Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2334 Game between countries (Part 2)

Chapter 2334 Game between countries (Part 2)

The rice ears are full and huge, and the rice stalks are also extremely thick and strong. This crop is nearly 1.5 meters long, and every grain looks extremely plump.

Ye Chunwang immediately began to observe in detail.

"What do you think old man, what do you think this is?"

Jewell, who had been silent on the side, asked, and Ye Chunwang answered after thinking for a while.

"Perhaps it's some kind of genetic improvement technology, and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it."

Everyone was listening to Nigel from the Sky Space Country talking about some problems in their agriculture, because in that environment, the problem in agriculture was output. With the increase in population in recent years, food output has begun to become serious. Not enough.

Nowadays, the entire Tianji Space Country has gradually begun to face a food crisis, so now it has to start with agriculture. It can be seen that the other party is very eager.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, what do you think of making agriculture the first topic of interaction between our two countries?"

"no problem."

Le Xiao replied easily. She looked at the image on the screen thoughtfully. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it for a while. He could only continue to listen to Nigel.

"I hope that when we start a formal meeting, we can provide us with a certain amount of food. Of course, we can exchange it for the minerals or other things you need."

Nigel said, and immediately called up some information, which was the current mineral reserves of Tianji Space Country. Le Xiao was not sure what was needed. At this time, a director officer of Section 10 stood up.

"Lord Le Xiao, let me talk to General Nigel."

Le Xiao nodded, and Nigel across from him bowed slightly, and the two began to talk. The minerals above did contain extremely scarce substances in Brilliant City. Sure enough, after he just proposed a mineral, Nigel's Many people showed knowing smiles.

At this time, Mo Xiaolan, who was in the conference room nearby, laughed.

"They really know how to speak like a lion."

Nigel immediately proposed an exchange plan, exchanging a meal of this element for 10 tons of grain. Obviously this deal was not cost-effective. Although Bright City lacked this mineral and needed it for some key electronic components, There are also some special synthetic metals, but this mineral is not extremely deficient.

In the case of insufficient grain production, the value of grain far exceeds this 1 ton of minerals, so such a transaction cannot be established.

The director responsible for talking to Nigel said immediately.

"General Nigel, 1 ton for 10 tons, isn't that too much?"

"So what do you think about it?"

Nigel asked immediately. Lexiao was still looking at the crops. He always felt that there was something wrong with this crop. It was not because it grew too tall, but because the stems of this crop looked too hard. There was no crop. That kind of natural feeling, that's what Le Xiao thought.

However, everyone present has already seen some clues. The 1.5-meter-high crop in the video has a strong sense of violation.

Nigel was still asking, and the exchange price given by the director was 1 ton of materials for 1.5 tons of grain.

"I'm afraid this is too little, Your Excellency Zhang Ming."

The director named Zhang Ming smiled and shook his head.

"Our food can be meat or other crops that our Brilliant City can produce."

"How about 5 tons?"

Nigel suggested again, but Zhang Ming immediately refused. He had noticed early on that such a replacement was too unreliable, because it was impossible to know the specific productivity of Asgard and whether the minerals they provided had other In terms of requirements, because it is in the space environment, if these minerals are raw stones, such a transaction will be very loss-making, because refining will take a lot of time and requires investment in refining equipment.

"How about taking a look at other things first. In addition to minerals, we also have some special material products."

Nigel immediately brought out some other things, many of which seemed to be composite materials. He began to hold some composite materials and explain them with images from space.

"I always feel like they did it on purpose."

Mo Xiaolan muttered again, warning everyone present, because it was said at the beginning that food from Brilliant City would be exchanged, which was a bit surprising, because Asgard's most important priority should be medical care. But they said nothing about it.

Moreover, it is unreasonable to exchange minerals for crops, because if Bright City's crops are handed over, they can immediately analyze the genes of the crops and cultivate corresponding crops based on the genome. This is tantamount to using the technology of crops. Leave it in their hands.

This kind of transaction is impossible to establish, and what the other party hands over may be the most primitive ore, and Brilliant City will get nothing.

"General Nigel, how about we exchange multiple types of crops? Trade crops for crops. We can draw up a comparison table of crop output, and then customize the exchange plan based on this table."

Zhang Ming knew from the beginning that this kind of transaction was absolutely impossible, but if the conditions were the same, he could trade with them. As expected, Nigel said helplessly.

"Your Excellency Zhang Ming, we have fallen into a food crisis. Even if we use crop output as the trading standard, it will be difficult for us to exchange crops."

The meeting was about to reach a deadlock, when Le Xiao suddenly spoke.

"Why don't we start by exchanging daily necessities?"

But it was obvious that Le Xiao's words did not liven up the conversation. Instead, people on both sides fell into an awkward silence.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, many of the daily necessities we produce may not be able to meet the needs of your Brilliant City. After all, we are two completely different countries, and the people's living habits and so on are different."

Le Xiao thought the same thing and could only smile helplessly, but the situation was too embarrassing. At this time, Zhang Ming bowed slightly.

"How about we both gradually announce some domestic situations first, and then discuss the transaction?"

