Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2363 Meeting Preparations (Part 1)


The alarm clock rang, and Le Xiao got up irritably. She just wanted to smash the annoying alarm clock with a punch, but there was no way now. She had to get up. Today is the 14th, and there are still at most two days left. Asgar The German delegation will visit.

Seeing that it was just 7 o'clock in the morning, Le Xiao pinched her cheeks, always feeling that her life would be short in the future. After all, this kind of job was too terrible.

"Sister Le Xiao, wake up."

Jamie pushed open the bedroom door, and Le Xiao immediately said angrily.

"Jamie, you are so old, and I am a girl. I taught you, how can you enter a girl's bedroom?"

Jamie lowered his head in embarrassment and said.

"Sister Le Xiao, I'm going to make some food."

Le Xiao looked at Jamie who closed the door and left. Le Xiao struggled to get up after lying down for a while. Today's work was too important. She took a quick shower and put on her uniform before going out.

"Sister Le Xiao, don't you want to have breakfast?"

Le Xiao said.

"You finish eating and go to school, and I'll go to the General Affairs Department to eat."

After Le Xiao went out, he sprinted straight to the canteen of the General Affairs Department at a speed of 100 meters. Many people on the street who got up early in the morning and were busy watching Le Xiao running happily.

This is something you will see almost every morning. Le Xiao rushes into the canteen of the General Affairs Department. The head chef has already prepared breakfast.

Le Xiao wolfed down the food. Wu Lei squatted down with a portion of porridge and came over with a few eggs and a pile of pickles. Looking at the more than ten kinds of rich breakfasts in front of Le Xiao, and almost all of them were meat, he couldn't help but say.

"I tell you, it's better to restrain yourself. You seem to have gained weight recently."

Le Xiao didn't bother to care about this, and just ate heartily.

"Only when you are full can you have the strength to work!"

The preparations for these two days are very important. The envoys meeting will stay in Bright City for a long time, so Le Xiao needs to prepare everything, especially when the envoys come over, they will take them to visit some places. Le Xiao has not planned it yet. .

These tasks have been backlogged for a while, and Le Xiao can only improvise. Wu Lei has already made a plan, but he has not told Le Xiao about this plan yet. After all, she is the leader.

Wu Lei also wanted to see how Le Xiao was going to receive them. Wu Lei's route initially was to wander around the General Affairs Department to understand the basic situation of Bright City, and then go directly to the agricultural base early the next morning for a visit.

Get some things on site at the agricultural base, and then ask the chef to make some delicious food for them. On the third day, they will be taken to visit the western factory area, and on the fourth day, they will visit the middle level.

On the fifth day, they will be taken to the Phoebus Resort Hotel and Manor for two days of leisure. On the seventh day, a grand party will be held. The location will be chosen at Angus's house or Phoebus' house, so that the senior management of the business department can past.

On the same day, we started to talk about trade gradually, and on the eighth day, we officially started talks on various aspects. Such a trip should not be so boring.

However, Wu Lei did not directly submit the motion she had already prepared because she wanted to see how Le Xiao planned to take them there.

At this time, Michelle came out of the elevator. She had also come to have breakfast. As soon as she saw the two of them, Michelle sat over. During this time, Michelle was handling many of the extra things in the city.

Michelle glanced at Le Xiao's breakfast and frowned slightly, but she couldn't help but say.

"Please pay attention to your body fat Secretary Le Xiao."

Lexiao wiped her mouth quickly and said.

"Secretary-General, I will train hard."

Michelle still only wanted some light food, and left after eating.


Le Xiao patted her belly with satisfaction and sat comfortably in the office. Wu Lei brought her a cup of tea. Le Xiao hiccupped. She was happiest at this time every morning, eating delicious food in the canteen of the General Affairs Department. , then drink a cup of tea, discuss the work content with Wu Lei while taking a rest, and take the opportunity to be lazy.

"Hurry up and decide what you want to take them to visit. According to the research of Section 2, it will take at least seven days to fully understand the situation of the mission."

Le Xiao yawned and pressed her forehead. After a while, Wu Lei found that Le Xiao had stopped moving and she had fallen asleep. Wu Lei thought about it but didn't wake her up and let her sleep for a while.

