8 o'clock in the morning.

Lexiao woke up to the irritating sound of the alarm clock. As soon as she got up, she felt dizzy and her body smelled of food. She gritted her teeth and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Wu Lei had reminded Le Xiao last night that he must go to the General Affairs Department at least 8:10 to confirm some things. Le Xiao hurried out, but Jamie stopped Le Xiao and said.

"Sister Le Xiao, we have a holiday today, can I go with you?"

Le Xiao thought for a while and said.

"You stay home."

After Le Xiao took to the street, there were already many people on the street. She glanced at the embassy and saw that a group of reporters had gathered at the door. Le Xiao hurried to the General Affairs Section.

"It's already 8:30, Secretary Le Xiao. Please pay attention to your personal life in the future. Please reduce your drinking regularly. This is for your health. Please also consider your image."

Michelle spoke strictly, Le Xiao lowered her head in embarrassment, and soon Wu Lei led the directors into the conference room. Locke also came in. Wu Lei explained the itinerary of today's mission, and Section 10 had also sent an entourage. The staff will answer questions for the envoys, and will also take the opportunity to ask the members of the envoys whether there are better thermal insulation technologies in the Tianji Space Kingdom.

Le Xiao still smelled of alcohol, and she couldn't cover it up. She had no choice but to go to the bathroom in advance and take a bath.

Time passed by, and at 9 o'clock, a large take-off and landing aircraft had parked at the entrance of the embassy. The brief press conference was over, and the people from the mission entered the take-off and landing aircraft. There were already words in the light and shadow bracelets. Simple protective clothing and protective masks.

As soon as they got on the lift, the directors explained some of the history of the barrier area to the delegation, who were scheduled to arrive in about 40 minutes.

Nigel and Hult listened attentively, especially after hearing that the people who had been expelled from the city had established powerful gangs in such a dark place, it was hard for them to imagine.

Nigel asked.

"What do they do for a living?"

A governing officer explained.

"The city distributes food to the barrier area once a month, and some gangs also have their own little indoor growing areas."

After listening to the brief description, everyone in the mission began to look at some scenes of the barrier area. It is indeed too difficult to survive in such a harsh environment, and there are really millions of people living in such a harsh environment. place, this is astounding.

In the lift, the directors were still talking about some things that needed to be paid attention to in the barrier area, and at this time Wu Lei said.

"This time I go to the barrier area mainly because I hope you can take a look. This is the largest construction project that our Brilliant City is currently investing in. The agricultural base in the barrier area has been established. The sun will begin to shine on that land in the future."

Helt was keenly aware of the problem and asked.

"I would like to ask Your Excellency Wu Lei, does the barrier zone pose a certain threat to the city?"

Wu Lei didn't expect Helt to ask this question. He didn't know how to answer it for a while, and Le Xiao suddenly said.

"Yeah, a war almost broke out a while ago."

Le Xiao's words were unexpected by many people in the General Affairs Department present, Nigel said with emotion.

"War will indeed have a great impact on the city, so Lord Le Xiao, you are planning to establish an agricultural base there to stabilize the uneasy factors in the barrier area!"

Le Xiao replied.

"That's probably what happened."

Hurt laughed.

"That's really a big problem."

But Helt and Nigel did not think so at this time. Today's itinerary is definitely not as simple as visiting the construction of the barrier area. Perhaps it is intended to show them the strength of Brilliant City.

After all, surviving and building a base in such a harsh environment is indeed the best stage for showing strength. This will be a blessing for future cooperation. The two of them also want to see how to build and survive in such a land.

"I'm thinking that if an airport is built in the future, it would be better to build it in a barrier area. In cities, site selection and construction is a problem."

Le Xiao said casually, and Nigel immediately praised the passage.

"Indeed, this can establish a trade and economic line."

Helt smiled, and now he understood that Le Xiao's real purpose today was to build a trade airport. The land was indeed very suitable. After their spaceship landed, it could dock directly outside.

And this also has the advantage that people who come with the ship cannot run around in the city, so their attempts to plant spies will be greatly restricted.

At this time, both Nigel and Helt felt that this little girl was very special. With a simple sentence, a problem that might have troubled both parties in the transaction was solved.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, I think we can directly talk about the construction of the airport after we see it on the spot. Each of us will contribute half. What do you think?"

Le Xiao nodded.

"Of course it's no problem."

Wu Lei was frightened. The construction of the airport had not yet been discussed and was still under discussion. But with Le Xiao's words, the subsequent plan to use this project to attract heavy investment from businessmen in the city fell through.

The construction of the airport in the city has another benefit besides trade. It can solve the employment problem of many people in the city. But now that Le Xiao says this, it is tantamount to giving these employment opportunities to people in the barrier area.

And the most important thing is that the airport can establish some merchandise sales stores of Tianji Space Country, as well as future space tourism plans. This is also a part that can promote friendly exchanges and economy. Now that Le Xiao says this, things will become a little more complicated. .

But Wu Lei had no choice now, because now that Le Xiao had said it, they could only wait until they returned to report it. The more Wu Lei thought about it, the more he felt it was not appropriate, so he went to the bathroom to send a report.

After a while, the number 0002 was called, Wu Lei picked up and said.

"Lord Mo Xiaolan, I'm very sorry. I didn't pay attention and it ended up like this."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"It's nothing. I think that girl's suggestion is very good. Did they respond immediately?"

Wu Lei hummed and Mo Xiaolan said.

"Listen carefully, Secretary Wu Lei, no matter what commitment she makes during the reception, our Bright City will fully support it. After all, she represents Bright City."

Wu Lei swallowed, and after returning to the cabin, Le Xiao chatted happily with a few people. At this time, everyone felt that the temperature began to drop.

