expect that the times have changed so fast. I have been in the city for more than 50 years. Although I have heard a lot of things, actually seeing them is another matter. Jean, I think you should catch up on the recent trends of those guys in the city. It’s a little too tight.”

Jean nodded and exhaled a puff of smoke. The wise man smiled. Thinking carefully about how he could talk to Jean in a world under the sun, he felt an incredible feeling. He and Jean were once mortal enemies, because he If you want to build a kingdom at the bottom, you will constantly win over a large number of people from the middle and upper classes.

Even many people in the business department have been bribed by the wise man. The wise man's power continues to radiate out, and he controls dozens of districts under his banner. He is even ready to negotiate with the Congress to jointly govern the Brilliant City.

The Wise Men have tens of thousands of mutants, including more than 500 S-level ones. Their power is completely comparable to that of the Xingke Branch, so the Xingke Branch cannot make big moves. The Wise Men follow the plan step by step, and in the end they just want to control the bottom. area and build his own criminal empire, Jean warned the wise men again and again.

The entire lower-level southern district is the source of corruption in Bright City, and it is still spreading to the surrounding areas at lightning speed. Many people at the lower-level support the actions of the wise men. They want to completely remove the lower-level city from Bright City. The city was separated and even wanted half of the eastern grain base.

In the end, several negotiations with Congress never came to any conclusion. At that time, the wise man finally took action against the sun. As a result, Jean quietly came to the east side of the ground floor that night. Congress began to issue a notice, and everything on the streets would be cleaned.

"Now that I think about it, maybe I was a little too naive, Gene."

The wise man looked at Gene next to him. He smiled and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Don't talk about the past anymore."

The wise man hummed. He would always remember that night. There was only one person in the bloodbath that occurred in nearly 20 areas in the entire Southern District. Every minute and every second, people were trampled to death like ants. Many people came directly from the Southern Guard Station that night. Escaped from the South District, but some people who wanted to go to the West District were completely blocked by the 3rd Military Section and the 5th Public Security Management Section. Those involved in the operation were the chiefs of the 11 operational sections, and they were only responsible for blocking The west and east areas, and the cleaning work was completed by Gene alone.

Alpha was one of them. Only afterward did the wise realize that Jean would not allow anyone to participate in this cleaning operation. He would only let them block the perimeter. Those who surrendered would be given a way to survive. They would check whether they had any criminal records before deciding whether to enter. Prison tower or expulsion.

Anyone who dared to resist would be killed. Although the purge operation at that time ended in just one night, the wise man did not know how many people died. The only thing he knew was that when the sun rose, there was almost no sound in the entire South District. .

Afterwards, the purge operation directly affected the upper echelons, and all the congressmen, officials, and businessmen who were related to the wise men were thrown into the prison tower.

Although 50 years have passed, many people still know about the bloody suppression of the Xingke Branch in the past. At that time, the entire city seemed to have lost its voice, because fear had begun to be completely implanted in everyone's hearts.

The wise men were in the tunnel of the prison tower, and there were many survivors of that purge operation. The only thing they told the wise men was that Jean was a devil, and no one wanted to think about that incident.

In just 50 years, things had been forgotten and everything was buried in darkness. It was only from that time that wise men began to doubt Jean's identity. He was not a simple chief of the operations department. .

"But what happened to Miss Secretary is really unexpected. If you think about it now, you will know how big a problem it caused in the city a while ago because you pushed such a 26-year-old girl to the throne."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"You just need to help that kid solve the problems within the city. Next month, you will follow me to Qinglong District. I need to assign you to complete some things."

Jean turned his head and looked at Alpha as he spoke. Then he took out his mobile phone, opened a light and shadow screen, and brought up all the details related to the last hijacking incident. When Alpha came over, Jean handed her a cigarette. .

"Help me find Xu Ming's wife and children. His wife and children may be hiding in the South District."

After Alpha nodded and lit the cigarette, he sat at the table and looked at it seriously. At this time, Gene turned his eyes to Leng Rui, who walked over quickly with some fear.

"For the things you left behind, after a while, someone will provide me with a supercomputer."

Leng Rui nodded understandingly, and the wise man glanced at Leng Rui.

"You kid, watch your mouth, otherwise."

"I know, thank you Jean."

Leng Rui bowed respectfully, with a hint of joy in his eyes, and then he said with a smile.

"Can I go home and see my sister before I go to work?"

"as you like."

The wise man looked at Jean with a smile.

The door of the room opened with a click. At Le Xiao's urging, the food delivery people came in one by one carrying large and small bags of things. Soon the three people in the room swallowed.

Le Xiao ran to Gene's side nervously. At this moment, Leng Rui brought out a large table. The delivery person put the things on them with some fear and left respectfully. The table was full of Plenty of dishes, and boxes of wine on the table.

"Gene, the total cost is 1,386 yuan. Isn't it a bit much, but I think they just got out of prison, so..."

"You are the secretary. It is up to you to decide what to do. They are your subordinates."

Le Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and laughed happily. Leng Rui had already grabbed a large piece of meat and gnawed it. Alpha and Wise Man swallowed. At this moment, Quasimodo also came out, still wearing a linen hood. Only the mouth and eyes are left.

"Why don't you pick it and eat it, Quasimodo."

Le Xiao asked in a low voice. Quasimodo shook his head gratefully and sat down awkwardly.

Le Xiao happily sat over, but Billy was not there. She looked around.

"Billy usually gets tired easily. We will leave some for him and he will eat it when he gets up later."

Le Xiao hummed, hurriedly took out her mobile phone, opened the special line to contact the General Affairs Department, clicked on the uniform item, and then entered the corresponding number of people.

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