Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2412 Change of Power (Part 1)


Alfa opened the door of Le Xiao's house. Jamie had already gone to school, and Locke and Michelle walked in.

"I thought that girl's house would be in chaos."

Locke looked around with his hands behind his back. He used to come to this place often because Gene lived here.

"Tell me what is going on?"

Alfa asked, and Locke nodded: "I want to retire."

Alfa frowned slightly and said, "You are so young."

Locke smiled and said: "Do you still remember when you were in school? You were all seven or eight years old. I was already 20 at that time. Think about how many years have passed since I came here. It's just that I don't look old. In fact, I am almost the same as Old Man Ye. I am different from Old Man Ye and Hawke."

Alfa smiled helplessly, took out the wine from the wine cabinet, and threw a bottle over. She probably knew what Locke was going to do here.

Locke unscrewed the wine bottle and took a big gulp. Michelle frowned slightly at the side.

"Manager, it's better to drink less."

Alfa took out some snacks from the cupboard and placed them on the table. After putting them down, Alfa unscrewed the wine bottle and took a sip before asking.

"When are you going to retire?"

Locke looked at Alfa with a serious expression and said.

"When you are willing to take over my position."

Alpha smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"There are so many complicated things in 13 subjects now, and"

"There is no such thing as Alfa, because there is a precedent."

After Locke interrupted Alfa's words, Michelle understood. Indeed, Le Xiao was such a precedent. Le Xiao suddenly became the secretary of Section 13 from an ordinary person. In the beginning, all the senior executives of the Executive Section were worried about this situation. They all felt very bad.

Such a change of power would lead to great chaos in the city, but what everyone predicted did not happen. Instead, the city underwent earth-shaking changes because of Le Xiao's appearance. Such a sudden change of power would indeed be very risky. , but as a result the risk did not appear.

And now everyone finally understands why the city did not suffer huge chaos due to the huge change of power, because as long as what is done is correct from the beginning, then there is nothing to worry about.

"That girl Le Xiao!"

Alfa said and took a sip of wine. At this time, she was trembling in her heart, but at the same time she was a little hesitant. Locke had also mentioned this matter in the past, asking Alfa to go to the General Affairs Department and become the general manager of the Business Department.

But the city was in chaos at that time. Although Alpha had this idea, she couldn't do without Section 5. If something went wrong in Section 5, the city would collapse.

"Things are different now, Miss Alpha."

Michelle said, and Alfa hummed and asked.

"Michelle, what are you thinking?"

Alfa knew very well that Michelle had unparalleled talents. She relied on her talents to climb all the way to the position of secretary of the General Affairs Section.

"Although I will be a little dissatisfied, I will not be dissatisfied because the administrative department needs reform. How about continuing to complete the unfinished things in the past, Miss Alpha?"

Michelle has read Alpha's letters to the section chiefs before he did that kind of thing. Each letter is aimed at the improvement of each section, but many things never come to an end. These letters are currently sealed in Section 6. .

Michelle carefully read the letter written by Alfa 50 years ago. Many of the issues above were aimed at the reform of the administrative department. However, it is obvious that after so many years, many of the things in the letter have still not been completed because no one can take the lead. .

Locke is often more like a person who balances his business and the situation of all parties. The only thing he can do is to reconcile everything and restore calm when some violent conflicts occur.

Although this can stabilize the city very well, there will be no new changes in the city. At a time when the city is changing so drastically, it is time for a thorough reform.

Michelle has carefully read some of the reform proposals made by Alfa in the past. Many of the proposals are forward-looking. Unfortunately, such proposals cannot be promoted because the entire practice department has been solidified. This solidification cannot be achieved by just one or two people. Broken ones can be fixed.

Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it. She lowered her head and remained silent. Locke took another sip of wine and then said with a smile.

