Everything in the town was as usual. The alcoholic man began to buy some second-hand furniture, and within a few days, the house was filled.

"Stop gambling."

The wife still reminded her, and the man nodded, but his face showed displeasure. The daughter was a little scared and hugged her mother's lap. The man came to the window and looked at the gray sky. He was not in a good mood.

The view on the 17th floor was quite wide, but the man was not in a good mood. His wife's words seemed to stimulate the man's nerves, so he made an excuse to go out.

For all the men here, they are desperate. He must find a job now, and there is not much money in his hand. Although the debt has been paid off, the man must now earn money to support his family.

Because the consumption standard here is relatively low, the man will bring his wife here, because the man has no choice. He looked at some money in his pocket and drove the car to the casino in the city.

When the man just drove to the entrance of the town, he found that some cars were blocked at the entrance of the town, and the landlord was also there. He was wearing a mask, looking at the man with a smile in his eyes, and walked over and asked.

"Sir, do you work in the city?"

The man lowered his head and hummed, and the landlord spoke.

"Your wife is quite beautiful."

The man nodded, and after the road was clear, the man accelerated his speed.

The landlord watched the man leave with sharp eyes, and he shook his head regretfully.

"It's still the same, nothing has changed."

At this time, everything in the town changed. Many people looked at the landlord blankly. Even the man's wife and daughter came over together. They looked at the end of the road with dull eyes.

"This is the last chance."

The landlord said as the man's wife begged.

"He will change, he will change."

The landlord laughed. At this time, everyone in the town began to peel off their faces, their bodies burned, and soon turned into bones. They looked at the road outside the town with empty eyes, and after a while, they followed The breeze turned into fly ash.

So far, no one has been able to escape from this town. The landlord smiled and disappeared as the town dissolved like a candle.

"I'm really unlucky today."

The man slapped the steering wheel angrily. It was raining and the road was muddy. Today, the man won a lot at the beginning and bought some things. However, he lost all the remaining money after dinner and still owed a little money. .

Looking at the pile of things on the back seat of the car, the man had already thought about what to say to his wife.

However, this road was too difficult to drive. The muddy road was full of mud and the car skidded from time to time. The man could only drive slowly.

After a while, the man got tired. He looked at the last bit of money in his pocket, sighed, and stopped in the heavy rain. From time to time, he looked at the dark road in the rearview mirror. Although he had already thought of the words in his mind, he should be able to fool his wife. , but what about tomorrow?

The last bit of savings in the family is gone. The daughter is still young and needs to be taken care of by his wife, who cannot go out to work.

The man slapped the steering wheel, his eyes full of longing. He wanted to turn the car around and go back to the casino to get the money and continue playing tonight. It was only 8pm.

"Just let me win one more time."

The man said and began to turn the car around. However, just after driving a certain distance, the man braked and slapped the steering wheel angrily, making a beeping sound.

The road near the mountain collapsed in front of him and the car could not pass. The man had no choice but to return to the town.

The wipers kept wiping away the rainwater, but the rain was not letting up. The man drove the car with difficulty on the muddy road, and the car almost stalled several times.

But gradually the man discovered that something was wrong, because the road in front of him was still the same. In the man's memory, he should have arrived in the slowest hour from the city to the town, but it was already 10:20 and the town had not been seen yet.

The man began to wonder, maybe he drank too much and missed the town. Just when the man was depressed, he saw a light not far away, and the man laughed.

"Should be arriving soon."

The car started to start again, but after driving for a while, the man discovered that the lights in the distance, although visible, were almost unchanged from when he first saw them.

At 11:30, the man looked at the heavy rain and muddy road outside in horror. He suspected that he was dreaming and pinched his cheeks hard. The man realized that it was not a dream.

The car lights were flashing in the heavy rain, the wipers were moving back and forth, and the man was eating in the car with a bottle of wine and some sausages, and the air was cold.

