Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2445 Showdown 4 (Part 1)


In the temporary area near the eastern guard station in the barrier area, next to the light and shadow screens, a large number of people in the barrier area were watching the battle between Lian and Ye Jiao on the screen.

Cheers kept ringing out, including people from Section 3. Many people in the barrier area received a simple popcorn snack and hot tea.

This is something that most people in the barrier area have never experienced. For decades, in such a dark world, the only purpose of living is to get food.

Many people help with demolition, construction and renovation work in the smelly areas on the edge of the city. Many people have already earned wages and can buy something in the temporary trading market on the edge.

Recently, the Business Department has given each of them a set of utensils for eating and drinking. Recently, the Business Department will play some movies for people in the barrier area to watch every night.

This kind of entertainment life is a dream for people in the barrier area, and many people are rumored that houses have been built in the two demolished areas, which will allow people from the barrier area to live there. Many people They are all looking forward to it.

"Is there any news? I see that many houses have been built in those two areas."

A person from the barrier area asked, and the member of Section 3 next to him laughed.

"It should be soon. I heard from the people above that the first people to arrive should be the elderly, women and children, while the men will have to wait a little longer."

Many people smiled after hearing this. In the distance, people kept approaching. They came to receive some food. Now most people in the barrier area can receive food twice a day normally.

The barrier has a population of nearly 7 million, and basically all of them are near the four guard stations, and some people have already moved to live on the edge of the city.

Moreover, they can still receive 4 treatments every day. Many people now look much better and no longer need to suffer from some diseases.

Exclamations rang out again, and the battle on the light and shadow screen shocked many people, especially some mutants in the barrier area. They seemed to have seen such a battle from Crisis.

Many mutants in the barrier area were shocked because this was completely different from the battles they had seen in daily life.

Several directors were in a shed, handling work. A director from Section 3 put down the work at hand, picked up the wine beside him and took a sip.

"It's really surprising. No one would have thought that a few months ago, we and the people in the barrier area were still at war with each other as always, and they even wanted to invade the city."

A director from Section 4 next to him laughed and shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that the problem has been completely solved. When the sun shines on this land in the future, this land will come alive."

Currently, Section 10 is developing a floating cleaning robot, and when it is ready, it will start to be deployed on a large scale in the barrier area.

This kind of robot will automatically absorb harmful particles in the air, and then return to the waste recycling plant. Some of the usable particles will be directly processed into raw materials in the factory, while the unusable particles will be directly discharged through the pipeline.

Those plants are the best scavengers. After the garbage is thrown out, it will be decomposed and eaten directly by these plants.

Nowadays, some waste has been gradually salvaged from the ravines, and the components are directly tested and analyzed. Then, processing machines are manufactured based on the component detection and analysis, so that once the construction of the waste recycling and processing plant is completed, construction can start immediately.

Many people in the barrier area have already begun physical treatment and rehabilitation training, and soon they will participate in the construction of waste recycling and processing plants.

Nowadays, cities are in urgent need of a large number of working people, and many parts require manual processing and splicing.

In addition, many factories in the city now need manpower. Some people who have learned some knowledge can enter the factory to work, but the salary may not be as good as that of people in the city, but many people know that this is only the first step. They will soon have new identity information in the future.

Now I just need to keep waiting. Life is much better now than before.

In the agricultural base 20 kilometers away from the southern guard station, the lights were already bright, and many people were watching the martial arts exam on the big screen in front of the house.

The lights are bright inside. Now there is water and electricity here. There are more than 50,000 people living in the base. Everyone will have two cans of liquid food every day. The crops harvested in the fields will be stored or made into some snacks and distributed here. people.

Nowadays, many people basically gather in the residential area. Some old people, children and women live in the building, while other men basically live in the shacks below near the wall.

Two 3-kilometer long walls have completely blocked the wind and sand from the outside. The temperature in the entire base is now above 10 degrees, and the coldest time is only four or five degrees. Such a temperature is not suitable for most of the barrier areas. For people, it is very comfortable.

Ye Chunwang was still busy in an experimental field alone. He did not go out to watch the martial arts exam and continued to study. Everyone else went. After all, no one wanted to miss such a rare competition in the ring.

Ye Chunwang raised his lips slightly. He has passed the age of joining in the fun. Now he just wants to successfully cultivate several crops in the barrier area. As long as the crops in this base are successful, they can be processed according to the law immediately. Agricultural bases are being built one after another.

Seeing the crops getting better and better in the fields, Ye Chunwang carefully touched these crops. He now only has one goal, to restore greenness to the huge land in the barrier area in his lifetime.

The entire barrier area needs extensive renovation. Ye Chunwang has already thought about it. There is no need to build any commercial area in the barrier area. He only needs to build a grain crop storage and trading town and warehouse, and then plant some trees in the remaining areas. .

Let the forest appear in this world again. Ye Chunwang has seen some video data from the past, and he hopes to see the forest again.

If one day this land is green under the sun, it will be an extremely beautiful scenery in Ye Chunwang's mind.

At this time, bursts of exclamations erupted outside. Ye Chunwang stood up happily. He patted the soil on his body and walked out of the agricultural base. It was very cold outside. He looked at the crowd gathered in the distance. A martial arts scene was going on. The exam was over. Ye Chunwang looked at Ye Jiao on the stage and smiled happily.

For this little girl who had been fostered at home since she was a child, Ye Chunwang had already regarded her as his own daughter. When Jean brought this child to his home, Ye Chunwang's family was a little opposed to it at first.

After all, this child seems taciturn and difficult to get along with, but gradually everyone in the family thinks she is very good.