Wu Lei opened a light and shadow screen, looked at some of the things that currently required Le Xiao to sign, and began to arrange them in order of difficulty. When the time comes, he will be responsible for explaining them to Le Xiao, and then Le Xiao will sign.

Wu Lei did not intend to influence Le Xiao's decision-making, because every decision she made seemed a little unreliable, but every decision she made always brought things in a good direction.

Seeing that it was almost time, at 8:40, Wu Lei called Le Xiao.

"No, I'm thinking, really thinking."

Le Xiao woke up with a start, wiped the saliva from her mouth, and Wu Lei said with a helpless smile.

"Hurry up and decide on a good place so that we can go there and arrange work when the time comes."

After Le Xiao had a good sleep, she was in great spirits. She stretched and then said.

“The first place is to go to our neighborhood and take them to see what’s going on at the bottom of our city.”

Wu Lei just took a sip of water and almost choked. He coughed and asked.


"Of course it's because I think we need to let them take a closer look at the real situation in our city. Don't people often say that you have to look at something from the most basic level to know the real situation?"

Wu Lei patted his chest, Le Xiao looked at him and said.

"Drink slowly. If you choke, you will feel uncomfortable for a while."

Wu Lei felt helpless, Le Xiao stood up directly and said.

"Come on, let's go down."

Wu Lei looked solemn. He didn't expect that Le Xiao was really going to make arrangements directly. Now Wu Lei had a headache, but he had no choice but to follow Le Xiao to the rooftop. After the helicopter took off, Wu Lei immediately went to District 118 The order was sent.

Le Xiao yawned and looked at everything outside the window. In fact, she had already had an idea in her mind about where she wanted to take the people from the envoy.

"Hurry up and contact the exclusive reporter."

Le Xiao said something, Wu Lei looked solemn and asked.

"Shouldn't we let the other party see our good points from the beginning?"

Le Xiao thought for a moment and said.

"Indeed, but this opportunity is too rare. Live broadcast throughout the city, right? In the media news, there is basically no report on the conditions at the bottom. Even now that construction has begun, there are more reports, but many media just Regarding the reports on construction and the good aspects, there are actually many places that no one can see. I want to take this opportunity to let people in the city see some things in the city that no one notices on weekdays. place."

Wu Lei laughed. Sure enough, Le Xiao's idea was very simple. She did not consider the gains and losses. Even if someone saw bad things, she would not care. But for the entire Bright City, such a thing would not matter. Not very good indeed.

"What about the second stop?"

Le Xiao pointed to the dark place in the distance and said.

"Of course it's the barrier zone."

Wu Lei was shocked, Le Xiao said.

"If we have any large-scale activities now, we have to go to the barrier area. They have contributed too much to the entire city, and now it is the city's turn to reward them."

Wu Lei sighed and no longer planned to refute, and the section chiefs had decided to leave the reception to Section 13. Now Le Xiao is the acting section chief, and his authority is the same as that of other section chiefs. The entire executive section has no authority. interference.

The lift slowly landed in the courtyard of Section 5. Thousands of section members and all local section officials were already waiting.

Wu Lei took a look and found that everyone was in good spirits now. As soon as the two of them got off, several guest officers came over to bow and salute. Le Xiao nodded with his hands behind his back, then stood on a stage, coughed and said.

"The day after tomorrow, the delegation from the Sky Space Nation will arrive. Area 118 will be the first stop for the delegation to visit. I hope all colleagues can work together to protect this diplomacy."

The staff all saluted, Le Xiao nodded and said.

"Next, we will determine some routes as we go. I hope you can start on-the-spot planning and drills immediately. Just don't have any problems by then. Let's work together."

Le Xiao raised his fist, cheers rang out, Wu Lei smiled helplessly, and then on the advice of the officials, Le Xiao went to the center of District 118, because if he wanted to visit District 118, it would last for one day. , so you have to be well prepared for the route.

Ma Tao talked about his opinions on the side, Le Xiao listened carefully, and Wu Lei and other officers talked about safety issues.

Although the rioters in the city have basically dispersed, it is certain that they are still hiding in the dark, so you must be careful.

