Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2344 Seeing is Believing (Part 2)

"It's more lively than before."

Gu Ningning muttered something, and Le Xiao nodded with a smile.

"Yes, Ning Ning, the ground floor is really lively now. I have never seen such a lively situation since I was a child."

Gu Ningning smiled. She was very lucky when she was born. Her biological parents gave her to Wu Qun and Yin Xianglin to raise her. Later, she was specially recruited into the medical school because of her excellent medical achievements. From then on, his talents began to show.

At that time, Gu Ningning had only one idea. She just wanted to do something so that she could respond to this luck. Therefore, Gu Ningning could not feel Le Xiao's excitement because she lived in the upper class.

The material conditions are extremely favorable. Seeing Le Xiao looking so happy, Gu Ningning said.

"Lele, did you have a bad life when you were a child?"

Le Xiao scratched his head.

"It's okay, but I'm just hungry all the time."

Gu Ningning smiled awkwardly. No wonder Le Xiao was eating very hard now, and so was her eating appearance. Watching her eat, she felt her appetite was very good.

"I wonder what the guys in the back will think."

Le Xiao muttered, and Gu Ningning could probably guess that they wouldn't have any ideas.

At the same time, at the head of a large lift at the back, the patriarchs of several large families and some medium-sized families were sitting in the lift. The feet were transparent and they could overlook the panoramic view of the bottom floor. The lift slowed down when it got here.

Although everyone knew it well, they still looked at it.

"It's changed again."

Chen Qiao muttered. He went to the ground floor a while ago. The ground floor was not as lively as it is now. But now, at a glance, the streets are filled with dark crowds. The flow of people is like flowing water, and the noise can be heard even at a height of several hundred meters. , can still be heard.

Jiang Hao sighed, and Honghong patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. The couple had supported each other all the way over the years. After this failure, the couple talked a lot about things in the past, and about the past. Some prospects for the future.

"Out of sight, out of mind, Jiang Hao, if the cinema is built at this time, you don't know how much money you will make now."

Field muttered, and although Jiang Hao was unhappy, he could only nod helplessly. The people below knew clearly that the city had really changed, and this time the excitement at the bottom would probably last for a long time.

It will no longer be like the past, where it was just a short period of excitement and then began to wither. The methods used in the past no longer work. People sitting at the front are thinking about the conditions proposed by the Acting Department.

In the distance is the dark barrier area. Now it seems that the business department is determined to implement this proposal. If the family members can obtain the same area of ​​planting land again, it will be very beneficial to the entire family.

As long as the agricultural base in the barrier area can be put into normal operation in the future and food resources can keep up, the city will usher in a new round of explosive growth. This will be a problem for many small families that have been struggling for a long time. , are the best, and so are those big families. Once the market begins to expand, the city's population will usher in a new round of growth, and the economy will naturally rise.

The family members in the lift were talking about what they saw now. The speed of the lift was very slow. They could see clearly that there were many new buildings on the ground floor and many houses were being renovated, especially the photoelectric coating. Layer installation.

Recently, many of Field's companies that produce photoelectric coatings have made huge profits and received a large number of orders, all of which come from the bottom.

A distance that could be traversed in a few minutes, it took four large takeoffs and landings half an hour to slowly leave the ground floor and pass the southern guard station.

Gu Ningning immediately began to accelerate. Within a few minutes, the lift landed behind the half-built wall in the barrier area. A large open space had been cleared. The wind and sand had begun to get stronger. Le Xiao hit Shivering, he put on some thick clothes.

Although Gu Ningning had been to the barrier area many times with Huashen before, everything in front of her was still the same as what she saw when she first went to the barrier area decades ago. There were almost no changes, and her clothes were in tatters in the wind and sand. , unkempt people, there is always a pungent smell in the air.

There's just one difference. Gu Ningning looked at the people gathered under the lights. Many of them came for Le Xiao, because Le Xiao's declaration at the southern guard station brought success to all the people in the barrier area. Comes hope.

"Lord Le Xiao."

Someone shouted, and more and more people gathered around, cheering excitedly. At this time, the four large lifts behind them also lowered, and the family members began to come out wearing thick clothes. Ning Ning looked back and saw that many members of the family were wearing masks, but it was obvious that they could not adapt.

Gu Ningning looked at Le Xiao who had walked among the people in the barrier area. She happily talked to some people. The only difference between the barrier area and the past was their eyes. This kind of hopeful and radiant eyes were different from those in the past. The wooden horse looks like a zombie with a different look.

"Can crops really be grown in a place like this?"

A young man from the family exclaimed, and many women felt a little scared, because many people from the barrier area had already gathered around.

"You can take a walk around, ladies and gentlemen."

Niya's voice came. She was wearing a coat and didn't seem to care about the cold in the barrier area. She was chewing a cigarette. The people from the special management team also came over. Niya took a look and said among many people. Le Xiao and the family members huddled together in response to the situation. They seemed to be too shocked by what they saw in front of them.

Especially many young people in the family couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"How about you guys, they have been living in this harsh environment so far. Feel the difference between the world here and where you are. Obviously we are all human beings."

Niya's voice was as loud as ever, and many family members began to move around. Many people still looked a little scared. Niya blew out a puff of smoke and then threw away the cigarette butt. In her opinion, the scene in front of her was too It's too incredible.

Moreover, it was completely unimaginable for Niya that members of the family would come to the barrier area, and she had never considered or imagined that such a thing would happen, but today it really happened before her eyes.

