Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2461 Black Shadow (Part 2)

"Be careful, Sister Le Xiao."

Luo Ziyun supported the swaying Le Xiao. It was already 0:39. Le Xiao drank a lot tonight. At the stall on the ground floor, he invited people nearby to drink with him. He drank a lot with them, and people kept coming over to toast.

"It's okay, I can still drink it."

After Luo Ziyun helped Le Xiao into the room, Le Xiao fell on the sofa and couldn't get up. Luo Ziyun tried several times and gave up. After letting Le Xiao lie on her side, she told Jamie, who was still asleep, to look at Le Xiao and ask for help. If she vomits later, you have to take care of her.

"The wine is really delicious."

Jamie said with a smile, Luo Ziyun said with a wink.

"Jamie, have you drank?"

Jamie hummed and pointed at Lexiao.

"Sister Le Xiao gave it to me. But I drank it before coming here."

Luo Ziyun frowned slightly. She didn't want to become an alcoholic. Now Le Xiao was almost a well-known alcoholic. She drank in the morning, drank in the evening, and had to have a drink whenever she ate.

Jamie said as Luo Ziyun stood up and planned to leave.

"Sister Ziyun, why don't you sleep here? Let's talk."

Luo Ziyun was a little surprised, then smiled.

"You, it's too early to pick up girls."

Jamie blinked and explained hurriedly.

"I want to hear about what happened in college."

Luo Ziyun smiled and nodded.

"Next time, I have to go back to school tonight."

As soon as Luo Ziyun came downstairs, she heard laughter coming from the lobby on the fourth floor. Sure enough, as soon as she entered, people from Department 13 were eating and drinking and chatting about something. Wu Lei was dealing with things, and Luo Ziyun walked over and asked.

"Is there anything else I can help with?"

Wu Lei scratched his head and said.

"Nothing, sit down and have something to eat."

Luo Ziyun pursed her lips and shook her head, then said.

"I have to go back to school and come back tomorrow morning."

Wu Lei looked at Ran Zai and said.

"You're going to see her off."

Ran Zai asked doubtfully.

"Why let me go?"

Wu Lei asked.

"Which one of these drunks do you think is suitable?"

Ran Zai had no choice but to get up. A lot of people were already drunk, especially Xiong Dabiao, who was holding a wine glass and shouting that he had to drink 13 grams of wine before going to bed. They worked from 8 o'clock in the morning to more than 10 o'clock in the evening. .

The two went out after a while, Luo Ziyun said.


Ran Zai asked.

"You go back to school because you want to see your classmate Tang Xiwen."

Luo Ziyun hummed, and then he asked doubtfully.

"How do you know?"

Ran Zai pointed to his head, Luo Ziyun crossed his hands and placed them in front of him, walking casually, a little worried.

"The person who committed the crime was her brother and had nothing to do with her."

Luo Ziyun said with a hum.


Ran Zai can probably guess the current situation of the girl named Tang Xiwen, because the business department has issued a wanted order, and I am afraid everyone in the school has noticed. This kind of thing will be really bad for many people.

And being in a school-like environment, the two of them went directly to the subway station, and soon arrived in the middle-level school zone in the west. There are many universities here, and there are mostly schools in the four zones from 23 to 26.

The school district was extremely lively at this point. As soon as the two came onto the street, they attracted the attention of many students. Many students came over hoping to take photos with them.

Luo Ziyun smiled awkwardly. After a while, the two came to Luo Ziyun's school and Ran Zai said.

"Shall I accompany you in?"

Luo Ziyun pressed her chin with her fingers and pouted.

"This is a girls' school."

Ran Zai asked.

"Is there a problem?"

The two looked at each other and smiled. Luo Ziyun went to the school gate. Several security guards panicked when they saw her and came over one after another.

"Is there something wrong with you two adults?"

As soon as they saw the people from Section 13 coming, many people thought something might be wrong. There were many people watching behind them, and Luo Ziyun hurriedly explained.

"I forgot something at school, and I came back to get it. I hope you don't misunderstand me."

Ran Zai smiled helplessly, and the two entered the school. As soon as they entered, there was a commotion. After a while, Luo Ziyun's classmates and teachers came over.

Everyone was surprised by Luo Ziyun's decision. She suddenly dropped out of school to take the business exam. After all, Luo Ziyun's grades were the best in school. Before she graduated, many large companies wanted her to join them, and they offered her shares. high salary.