Ye Chunwang never interfered with any of Ye Jiao's choices all the way here. He just hoped that the child could grow up freely and happily, forget all the unfortunate things in the past, find a stable job, marry someone he likes, and be safe and sound. Just spend this life.

However, Ye Chunwang still remembered that it was not that Ye Jiao had no memory of the past, but that she kept her anger and sadness deep in her heart.

Ye Chunwang once enlightened her. Ye Jiao originally planned to work in a clothing manufacturing company after graduation. She did very well in school and everyone in the company admired her during her internship.

However, when Ye Jiao was about to graduate, Gene came over and hoped that Ye Jiao would enter the professional department.

Ye Chunwang was opposed to it at the time, and she was strongly opposed to it. She didn't want her daughter, who looked strong on the outside but was actually weak on the inside, to go to a place like the Business Department.

Ye Chunwang also quarreled with Ye Jiao for this reason. He felt that Ye Jiao could not tolerate the work in the business department, but Ye Jiao still went and Ye Chunwang could not stop her.

After passing the exam in one go, Ye Jiao rarely went home. When Ye Chunwang was at home, Ye Jiao only went home four or five times a year. Ye Chunwang paid close attention to everything about Ye Jiao.

Larry and secretaries from other departments were often asked to inquire about the situation. It was not until later that Ye Jiao was also implicated because of Li Ang's problem, and they went to the prison department together.

Ye Chunwang didn't want to use any of his connections to help Ye Jiao. After all, he could only rely on himself most of the time. Gene had repeatedly advised Ye Chunwang not to worry.

In fact, Ye Chunwang was very worried, especially in a place like the prison department. Every time Ye Jiao came back, Ye Chunwang would ask some indirect questions.

It was originally thought that Ye Jiao would remain in the prison department, but at that time Latis wrote a letter of recommendation and asked Ye Jiao and Li Ang to leave the 11th department and return to the 7th department.

It was during this period that the two began to show their talents and finally stood at the top. Although Jean was influencing some things, generally all the current departments and successors were selected correctly.

At this time, the scene on the sidelines captured the section chiefs. Ye Chunwang saw Latis talking to the section chiefs, and Jewell smiled awkwardly.

"I really didn't expect this kid to become the section chief."

Ye Chunwang didn't trust a guy like Jewell who was careless. Ye Chunwang also asked Latis why she chose Jewell as her successor. Latis also said that it was just based on feeling.

But fortunately, this feeling is right. Although Jewell has done a lot of bad things over the years, overall he is still good. He manages the prison very well, and the criminals who come out of the prison, The probability of re-offending is also basically decreasing year by year.

In Ye Chunwang's view, it is not a coincidence that Bright City has reached this point. Although Jean facilitated all this, Jean listened to Ellie's words. People who Jean pushed to the top are all kind-hearted at heart. This is Gene's only criterion, not his ability, experience, or efficiency.

However, the remaining problems in the city left these kind-hearted people with nothing to do, and coupled with the reasons for the rioters, Ye Chunwang felt pity when he thought about this. Frye, an upright and kind-hearted person, would actually do such a thing. Maybe he I have long been planning for the future of cloning, and I am completely disappointed with everything.

Half a year ago, this city was still on the verge of collapse. Ye Chunwang was also tired. He actually got tired very early. Everyone was the same. Everything we have done over the years was to prevent the city from collapsing. .

But in the end, everyone could only watch the city crumbling, and large-scale conflicts continued to break out. They thought everything would be the same as before, but Jean pushed Le Xiao up.

Ye Chunwang was also shocked at the time, because this ordinary little girl was full of problems, didn't have much ability, and was not very smart.

Ye Chunwang also asked Jean this question. Why did he push this little girl up? Jean didn't know. He just said that when he came back from prison that day, he saw the struggling little girl on the slope and felt a little uncomfortable. It was interesting, so I did it on the spur of the moment.

Now it seems that Ye Chunwang probably understands that there is nothing that can be done about the overly solidified system, and there needs to be a point where the entire system can be loosened.

And Le Xiao is this point. She connects everything together, connects these kind-hearted people one by one, and finally the city's crisis is solved at once. It is not a matter of luck, but inevitable.

After watching for a while, Ye Chunwang turned around and planned to continue returning to the fields.

"I'm finally getting better now, Lady Ellie, if you were still conscious, you should be able to see it!"

10 o'clock sharp.

The arena was still hot. Gu Ningning's opponent was Robert. Although she tried her best, Robert still suppressed her.

On the edge of the stage, Latis stood next to Alpha. The two of them were smoking cigarettes and watching the battle on the stage. Latis smiled.

"It's really terrible, secretary of Section 4."

Alpha frowned slightly. Latis did not need to explain. The audience in the stadium could see that Gu Ningning was no match for Robert. He had been completely suppressed and was losing ground. However, Robert did not use all his strength. Instead, he started to relax.

"Do you need help here?"

Latis asked at this time, Alpha was a little surprised, and then said.

"What do you want?"

Latis smiled.

"Come back, what's wrong? Is there no place for me?"

Alpha said in shock.

"If you want to help, that's absolutely fine. I just need to confirm the section chief and secretary."


Latis said with a smile.

"I'll be wherever you are. If there's a shortage of manpower, I'll be there. Any position will do, in the General Affairs Department. But forget it because it's a position that's too low. After all, I can't be of much help."

Alpha said after hesitating for a moment.

"How about the first secretary of the General Affairs Section? Take Wu Lei's place."

Latis nodded.

"It's no problem at all. You can work starting tonight. Let Michelle help me handle the procedures."

Alpha said with a hum.


Latis moved closer to Alpha and smiled gently.

"Thank you for what? Did I forget what I said? I told you a long time ago that I would like to work with you if possible."

Alpha closed his eyes and smiled helplessly.

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