In desperation, the man planned to turn around, because everything was too weird now, and the man planned to go back to the city even in the rain.

0 o'clock

The man stared blankly at the muddy road. The car did not come to the landslide, but was still on the muddy road in the heavy rain. The man was completely confused. He felt a little tired and wanted to sleep.

At this time, the man looked at his watch. This watch was a gift from his wife when he just bought a house, and many memories kept coming back.

At that time, the man had a decent job and a good monthly income. It was not until his daughter suddenly fell ill when she was 2 years old that she lost her job in order to save her. The couple could only take care of their daughter.

The daughter finally got better, but the man seemed to have endured too much pressure and started drinking. Because he had found many jobs, but none were satisfactory, the man also began to resent. He hated why fate was so unfair.

At the same time, men also hate themselves for not having the ability to let their wives and children fall into fear. Men know very well that it is often their own fault.

He drank and gambled, and finally fell into the abyss. The man wanted to get up, but for some reason, he didn't have the slightest strength. He obviously loved his wife and daughter, but he just couldn't control it.

The man picked up the wine and started drinking at 0:45.

Finally, the man made a U-turn and planned to go back to the town. Now that the rain had eased, the man increased his speed, but suddenly he saw a person on the side of the road. The man was startled. The person on the side of the road was driving. Wave to him.

The man braked and stopped. Under the light, it looked like a man was approaching. The man opened the window and a strong rotten smell came in. The man covered his nose. Under the light, he saw a face covered with insect repellents. , the man stepped on the accelerator in panic, and the car started to race wildly.

After driving a certain distance, the man looked at the rearview mirror in shock. At this time, the man looked at the rearview mirror and saw nothing, but the putrid smell at the tip of his nose lingered. The man covered his nose and stretched out his hand. Put your head outside the car window to get some air.

The man wanted to vomit, but stopped. After a while, the rain stopped completely. The man got out of the car with a flashlight and walked over to check. There was nothing, but the man remembered the rotten man with slightly curly hair. Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

At this moment, there was a noise from behind. The man turned around and saw a person lying on the hood of the car. The man walked over quickly and looked at the fat woman lying on the hood of the car in horror.

"Miss, you are"

The fat woman suddenly turned back, with a ferocious face, black lips and eyes, and black juice constantly flowing out of her nose and mouth. She looked very painful. She stretched out her hands as if asking for help, and the man stepped back in fear.

The fat woman fell into the mud, twitching in pain, and black juice kept coming out of her mouth. No sound came out of her throat. The man shook his head and was so scared. The moment he closed his eyes, the fat woman disappeared. .

The man quickly got into the car and started driving the car wildly. He encountered too many strange things tonight. The man was extremely scared at this moment. He was completely sober from his drunkenness.

At this time, the car ran out of gas. The man was surprised to see the small town in the dim light. He smiled and got out of the car. But as soon as he got off the car, the man saw a man wearing a small vest, whimpering in pain on the ground. The man flashlight I just took the photo and it turned out to be the landlord.

The man was startled, but the next scene was even more horrifying and made him shudder. A large number of women with only mouths biting the landlord's lower body, biting him to death.

The man ran wildly. There were all kinds of strange things happening on the street, and many people were in great pain. At this time, the man saw a clerk in a store. He was lying on the ground in pain, and the fingers of his hands were being touched by some kind of force. Twisting, this force continued to torture him.

1:01 am.

The man came to the door of the apartment covered in sweat. There were screams in the apartment, and the whole town was already crumbling. At this time, the only thing in the man's mind was his wife and children. At this moment, a clanging bell rang. .

The man seemed to remember that he had been to this town, not once or twice. The landlord appeared at the door of the room. He took off his mask, revealing his shriveled cheeks, and his sharp teeth in his grin.

"I've been here before, not once or twice."

The man seemed to remember something, and suddenly he burst into tears. He finally understood why he no longer had a wife or daughter. His wife and daughter had already left him in a car accident after the quarrel with him that time.

