Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2336 Good News (Part 1)


Zhao Siya yawned and sat in the office. King Xue was still talking about some matters. All the reporters were taking notes carefully. Although it was already late at night, the video of the meeting with Tianji Space Country would be released directly tomorrow.

The video has been edited by King Xue, and the content of the report has been determined. Tomorrow, these reporters will start reporting and interview some relevant people in the meeting.

No one present expected that the report would be reported so quickly, and the content of the report in the past few days has been initially finalized. The reporters need to conduct various reports based on the meeting records tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

What needs to be reported tomorrow is some situations in Tianji Space Country. Zhao Siya is already very sleepy. They have to publish and report at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, so they have to get up at 7 o'clock to start checking some news reports that have been set.

"Everyone, this is a landmark report. I hope you can take it more seriously. Okay, now please go back to your room and rest. Remember that you need to ask for instructions when leaving the General Affairs Department, especially within these two days. ."

Zhao Siya was shocked. The expressions on other people's faces were not very good either. Then everyone got up and started to go back to their dormitories.

As soon as she left the conference room, Zhao Siya saw Wu Lei waiting in the rest area. She walked over with a smile. Looking at an extra cup of tea on the table, Zhao Siya asked.

"Who are you talking to so late? I guess it's a woman."

Wu Lei smiled helplessly.

"My dad, it's been a long time since I've talked to him for that long."

Zhao Siya sat down awkwardly.

"It felt like I was imprisoned."

Wu Lei could only express his helplessness, because it is true that their 15 reporters must be careful everywhere in the future and must obey the arrangements of Section 1 Chief Xue Wang.

"I've done it all, so it's useless to talk about it now."

"Hey, what should I say? I don't know what you are anxious about. I am surprised that this news will be announced to the citizens tomorrow morning."

Wu Lei also found it strange. After all, there are so many things going on in the city now. Reporting this matter now will make the already noisy city even more noisy.

"By the way, has Zhou Jia been looking for you recently?"

Wu Lei was a little surprised, then said with a smile.

"Why are you bringing this up?"

"Zhou Jia and I met recently and talked a lot about you. In fact, I think you two are quite suitable."

Wu Lei shook his head.

"Go to bed, that was a long time ago."

"What does this mean? I have been married for so many years. Many of our classmates are married, but you are still single."

Wu Lei really didn't want to talk about these issues. After all, he had no time or mind to think about such things now.

"If you are free during the Chinese New Year, can I make an appointment for you?"

Zhao Siya said as she moved closer to Wu Lei and pushed Wu Lei with a smile.

"Stop it."

Zhao Siya said immediately.

"You don't know that Zhou Jia seems to be having a hard time now, and she has talked about you many times. She feels a little regretful and wants to talk to you."

Wu Lei shook his head and stood up.


Zhao Siya was a little helpless. Zhou Jia and Wu Lei were lovers when they were in college. However, after graduating from college, the two had more and more friction. At that time, no one knew that Wu Lei was Wu Qun's son. Never mentioned.

In the end, Zhou Jia found a rich second-generation boyfriend and completely fell out with Wu Lei. Wu Lei tried to get back together several times, but Zhou Jia ignored him.

Many classmates were very sorry and helped a lot. After that, Wu Lei did not enter a company related to his major, but went to the practice department. Many people felt that he did not go there because he had a bright future, so how could he go there? In the following few years, Wu Lei's name once again appeared in the public eye, and it was the news that he became the director of the General Affairs Department.

It was at this time that everyone learned that Wu Lei's parents were both prominent figures in the city. His father was councilor Wu Qun, and his mother was Yin Xianglin, the former secretary of the General Affairs Section.

At that time, Zhou Jia had just broken up with her boyfriend, and many people advised Zhou Jia to find Wu Lei again. Unfortunately, more than ten years later, the two never had any intersection.

