1 p.m.

Le Xiao held the last pot of flowers and placed them next to the old window. Behind it was a small park. People would come to this place occasionally, but very few.

Because the entire apartment covers a large area, it is behind two commercial streets, next to a large residential area, and close to Baihu Square.

On weekdays, there are almost no people around here, but after Le Xiao moved in, there were more people.

There was a surging crowd outside, and the noise could be heard clearly through the glass.

Le Xiao stood behind the curtain, looking at the sea of ​​people outside the small park below.

People from Section 5 set up a cordon around the perimeter and formed a human wall to keep the crowd out. Many people were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

This being the headquarters of Section 13 really surprised many people, because in many people's minds, Section 13 has never officially appeared in front of the public.

This has led to many people speculating whether Gene is the only one in Section 13.

It wasn't until Le Xiao's appearance that everyone began to pay more attention to Section 13, instead of the various rumors on the market about Section 13 Chief Jean.

Le Xiao sat on the edge of the desk. After walking around on the chair, Le Xiao yawned and leaned on the chair, planning to take a nap until the envoys arrived.

Lexiao took out the pressure relief ball given by the envoy from the drawer. After holding it, Lexiao lay down and fell asleep soon.

In the office on the second floor, Ran Zai was discussing with others some people who needed to be received today.

"Time is tight, now let's clearly distinguish the categories. You all should take a good look at what areas you are familiar with, and don't deal with things you are not familiar with."

After Ran Zai finished speaking, Hydera laughed and said.

"I can do anything, it just depends on a few of them."

Everyone looked at many unresolved matters, all from 12 departments, and there were currently 1,398 in total.

These things need to be solved one by one by them, and everyone seems to be in trouble.

Ran Zai selected some incidents by himself and thought of corresponding solutions. Many matters were directly delayed due to the processing procedures of various subjects and problems with submitting some materials for review.

It's already 1:20, and the delegation will arrive in 40 minutes.

Everyone is still selecting some events. Today everyone must accept events from three people.

Those who came to complain and handle the incident have already arrived and will enter the negotiation reception hall on the first floor at 2 o'clock.

It is difficult for everyone to think of corresponding measures in such a temporary manner, because everything happens too fast.

No one expected that just as they had some intention, Wu Lei would get them all into Section 13.

"I think this suits me better."

Lian chose that one, and Kent on the side said immediately.

"This is what I like."

Ran Zai frowned slightly, looked at the two arguing and smiled.

"Stop arguing, don't think about choosing the easy one, but if you say it yourself, if you can't do it, it won't make sense."

Because everyone has said that if you have the power, it is very simple to solve such a small matter. Ran Zai has heard this more than once.

Everyone could only continue to carefully select, and began to discuss what to do later.

Ran Zai could see that these people looked a little nervous. After all, many of the things they had done in the past were illegal and compliant, and could only be regarded as small troubles.

Everyone also understands that it is best to resolve things under the rules, because this is a civilized society, and a civilized society must have rules and laws.

If we cannot solve the problem under this situation and adopt some unorthodox methods, this will indeed disrupt social order, and the entire society will not be well in the long run.

On the contrary, because of these illegal practices, many imitators will appear in society, and the whole society will be in chaos.

Time passed minute by minute, and Ran Zai looked at it as 2 o'clock.

Everyone got up and went to their rooms to change into the uniforms of Section 13 that fit well. Everyone had a number.

Soon everyone arrived at the reception hall on the first floor, and Ran Zai went to Le Xiao's office.

As soon as he opened the door, Ran Zai hurried over to wake up Le Xiao. Le Xiao grinned and pressed her forehead.

"My head hurts."

Ran Zai said.

"Hurry up and wash your face and wake up. The people from the envoy will be here soon."

At this time, there was noise outside, and Ran Zai hurried downstairs. A few minutes later, Le Xiao also went downstairs. As soon as he went down, he saw many people lining up in the open door on the first floor.

Lexiao walked over with her hands behind her back, smiled and nodded.

After many people came in, Ran Zai immediately arranged for people to meet them.

Hydera was a little panicked and looked at the first person she received, a middle-aged woman. She looked haggard and a little sad.

This case is a dispute over the property rights of a house, because the woman’s husband has passed away, and the woman and her husband saved money to buy the house together.

But when the property rights document was signed, the woman's name was not included, so the house belonged to the woman's husband. However, the husband's brother, who had the right to inherit, went to court to sue the woman.

The woman lost the case and then started to appeal, providing a lot of materials to Section 7 for review. However, during the review process of Section 7, it was impossible to directly determine whether the woman's expenses were used to purchase a house, because most of the woman's income was Forwarded to husband.

It is unknown whether the household expenses accounted for part of the woman's income, because when the house was purchased, only the woman's husband's name was on it.

The woman didn't think much about it at the time. She had an important job in another district and couldn't come back for the time being, but she needed to be present in person to handle the housing procedures.

The woman asked her husband to handle it first, thinking it was nothing.

The woman tried to make a counterclaim, but it was obvious that the materials were insufficient and the Law Office was unable to judge. In the end, the woman lost one case after another. She was already trying to collect evidence in the opposite way.

But because this matter took a long time, it was already five years ago, so the woman still experienced a long wait after submitting the materials.

The latest submission was six months ago, but currently Section 7 has not given any clear answer, only telling the woman that it is being queued for processing.

Hydera has a headache now because this matter seems to be a death case.

But Hydera also understood the hardship of this woman. She was alone with two children, rented outside, and had to take care of the elderly at home.