"In the past, if you made such a rash move, it might make many people in the city uneasy and even cause big problems, but it is different now, Alpha. In the past, you have been bound to Section 5 and the entire city, but Now the things that bind you no longer exist. Over the years, I have actually thought about it a lot and talked to Gene a lot. When he mentioned you many times, he felt extremely regretful."

Alfa blew out a puff of smoke, took a sip of wine, and then smiled.

"If it had really been successful at that time, maybe things wouldn't have come to this point, but it's okay now."

Locke stood up, looked at Alfa seriously, and then drank the wine in the bottle in one breath.

"Jean pushed that girl up because he was so desperate that he had no choice but to think of releasing you. In my opinion, everything you did in the past was not evil. It was just a Things are wrong under the Order, and the Hillmans are responsible for most of the current problems. They've been out to take everything from the beginning of this city."

Alfa put out the cigarette butt, drank the wine in the bottle and nodded. She stood up and stretched out her hand, saying with firm eyes.

"I know, I'll get up there. If you'll let me."

Locke shook his hand, and Michelle stood up and bowed slightly. There was a certain joy in her eyes. The current affairs department does not need to be gentle. The city has begun to change dramatically. What the affairs department needs now is a strong leader. , because big problems may happen again in cities in the future.

The problems created by the Hillmans and the city's other merchant families in the past would have erupted long ago.

"I will announce it tomorrow, just like that girl's inauguration ceremony, cutting through the mess with a sharp knife. Before the people in the city can react, I will end everything, and then everything will be left to you. I will hold a meeting tonight A meeting involving the section chief’s secretary and the gods.”

After Locke finished speaking, Michelle said.

"I will directly arrange the inauguration ceremony."

Alfa hummed and she said.

"I will continue to work on Section 13 here until evening."

Locke smiled and hugged Alfa. The two have been working together for too long, 70 years have passed since the beginning of the School of God.

During the 50 years of Alpha's absence, Locke thought countless times about the past when problems occurred, and he chose to remain silent. Many times when he saw Alpha who was full of anger, Locke could only comfort him.

But comfort can't solve any problems. In the end, the problems completely piled up and burst out in one breath.

After a while, Michelle stretched out her hand, Alpha held Michelle's hand, and Michelle said.

"I look forward to working with you in the future. Miss Alfa, my mother has often mentioned you since I was very young. Over time, I have regarded you as my role model."

Alfa nodded with sharp eyes, Michelle held her fists on her chest and bowed in salute.

Locke nodded, and then the two of them went downstairs. Alfa sat in the living room and looked at her trembling hands. She knew exactly what this meant. In fact, during those days in prison, Alfa felt a little regretful. She Perhaps a gentler approach should have been adopted at that time, but it was obvious that the gods would not allow chaos in the city.

Soon Alpha returned downstairs, and everyone came up. Ran Zai looked solemn, Ran Zhi smiled helplessly, and Wu Lei sighed and asked.

"Miss Alfa, do you really want to go to the General Affairs Department?"

After Alpha was silent for a while, he lit a cigarette and said.

"I will become the second head of the business department."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was shocked. Wu Lei also looked at Alfa with a solemn expression. He originally thought that if Alfa was to work as a secretary in the General Affairs Department, Locke would retire, but what he didn't expect was that he would It's the steward.

"Then Secretary-General."

Alpha said.

"She said that although she is a little dissatisfied, she will not be dissatisfied."

Ran Zai took the lead in clapping, and everyone clapped, Ran Zhi said.

"Congratulations, I thought you would hesitate."

Alfa exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

"I will not hesitate, let alone shrink. This is what I left behind in the past. This road was cut off at a certain point in time, but now I will finish it."

Hydra smiled and nodded.

"I would be very relieved if you became the steward, Miss Alpha. You were an idol for women of that era, and your light will not die out because of what you have done."

Alfa said thank you.

"Congratulations Miss Alpha."

Ran Zai said after Wu Lei finished speaking.

"Everyone, keep working. Tomorrow should be very busy."