In fact, Zhou Jia mentioned Wu Lei not once or twice. It is true that Zhou Jia had some power at the time, and she was actually a good person.

Zhao Siya hadn't seen Wu Lei for more than two months. When she saw Wu Lei this time, she always felt that Wu Lei seemed to have something on his mind.

It is really easy to have random thoughts after being alone for a long time. Zhao Siya was a little helpless. At this time, a man came over. He was one of the 15 reporters named Xu Chao.

"I think this is a bit dangerous."

Xu Chao said, Zhao Siya nodded, and the others thought so too. If something goes wrong, they will only be the ones taking the blame. There are countless such particles. The one thing in common among the 15 of them is that they never report some rights. The 15 of them have not had any problems for so many years.

It's not that they don't want to report it, but they know very well what's going on in the rights world.

"Forget it, just take it one step at a time."

Xu Chao stood up as he spoke. Zhao Siya looked at Xu Chao leaving with an indescribable feeling in her heart. She always felt that Xu Chao wanted to say something to her, but was unable to.

Wu Lei, who returned to the room, had just taken a shower. He was lying on the bed having trouble falling asleep. He picked up the wine beside him and took a big sip.

Recently, Wu Lei really wants to resign more and more. He has already discussed this issue with Wu Qun tonight, and Wu Qun suggested that he wait for a year before talking.

Wu Lei also knows that it is not appropriate to resign now. After all, the situation is so chaotic now and it is the time when manpower is needed. Wu Lei is also full of hope for the future of the city, but he still feels a little unmotivated.

Wu Lei thought that maybe it was because he was too tired, but that was not the case. Instead, he felt that his current life was too boring.

"Forget it, maybe it will be fine if you grit your teeth and hold on."

After Wu Lei lay down, he looked at the light. The light was extinguished little by little. At this moment, Wu Lei saw a dark shadow sliding past the window. Subconsciously, he had already stood up and lifted the quilt. The moment the person jumped to the window After opening the curtains, there is a dazzling light from the bottom in the distance, but there is nothing.

"Illusion? Are you too tired?"

Wu Lei looked around in confusion, but he didn't believe it was an illusion. He did see a strange black shadow just now, which felt a bit like mist. Wu Lei felt that he couldn't be wrong.

After watching for a while, Wu Lei fell asleep, and fell asleep within a while. At this time, a black smoke-like thing appeared in the room, and it was getting closer to Wu Lei. The smoke was changing in the air. It soon turned into a ferocious human face.

9 a.m.

"What on earth is this?"

A citizen who was walking on the road saw the news playing on a light and shadow screen on the street. Many people stopped and the commotion became louder and louder. Even some Section 5 officers patrolling the street looked at the news in surprise. reports.

Many people would have difficulty reacting to such a thing for a while, and some people immediately questioned whether it was true or false. But soon after news reports released the video of the meeting, many people became excited because they did not expect that in such a world, There is another country, and this country is still in space.

"In the current first round of talks with Asgard, the two sides have discussed various issues harmoniously, especially in agriculture. Brilliant City will officially hold more discussions with the ambassador from Asgard after the year. Talks in various fields, such as agriculture, technology, medical care, etc., are the first projects that our Brilliant City and Asgard must discuss."

As this report unfolded, some businessmen were the most active. Many businessmen immediately began to gather together, because the situation at the bottom is too complicated now, and many businessmen entered the scene late and could only stare, but This report made many businessmen see excellent business opportunities.

Once the talks between the city and Asgard are concluded and commercial cooperation is finalized, merchants can immediately start doing business with Asgard. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for most merchants.

Some merchants rushed directly to the General Affairs Department, because they had to know immediately whether Brilliant City had any plans to conduct trade with Asgard in the short term. If so, the merchants could start preparations immediately. After all, such an opportunity Once you miss it, it will be taken away by others.

Just half an hour after the report ended, a large number of businessmen had already stepped onto the square of the General Affairs Department, because the talks were still going on, and today was the second day of the talks in Asgard.

