There was a sizzling sound, and the aroma of barbecue filled the air. On both sides of Central Park, a group of people were eating and drinking. Everyone was excited now, because they knew very well what Ellie said next. Things will affect everything in the future.

"I hope that after listening to this tonight, you will keep these things in your heart. The reason why I want to call you here and tell you everything is just because I want to warn you. If everyone is still unaware of it, in the future It’s going to get really bad.”

Ally held up the wine glass, and everyone nodded. Everyone was guessing what Ally would say later, especially Ran Zai, who seemed extremely excited. He couldn't wait to run over and said.

"We have started eating and drinking now. I think Master Ellie, you should tell us everything quickly. After all, everyone is very anxious."

As soon as Ran Zai finished speaking, the whispers stopped. Ai Li took a sip of wine, put the meat at hand into her mouth and said.

Ellie stared at the group of people quietly, she thought for a moment and then said.

"Where should I begin!"

Looking at Ellie's look, Deguna thought of something and asked.

"The Devourer you just said is the same as these tentacles, right?"

Ellie nodded, and Rose immediately explained.

"When we first discovered this kind of plant in the past, it was more than 200 years ago. Following the disaster on this planet, one day we saw this kind of plant-like thing that was afraid of light. It would devour everything. Everything in its path is eaten by these plants."

Noah explained after adjusting a light and shadow screen.

"According to our research on this kind of plant, it does not have an organ that can decompose substances, so we still feel very strange about what these things are. They are different from those in the outside world that have spread all over the world. What is the difference between these weird-shaped creatures? In fact, we have started to study this difference a long time ago. Both sound like animals and plants, but their structures are probably completely different."

Noah said as he pulled out a document, which compared some plant-like and quasi-creatures. Although that kind of creature also has a weakness of fear of light, one thing that is different is that it has a dense atomic arrangement structure.

Noah continued.

"We have studied thousands of humanoid creatures a long time ago. This kind of stone-like monster that can move has no consciousness or thinking, which means that they have no purpose. But what is amazing is that they regularly We are moving towards Brilliant City, so we will launch light nuclear weapons regularly to destroy the gathered monsters at once. Basically, this time is about once every two years. I think you all should be very clear about why barriers are needed around Brilliant City. ."

Everyone nodded. Xiong Dabiao and his group were shocked now. They had actually thought of it a long time ago, especially after hearing Niya talk about the situation outside the barrier, they had already guessed it.

If one day something really changes on this planet, these monsters will break through the barriers and enter the city, and the barrier areas have always existed as battlefields in order to have an open place. Directly use optical nuclear weapons to strike.

"I just said that these animal-like things are a little different from plant-like things, that is, even if their bodies are destroyed, they will naturally combine into new monsters. It's very strange, right?"

After Noah finished speaking, he called up a video and said.

"This is the change in these similar creatures within a month since we broke several of them."

As the video played, everyone was surprised. The body tissues of the destroyed humanoids began to slowly move closer to each other, and then began to form new humanoids.

After the video ended, the six smashed humanoids formed two huge humanoids within a month, and their appearance was completely different from before.

"This is what is shocking. So Ellie-sama, what is going on?"

Ellie looked at everyone, thought for a moment and then said.

"I think everyone should know the concept of hierarchy of life."

Noah bowed slightly and said.

"Let me explain."

After speaking, Noah pulled out a document.

"This is a single-cell organism, the earliest form of life, the first-level life form. The most primitive form, all life starts from cells."

On the video screen was a representative single-celled life. As everyone watched, Noah continued.

"In our research, we discovered some interesting things. Single cells are not single. Or simply put, single cells are not what everyone conceptually understands. They only have the life of one cell, which is called a single cell. . We have discovered an even smaller existence in a single cell, which we cannot explain at the moment. I would like to call it the true origin of life."

Noah's words shocked everyone present. He then called up another video and then said.

"Second-level life forms, multi-cell aggregates. The birth of such multi-cells is extremely incredible and can be said to be a miracle of life. However, why does it happen that different cells evolve in different directions? We still don't understand. I guess it's similar to what we found in single cells."

After Noah finished speaking, he called up the third video and the fourth video.

"Primitive plants and lower animals are the third and fourth levels of life, but based on many past documents and some actual research, I believe that the two appeared almost at the same time. On the road to multicellular evolution, the emergence of An inflection point was reached. Plants and animals appeared.”

Noah pulled up the fifth video, which had many animals of all kinds, he said.

"The fifth level of life, including great apes, is a high-level animal in this period. The animals have begun to possess low-level intelligence due to their survival instincts. They have only one purpose, to survive and reproduce. This is The characteristics of life must continue its own genes.”

Everyone looked at all this, all of whom had studied it in textbooks, and Noah continued.

"The sixth-level civilization is human civilization. It is also the civilization we are in now. In this civilization, we have stopped evolving because the emergence of us humans has broken the laws of nature and begun to try to transform or even control it. Naturally, after all, we humans possess high-level intelligence. I once conducted deconstructive research on the human genetic map, and I found that humans have not stopped evolving, but have lost the ability to evolve. Because there is no longer a need to face nature. time to consider survival conditions.”

