Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2416 On the Right Track (Part 2)

The half-century gap began to be slowly filled by the crimes of the Hillman family.

"I just said what happened. It turned out to be the Hillman family."

Some people looked at the case and couldn't help but think of a major problem more than 40 years ago, which was an extension of the Hillman family's crimes and had its roots in the Hillman family.

More and more people understand what happened half a century ago, and why the city suffered from frequent problems later. It was because the Hillman family tied up all walks of life, and after the collapse of the Hillman family.

There were huge gaps in the entire city, and these gaps needed to be filled, so all the capital was rolled up crazily, and they were bound to capture the gaps left by the Hillman family, and many industrial chains were directly broken.

The entire city has encountered many problems during the economic crisis caused by the collapse of the Hillman family, and these problems have led to even more problems.

The whole city seemed to be being carried forward, various problems emerged, and barrier zones were gradually formed during this period.

Tragedies in the city continue to be staged, many people have lost their jobs, more and more people are starving and freezing, and secretly, murders are being staged on the streets every night.

Violence and hatred are spreading rapidly in the city, and many unbearable things happen every day. Criminals become more and more rampant. Although the criminal department is cracking down on crime, the criminals have no fear at all, because Even inside the prison, the situation is the same as outside.

There were even criminals who entered the prison and were able to leave the prison from time to time. The entire Bright City experienced a magical 30 years.

Although the administrative department came up with a lot of policies to change the status quo, gradually everyone found that no matter what they did, it was useless, and the city had completely sunk to the bottom.

The upper, middle and lower classes have completely begun to break apart, and the system is constantly solidifying. After the barrier zone was formed, this problem became more and more serious.

Many people commit crazy crimes and even if they are caught, they will choose to leave the city and go to the barrier area. Most people are becoming more and more disappointed with the city.

The impact of the Hillman family is long-lasting. The sins are buried deep in the soil and never see the light of day. The Executive Branch has taken every method to bury them.

A city that is completely rotten cannot bring hope to anyone. Many people only have despair in their eyes, and even pray for everything to be destroyed soon.

The middle-aged generation that currently supports the development of the city has experienced the most tragic 30 years. In the past 30 years, they have made countless efforts, but failed countless times, until the solidification began, and many people began to accept their fate.

In the past era, hard work was useful, but in today's era, many people feel that hard work is useless, because no matter how hard they work, even if they work hard from dawn to dusk, even if they try their best and sweat every drop of blood and sweat, they will still succeed. We are still heavily in debt and in debt.

At this time, someone on the street burst into tears. More and more people were crying. Many people didn't even understand why they were crying.

Perhaps I finally know the answer and why it is like this. Compared with the city 50 years ago and now, the biggest change is that that generation is no longer young.

And now we finally see some hope. Many people feel extremely happy during this period. Everything that happened fifty years ago is back again.

However, more people are afraid. They are afraid that the light that has finally come through will suddenly disappear one day, and they will be immersed in darkness again.

In the square of the General Affairs Department, businessmen and family members were discussing, Chen Qiao sighed.

"Brilliant City is about to change."

Wu Qun looked at some reports on the news, and some people on the streets had begun to cheer. Maybe they had been depressed for a long time, or maybe they saw everything that was prosperous 50 years ago and felt extremely happy.

"A new era is beginning."

Wu Qun said that the businessmen present knew very well that if they made a wrong step in the future, they would be completely liquidated. Locke Jiahui of the General Affairs Department is no longer there. In the past, he could use parliamentarians to conduct secret transactions with the Business Department. No longer exists.

Because the general manager of the General Affairs Department is Alpha Angus, many members of the business family know how tough Alpha's methods are, and they have experienced it firsthand countless times.

Chen Qiao is worried now. His grandson has also been imprisoned because of previous problems. There are still a lot of problems in his company. If Alpha liquidates these problems in the future, their entire group will become in danger.

Beckinsale looked at the solemn faces of the businessmen. At this time, the people in the envoy also noticed that the faces of the businessmen were very embarrassed. They probably understood it after seeing what happened to the Hillman family in the past.

Alpha, who is now in office, is a hardliner. She will not care whether the economy is affected or whether someone will lose their job. If there is a problem anywhere, she will uproot it.

"Looks like we arrived at just the right time."

Nigel smiled and Hart nodded.

"We have to go back and explain the situation clearly to the Queen."


A bunch of people working in the barrier area knew the shocking news. Xiong Dabiao kept swallowing. The people in the Lightning Skeleton Guild had no idea that such drastic changes would occur in Brilliant City in such a short period of time.

"I must be dreaming."

Eric didn't believe it at all and pinched his cheeks. The director on the side immediately laughed.

"This matter was decided last night. We can't say anything. The retirement ceremony and the inauguration ceremony are over. You should see changes when you go back."

Olivia looked at the dazzling city shrouded in the sun in the distance with a gentle expression, she just clenched her fists and smiled.

"If I were Alpha, I would have continued working in Core 13 without any complaints."

Xiong Dabiao nodded.

"Indeed, the last restrictions have been broken. The city has ushered in a true new life."

Many people in the barrier area were extremely shocked, especially some middle-aged people, who were all expelled during those chaotic years.

Many people in the Barrier Zone are thinking that if Alpha was still in office, he would never have allowed a place like the Barrier Zone to appear.

Many people discussed it enthusiastically, full of hope for the future, and all problems will be solved.

Xiong Dabiao pressed his forehead. He was excited at this moment. He knew very well that over the years, even if the business department returned to normal, after Niya Tianhen and the new generation of secretaries came to power, the business department gradually returned to normal.

But the problem is that there is a problem with the connection point between the executive branch and the executive branch. Over the years, Locke can only act as a middleman to balance the relationship between the three members of the parliamentary business family and the executive branch, and cannot go further.