Of course, these big companies are so concerned because Luo Ziyun's father is Locke Jiahui, who was once the manager of the business department, even now. Although Luo Ziyun is only a student, the connections behind her are what most businessmen want to cling to.

After Luo Ziyun chatted with them for a while, she planned to leave. Ran Zai was surrounded by some female students, talking and laughing with them.


Luo Ziyun went over and shouted. Ran Zai nodded and followed Luo Ziyun to the dormitory. Although it was a little late, there were still many people in the dormitory. Ran Zai thought about it and followed him in.

The two came to the dormitory on the sixth floor. Because the dormitory was a double room with a large space, Luo Ziyun came to the door of the dormitory after a while. She knocked on the door. After a long time, the door finally opened.


Tang Xiwen burst into tears as soon as she saw Luo Ziyun. She hugged Luo Ziyun and cried loudly. Luo Ziyun patted her back comfortingly. Only then did Ran Zai realize that the other party had just finished taking a shower and only had a blanket. He turned around hurriedly.

After a while, the door to the room opened again, and Ran Zai walked in. Looking at the environment inside, it was indeed very good, but it looked a bit messy.

Tang Xiwen was still crying. She said that basically everyone in the school was alienating her, and the teachers didn't like her, and people kept saying bad things about her behind her back.

Ran Zai sighed. He probably knew how bad this kind of indifferent violence was for a person, but now the fact is that her brother has indeed done something that endangers the safety of the city. This is under the legal system of Brilliant City. are among the most serious crimes.

Because those guys are hidden in the city, if Section 2 does not disclose the situation, some people will cause new troubles if they are used by them.

Luo Ziyun was still comforting Tang Xiwen, and Tang Xiwen was crying with tears in her eyes, she said.

"Xiaoyun, I can't stand it anymore. I want to drop out of school."

Luo Ziyun said.

"If you drop out of school now, nothing will be solved. Instead, you won't be able to get your diploma. And since your grades are so good, if you drop out, it will have a very serious impact on your job in the future."

Tang Xiwen shook her head. She really couldn't hold it anymore. She didn't know what to do. She was only taken for investigation before and was not arrested, but many people said that she was arrested.

Luo Ziyun said.

"How about I talk to Sister Le Xiao and let you enter Section 13?"

After Luo Ziyun finished speaking, Ran Zai frowned slightly.

"No, because her relative has committed a crime of endangering the city, which is the highest level, so there is no way to enter the agency department. It is stipulated in the internal management regulations of the agency department."

Only then did Luo Ziyun remember it, she slapped her forehead and said helplessly.

"What should we do?"

Tang Xiwen also shook her head and said.

"I don't want to enter the legal profession either, and"

Tang Xiwen lowered her head and wiped her tears. Even though she didn't know anything, she had been labeled because of her brother's relationship. She might encounter obstacles in her future work because of this incident.

Ran Zai said.

"This kind of thing used to be quite common."

Luo Ziyun frowned slightly and said.

"I asked you to follow me to find a way."

Tang Xiwen was in a low mood. She never thought that one day it would be like this. The originally beautiful life was about to begin, and her brother was also emerging as an engineer. In the past, they relied on the little savings left by their parents. Tang Ye had already taken up the responsibility. Family business, taking care of Tang Xiwen.

"I can't figure out why my brother would do such a thing?"

Tang Xiwen pressed her forehead and Ran Zai smiled.

"I can only endure it until I graduate. The business department is actually a good choice, but it depends on you personally."

Luo Ziyun said.

"Didn't you just say that internal management regulations don't allow it?"

Ran Zai smiled.

"Then which one of those in Section 13 do you think applies to this regulation, including me? Have you forgotten what my grandfather did before?"

Luo Ziyun said with a smile.

"Come to Section 13, Wenwen. It's good for us to work together and take care of you. It's just that this year's exam has passed and you have to wait until next year to officially take the exam. It's just that the workload of Section 13 is really heavy and there is no rest time."

Tang Xiwen was still hesitating, she said.

"Let me think about it, Xiaoyun, I really don't want to go to the legal department. I want to work in a design company. Just like my brother."

Ran Zai knew that this matter would not be resolved for a while, so he opened the door and said.

"I have to go back. I still have a lot of work to do."

Luo Ziyun looked at Ran Zai and said.

