Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2458 The Undead Living in the Past (Part 2)

There was a grunt.

Crystal got up from the bed. She yawned and glanced at the time. It was already past 9 pm. The lively sounds outside rang in her ears. Crystal opened the curtains.

A large number of tables and chairs have been placed on the road directly opposite. This road is now only visited by motorcades at noon and afternoon every day. In the morning and evening, most people will basically trade on the road.

Especially at night, many vendors will put out tables, chairs and benches, and now it is simply a night market.

Crystal frowned slightly. She hated everything more and more. After getting up, she got a can of liquid food and ate it. Then she changed her clothes and sat by the window. She took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one and looked at the noisy streets outside. .

"It's really like before."

Crystal smiled. She already couldn't remember her past self, or she didn't want to remember. This was how the streets of her childhood looked like in Crystal's memory.

There are small vendors everywhere, and it is as lively as a festival every day, especially at night, there are people shouting and drinking near the stalls, but the only difference now is that there are no those fierce looking guys.

Everything seems to be in order, many people help each other, and laughter can be heard at any time.

"This is actually pretty good."

Crystal exhaled a breath of smoke and recalled many things in the past. She didn't know where her life started to go wrong. Maybe it was from the beginning, or maybe her irresponsible parents abandoned her early.

Crystal sneered. She puffed out the smoke casually, one cigarette after another. Suoke must have gone to purchase raw materials. Recently, Crystal also noticed some changes in him.

"Maybe he wants to enjoy his last leisure time."

Crystal laughed helplessly. She pressed her forehead and stared at the administrative staff passing by on the street. She still clearly remembered the day she started speaking.

"Dear citizens, I now officially announce that the wedding of Jewell, Chief of the 11th Prison Management Section of the Operations Section, and Miss Su Xi from District 29 will be held in District 29, and the entire process will be broadcast live."

The smile on Crystal's face froze, and she thought about that night. Maybe without Alpha, she wouldn't have had such a bad life, at least she wouldn't have been unable to do anything after coming out of the Agriculture Department. In the end, she could only Return to the special service industry of our old business.

"Next, I want to explain one thing. The Business Administration will completely ban the special service industry within the next three months. There will no longer be a special service industry in this city. I repeat, within three months, The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will ban the special service industry. Relevant laws will be promulgated soon."

The cigarette in Crystal's hand fell, and she stared blankly at Alpha with a determined face on the screen, just like that night many years ago when she stood in front of Crystal, lowering her head and saying sorry, but still arrested Crystal, and she was forced I was sent to work in the agricultural department, doing some light work that women can do.

Crystal laughed. Maybe it wasn't because she couldn't do anything. After being released from prison, Crystal originally wanted to start a new life because she felt something was different. At that time, Alpha was really serious about banning the special service industry.

However, Alpha himself went to jail. Under the operation of a large number of gang members, the special service industry mushroomed like mushrooms after a spring rain. District 29 became a gathering place for a large number of helpless women.

Crystal clearly remembers that he returned to Area 29 again and again, until his mind was no longer normal. Perhaps it was because he went crazy that he was able to escape from this hell. The days in Frye Mental Hospital were the happiest days for Crystal.

Unknowingly, Crystal's eyes were wet and tears were streaming down her face, her expression still angry.

"Please every citizen of Bright City, starting from today, especially men, please stop enjoying the special service industry. I have signed an order. Anyone who still goes to the special service store during the ban will be punished by 5 subjects." Arrest. Pay a severe fine and carry out labor punishment ranging from six months to one year. No matter you, whether you have money or not, once you violate it, please accept the punishment."

Crystal stood up from the bed. She was a little stunned, but at the same time angry, she laughed and said.

"By the way, I worked in a supermarket for a while."

Crystal wiped away her tears. She remembered that Alpha later signed some agreements with many companies, allowing women who had been arrested and punished to work to enter these companies. Although it caused some problems, many people had them. Got a more stable and decent job.

And all this came to an abrupt end when Alpha was imprisoned. Such an agreement was invalidated. No one paid attention to the chaos in the special service industry. Gang members were frantically using women to make money.

Unexperienced women were constantly being drawn into this industry, and the special service industry reached its peak later on, even in film and television areas.

No one cares about the living conditions and health of the women in these industries. Crystal smiled, put on strange makeup in front of the dressing table and went out.

Many people on the street are discussing the authenticity of banning the special service industry, because now, in addition to the 29th district, many clubs in the entire city also provide special service industries.

"It's 9:49 now. This order officially takes effect at 10 o'clock. People from all departments are asked to be on standby. If there are still people in the special service store at 10 o'clock and transactions are still going on in the store, arrest the relevant persons immediately. Take action! above!"

The moment the light and shadow screen was turned off, commotion broke out in many places. Crystal saw several men in disheveled clothes running out of a small room, and several women chased after them and shouted.

"Pay it, bastard, pay it first."

"Don't come over here, I don't want to get arrested."

After the man gave the money in a panic, a large number of people from Section 5 and Section 3 appeared on the street, and people from other subjects also appeared one after another. Crystal just looked at everything in front of him, feeling ridiculous, but at the same time he felt Feeling sad.

"Why didn't something good like this happen when I was in hell?"

Crystal looked at the big screen in a shop on the street. The most chaotic place at this time was Qinglong Street. Men and women kept running out of the club. People from Section 3 and Section 5 had already appeared. They were in every shop. Outside.

The owners of each shop were anxious to push customers out one by one. Such a thing would never have happened before.

At this time, there was laughter all around. Crystal listened to people's discussions. Many people felt that this kind of thing should have been taken care of long ago.