Because the executive department was worried that causing problems would lead to bigger problems, all departments made concessions or gave in on many things. This was something that made Xiong Dabiao extremely dissatisfied.

But things are different now. When Xiong Dabiao was very young, he watched Alpha rise to power. He knew very well that Alpha would not give in.

In the past, in order to maintain a certain balance, there was actually a lot of friction and conflict between various departments, and many things were discussed by the department heads.

This approach will cause some problems in the city to be delayed, which is harmful to the city.

"I actually thought about this issue a long time ago, when Niya became the chief of Section 5."

Xiong Dabiao said, and Olivia nodded.

"I feel the same way. Many of us should have considered this issue. If Alpha was the head of the General Affairs Department, this city might be different."

Xiong Dabiao squatted on the ground, pressed his hands on the cold earth, and said with a smile.

"The city will definitely undergo extremely significant changes now."

It's 11 o'clock in the morning.

In the section chief conference room, the section chiefs sit on the left, the secretaries sit on the right, Alpha sits at the top, and Michelle sits next to her.

Everyone looked a little solemn, because Alpha was going to carry out major reforms in several aspects.

"You just took over, Alpha, can't you wait a few days?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Alpha smiled.

"There's no need to wait any longer. I've waited long enough."

Ye Chunwang smiled helplessly, Larry on the opposite side nodded, and Alpha lit a cigarette and asked.

"Old man Ye, is it okay?"

Ye Chunwang nodded.

"As long as you sign, it will be enough. The accumulation of agricultural science over the years is enough to support it."

Alpha nodded and looked at Larry and said.

"Secretary Larry, please submit the draft on the salary reform of the Agriculture Department before tonight. Please carefully review the points I just mentioned based on the overall situation of your 12 subjects."

Larry stood up and bowed.

"I'll have it ready by about 3 o'clock."

Leona smiled excitedly, and so did Ivy on the side. The two looked at Alpha in surprise. When they were young, they also dreamed of entering Section 5 and working under Alpha, because this was the most exciting thing for them. People are happy.


Alpha shouted, Nia raised her hand and chewed the cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I know, it's really troublesome at this time."

Alpha said.

"You are personally responsible. I hope you can take some of the points I just said seriously, Secretary Qin Dong."

Qin Dong stood up and bowed.

"Please submit the copy I mentioned as soon as possible. Although there are many things going on now, there is no need to wait until everything is stable. Many things happened when everyone was hesitant and hesitant to move forward. The change."

After Alpha finished speaking, he looked at Jewell and then said.

"I will give you the prison reform in the next two days. Please follow my instructions carefully and review them patiently and carefully. Do you have any questions?"

Jewell stood up and said.

"No problem Controller."

Alpha nodded.

"Your wedding will be in a few days. This matter has been postponed for a long time, Secretary Le Xiao."

Lexiao stood up hurriedly, Alpha said.

"Is it okay for you to host Jewell's wedding?"

Le Xiao hummed.

"Sister Alpha, manager, no problem."

Michelle was still taking notes of the meeting based on what Alpha just said. She didn't expect that Alpha would talk about a lot of core and essential issues as soon as he came up. These issues were all thorny and difficult to solve in various subjects.

"When I was conducting secret investigations during this period, I have discovered a lot of problems. If these problems accumulate, greater conflicts will occur in the city one day. What we should do now is to solve these problems. Allocate some already Retired section officers come back.”

Alpha said, telling Michelle a few points to record, which were the standards for recall by these retired department officers.

There are about 70,000 retired administrative staff now. Many of these 70,000 people are about the same age as Alpha. Basically, all of them can be recalled as long as they meet the conditions.

There are also some people who left the administrative department directly because they committed some things. There are many such people. Now the city as a whole is short of people, so Alpha plans to recall these people.

Michelle asked.

"Manager, I think some capable people with criminal records can be taken into consideration."

Alpha nodded after thinking for a moment.

"As long as they have not committed another crime since the problem occurred, they can be recalled."

Mo Xiaolan curled her lips. She felt very tired in just one hour. This was probably the feeling of many section chiefs and secretaries. No one expected that on the first day, Alpha had already started to make big moves.

"Then do you want to host the dinner party tonight?"

Mo Xiaolan asked.

Alpha nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Everything remains as usual. Okay, everyone, go have dinner early. After a short rest, we will continue to have a one-hour meeting in the afternoon. Then we will be busy starting tomorrow."

Le Xiao swallowed, and she could see that everyone was a little confused, and she also felt a little confused, because this was only the first day, and such heavy work had just begun after the inauguration ceremony.

But what made Le Xiao a little confused was that no one raised any objections. In previous section chief meetings, Le Xiao always saw a lot of endless arguments between section chiefs and secretaries, but in this morning's meeting, there was no argument. sound.

This made Le Xiao feel strange. At this time, the section chiefs and secretaries left one after another, and Niya stretched her limbs comfortably and said.

"My sister is like this. She takes herself too seriously. She has been like this since she was a child."

After Niya finished speaking, many people nodded. This is Alpha in their eyes, and it has been like this since a long time ago.

Michelle is still discussing some things with Alpha. She has now felt that it is very pleasant to discuss many things with Alpha. In the past, she often discussed some things with Locke.

But Locke's biggest problem is hesitation. He always hesitates about many things that should be decided. Finally, he finally makes a decision after reporting to the gods.

But things are different now. Alpha can analyze some problems from various aspects and make decisions immediately.

"Let's go eat first, Chief."

Michelle stood up and Alpha smiled.

"After I've taken care of these things, you can help me bring a copy up to Michelle."

Michelle bowed slightly and turned around to walk away. Alpha's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and the corners of her mouth were raised. She hadn't been so happy for a long time.

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