The most heartbreaking thing is that the woman has been ill recently and is currently undergoing treatment. Although it is not a serious illness, at this time, the company did not give the woman corresponding understanding and fired her instead.

Now the woman's life is in a mess. She has been running for five years to get back the house that belongs to her and her husband. Now she just wants to get the house back and get rid of it.

This way at least their family's life will be better.

"What should I do, my lord?"

The woman was about to cry, Hydra smiled, and reporters did not come in for the time being, Hydra asked.

“Have they calculated your household income versus expenses?”

The woman shook her head.

Although the woman's two children have the right to inherit the house, the law stipulates that they must be 18 years old before they can inherit. This is to prevent someone from maliciously fighting for the custody of the children for assets.

This kind of thing has happened many times in Brilliant City. Most of the children who were forcefully taken away did not end well. The caregivers were just coveting the children's inheritance and rarely treated them well.

The caregivers can usually get a lot of stable income from these inheritances, so the law was reformed more than ten years ago, and this kind of thing never happens again in society.

But now the woman's husband's brother only needs to pay 100 yuan in royalties to the two children every month.

It will take at least 10 years for the two children to reach 18 years old, but 10 years is very likely to cause the woman's entire family to collapse.

"Let me help you take a look at the materials you submitted first. If possible, I will help you apply for legal action as soon as possible."

The woman said thank you, and Hydra looked at it.

At this time, people from the mission came in, and some reporters who were allowed in also came in.

The reporters immediately went to interview members of Section 13 who were handling the incident.

Ran Zai faced the grumpy old man in front of him with a smile.

"Old sir, the original construction drawings of your residence have been lost, so your appeal is currently ignored. You can only file a record, and you must find the original construction drawings for this matter."

The old man said angrily.

"The commercial center next to it occupies half of my original building site. I have already said it. Am I lying?"

After the old man finished speaking, he slapped the table. Ran Zai was really at a loss and asked again.

"Do you remember the people who were doing the construction back then?"

"Can not remember."

After reading the information, Ran Zai realized how difficult this kind of thing is.

The commercial center next to it had already provided the overall plan for their commercial construction when the old man complained. It was true that there had been some disputes with the old man before.

But the dispute has been resolved and a settlement has been reached.

Ran Zai felt that there was something fishy here, but almost 10 years had passed and it was very difficult to verify it. This matter must be investigated.

"Look at this, old gentleman, I will start investigating your matter first. If it is true that your ground is occupied as part of the business center as you said, we will definitely help you file a lawsuit."

The old man stood up angrily and then said.

"Another trip for me."

At this time Le Xiao came closer, and the people from the envoy also followed.

"Don't worry, old man. Our 13th Division will do our best to investigate this matter. Even if we turn the city upside down, we will figure it out."

Everyone in the room clapped their hands, and the old man also turned from anger to joy.

"Master Le Xiao, you are right. You consider our people. Thank you."

After the old man finished speaking, he excitedly held Lexiao's hand.

Ran Zai looked a little embarrassed and hurriedly came over.

"Don't worry."

After the old man left, Le Xiao looked around and saw that there were people waiting in line. She thought for a while and said.

"I'll also come to receive someone, so that everyone can be more efficient."

Nigel and Hert now somewhat understand the nature of work in Section 13. Most of this work is difficult to handle. They also know why Le Xiao is so popular among the people.

Le Xiao randomly selected a young woman and asked her to sit in front of him. The woman said shyly.

"Master Le Xiao, this is how it is. My boyfriend lent me 50,000 yuan. We broke up for more than three years, but he still hasn't paid back the money."

Le Xiao blinked and said.

"Ah, how could there be such a person?"

Wu Lei looked at Le Xiao worriedly and then coughed and said.

"Master Le Xiao, let's take a look at the materials first."

Le Xiao glanced at it, then frowned slightly.

Because the woman filed lawsuits many times, but could not produce any evidence, because the man’s money came from the settlement of a small company.

The woman is the daughter of the owner of this small company. Now she just wants to get her money back because the company has had some problems with its capital turnover recently. The man did work in the woman's company.

So this matter is not clear at all. The woman also said that the money was advanced by the man, but there is no evidence of what exactly happened.

Lexiao scratched her head and said.

"Then has this man ever given you an IOU?"

The woman shook her head. Le Xiao was in trouble. It would be really troublesome to figure this kind of thing out.

"It's better to start investigating from the friends around this man."

Wu Lei said, and the woman nodded.

"I have hired a private detective to investigate and spent some money, but his friends have no idea about the situation."

Nigel finally figured out that these problems would be really troublesome. Unless there was a time machine, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Maggie, who was holding Helt's hand, said.

"It's better to get this man's income and expenditure records in recent years and check them carefully."

Maggie said awkwardly as soon as she finished speaking.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Le Xiao."

Only then did Maggie realize, she hurriedly lowered her head and blushed, Le Xiao said with a smile.

"Yes, first look at how much money he has spent in the past few years, and if there is any excess, compare it with his income and expenditure when he was working at your house. If there is any excess that exceeds his earning capacity, , just ask him where he got the money."

The girl laughed happily. This was indeed a good idea, but such a detailed record would require application from Section 7.

Wu Lei smiled.

"I will write a document for you now, and then submit it directly to our Section 7 through Section 13, so that in a few days we can get the man's income and expenditure records in all aspects."

The woman immediately stood up and nodded gratefully, Wu Lei sat aside and said.

"Let me take care of such a small matter, Master Le Xiao. You'd better take the people from the mission up there to have a look."

After Le Xiao stood up, she received a lot of applause and said with a smile.

"I'll take you up there to take a look."

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