"Let me just say, Alpha-sama was doing this when he was still in Section 5. I remember there were a few girls in my small factory at that time. Although they were a little clumsy at first, they were actually quite nice. . But after the agreement to help women in the special service industry re-employ was invalidated, they were originally going to stay, but a group of people came and took them away again. Although I stopped them at the time, I was beaten. "

Crystal stared blankly at what happened. She covered her mouth, unable to suppress her inner emotions. Such a thing happened suddenly. The special service industry was the industry that had the greatest impact on Crystal's life.

"What are we going to do?"

Several women and people from Section 5 asked, a team leader said.

"Please take the initiative to register something in Section 5 tomorrow. If you were forced to work in this industry in the first place, or even threatened, accused, and humiliated, you can file a complaint. Once the law is promulgated, we will arrest the relevant responsible persons. of."

At this time, several people ran over not far away. They were the leaders of this special service store and they were a small group.

The leader smiled as soon as he came over.

"We didn't force them, they did it voluntarily."

Several girls started talking one after another. The group looked very panicked. The leader of Section 5 who knew them said helplessly.

"It's useless for you to tell us. When the time comes, you will explain. How many laws have you violated in these industries? Just explain what you have. Don't blame me for not reminding you. We received a letter from you early this morning. Alpha-sama’s order has been prepared all day long.”

Another staff member laughed.

"I advise you to turn yourself in tomorrow. I will be free tomorrow and I will help you record your confession."

The leader nodded gratefully.

"Thank you. Why don't we turn ourselves in later?"

The squad leader said.

"We will line up to surrender tomorrow. We are not free tonight. Those stubborn people should be arrested. Times have changed now. We no longer need to tolerate chaos. There will be no room for you to live in the future. , find a proper career."

Several gang members nodded, and everyone could see that Alpha's attitude tonight was tough.

At 9:59, Alpha had already brought Michelle and Latis, the newly appointed first secretary of the General Affairs Section, to the center of Qinglong Street.

Faced with interviews from reporters, Alpha did not refuse.

"Lord Alpha, will your temporary decision cause too much chaos?"

Alpha said.

"This is not a temporary decision, but something I didn't finish more than 50 years ago. I just happened to have some free time during this period, so I just solved the problem. I hope everyone in the special service industry will not have any psychological burden, and just do whatever it takes. Whatever you tell me, at least I can hear you if you tell the truth."

A large number of shop owners on Qinglong Street were standing on the street, with some panicked women behind them. Alpha walked over.

"Remember to register at Section 5 tomorrow. You need to answer some questions. Now we will start a surprise inspection. Do you have any questions?"

No one said anything, and as soon as 10 o'clock arrived, people from the nearby 5th and 3rd departments, as well as people from other departments, entered the store in an orderly manner according to the order this morning, and began to inspect it.

"This matter is your responsibility, Michelle. I remember that you also made appointments with some companies and gave these women the opportunity to work. Why didn't you continue?"

Michelle bowed slightly.

"General manager, my position is too low."

Alpha smiled.

"Leave it to you Michelle. I'm going to District 29."

After speaking, Alpha jumped directly to the roof. Latis nodded slightly and followed. Now Alpha has two personal secretaries. The efficiency of the entire General Affairs Department has been greatly improved under the control of the three people.

Michelle also didn't expect that Alpha would handle this matter so quickly. At first, Michelle thought it might cause some problems, but now it seems that the owners of these stores are no longer making any resistance.

Michelle quickly led a group of general affairs department secretaries and governing officers to start dispatching work throughout the city. The thing that Michelle remembered the most was her roommate at Seungde Women's College. She was involved in He died in a dispute in the special service business run by his boyfriend.

At that time, this case had become a fatal case, and Michelle was just a student. It was Jean who encouraged her to find the truth on her own. In the end, Michelle found all the criminals and did not let anyone go.

As soon as she thought of this, Michelle saw a middle-aged man who looked a little nervous. Michelle walked over and the middle-aged man hurriedly lowered his head and bowed.

"After so many years, you are still working in this industry."

The man smiled awkwardly, hummed, and then said.

"Ms. Michelle, I'm sorry."

Michelle glanced at the man. She still clearly remembered what the man said back then and promised that he would never have anything to do with this industry again. That's why Michelle let this man go. He didn't do it because of Going to jail for certain things.

"The evidence of what you have committed in the past is still in my home. It is your turn to be held accountable for the crimes you have committed in the past."

The man hummed and didn't say anything. Michelle turned around and walked away. She still remembered her somewhat stupid roommate. Every time she mentioned this man, she was always happy. Even before she died, she would never say anything about it. Men's business.

Michelle clenched her fists and walked quickly, followed by a bunch of people behind her.

"Please everyone work hard. This time we must completely solve the problems left over from the past."

10:13 p.m.

Alpha and Latis came to District 29. There was some chaos on the whole street. Many men had been arrested. Alpha remembered the woman who asked Alpha more than fifty years ago if she didn't do this, she would die.

Alpha didn't know what happened to the girl, and what kind of hellish life she went through after that. Not far away, Ada came in a hurry with someone, and Ada didn't expect Alpha to do this suddenly.

"Master Alpha, if you do this, many people will."

Alpha looked at Ada blankly and said.

"I promise that no woman who has lost her job in the special service industry will starve to death. I promise."

Latis lit two cigarettes, put one into Alpha's mouth and said.

"Don't worry, we have formulated a complete plan. Now is not the same era as before. The city will be completely cleaned up."

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