What happened to Alpha is unimaginable to anyone, but after much thought, the most suitable candidate to become the head of the General Affairs Section is Alpha.

Because Alpha is the one who created the Act, the Act will become like this, starting from Alpha.

The fact that the acting department has such strong cohesion to this day is all thanks to Alfa. In the past, Alfa could not leave the 5th department, but now Alfa does not need to worry at all, because his sister Niya has taken over the 5th department very well, and she is doing well. Even better than Alpha.


Le Xiao ate her meal with big mouthfuls. She watched Michelle come down and stood up hurriedly.

"Did something go wrong, Secretary General?"

Michelle frowned slightly.

"You never read the documents I sent you?"

Le Xiao then hurriedly turned on her phone. It turned out that there was a meeting with the section chief's secretary at 8 o'clock tonight.

"Then don't you need to study tonight?"

Michelle nodded, Le Xiao wanted to ask but gave up because she would know what the problem was tonight.

After a while, Michelle ate briefly and left. Le Xiao looked at her suspiciously, she still had a lot left, and the chef came over and said.

"Master Le Xiao, it looks like something big is going to happen."

Le Xiao blinked and asked.


The head chef scratched his head.

"Because the manager hasn't come back yet. He is usually in the General Affairs Department. If he suddenly disappears like this and is nowhere to be seen all morning, I'm afraid something big has gone wrong."

With doubts, Le Xiao found a room to rest after dinner. She planned to go back to Section 13 at noon to help with some things. Thinking of the meeting tonight, Le Xiao felt a lot more relaxed.

After eating and going back to the room to take a nap, Le Xiao left the General Affairs Department and ran all the way back to Section 13. Many people had already gone out. Looking at the empty Section 13 office, Le Xiao walked towards Wu Lei helplessly. .

"How's the situation?"

Wu Lei smiled.

"Something big happened today, didn't you know?"

Le Xiao asked, completely at a loss.

"what's up?"

"Alfa will be transferred to the General Affairs Department and become the second manager of the Operations Department."

Lexiao blinked, completely confused, but then she exclaimed.

"Eh? Why does Sister Alfa want to be the general manager of the General Affairs Department? This is simply outrageous."

Wu Lei glanced at Le Xiao and smiled.

"You suddenly became a secretary from an ordinary person. Do you think it's outrageous?"

Le Xiao laughed awkwardly and then said.

"Wouldn't this be good in the future? Sister Alfa will be the manager, and when I get scolded, won't it be fine?"

Wu Lei said dumbfounded.

"You, work hard. Really, don't you want to ask why?"

Le Xiao shook his head.

"I feel very happy. I often see the general manager who is a little unhappy. I also heard that he has been in that position for too long. It has been 70 years since the establishment of the administrative department, so I think it is time to retire and enjoy Wasn't Sister Alfa the section chief of Section 5 before? Her ability is really great, so I think it's totally fine. It just feels too sudden."

"Yes, it's too sudden. Please quickly sign the documents I compiled and submit them to the General Affairs Department."

As Wu Lei spoke, Le Xiao sat aside and opened a light and shadow screen to start working.

4:20 p.m.

Niya yawned and looked solemn. She held up the phone in her hand and asked in disbelief.

"Is today April Fool's Day?"

Locke's laughter came from the phone.

"I will inform you section chiefs one by one now. This matter is very important. The gods will be here tonight, and tomorrow I will announce my retirement. In the morning, Alpha will be inaugurated in the afternoon."

Niya was completely awake and she laughed.

"You're really fat. You guys don't want to cheat and push everything on my sister, do you?"

Locke smiled.

"Of course not, have you forgotten? Those letters she sent to each section chief when something happened, I just made everything that had been stagnant in the past start to move. That's it. Remember not to be late at night."

Niya smiled, lit a cigarette, looked at the sky in the distance and said.

"Congratulations, sister!"

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