The memory of the room always being empty made the man feel extremely sad. He lay on the ground, whimpering in pain, and the landlord said with a smile.

"You have met everyone here, haven't you? They are all living in the mire like you."

The landlord spoke.

The old couple on the first floor. The husband had been ill for many years, and the wife could no longer take care of her. One day, she had murderous intentions, but she couldn't bear to do it every time. In the end, the boss saw what the old woman was thinking and stabbed her with a knife. chest.

From that moment on, the old woman fell completely into madness. She recalled that scene countless times, and the reason why she did not leave her sick husband was just because she had nowhere to go, because although her husband was sick, he was still alive. There is a pension.

That's why a woman will continue to endure, treat her husband worse and worse, rely on her pension to support all her expenses, so the house is always in a mess, because she has long been worse than dead.

As for Curly, he had a hobby since he was a child and liked to smell smelly things. In order to get this smell, he became more and more addicted to it, and then he would hunt some stray cats, dogs and birds on the street and let them rot. Finally, enjoy the taste.

Such fun made Curly Hair finally extend the blade to the man. The man raised his head in horror. His vague memory began to emerge. After the dispute with Curly Hair that day, the man had already been stabbed by Curly Hair. Then Curly dragged himself to his apartment, but the landlord discovered it.

Then the man was sent to the hospital. At this moment, the man was completely awake. He also thought about why the administrator was in such a miserable state. He knew the people in the entire apartment very well.

Because the administrator always enters each resident's home to explore secrets, and then uses these secrets to threaten some young women and thereby violate them.

Now that the man remembered why the administrator had a bunch of tools and asked him to return the tools every time, he completely understood. Indeed, he and the administrator had borrowed tools several times.

Every time the administrator came to his home, the man roared. He finally understood the reason why he could live in the apartment safely for so long even though he had no money. His wife couldn't bear it. Part of it was because of herself, and Part of it is the scumbag administrator.

The reason why the fat woman is so contemptuous of herself is because she knows the truth behind it. She looks down on her ignorant self every time. Moreover, she likes to gossip the most. She has spread the secrets of many people in the town. This is also the wife. Reasons for leaving.

And the clerk in that store would steal business money every time, and would blame the counterfeit money. He had used the simulated counterfeit money many times.

The man was completely broken down. On the day his wife left with her daughter, she happened to see what happened to the clerk. It was the clerk who caused an accident and killed his wife.

Now the man completely remembered that everything was a complete tragedy. In the mud, he met these people who were also in the mud. They hurt each other, slandered each other, and finally got into a ball.

The man looked at his hands, which were covered with blood, and there was a hole in his chest. The landlord smiled.

"Every person who is trapped in the quagmire and is about to die will come to this abyss town for a short time and become a visitor. If he can get out of the quagmire, he will survive. If he cannot get out of the quagmire, he will fall into the abyss forever."

The man watched in horror as the time was already 1:09 in the morning, with 2 minutes left. He quickly stood up and rushed into the apartment, making the landlord laugh.

The man took off his watch, rushed to the 17th floor in one breath, opened the door to his home, and stared at his bloody wife and daughter. He rushed over in pain and hugged his wife and daughter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was my fault. I didn't take good care of you."

His wife and daughter began to turn into dust, and the man watched the room dissolve in pain. He looked at the time, and it was 1:11 in the morning in one minute. This was the man's moment of death.

At this moment, the landlord walked in and asked.

"Do you want to experience it again?"

The man shook his head.

"I want to find a wife and daughter."

The landlord smiled and then said.

"After the short-term light, there must be darkness. Fall into the abyss!"

The man closed his eyes, and at 1:11 a.m., the apartment was dissolving.

In a white ward, doctors and nurses stood next to a man who smelled of alcohol and had blood on his chest. The doctor said.

"1:11 a.m.. Heartbeat stopped and vital signs disappeared."

At this time, some JCs came in. The man's pupils were dilated and he was put into a body bag.

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