"No, six members of the special operations team should be enough, as well as members of the special operations team."

Le Xiao does not plan to close the road and just proceed as normal. However, he will inform the residents here in advance that if they see the envoys, they must be polite and give way as much as possible.

At this time, the exclusive reporters had already begun to follow and take pictures. After learning that the diplomatic mission was going to visit District 118 on the first day, many people were a little helpless because the place still looked very dilapidated and backward.

After Wu Lei talked for a while, the expressions of several section officers were solemn at this time, because they were also afraid that the rioters were hiding in the dark, and they would be in trouble if they carried out some attacks.

Ma Tao smiled.

"Don't worry. There are so many people from Section 2 in District 118. They may have been arrested before they take action."

After walking for a while, Le Xiao and Wu Lei went to the barrier area. Many people were extremely shocked when they heard that they were going to the barrier area the next day.

Some members of the special forces team had received orders to go to Area 118 and the Barrier Area. At this time, Tian Hen, who was sitting in the office, was a little surprised and laughed, as did the secretary Xima beside him.

"It's really surprising."

Xima said, turning off the light and shadow screen, and just sent a message to the special operations team. I am afraid that the people in the special operations team are also extremely shocked.

"I know what that girl is going to do."

Tianhen said, Xima nodded.

"Indeed, the attention of the bottom layer and the barrier area cannot be reduced. It is related to some future investment and construction in the barrier area. Therefore, the stability of the barrier area must be demonstrated as much as possible, so as to relieve the concerns of some businessmen."

Tianhen shook his head.

"You really think too much about Xima. Her purpose of doing this is very simple. She just wants to tell the people at the bottom and the barrier area that everything will be fine."

Xima asked with a slight frown.

"Are you sure, Section Chief?"

Tianhen said with a hum.

"Of course, okay, I have to go to the General Affairs Department. If you have nothing to do, go there."

Hima hummed.

10:23 am

Lexiao got off the lift. The wind in the agricultural experimental base had dropped a lot. A long section of the windproof wall had been built. Some buildings had also been built and had electricity.

Le Xiao took Wu Lei directly to the engineering headquarters of the Angus family. A lot of people looked at Le Xiao in astonishment, and several directors of Section 12 were even more unbelievable.

"Really? Master Le Xiao, do you plan to bring the envoy to the barrier area?"

Le Xiao hummed, and everyone couldn't help but exclaim. This seemed a bit unimaginable to everyone, and they felt it was too outrageous.

Le Xiao directly arranged the matter. All he needed to do was ensure a place for the envoys to rest, and asked Section 10 to prepare a car that could be used to visit everywhere, just in case the envoys wanted to visit other places.

Many people can't help but wonder what is so good about such a dark place. Many people just hope that the construction of this place can be completed quickly, because it is too torturous.

The members of the special operations team began to investigate the surroundings, intending to make all preparations in advance.

Wu Lei looked at Le Xiao and asked.

"Where do you plan to go on the third day?"

Lexiao scratched her head and said after thinking about it.

"Go north."

Wu Lei pressed his forehead. That place was the most backward in the construction of Bright City. It was not even as good as the current bottom floor. There were many old houses, and almost all of them were old people.

Seeing Le Xiao's relaxed look, the people below should be in trouble now. Wu Lei had no choice but to contact the department officials in several districts near the mine to ask them to gather together and wait for them to pass by while preparing lunch.

11:29 am

Locke pressed his forehead and looked at the headlines. It was the heated discussion caused by Le Xiao. Many people were interpreting why Le Xiao wanted the envoys to visit the lower-class slums. What was even more outrageous was that he wanted to take the envoys to the barrier areas.

"Is it really okay to leave Michelle to that girl?"

Michelle was processing documents, glanced at Locke and said.

"General manager, since everyone has unanimously decided to leave it to that girl to receive the envoys, then naturally we don't need to ask anything. We will wait until problems arise."

At this time, Wu Lei submitted the two-day itinerary. Michelle took one look and passed it directly. Locke looked at it carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

People come from far away, but let them go to those places.

"Let's take a look first."

Locke said helplessly.

Michelle looked at these places, and there was only one thing they had in common, which made people feel hope.

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