Xiong Dabiao and Olivia walked over quickly.

"The reporter is filming? Can't you lower your voice?"

Olivia muttered, Xiong Dabiao laughed and put his arm around Niya's shoulders.

"After all, they are all flesh and blood people. As long as they are not inherently evil, they will probably be touched."

Niya watched as young girls from several families ran to some children and took out some candies for them. The children lined up and did not fight for them.

Reporters began to run up. They had already reported a lot about the agricultural base and the barrier zone. Now that the family members were also coming, they naturally wanted to interview them and ask them about their actual feelings.

"Okay, now you can come with me to the agricultural planting experimental field not far away."

Larry shouted with a loudspeaker, and a group of people followed him. Niya saw Le Xiao still chattering about things with some people in the barrier area, and walked over and grabbed her directly.

"Girl, you are the initiator of this event, right? Why are you still standing here?"

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"That's it. I hope everyone can convey what I just said to each other."

Nia asked.

"What did you just say?"

"I just said this place will soon become like the city."

Niya frowned slightly.

"It's a good thing to have this kind of heart, but don't paint a big picture for them, just in case."

"There is no chance, Lady Niya, we will definitely do it."

Niya smiled helplessly, and the two of them quickly reached the head of the crowd. A large number of people were already standing outside the agricultural breeding base. In a translucent wall, many people could see what was happening under the light. The crops, many of them, looked different in size and didn't look too good.

Larry began to explain to the family what it was like to plant in such a harsh environment. Every family member present felt this bone-chilling feeling.

Wind and sand are constantly blowing over, and there is an unpleasant smell in the wind, but many people find it incredible that people in the barrier area can actually carry and work in such wind and sand.

"Perhaps we should really reflect on this."

Field muttered, and Jiang Hao on the side felt a little tingling in his cheek. This was the first time he felt this way. His wife beside him was trembling slightly. Some members of the family could no longer bear it and wanted to go back.

But with so many reporters present, they could only stand and listen to Larry explain in such a cold wind that the current temperature is only 6 degrees, and even the Wendy's area on the edge of the night in Bright City is higher than here.

The Angus couple and other members of the Angus family were very quiet, because they had been here several times and were completely adapted to the situation here. Charles on the side also came once, but he did not stop that time. Too long.

"In general, this base is currently under construction, and we need enough experience. Only when this base experiment is successful, we will start to build such a base on a large scale, and we will build it as quickly as possible, because We already have a lot of experimental data to support it, so I hope everyone can think about it and our 12 departments will continue to implement this plan."

After Larry finished speaking, he looked at the family members who were shivering with cold, and then pointed to the shack behind the barrier in the distance.

"Everyone can move freely now. If you feel it is too cold, you can enter the shed at will. There is an air quality generator inside."

After Larry finished speaking, many people who couldn't bear it started to leave first, but there were still many people who stayed. Some people braved the cold and windy sand and walked under the escort of the special management team.

"It's really incredible."

Chen Qiao said helplessly, and Avano laughed.

"Maybe in your opinion, this is indeed the case, but human beings are capable of overcoming hardships in order to survive."

Chen Qiao nodded silently. Many people from the Touhou family did not go to the house, because it was these people who decided whether to lease the planting land to Section 12.

"Clan leader, of course we fully support you."

Su Ying muttered to the side, and Su Cheng nodded. The younger generation of the Su family came, and they all followed Le Xiao. The other older generations did not come, and Le Xiao nodded with a smile.

"It will be really good that we can allocate a piece of land here when the time comes."

Su Ying smiled awkwardly, but she didn't expect that the patriarch of their family was thinking about such simple things.

Le Xiao started walking inside the base with a bunch of people, and reporters followed him immediately. After all, this was a very good interview opportunity.

"My Lord Le Xiao, given the current situation, how long do you think the success cycle of this experimental base will be?"

Le Xiao frowned slightly.

"I didn't know. Ask the people in Section 12 about this. They work hard here every day, and they have the most say."

The reporter who asked the question seemed a little embarrassed, Le Xiao said with a smile.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it will always work out, and can't you see it?"

Le Xiao glanced around at the reporters and pointed at people moving things and working not far away.

"Everyone has worked so hard, and it is under such a bad situation. You have seen this with your own eyes. Now we just need to protect this plan and be patient. It will definitely succeed. And now There have been certain results.”

Le Xiao continued after finishing speaking.

"You all should interview more people from other families. Our Su family will fully support this plan."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, he started running quickly, and the reporters could only disperse.

People from the scattered families were watching the construction site. The people in these barrier areas worked very hard, and they did so without any mechanical help.

At this time, inside the two large lifts, some chefs were already busy. They needed to cook a lot of food today, and the ingredients had just been flown in.

Niya was leaning outside a shack. The door of the room had been closed. Many people from the family had come over to ask when they could go back. Niya directly said that after dinner, nearly half of the family members huddled up like this. In the shacks, many looked dissatisfied.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, outside a shack, a member of the family started talking angrily to the clerk outside.

"Mr. Longke, if you want to go back, you can walk back by yourself, and we will send a department member to escort you."

The old man immediately stopped talking and entered the room angrily.

Niya noticed that the younger generation was okay, but the older generation still hadn't changed much from before, because they had been completely solidified and didn't care what happened to these people or how they lived every day.

"Whoever makes a fucking fuss again, I will kick them out and walk back by myself."

Seeing that there were still people making requests, Niya roared angrily, and many people who made requests returned to the house.

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