Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2453 Wedding Preparations (Part 2)


Su Xi hung Jewel's coat on the hanger, and then swept it with a brush. Because the coat was just changed this morning, there was no need to restore it to light and shadow material for the time being. After all, there would be a certain amount of wear and tear every time it was restored.

Su Xi looked at Jewell lying on the sofa. He had another drink with Lexiao. He looked very happy tonight.

"Jewel, go take a shower, let's go to bed early."

Jewell was lying on the sofa, pressing his forehead with one hand, looking at the chandelier on the ceiling. Although his head was dizzy, he was not sleepy at all. He did not think about work, but the many things in the past. Things keep popping up.

Wu Qian's shadow keeps reappearing. She is now in District 1, running a clothing mall. Every time Jewel passes by, he will take a few glances. During this time, Jewel has thought about a lot of things.

No matter how much he tried to reject or deny it, the figure of Wu Qian could not go away from his heart. In the years after leaving the Chen family, he was the happiest. He and Wu Qian lived together. Although not rich, I am happy every day.

"You can't go back!"

Jewell murmured in a low voice. He glanced at Su Xi who was still taking care of the living room. He closed his eyes and the past scene appeared in his mind. Beside the shabby small table, Jewell was exhausted after working outside all day. Will, enjoying the beer and the side dishes made by Wu Qian.

Wu Qian would always listen to what Jewell said, lying aside and listening quietly, occasionally responding with a few words. After eating, the two of them would leisurely wander around the old streets with almost no people around, and they would go home together. Take a shower and chat until late at night.

"Jewel, drink some water."

Su Xi came over with hot water, and Jewel hummed, took the cup, the temperature was just right, and watched Su Xi turn around and go to the kitchen, Jewel said.

"Bring me some more snacks. I want to have a drink quietly. You should go to bed early."

Although Su Xi wanted to persuade her, she gave up in the end because she could see that as the marriage approached, Jewel's mood became more and more depressed. Although Su Xi wanted to ask, Jewel would not tell her.

During this period of living together, Su Xi was completely relieved, because Jie Wei never went to find any other women. Instead, he devoted a lot of time and energy to it, and the entire business department was watching Jie Wei. you.

Because almost all the section chiefs and secretaries have been to the house recently, but Jewell doesn't know about it. They all said that they will keep an eye on Jewell and will never let him mess around.

Especially Niya, she said that if Jewell dared to mess around, she would call her, and she would come over immediately and beat Jewell to death.

Su Xi couldn't help laughing when she thought of this. Now everyone is supporting them. Su Xi was a little worried and scared at first, especially recently, but Song Xuan came here a few days ago and she told Su Xi not to pay attention to Jewell. status for a few days.

Because Jewell is like this, but for this wedding, Jewell is determined.

After a while, Su Xi prepared the side dishes and brought them to Jewell. Jewell took out the wine and poured a glass. Su Xi gently leaned over and kissed Jewell's cheek and said.

"You go to bed early. I have to go to Area 29 tomorrow morning. I'll go to bed first."

Jewell nodded, watched Su Xi leave, and took a big sip.

Jewell just felt terrible now. When he really wanted to spend his life with a woman, that woman left him. Jewell asked Wu Qian several times why she didn't want to be with him.

The answer he got every time was that it was inappropriate, and Jewell didn't understand what was inappropriate.

After a glass of wine soon, Jewell was a little drunk. He pressed his forehead and looked at the hot food. He felt a little unable to eat, so he poured another glass. Many things in the past began to intertwine.

What does a woman mean to Jewell? Jewell has considered this question, but every time he thinks about it, the unhappy marriage of his father Chen Dong and his mother Wei Xi always comes to mind.

As well as the morning when his mother died, Jewell has been thinking about it often recently, and the impression has become stronger and stronger. He doesn't know what to do.

Recently, Jewel often gets caught up in such long memories, and often gets lost in thought. When he thinks of some places, Jewel will even laugh. At this time, Jewel smiles, but his smile gradually becomes bitter. He pressed his cheek, whimpering from his throat.

Jewell didn't want anyone to see this side of himself, and he was even less willing to tell anyone. Maybe it was because everything about his father and mother was superimposed on him, causing him to deviate more and more from many of his previous ideas.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this."

Jewell said to himself, he stood up with the wine and went to the corridor outside the house, and then brought the side dishes over. He clutched the wine glass in his hand and glanced upstairs. The light in the bedroom was still on. A few seconds later The lights went out.

Jewell laughed bitterly, drank the wine in his glass, and stared at the brightly lit city in the distance.

After a while, Jewell put down his wine glass, bowed his body slightly, and suddenly jumped out of the courtyard. Red particles scattered around him, and he quickly moved towards the distance.

The lights in the bedroom turned on. Su Xi opened the window and saw only a hint of red. Then Jewell's figure had disappeared. She was a little worried, but her expression was a little hesitant. After a while, Su Xi picked up the phone and pressed the button. Got the number 0005.

I could only call Niya, because Niya knew Jewell best, after all, they had played together since they were very young.

"What's the matter so late?"

Niya's careless voice came out, and Su Xi hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Jewell may be drunk. He just ran out and I don't know where he went. I'm a little worried."

Niya sighed, then smiled.

"Where else can he go? Don't worry, I will send him back to your bed later. Just rest."

"Thank you, Lady Nia, thank you."

Su Xi said hurriedly, and Niya laughed.

"That boy is indeed a little strange these days, but I can't hide it from my eyes. I know where he is going."

After hanging up the phone, Su Xi lay on the bed with peace of mind. She actually had a vague feeling about where Jewel was going tonight.


Jewell entered a high-end community. He did not enter through the main entrance, but jumped directly into the garden. In front of him were duplex apartments, where Wu Qian lived.

