Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2436 Showdown 1 (Part 1)


Along with a burst of cheers, the originally noisy venue suddenly erupted into amazing cheers. Many people stood up and cheered heartily.

Alpha walked out with 12 secretaries. After a brief cheer, the sound began to slowly disappear, and those who stood up also sat down.

Alpha jumped on the stage, and the secretaries all changed into long trousers. Each of them had extremely stern expressions, and they sat on the examiner's chair on the sidelines.

Alpha pressed the loudspeaker on his collar and spoke.

"Now I announce that the martial arts examination for the 13th section members will start at 8 o'clock. There will be no indiscriminate martial arts with any rules, and the time will be 5 minutes. The examination members can freely choose any secretary. If If they are not mutants, the secretaries will not use any mutant abilities."

After Alpha finished speaking, the stadium cheered again. At this time, many bookmakers on the sidelines had closed their betting markets. No one dared to bet, because 5 minutes was too short, and it might be difficult to determine the winner at all. burden.

It is impossible to defeat the secretaries in 5 minutes, and it is also impossible for the secretaries to defeat the 13 department members in 5 minutes.

Only a few bookmakers are opening handicaps, but the odds are relatively low and the amount of betting allowed is relatively limited.

"The reason why I made this decision is because the examiners of Section 13 are among the top talents in the city. Next, I hope that both the examiners and the examiners can go all out."

After Alpha finished speaking, he walked off the stage. The official exam started at 8 o'clock, and the countdown began. At this time, Xiong Dabiao stood directly on the stage, and people outside the venue cheered.

"I'll just choose Secretary-General Michelle."

As soon as Xiong Dabiao finished speaking, Michelle stood up. It was just as she had guessed. Then Michelle walked out. She stretched out her hands and unbuttoned her uniform. Inside was a black sports vest. Michelle jumped on the stage. superior.

The audience burst into loud cheers again, and at this time Niya on the sidelines yawned and looked at Alpha beside her and smiled.

"Sister, do you want to make a bet and see who can defeat the other in 5 minutes?"

Alpha smiled and said: "Michelle will overwhelm the opponent."

Niya was a little surprised. She smiled and shook her head and said: "How many pounds does Xiong Dabiao have? I know best that Michelle is still too young."

"What are you betting on?"

Nia asked.

Alpha said: "If you win, you can rest for three days, and I will do the work of your five subjects."

Niya laughed and nodded, then asked.

"What if I lose?"

Alpha smiled.

“There’s no break in the next year.”

Niya pouted.

"I'm not losing money this way. If I add 4 more days, I'll be able to rest for at least a week."

Alpha nodded.

"completely fine."

Leona and Ivy behind them felt something bad, because Alpha looked quite confident. Indeed, Xiong Dabiao, as the top mutant in the city, was better than Michelle.

"I think you're going to lose Nia."

Leona muttered and Nia smiled.

"how can that be possible?"

Alpha said with a smile.

"During this period, I will be sparring with Michelle every day. And it is high-intensity sparring."

Niya made a sound, then took out a cigarette, lit it, bit it and said.

"What can be changed in just one or two months of training? Besides, my fighting ability is far better than Michelle. I may not be Xiong Dabiao's opponent."

Alpha nodded.

"Take a good look with your eyes. Michelle is a unique genius."

Time passed by, and other section chiefs came over one after another. There were only 2 minutes left, and the sound in the venue began to quiet down.

Everyone was quietly waiting for the fight to begin. Le Xiao watched the duel on the stage nervously. Although she knew Michelle was very strong, Xiong Dabiao was also very strong.

The name of the guild Lightning Skull has been circulating in the streets for many years. They represent the pinnacle of mutants.

"Just be careful and don't embarrass yourself too much."

Olivia said, Xiong Dabiao touched his head and stretched his limbs.

"Don't worry."

Le Xiao was a little confused and asked.

"Logically speaking, the Secretary-General should not be Xiong Dabiao's opponent."

Hydra explained from behind.

"The situation in a high-level mutant battle would be very different if it were not a life-and-death battle. Although both sides will go all out, they will exercise restraint, and the time is only 5 minutes. What both sides are thinking about is overpowering the other, not It will be very difficult to knock down the opponent. If the time is extended to 20 minutes, Xiong Dabiao will win 100%."