"What will I do if you go back?"

Ran Zai said doubtfully.

"If I don't go back, will I sleep here?"

Luo Ziyun said.

"Please stay a little longer. Tell me about your experience."

Ran Zai laughed. He finally understood why this harmless-looking little beauty let him in, and unknowingly tricked him into it, because she knew her own experience. I'm afraid Jean had a lot of trouble with this little girl. Talk about yourself.

Tang Xiwen also looked at Ran Zai and asked.

"Mr. Ran Zai, what did you do? I heard from Xiaoyun that your grandfather was also a serious criminal before."

Ran Zai sighed and said.

"The crimes my old man committed were no less serious than your brother's, and even worse. What he committed at that time was a major crime that endangered the survival of the entire city. After that, I was supervised by Jean. He is my The nominal guardian, he has been taking care of me since childhood."

Luo Ziyun just hoped that Ran Zai would talk about the past and let Tang Xiwen refer to it.

"How should I put it? I was often bullied in school before, but those who bullied me ended up fearing me. Of course, my experience cannot be used for your learning. After all, there is nothing worth explaining."

Luo Ziyun nodded.

"Indeed, I heard Uncle Gene say that you did a lot of things in school that, although they didn't hurt anyone, were really criminal, and we couldn't find any evidence, so everyone knew it was you."

Tang Xiwen was a little surprised, and Ran Zai laughed.

"If you don't want to continue to endure, then fight back, at least fight back with actions and words instead of enduring these things that make you uncomfortable. That's all I can tell you. After all, it is your brother who committed the crime, not you. "

Tang Xiwen nodded and said thank you, Luo Ziyun asked.

"Then what if it has the opposite effect?"

Ran Zai said with a smile.

"Then let them never dare to mess with you again."

Tang Xiwen had a smile on her face and Ran Zai said.

"I can go now."

Luo Ziyun nodded. She planned to stay with Tang Xiwen here tonight. School is on holiday tomorrow and she happened to have something to deal with nearby, so she could spend a day with Tang Xiwen tomorrow.

After leaving the school, Ran Zai smiled helplessly. He felt that this little girl was quite powerful, so he brought him in inadvertently. And I'm afraid she had thought about it early. Ran Zai remembered that Luo Ziyun would be around here tomorrow. Work.

"She's really a smart girl, but forget it."

Ran Zai continued to walk. He didn't want to go back for the time being. He wanted to look around. He had stayed in this place for many years because Ran Zai also studied here when he was in college.

Life in college is much better than in elementary school or middle school. After all, many years have passed since the wise man's incident.

So Ran Zai still had many classmates with whom he had good relationships. After a while, Ran Zai returned to his alma mater. The place was still as lively as before. Because the school is on holiday tomorrow, it was particularly lively here today.

The students who had been studying for a week were making noise in the streets. People from Section 5 were standing nearby. Ran Zai went over to say hello and chat with them for a few words, and then walked into a small bar. The boss was collecting bottles of wine. , there are still a few tables of guests.

"long time no see."

Ran Zai took off his hat. The boss was a little surprised, and then shouted in surprise.

"Isn't this Ran Zai? I haven't seen him for many years."

The boss's name is Huang Mao, a friend of Ran Zai's former dormitory. Ran Zai went to the cemetery after graduating from college and basically never set foot in the area again.

Huang Mao pulled Ran Zai enthusiastically and exclaimed after seeing his uniform.

"It's really not easy for you to get into subject 13."

Ran Zai sat down with a smile, and Huang Mao immediately asked his wife to bring a box of beer, intending to have a drink with Ran Zai and ask him about his experiences over the years.

"They often come to my place to drink. We all mentioned you a while ago. Thanks to you, we can graduate smoothly."

Ran Zai smiled helplessly and took the cigarette that Huang Mao handed over. He would occasionally smoke one or two in the past.

"We're going to have a nice drink tonight, and I'll ask my wife to get something to eat."

At this time, Ran Zai noticed that many students around him were looking over, and he smiled.

"I had no choice but to enter subject 13."

Huang Mao said.

"This is something that everyone envies. What are the conditions for recruiting people for your 13th subject?"

At this time, Ran Zai noticed a student with cold eyes. After looking over, he just turned his head and merged into the atmosphere of the wine table, which seemed very stiff.

Ran Zai stood up and walked over.

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