Jewell came several times, but each time he didn't go upstairs and knock on the door. He knew very well that he had to sort out some things tonight.

Jewell looked around and saw no security guard. He quickly came to the building and found that there was indeed a code lock. Jewell put his hand on the code lock and planned to use the section chief's authority to open it directly.


The door opened and Jewell hurried in. The smell of smoke wafted over.

"I said, you violated the internal management regulations of the department, Jewell."

Jewel was startled, he turned his head, and Niya was leaning against the wall, chewing a cigarette with a smile on her face. Niya walked over and hugged Jewel's neck, laughing.

"I know your little thoughts well."

Jewell said, feeling a little flustered.

"Did Su Xi call you?"

Niya shook her head.

"You are the section chief of the Operations Section after all. I knew it as soon as you were exposed to surveillance. After all, I have asked people from Section 2 to target you."


Jewell looked at Niya angrily. After Niya let go of him, she opened the door and grabbed Jewell by the collar and pulled him out of the building. Jewell's face was solemn.

At this time, several security guards had already approached, but after seeing the two people, they were a little stunned.

"Sorry to bother you, this guy and I drank a little too much. We were just taking a walk on the rooftop."

Niya said, dragging Jewell away from the community.

At this time, Jewel was a little more awake. He tilted his head. Niya handed him a cigarette. Jewel took it and lit it. The two of them were at a nearby street corner, leaning against the wall. Several 5-year-olds The team had already come closer, and after seeing the two section chiefs, they all bowed and saluted.

"Go and do your work. I'm sorry. I let you run away for nothing. It's no big problem. We are sobering up!"

After the people from Section 5 left, Niya looked at Jewell and smiled.

"Remember playing hide and seek when you were a kid?"

Jewell nodded, Niya put her hand on Jewell's head, rubbed it and said.

"You idiot, I find you easily every time."

Jewell laughed bitterly, and Niya slapped him on the chest. Jewell coughed and gasped a few times, and Niya said.

"Tell me what you have in mind."

Jewel was still hesitating, and Niya said with a serious expression.

"There are some things you can't tell anyone, but you can tell me. I've said it before."

After Niya finished speaking, Jewel squatted on the ground, holding his head up and smoking a cigarette with eyes blankly. He nodded. Indeed, ever since he was a child, if he couldn't bear it anymore, Jewel would be with him. Niya says, anything.

The friendship between the two has never changed since childhood. No matter where they are, they can talk about everything.

"Maybe, I think this marriage, I don't want to get married, and you know it, it's a misunderstanding."

Niya laughed while holding her stomach.

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or something, it's settled now. You can't let you mess around. And your wife, I remember she has been following you, Ladybug, since she first went to District 29."

Jewell frowned slightly, and Niya also sat down, she said.

"I think she really likes you and takes good care of you."

Jewell hummed, but he did not avoid Niya's question.

"Even if you go to see Wu Qian, you still can't change anything. Once some things are missed, there will be no follow-up."

Jewell said helplessly.

"Indeed, it was so good back then. We were carefree and thinking about how to play every day. As we grow up, we have more and more worries."

Niya said after Jewell finished speaking.

"Yeah, the darkest moment in my life, my boyfriend died, something like that happened to my sister, you don't know how I got through those years."

Jewell patted Niya on the shoulder. After the cigarette burned out, the two took out their cigarettes and lit them.

At this time, someone passed by, Niya stood up and said.

"Let's pay attention to our image. We are not those young people who fool around on the streets every day."

After the two got up, they started walking quickly. As soon as they reached the outer streets, someone from the business department approached again. Niya looked around, and then pointed to the general affairs department not far away.

"Go over there."

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the square of the General Affairs Section, but quickly went to the stairs to the Congress Hall on the right. They reached the top of the stairs and sat on the stairs.

"No one would have thought before that we would enter the executive branch and climb to this position together."

After Niya finished speaking, Jewel laughed helplessly.

"Originally, I just wanted to hang out in the prison section. Who knew that Latis guy would leave the section chief to me when he left, and he would work there for so many years."

Niya said with a hum.

"I didn't expect that you, a bastard, would actually become the section chief. Li Ang probably didn't expect that, and neither did Leona and Ivy. Everyone thinks that you may be finished in this life."

Jewell nodded.

"Leona and Ivy were both at the banquet I went to tonight. They teased me fiercely. To be honest, I still hate these two women."

Niya said with a hum.

"Me too."

After the two sat in silence for a while, Niya stood up and said.

"It's time to think about the future and how to live with your wife instead of dwelling on the good things of the past."

Jewell hummed and Niya said.

"If you really want to see Wu Qian, I won't stop you. But please understand one thing, Jewell. It's not that you left her, but that she left you."

While hesitating, Jewell stood up and smiled. He was now completely awake. Then he looked at Nia and said.

"I want a drink tonight, how about calling a few other guys over?"

Niya laughed.

"Okay, let's go down and ask the chef to prepare something delicious. Let's have a drink tonight."

Niya then took out her phone and called Ivy first. Sure enough, she was not asleep yet.

"Come here for a drink. After all, we are classmates, so don't be so ruthless."

The call was still hung up, and a few minutes later the two returned to the restaurant. Leon had already come this way, and Leona also hung up the phone directly.

After a while, Leon walked in. Leona yawned and walked in holding Ivy's hand. After the three of them came, they all looked at Jewell and Niya, feeling that something seemed to be going on.

"Let's go up there and drink."

Niya pointed and said.

After a while, everyone arrived in the steward's private lounge. Alpha and Michelle looked at the five people with solemn expressions.

"Sister, we want to have a drink here. Do you want to drink?"

Alpha said after getting up.

"Let's go to the office. You drink less."

After Michelle nodded slightly, she followed Alpha and left.

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