Le Xiao said oh and Ran Zai smiled.

"Old man, what do you think?"

Ran Zhi looked solemnly, looking at the secretaries opposite, and said.

"According to my analysis, the weakest person may be Gu Ningning. I can only choose her."

Ran Zai laughed.

"It is true that the weakest secretary may be Gu Ningning, but old man, I advise you to pick Qin Dong and Larry."

Ran Zhi rolled his eyes and seemed to understand.

"Yes, these two should be merciful."

Eric said with a sigh.

"Old man, you should know very well what you have done in the past. I suggest you pick Larry. After all, Qin Dong suffered a lot from you."

Ran Zhi nodded.

"Indeed, if old and new grudges are settled together and you beat me up on stage, you'll be in trouble."

There were still dozens of seconds left, and both Michelle and Xiong Dabiao came to the middle of the stage. They looked at each other with serious eyes.

"I never thought such a day would come, Secretary General."

Michelle nodded slightly, and Xiong Dabiao twisted his neck and made a clicking sound. He had not fought seriously with someone for a long time.

In the past, Xiong Dabiao had fantasized about having a fight with the secretaries and section chiefs of the business department. After all, every year, reports would brag about how powerful these secretaries were.

Whenever the secretaries compete in the rankings, people with lightning skeletons will always be compared with the secretaries unconsciously by the public. Some people think that they are only the strongest among civilian mutants, and they are far from reaching the level. The strength of the secretary and section chief.

Some people felt that Xiong Dabiao and the others had already surpassed the section chief and secretary.

Xiong Dabiao often competes with Niya. If he uses his full strength, he may be able to defeat Niya, but only in the second form, the use of God's power. If it reaches the third form, the use of God's power, Xiong Dabiao is no match.

The top mutants can awaken the power of God, and each stage of power can make the mutant's body look brand new.

"Let's fight with normality today."

Xiong Dabiao suggested, Michelle nodded.

After the mutant's strength reaches its peak, the quality of the alienated cells is basically the same. What matters is experience, consciousness and reaction, as well as the overall view of the battle.

Xiong Dabiao glanced at Ran Zai under the stage. Although he had not yet reached the peak of the first stage of mutants, with his extremely sharp brain, he could even compete with Alpha in a short period of time.

Alpha mentioned before that he was chasing and fighting Ran Zai on the street. Xiong Dabiao felt a little incredible. However, after trying it seriously with Ran Zai a few days ago, Xiong Dabiao realized that Ran Zai was indeed very strong, especially at the transition point between offense and defense. It's easy to be led by his nose.

And Niya also said that she didn't know Michelle's strength, but she was definitely very strong. Although Michelle and Niya often sparred before, it was just sparring. Niya's only feeling was that Michelle was there. Restrained.

Xiong Dabiao started to stop warming up. His body, which looked fat but was actually strong, leaned forward, while Michelle hunched over slightly.

The bright red numbers on the big screen entered the countdown.






Accompanied by a violent sound that broke through the air, Xiong Dabiao's huge body instantly ejected in front of Michelle, and exclamations erupted from the sidelines.

Red particles rippled in the air. Xiong Dabiao felt telekinesis as soon as he passed by. His offensive was blocked. Xiong Dabiao forcibly broke through the shackles of telekinesis, and the red particles shook violently.

With a loud bang, Xiong Dabiao fell, and the metal ground sank instantly. Michelle jumped to the side gently, but did not leave, but swung the knife at Xiong Dabiao's neck.

Xiong Dabiao raised his left hand, blocked Michelle's hand knife, and pressed it. Michelle relaxed her strength again, quickly left Xiong Dabiao's front, went around to the side, and kicked her sideways.

Xiong Dabiao grabbed Michelle's leg with his other hand. Red scabs appeared on the surface of his body. With a loud bang, Michelle jumped up and jumped over Xiong Dabiao's head.

There was a loud bang, and the air emitted an astonishing explosion. Xiong Dabiao spun around in a circle, raised his fists and crossed them, blocking Michelle's top-down blow.