For some scholars who usually study some social structures and the unknown world, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, the General Affairs Department was not allowed to enter at this time. The businessmen could only wait in the nearest place. Some reports were just a few words, but the second meeting on the spot had officially begun. The meeting was not a live broadcast, but a real meeting with reporters. to report some content.

Some images and videos from the Sky Space Kingdom have been released, and many people are downloading the videos. In less than an hour, the number of downloads of the released videos has exceeded 10 million.

Some big businessmen also came over, including people from many families, because everyone knows that once the two closed countries open up for trade, the number of transactions will be very huge, and the economy will rise rapidly in an instant. This is a lot. This is the best news that businessmen who have been struggling in the commercial quagmire of the city for half a century have heard in recent years.

Many businessmen who still had resentment about the division of the bottom layer no longer had any resentment at this moment. They were all looking forward to the two sides finalizing the trade deal as soon as possible.

Wu Lei looked at the businessmen gathered in the square quietly. Now he understood why King Xue announced this matter on the second day of the meeting, because there were too many businessmen in the city who did not get a share of the bottom layer. They have no way out at all and can only look at the businessmen at the bottom who are making big money every day.

Well now, this incident has given great good news to the businessmen in the city who were excluded from the underlying construction.

Now Wu Lei thought carefully about what his father said to him last night. He pressed his forehead and smiled, because his father should have thought of why King Xue announced this matter so early.

The square of the General Affairs Section was crowded, and the businessmen were still waiting. When it was just 12 o'clock, reporters began to swarm over. Because they saw Le Xiao coming down with people from the special diplomatic team, the reporters hurriedly got over.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, may I ask what is being discussed in today's meeting?"

Le Xiao said with a smile.

"We have already discussed the exchange of some goods with Her Majesty the Queen of Asgard, Ye Katerina."

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, everyone in the square cheered crazily. The commodity exchange that many businessmen were most concerned about had already begun.

"After the official talks are over tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we will announce a specific currency system, the exchange ratio between our Brilliant City's currency and Asgard's three currencies. After the announcement, people in Asgard will officially visit At that time, both of us can directly use currency to purchase, and then conduct commercial trade.”

Le Xiao's words made the businessmen present feel like they were intoxicated. They cheered again. Now, as long as they wait for the formal talks to end, they will know exactly what Asgard products Bright City will purchase from the beginning, and Asgard Many businessmen saw huge business opportunities as to what products De wanted to purchase from Bright City.

As long as you do it well, you can make a lot of money in an instant, especially after the currency system is announced, businessmen can immediately start to calculate their own interests, shipments, etc.

Le Xiao looked at more and more businessmen gathered in the General Affairs Department Square and smiled happily.

"Okay everyone, I'm going to eat. We'll have a meeting at noon later."

Immediately after the short interview ended, the 15 reporters serving as the special reporting team began to report their own content, and some corresponding directors were also interviewed.

"These guys are really serious. They used to be desperate and shouted for resistance every day. Now they are supporting it with both hands and feet."

Le Xiao muttered something, and Wu Lei laughed.

"Of course, after all, you can make money, and for businessmen, making money is what they like most. As long as there is external trade, the pressure inside Bright City will be much less in the future, and the agricultural base in the barrier area will The resistance to construction will also be much smaller.”

"That's true."

Le Xiao rested her hand on her chin and looked at the noisy square outside. The businessmen didn't care about eating at all. They were recording something on the light and shadow screen. The last time she saw the businessmen so active, Le Xiao still remembered it. When large-scale construction began on the ground floor, we only saw various protests and various boycotts by these businessmen.

Many problems in the city are economic problems. Le Xiao has realized this recently. The reason why the city is much better than before is because everyone has made money and continues to make money. Life has become easier, and naturally there is a lot less money. contradiction.

"I hope the future will be better."

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