Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2355 Start preparations (Part 2)


Many businessmen gathered in the cafeteria hall of the General Affairs Department. They came in non-stop just after eating. Tonight is the time to announce some trade goods, which is what the businessmen are most concerned about.

23 products will be announced today, and formal orders will be issued after meeting with people from Tianji Space Country. Businessmen can prepare in advance.

Many people are discussing what kind of products Asgard needs, because most people basically don’t have much knowledge about space except for some knowledge. In this dark sky, everything can be seen. Less than.

Although there are many space movies, there should be a big gap between them and the real space fantasy. Most of the businessmen who came here also have family members, and they have already signed contracts for the Barrier Zone Mine. Businessmen who invest will obtain the first batch of trade qualifications.

Many businessmen who were still hesitating came and wanted to see if they could invest in a mine to obtain trade quotas, but it was obviously very difficult.

Now the action department is moving faster than the businessmen imagined. The policy has just been promulgated and will be implemented immediately, leaving the businessmen no room for consideration.

"Really, if we had waited a few more days for the calculation to be clear, we would have definitely invested, and we were not even given time to do the calculation."

"Yeah, we're not saying we won't invest, we just have to calculate the costs in all aspects. After all, we are not a money printing factory."

"We have to continue to negotiate with them."

Some businessmen who have not obtained trade qualifications have red eyes now. Many of them are hesitant because they need to bear the living and medical care of those in the barrier area. If it is calculated as 50 yuan per person a day and wages are required, at least one It costs 100 yuan per person per day, which is a lot of money for many businessmen.

Field said with a smile.

"You guys are thinking too much. We went to the barrier area before. The living standard of the people there may not even be 10 yuan a day, and medical care is only 20 or 30 yuan at most. Plus The salary won’t exceed fifty yuan.”

As soon as Field's words came out, many people were dumbfounded because this was something they could not imagine at all.

"Don't talk nonsense, Field. How are they going to live on so little money a day, and under such harsh conditions? In the past, they could only hide in the facility every day, waiting for the monthly distribution of liquid food. Now they have to Work.”

Field laughed and continued.

"We have already calculated the cost. Let me calculate for you. If we provide three meals a day, three eggs for breakfast, a pancake and a cup of 500CC milk, how much do you think it will cost?"

Many people felt that this kind of breakfast was obviously too shabby upon hearing it, but Field laughed.

"This is already very good food for most people in the barrier area. An egg is priced at 3 cents, the lowest price in the market. A pancake is only 5 cents. A cup of milk is 1 yuan. The cost of breakfast is less than 2 yuan. For lunch, use a big pot to boil some meat and vegetable paste, similar to liquid food, and sprinkle it on the rice. A meal costs up to 3 yuan. For dinner, make some potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn, add a little meat and steamed buns, etc. A meal costs 5 yuan a day, so the food for people in the barrier area will not exceed 10 yuan a day, and I estimate that the salary given to them is at most 20 yuan. For medical treatment, some drugs and treatments are exempt, and they do not need to take medicine every day. Calculated, the cost of one worker per day is at most 30 yuan.”

Field's words shocked everyone present, but everyone can see that the food supply is still not that comprehensive. Although the production of many foods has begun to increase, it is impossible to increase it in a short time.

"It is not necessary to fix the food every day. They decide what they eat every day based on the food price on the market. Sometimes they can also use liquid food instead, so that the cost can be reduced to a minimum."

Field's words made many businessmen feel depressed. Soon some businessmen thought of a better place. If people from these barrier areas moved into the city, what they would make a living on would definitely be in the mines and the business department. From some jobs, the money they earn can naturally buy some things in the city. When the time comes to launch the things they need, the money will definitely come back in the end.

"There's no point regretting it now."

Field muttered. He realized long before the business department started large-scale operations that now is no longer an era of what the businessmen plan to do, but an era of what the business department plans to do. If we don't hurry up, there will definitely be disaster in the future. Many missed opportunities.

So Field is now actively participating in some policies of the Business Department. When Le Xiao called this afternoon, Field agreed directly without thinking. Such a good thing fell into his hands. He has been really lucky recently. .

Once the two parties start trading, Field will naturally be able to approach the people of Sky Space Country as a residence provider. Although it is said to be open to free trade, trade must still start with a good relationship, so that both parties can reach a consensus. Thus began cooperation in all aspects.

Chen Qiao, who was not far away, had a serious look on his face at this time. The Chen family had participated in the investment in the mine, but his mind was not on that at all now. Field walked over, and Chen Qiao was looking at the information about the second court session. There are still three days before the court will start again after the new year.

"What was the outcome of the first trial?"

"Didn't you watch the news?"

Chen Qiao said angrily.

Field said with a smile.

"I haven't read any legal news recently, so of course I don't know about it."

Chen Qiao sighed, and Field opened his mobile phone, brought up a light and shadow screen, and after a casual search, he saw Chen Kai's trial news.

The trial lasted for nearly four hours. The key point was whether Chen Kai intentionally harmed the father and daughter. However, various evidence showed that he deliberately provoked and then the incident happened, and the victim’s family still has the man. After treatment in the hospital, the little girl was able to be discharged before she regained consciousness.

If this matter is forgiven by the victim's family, it can be settled with money. As long as the victim agrees to the settlement, Chen Kai does not need to go to jail for more than ten years, only six or seven years. But now the victim's family has decided He refused to accept the settlement and demanded a heavy sentence.

Some people estimate that even if the man wakes up, Chen Kai's sentence will start at least ten years.

"What do your family's legal team say?"

Field asked, and Chen Qiao sighed.

