Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2353 An era that has never happened before (Part 2)

The wind and sand were raging. It was just 3 o'clock in the afternoon. In front of a mountain, Tianhen and the people from the special team were observing. A dark hole was revealed in front of them. Tianhen immediately led the people in.

The lights came on, and several members of the special forces moved forward quickly. This was the 109th rioter's facility in the barrier area discovered by the people in the barrier area.

"It's still a pile of scrap metal, Lord Tianhen."

It seems that there have been no signs of human activity in the house for a long time. Now Tianhen is leading a special team of 30 people to search the barrier area and only let the people from Section 10 come over if they find something valuable.

"Let's rest first."

As Tian Hen said, everyone moved some garbage away casually in twos and threes, and then rested on the spot. The facilities in this cave seemed to be relatively complete a few decades ago. Now it is basically clear what these rioters are holding on to. What kind of technology is there.

The quantum technology of these rioters is already quite mature and has been applied in many fields. The amazing barrier zone facilities are extremely shocking, because it is very difficult to research technology in such a harsh environment. of.

The rioters seemed to have disappeared suddenly. I don't know what method they used to hide them. It was probably the intricate drainage pipes in the city in the past, as well as the unknown basements that were secretly renovated when the city was newly built.

Tianhen found a place to lie down and took off his hat comfortably. Tianhen basically walked in such wind and sand every day except returning to the city to rest. He just wanted to finish the overall investigation of the barrier area quickly, and then Start investing in the next stage of work.

At present, Tianhen has a preliminary idea, which is to organize the mutated people in the brilliant city and let them become the foreign aid of the army. Tianhen has wanted to do this for a long time, but it has been hindered by many things. Still unable to do it.

The mutants in Bright City are an extremely huge force. If they are gathered together and given complete military training, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. However, many mutants used to hate the profession.

In the past, Pediatrics had extremely strict control over mutants and did not recruit too many mutants in several special recruitments. But this time Tianhen thought of a safer method.

This method evolved from the medical backup plan started by Section 4 many years ago. Training programs can be set up in the public security offices in 120 districts, and only one joint training is required per week.

As for the instructor, Tianhen planned to let the special forces train them directly. Looking at the wind and sand outside the cave entrance, Tianhen looked up at the dark sky. The country in the sky made Tianhen feel worried.

Nowadays, the income of most people has increased, and taxes have naturally increased, so now that Congress is able to afford this additional funds, it can give them some extra money a month according to their level, and only need to do it every week One day of training is enough.

The purpose of this is to summon the mutants as soon as possible when a problem occurs. They are not members of the pediatricians, but they are members of the city. Once the city is attacked, they will be These mutants can be organized quickly and effectively to fight and counterattack.

And if you want to get to this point, you must start with daily training. One day a week will not take up too much time of the mutants, nor will it make them resist, and it can also increase their income, which is for most people. For some mutants, it can be regarded as a considerable extra income.

For those mutated people in the head, Tianhen has tested their tone many times before. These guilds with powerful mutants are not willing to listen to the command of the business department. On this point, Tianhen has thought of many plans, but basically Nothing can be done.

Because these high-level mutants can do too many jobs in the city, they are not short of money at all, and naturally they will not want to obey the orders of the Executive Department.

It's just that these high-level mutants only account for 10% of the mutants in the city. Tianhen plans to try his best to let the remaining 90% of mutants join the training. After three subjects of systematic training, these mutants should They can become stronger, and Section 3 will give them priority to take part in the mutant promotion exam. The condition is to sign a long-term cooperation agreement with Section 3.

Once any problem occurs in the city, these mutants must unconditionally go to the place where the incident occurred to assist the administrative department.

Many riots that occurred in various parts of the city in the past actually had many mutants nearby. If they took action, these riots would be contained immediately, but many mutants chose to stand by and watch. First of all, they are not law enforcement. First, they don’t want to get into trouble.

Among them, the fact that they are not law enforcers is what many mutants are most afraid of. Xiong Dabiao and his Lightning Skeleton Guild have violated some laws many times and acted without authorization. Although they have restrained the further deterioration of some situations, they have also He violated the law and was sent to the eastern agricultural base many times to work.

As long as these mutants can sign a contract with Section 3, they will be given law enforcement rights to assist. Tianhen has discussed this part with Niya many times, and Niya has also said that she will formulate a detailed plan for dealing with mutants. After emergencies arise, documents on the strength and rights of law enforcement, etc., will be submitted to Congress at the appropriate time.

As long as all this is done well, Tianhen feels that now is the time to implement this measure. Although some low-level mutants could only do some heavy physical labor in the past, and their salary income had a clearly defined upper limit, But the money distributed to them by Section 3 was not in the form of wages, but in the form of incentives.

Coupled with being able to get systematic and formal combat training, this is the biggest benefit for those low-level mutants.

After resting for a while, Tian Hen got up and planned to leave. He planned to go to the base where the rioters were discovered by the people in the next barrier area. The person in charge of the records of the special operations team had already recorded everything in this facility.

After reporting it to Section 10 later, if they have any doubts, they will come to check it out in person. Tian Hen came to the intersection, and the people commanding the special team sealed the entrance with stones. Otherwise, if people from Section 10 came over, the cave would probably Flooded by wind and sand.

Parked outside were their vehicles, which were the motorcycles used by the special investigators before. The lift was in a dilapidated town where people gathered. Because the wind and sand were very strong nearby, the interference to the signal was extremely strong. , it is very difficult to determine the position from high altitude, so motorcycles are the most practical.