"Okay, everyone, please bring out your protective clothing and come to this small room."

Everyone started, and soon everyone put on dark protective clothing and helmet masks.

Helt felt it and found that it was quite light and his field of vision was not restricted. The tightness in his body reminded Helt of being in space.

Finally, the lights could be seen. The lift slowly landed behind the barrier of the agricultural base with strong wind and sand. As soon as we got off the lift, many people warmly welcomed us.

Hert was a little surprised, looking at these people holding welcome flags and standing in the cold wind wearing old and tattered clothes, as well as some business people, they did not wear any protective equipment.

Helt also removed his helmet, Nigel did the same after seeing this, and Le Xiao had already removed his helmet.

"Everyone, there are some metal particles in the air here, which can be easily inhaled into the lungs."

Wu Lei explained as he took off his helmet.

Nigel shook his head.

"Since everyone here is like this, if we wear helmets and masks, we will be out of tune with everyone. It will be impolite. It's nothing to be so cold. Besides, you should have corresponding medical technology."

Wu Lei nodded and explained that the light and shadow medical technology can accurately remove particles adhered to the lungs.

The smell in the wind was indeed not very good, and there was always a pungent smell. Maggie pinched her nose and held Helt's arm. She looked at the people here with some emotion and said.

"It's really miserable, I feel for them."

Maggie doesn't need to explain this. Everyone who sees this scene will feel moved. The environment is too harsh.

Soon the group started touring the base and came to an agricultural metal shed. Under the introduction of several directors from Section 12, Helt and Nigel understood what they were growing here. crop.

Nigel squatted on the ground outside the shack and knocked. The land was so hard, let alone growing crops, that it would not be a problem to survive here. There was a lot of wind and sand outside.

The people from Section 10 began to briefly introduce some techniques to the people in the mission, and everyone listened attentively.

Nigel asked Le Xiao about her idea for the airport construction, Le Xiao thought for a while and said.

"I think it's better to be in a cave. Because if the wind and sand outside are too strong, you will have trouble transporting some goods down. Just find a cave and open a route. Then the goods can be loaded directly inside and transported out. alright."

Nigel said looking at the mountains in the distance.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, your idea is very good. I also think that if it is exposed to such a harsh environment, there will be no damage to the hull, but some cargo may cause problems after a long time."

At this time Wu Lei said with an excuse.

"General Nigel, your country must have very advanced thermal insulation technology."

Nigel did not answer, but Helt spoke.

"Of course, after all, our spacecraft needs to sail in a sub-zero environment like the universe. We use a hollow gas heating method."

Wu Lei nodded.

Although what Helt said was conceptual, it was not stated in detail. Le Xiao took them to some places where people in the barrier area lived.

As soon as they passed by, many people saw people huddled together in the dilapidated houses on the ruins, and the business people also brought some liquid food there.

Hurt asked as he picked up a bottle.

"Can we try it?"

Wu Lei said hurriedly.

"This kind of liquid food is the simplest food for people in the barrier area. It is filling, but it doesn't taste very good."

Wu Lei said after finishing speaking.

"If you want to try it, you can go to the city and I will prepare delicious liquid food for you."

But Nigel said.

"If they can eat it, I think we can too."

Le Xiao nodded.

"There are actually many ways to make this kind of food. Eat it with something. If the seasoning is appropriate, it will taste very good."

Everyone came to the conference room built by Angus. A member of Section 12 brought some military liquid food, but Nigel still opened a can that the members of Section 12 had just distributed to the ruined town. liquid food eaten by people.

The people in the mission held small spoons and everyone tried it. It did taste good in the mouth. It had a salty and sweet taste, which was very light and easy to eat. The taste was indeed average and had a meaty taste.

But the taste was indeed not very good. After wiping his mouth, Nigel tried the military liquid food. There was actually soft and solid food in it. After eating it in his mouth, the taste was completely different. It was meat and some vegetables.

"This one tastes quite good, but the previous ones were not bad either. After all, in such a harsh environment, you can't expect too much."

As Nigel said, the reporters immediately came over to interview and asked some questions, and Nigel answered them seriously.

"Don't eat too much, because it contains relatively high carbohydrates and makes you feel full easily."

Wu Lei reminded that many people in the mission had already eaten a whole can, and they seemed to be a little unsatisfied, and they did feel full.

Wu Lei explained to them that this kind of liquid food is usually a meal ration, but if you omit some, one can of liquid food is enough to last for a day and can meet the nutrition needed by the human body.

"It is indeed a very powerful thing, Your Excellency Le Xiao."

Nigel praised and said he wanted to collect a can as a souvenir, and Le Xiao immediately asked someone to bring out a new one.

Sure enough, when it was time to eat at noon, several members of the delegation still felt not very hungry, and then lunch was postponed a bit.

The people in the mission also really felt the changes in the wind and sand here. The wind and sand were much lighter at noon, but you could still see that the wind was still very fast.

After lunch, Le Xiao took the people from the envoy to visit some construction projects, as well as the dry soil that people in the barrier area were digging for improvement in the city. The people from the envoy were interested, so Le Xiao took the tour. They wandered around for a while and took the lift directly to the soil processing site.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone in the envoys was bathed in the sun again and felt the warmth. They all looked at the dark barrier area behind them with lingering fear. In the place where the soil was cultivated, the people in the barrier area were working hard.

Everything looked so vibrant, and people from Section 12 told the delegation about the current role of soil in the planting process.

Le Xiao was a little hungry, so she said directly when she saw that there was nothing to introduce.

"Why don't you guys go back early today and eat first? After dinner, I will take you to the largest library in our Brilliant City, Section 6."

Nigel immediately agreed. Hult made eye contact with him and nodded slightly. The members of the mission boarded the helicopter and began to return to the embassy.

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