After Noah finished speaking, he then called up a picture, which was an experiment simulating the universe.

"We are now in front of the seventh-level civilization. If we only need to take a small step forward, we can realize interstellar travel. Our current conditions are also quite mature. We are fully capable of interstellar travel, thus Find a more suitable gathering place for human beings. Of course, this is a matter of the future, and we don’t need to continue talking about it now. The next step is the eighth level civilization."

After Noah finished speaking, everyone looked at the four gods. They were real gods.

"My understanding of God is that you don't need to eat or sleep, and you don't need energy supplements other than your own energy. Even if you are in the environment of the universe, you can still survive. This is God. The energy in your own body is always there. Expansion, this is the truth about the gods currently existing in Brilliant City. They will not grow old or get hurt."

Everyone present knew this. This is the reason why they are called gods. Noah looked at Ellie and asked.

"According to my speculation, Sir Ellie, is there a higher level of life? A ninth-level life form."

Ellie nodded, and everyone exclaimed for a moment. Avano looked at Ellie in astonishment and asked.

"There are actually life forms that are more advanced than God."

Ellie thought for a moment and waited for everyone to calm down before speaking.

"That's why I called everyone here tonight. The ninth-level life forms, the Devourers and the Nurturers. That's what I call them. As the name suggests, the two are in harmony with each other in the universe. And why is this planet There will be disaster on the planet.”

Ellie glanced at everyone and then said.

"Because there is an eighth-level civilization, which is also the only supreme civilization in the universe, and is also a civilization controlled by the Cultivator. The only meaning of this civilization's existence is to imprison the Devourer. Remember what you learned in the textbook before? Is it about a planet colliding with this planet?”

Ally said as everyone nodded.

"Because when passing by this planet, Devourer discovered that there was so much malice on this planet, and it took advantage of these malices, which eventually led to disaster. Humanity released all the nuclear weapons in an instant. Destroyed the asteroid. This led to such a big disaster. However, Devourer also came to this planet. So the Breeders built a cage based on this planet in order to trap Devourer. ."

After Ellie finished speaking, many people felt incredible, and Noah was even more excited to dance.

This would be too shocking for most people, Ellie continued.

"The previous Breeder exhausted all his power to prevent the planet from exploding directly. Then he created the cage, and I was lucky enough to reach synchrony with the Breeder and became the new Breeder. "

Everyone looked at Ellie, Li Chu looked solemn, and Rose on the side said.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

Ellie shook her head.

"I didn't know it at the time. It was after I became the sun that the consciousness of my previous caregiver told me everything."

Alpha walked over and raised his fist, black particles began to be released, and Ellie said solemnly.

"The Devourer likes malice the most. Since the establishment of this city, many people have released their malice. The Devourer has continuously eroded the bodies of these people, deepened their malice, and made them do very vicious things. Things. So far, many people have embarked on extremely evil paths without exception. Only Alpha has control. This power is very dangerous to Alpha. If you don’t have absolute confidence, don’t use it easily.”

Alpha nodded. At this time, what everyone was most concerned about was why Ellie told them these things so early. Deguna said with a solemn expression.

"Although I don't know what will happen in the future, one thing has probably become a fact. The reason why you are so anxious is because the Devourer's power has increased and it is about to break out of this cage, right?"

Ellie said with a solemn expression.

"The Devourer already has an entity. When Frye died, I had already felt that Frye had completely integrated with the Devourer. In other words, in the future, the Devourer will use these people as a medium to transform from the world in an instant. Escape from the cage.”

Nia scratched her head and said.

"It's really disappointing. If even God is no match for the Devourer, what should we do? At least there must be a way."

Ellie looked at everyone and said.

"With good intentions, this is the only way we can fight against the Devourer now. If this city collapsed half a year ago, everything would be over. Because of the choices made by Jean, this city can continue, and people have been The infinitely magnified evil begins to be dispersed by the light of goodwill. So now is an extremely important time. The reason why I tell you everything is because if you cannot have good intentions in your heart and everything is done from the perspective of good, the Devourer It will definitely make use of everything. The meaning of its existence is to devour all life. Countless planets with life civilizations have disappeared in the belly of the Devourer."

Noah was recording, and then he asked.

"What about those plantoids and those monsters?"

Ellie said after hesitating for a moment.

"You can think of those tentacles as part of the embodiment of the Devourer's will. Where are the things they swallowed? In a world called micron. And those monsters, you can think of them as random Generating such a mechanism is what Devourer likes to do most. After integrating all the elements on a planet, it will randomly generate some monsters that appear to be alive, but are actually long dead."

After Ellie finished speaking, she raised her wine glass and said.

"These are the things I want to say. I just hope that everyone will have good intentions in the future and stop doing evil for profit, especially you guys."

The heads of several families looked solemn, and Ellie continued.

"It's not too late now. Let us all join hands to let this planet bathe in the sun again. As long as everyone comes together, one day, we will find a way to leave with the Devourer."

Alpha said with a solemn expression.

"Leave? Where to go?"

Ellie smiled.

"The end of the universe."

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