Tianhen also likes the feeling of flying in the wind and sand. He used to take his sister to move in the barrier area in this way. With his keen sense of smell, flexible mind and strong means, he survived in this barrier area. .

The wind and sand whistled past his ears, and the visibility on the road in front of him was very low. The past things kept reappearing in Tianhen's head. He glanced to the right, and the dazzling light was brighter than before. Now there is no need for those bad things. Means, it is completely possible to survive in the barrier zone.

Tianhen often thinks of what Jean answered him in the past.

At that time, Tianhen asked Jean, when will the wind and sand here stop, and these people will no longer have to fight for survival in the dark.

Jean did not give an accurate answer, but just told Tianhen that if the sun's rays shine on this land one day, then his question will be answered.

"Section Chief, he should be around here."

It wasn't until a female member of the special forces team reminded him that Tianhen came back to his senses. The motorcycle came to the entrance of a mountain. Sure enough, as the people in the barrier area said, they had already marked the entrance. There are many mountain entrances in this place, but at the correct entrance, the people from the barrier area have placed a dilapidated car here.

After Tianhen and the others quickly put down their motorcycles, they went in along the entrance. Along the way, Tianhen found many traces of artificial carvings, which surprised Tianhen.

The traces were too obvious, and the members of the special forces behind them began to take out equipment to detect and take pictures. Tianhen signaled everyone to prepare to fight, because this area was the area where the marching team had problems before.

There are still a large number of rioters lurking in the barrier area, trying to do something. Although some people have been arrested so far, these are just the dead soldiers of the creators. The only thing they know is the order of action. , they don’t know anything about the above.

These people explained some of their own situations, and they were all basically the same. Most of them were expelled with their parents. They saw everything in this dark land and hated the bright city. Successful people Used by rioters.

This place was discovered because some scavengers wanted to try their luck and see if they could pick up anything useful after hearing that there was a battle here.

Several scavengers witnessed people coming in and out of the mountains. After they ventured in, they found something strange and left. Soon Tianhen discovered that at a corner, the ground was no longer soft, but changed. Must be relatively hard.

Other members of the special team also noticed the changes on the ground. Soon Tianhen confirmed the entrance. Tianhen's eyes radiated red light. He quietly looked at the entrance covered by the sand in front of him. Several other team members confirmed There was a ventilation vent sunken into the mountain wall.


Following a violent twisting, the metal cover was unscrewed by the huge power of telepathy for a moment. Tianhen jumped in first, with red particles surrounding his body, and the special forces personnel behind him also followed.

"Relax, it's all over."

There was a faint smell in the room. Soon the lights came on and Tianhen closed his eyes. Only then did several members of the special forces team discover that there were three corpses in the basement. They had all dried up. Under harsh and dry climate conditions, once a person dies, he or she will quickly turn into a mummy.

Through a quick DNA test, it was confirmed that one of them was the woman in Team 144 who killed and injured most of the team members, but her name was not known because after she was exposed, the demographic information found in the city indicated that the person had been missing for a long time. , and the DNA of the two does not match.

Immediately afterwards Tianhen took out a simple surgical bag, opened an operating table, and conducted an autopsy on the body with several team members while wearing a mask. Soon they confirmed the cause of death. All three of them died of starvation.

There were a lot of paper documents piled up in the basement. Tian Hen flipped through them casually. Most of them were some of the locations where Section 3 had marched in the barrier area over the years, as well as some surrounding maps, strategies and tactics, and other things. How to attack, where to place manpower, and how to tell the intelligence to the gang members in the barrier area.

This place is more like a small combat command room. There are many light and heavy firepower weapons in it, but there is no food and water. Tianhen deduces that it is probably the system built by the rioters after the rioters in the city were exposed. It has completely collapsed, and these personnel outside the barrier area have naturally lost their supplies.

As for why they were starved to death here, Tian Hen asked the members of the team to start investigating.

Soon the members of the team discovered the clues. The reason why they were starved to death was because of the metal iron door. The metal iron door that was opened by Tian Hen using powerful telekinesis had been firmly locked. The thickness reaches 20 centimeters. Although the three of them are mutants, they are just low-level mutants. If you want to open this kind of iron door, you have to use heavy firepower weapons, but using it in such a confined space is tantamount to seeking death.

The three of them seemed to have tried to dig out the vents, but they seemed to have failed. Moreover, they still had some injuries on their bodies. It seemed that they had escaped here after being injured, but they did not know who locked the iron door, which eventually led to The three of them were trapped alive inside.

"It's time for this to end."

Tianhen looked at the three corpses, and there was something in his heart that he couldn't express in words. He came to the side of the stairs. The thickness of the ground was about 3 meters. They couldn't dig it out at this thickness. Low-level mutants could do it. Things are limited, plus they were injured, and Tianhen also noticed that in a waste, the mutant's genetic stabilizer was a few months ago, which means they don't have such a Stabilizer, which can self-destruct at any time.

Watching the team members sorting it out, Tianhen returned to the top and looked at the connection part of the metals on one side. He leaned down to check and found that the connection part was twisted. It was not caused by Tianhen's forceful opening just now. The shape was the same. The little twists indicate that they were struggling to open the door before they died. They might have missed it just a little bit, but it was obvious that they failed in the end.

"This era has passed. You no longer need to hate the light. Nothing like this will happen in the future. Because we are in an unprecedented era."

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