There was a loud bang. After being blocked, Michelle quickly retreated, but was controlled by telekinesis. Xiong Dabiao's fists had already come over. Michelle raised her knife and quickly deflected Xiong Dabiao's fists.

The audience on the sidelines were stunned for a while. The two people were attacking continuously on the stage. It seemed that Xiong Dabiao had suppressed Michelle, but what many people didn't know was that Xiong Dabiao had been restrained by Michelle. .

Michelle did not launch a fierce attack, but used the easiest strength to fend off all Xiong Dabiao's attacks.

Xiong Dabiao was also very anxious, because he knew very well that such a fight could not last too long, otherwise the opponent would attack the moment his body functions became disordered.

There was a loud bang, and Michelle blocked Xiong Dabiao's fierce punch. Her body was a little unstable, and she was knocked to the left by the huge force. She suddenly lowered her body, took a step forward, and hit directly with a punch. Xiong Dabiao's ribs.

The scab shattered. Xiong Dabiao had expected it, and his right elbow fell down. Michelle raised her hands to resist Xiong Dabiao's elbow, and then quickly jumped out to the left.

Xiong Dabiao did not stop, and he missed a single blow. He quickly pursued her, not intending to give Michelle any chance to breathe. He gradually found his rhythm.

After Michelle held on, she quickly dodged to the right. With a loud bang, Xiong Dabiao struck down with his kick, and a groove was created in the metal ring by the huge force.

Xiong Dabiao smiled excitedly, turned around and crossed his hands. Michelle had already rushed over, hitting her with fast and short fists. Xiong Dabiao could only rely on the scabs to defend himself.

At this moment, Xiong Dabiao felt anxious. He did not expect Michelle to adopt such an attack method. It was very difficult to maintain the same strength and speed throughout the audience. It was very difficult to achieve such accuracy.

In such a constant battle rhythm, it is completely possible to deal with all attacks. Xiong Dabiao continued to defend. Many people at the scene exclaimed. Just 2 minutes had passed.

Xiong Dabiao was already suppressed by Michelle. Michelle quickly retreated after a series of attacks. Xiong Dabiao's idea of ​​using telekinesis to create opportunities was seen through.

"Holy crap, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Niya got anxious, stood up, and shouted loudly. Sweat dripped from Xiong Dabiao's forehead, and he yelled at Niya.

"Shut up, me."

The moment Xiong Dabiao shouted, he rushed towards Michelle and swept over with one foot. Michelle leaned over and got out of the way, holding down Xiong Dabiao's legs, and then whipped forward. Xiong Dabiao squatted down slightly with a grin and used his knees. After holding up Michelle's legs, the two separated and rushed towards each other again.

Xiong Dabiao's powerful fist swung at Michelle. Michelle ducked sideways, cut into the inside of Xiong Dabiao, and hit Xiong Dabiao's chest with a quick and accurate elbow.

Xiong Dabiao turned sideways and let Michelle's attack hit his chest. He grinned slightly and rushed forward with his huge body. Michelle raised his hands to block it.

With a loud bang, Michelle flew out. After relying on telekinesis to stabilize her body in the air, Xiong Dabiao had already ejected over, and the two were fighting together again.

Michelle felt the pressure and her advantage was gone. Xiong Dabiao retreated and suppressed himself again, but Michelle still maintained her fighting rhythm and did not speed up or increase her strength.

Michelle had never experienced such a battle before, but after sparring with Alpha, she clearly knew how important it was to maintain her speed and rhythm during the battle.

Sure enough, although Xiong Dabiao's strength was great, his speed had dropped a lot. The moment Michelle felt relaxed, Michelle dodged Xiong Dabiao's fist and hit Xiong Dabiao with a knee.


Xiong Dabiao flew back, but at this time Xiong Dabiao did not use telekinesis to stabilize his body, but let his body fly out. There was something different about Michelle. The attack she prepared for Xiong Dabiao failed.

With a bang, Xiong Dabiao fell. The two looked at the time with one minute left and rushed towards each other again.

Niya was very anxious, because Xiong Dabiao was actually suppressed by Michelle, she scratched her head and shouted.

"You idiot, cheer me up."

Ivy behind her laughed, and Leona on the side joked.

"Well, someone won't get a break for the next year."

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