"They said there was basically no room for debate in the second trial, because the facts and evidence were clear, and those bastards asked them to look at Xiao Kai."

Field patted Chen Qiao and said.

"That's okay, let him go in and wake up."

At this time, a director came down from the elevator and told the businessmen who had obtained trade quotas to go to Conference Hall No. 3. Other businessmen gathered around and talked about investing in the mine in the barrier area, but soon this happened. A director rejected them and asked them to continue waiting. Trade quotas would be opened in the future.

Field and many businessmen came to Conference Hall No. 3. Several board members were discussing something, but there was no secretary in sight.

"Everyone, please sit down. We are just holding a simple meeting to tell you some of the products currently needed by Tianji Space Country."

Soon a light and shadow screen was adjusted, and many people looked at it carefully. The first category was canned meat. This is something that Tianji Space Country urgently needs because they do not have enough technology and space to process meat. Breeding or livestock breeding.

Although Chen Qiao wanted to smile, because food is their main business, he couldn't laugh now. Field beside him sighed.

"Looks like we're just going to have some skin in the game."

Their factories can only produce some canned goods, and canned meats account for 11 types of export commodities.

The second type is toilet paper, including some fiber products such as towels. This is something that many people present did not expect, because these products have been eliminated in Bright City for a long time. Even the people at the bottom now have many All used light and shadow toilet paper and towels.

The demand for this type of food seems to be very huge, and many businessmen are very happy, because the production technology of these things is too simple, and the raw materials are also very easy to obtain. After all, the inedible parts of many fiber crops are only Being able to be used as biological nutrients, these things can now be turned into commodities, which makes many businessmen feel very happy.

Because Tianji Space Country does not have enough land to grow some crops, toilet paper is very scarce in them and can only be used by the founders.

Including some plastic products, which are in short supply, there are 7 types of such products.

The third category is clothing products, which are also lacking in Tianji Space Country, because people there basically wear the same clothes without much change, and the business department also plans to use those products that can be used as clothing raw materials on a large scale. of crops are sold to merchants so they can begin crafting immediately.

Merchants with foreign trade qualifications are not restricted from doing anything else except selling foreign trade products to the city.

The merchants cheered and cheered. Among the 23 products announced, there was no difficulty in manufacturing. This was the best thing for the merchants. Only some additives and sealing of the cans were needed. Notice.

At 8:40, the businessmen left the venue. Those who were not qualified were still waiting anxiously. Many reporters also came over.

After hearing the businessmen who had obtained the trade volume explain the situation, many people are now extremely regretful.

"How about parting it out?"

"Don't even think about it. We have to do everything from purchasing raw materials to finished products ourselves. There can't be any middlemen."

The business department also has strict regulations on this point. Merchants who have obtained trade qualifications are strictly prohibited from outsourcing goods in any form. They must produce and manufacture goods themselves. Once they are found to have outsourced, they will be disqualified and will be severely fined.

As soon as Field went out, he comfortably squeezed out of the crowd of reporters under the escort of his bodyguards. He didn't want to be interviewed, but wanted to go to the building near the former Congress Square. He heard that Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, was still there.

Many people on the street looked over, and some people they knew came over to say hello. Field soon arrived in front of the building. The building was brightly lit, with lights on every floor, and many people could be seen especially on the top floor. , there are a large number of people from Section 5 guarding the area.

People from the company had been waiting for a long time. After Field went in, he heard about today's situation. Although Field only jokingly said that construction could start tonight, he did not expect that they would actually start construction.

Warning cordons were set up around the elevators that went up, and some dust and footprints could be seen. It should be that some building materials were transported directly up.

Field took the elevator to the 49th floor. Because the elevator had been locked to the 49th floor, only people from the embassy could take a special elevator to the 50th floor. No other elevators could reach the 50th floor.

Field came to the entrance to the passage. He was surprised to see several mutants from the Lightning Skull Guild installing a huge blast door. He was a little surprised.

"so fast."

Although several people looked a little sleepy, they worked very hard. Field walked up the stairs and soon arrived at the 50th floor. The place had been greatly changed. Many walls were opened and some were sealed.

They were all mutants from the Lightning Skull Guild, and some directors were standing not far away, discussing something with them.

"Are you planning to finish tonight?"

One of the governing officers smiled.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so fast. Master Le Xiao just submitted the plan today and it was approved immediately. We immediately summoned the mutants from the Lightning Skeleton Guild, and they were also willing to help."

"Hurry up and hurry up. It must be completed before 1 o'clock in the morning."

Xiong Dabiao's voice came from the previous large office. Field stepped over some building materials and walked over to see that the entire office had changed beyond recognition. Some explosion-proof alloy plates had been installed on the walls. Le Xiao was sitting at a table. Yawning and looking at everything, Field walked over.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Field. I will give you the rent now."

Field waved his hand.

"Don't be in such a hurry, just give it slowly."

But Lexiao still gave Field a rent of 20,000 yuan, and also came up with an indefinite rental contract. Field signed it readily on the spot without even reading any of the terms.

"Are you really not going to look at it?"


In Field's view, even if the entire building is given to them for free, it would be great. As long as the trade volume between the two countries increases, this building will definitely become a bridge between the two countries in the future. With such a bright prospect, Field can't wait to use it tomorrow. Send someone to renovate the building again.

Le Xiao smiled and sent the contract to the General Affairs Department, then she sighed and said.

"If people from other countries come here in the future, let them live here."

Le Xiao's words made Field's eyes widen in shock, but he immediately pretended not to hear it because Le Xiao's voice was very small, but at this moment Field's hands were shaking violently.

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