Zhang Ming's proposal was a good way for both parties to get off the ground. As expected, the other party agreed. It was only 9:20, but the meeting had to end early because both parties knew very well that they had to discuss what needed to be disclosed to the other party. Domestic data, and whether these data are true or false.

Le Xiao stood up again, raised his glass and took a sip with Katerina. The meeting ended in a slightly awkward way, and the two parties agreed to continue at 9 a.m. the next morning.

The reporters who were present taking notes breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and Wu Lei walked to Zhao Siya with a smile.

"How's it going? I see you are under a lot of pressure?"

"Of course, there are really many restrictions on this kind of thing. We were originally supposed to be asked to ask questions, but in the end we didn't expect this situation to arise."

Zhao Siya grabbed Wu Lei and dragged him out of the conference room amidst the discussion in the conference room.

"I don't want to do it anymore, can you tell me something?"

Wu Lei was a little surprised.

"Why, the salary and benefits are pretty good, and the future is bright"

"This kind of thing is too sad and troublesome. There is also a certain degree of uncertainty, and the pressure is too great."

Wu Lei naturally knew what kind of pressure Zhao Siya was talking about, so he could only smile and pat her on the shoulder.

"From the moment you know this, there is no turning back. You will have to stay later."

Zhao Siya sighed. At this time, Le Xiao came out with a relaxed expression, and Wu Lei leaned over.

"I just saw you dazed, did you notice anything?"

Le Xiao immediately talked about her first reaction after seeing those rice ears, because she had been in the farmland. With such large rice ears, the grains should bend the rice stalks, but the rice stalks were still not bent. , and looking at the picture is very inconsistent, it always feels like it has been specially processed.

Wu Lei was shocked and immediately reported to Michelle.

"I'm going home first."

Le Xiao said and left. She wanted to go back early and continue chatting with Jean. Wu Lei did not explain clearly. As soon as Le Xiao entered the elevator, Michelle called. Wu Lei explained what Le Xiao had just said. Case.

"I understand, go and do your work."

Wu Lei glanced at the conference room next door. They did not have permission to enter. Wu Lei sighed, and now he felt that the burden on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier.

"Sure enough, the layers have been refined. Although there is no way to restore them, I can be 100% sure."

Li Chu looked at some codes on the light and shadow screen, which were very difficult to find. If it weren't for what Michelle just said, everyone would just feel a little confused.

"Then the question is, what's the benefit of them deceiving us with such fake things?"

Niya asked, and Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Of course it's to test our bottom line."

Mo Xiaolan immediately called up the previous video, played it, and began to analyze it during the bargaining session between Nigel and Zhang Ming.

"First of all, this guy's argument about exchanging minerals for crops has been very unreliable from the beginning, and their so-called food crisis is probably fake. The transaction is based on mutual needs. Don't you think they are arrogant? No. Ask us what we need, but take the initiative to ask for our needs and want us to cooperate with them.”

After Mo Xiaolan finished speaking, everyone nodded, and Niya burst out laughing.

"What if it's true? Haven't they even eaten meat?"

Mo Xiaolan rolled his eyes at Niya and then said.

"The fact that they were able to come up with such a completely impossible deal can only mean one thing. They want to see our attitude, and our response will determine how they will talk to us in the future. Here is a The problem, in fact, should have been explained at the beginning. This kind of transaction cannot be established when the situation of both parties is unclear, but it was not explained, that idiot girl. She couldn’t think of anything in her mind. "

Ye Chunwang, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke.

"Perhaps they are using genetic technology to replace the plant shell with machinery to create similar functions, and then use a system similar to the plant's response mechanism. They only need to add the corresponding nutrient solution, and the crops can be transformed by the genetic machinery. Here, cultivate it.”

Ye Chunwang's words drew everyone present to the video of their agricultural base that Nigel had played before. Indeed, these crops looked too stiff. Ye Chunwang said that these crops looked like fakes.

"We have done similar experiments before, but unfortunately we gave up in the end, because in this case, the biological value created by the inedible parts of the crops grown from the land will be lost, which will make the city missing. A lot of material things.”

"Xiaoye, it can only be a guessing stage now. Everything can only be decided after they officially start their visit."

At this time, King Xue stood up.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I think our top priority is to discuss what situation of the city, population, climate, and agricultural base area, including industries, should be announced?"

After King Xue finished speaking, everyone began to sit at the table. This is an issue that must be discussed as soon as possible. It is not good to announce too much, and it is not good to announce too little, and the other party is probably the same.

Whether the things announced are equivalent is still a big question. If the benchmarks are announced one by one, it will be very embarrassing for both parties. After all, it is our first time to have such a "close" meeting, so this issue is somewhat uncomfortable. Easy to handle.

Moreover, if the problem is not handled well, it will cause problems in the subsequent interactive development.

"It's better to do this. Let the girl ask everything clearly tomorrow so that we can have a good idea."

Mo Xiaolan said, and Leona immediately retorted.

"Is the other party that stupid? How could they say it first? Moreover, because of the problem of human cloning, their social structure, production capacity, etc. must be false. They will only use 3 million people as the base to announce the number of people who meet the requirements of 3 million. There can be no extra things on a human scale. What we received is false news, and they already know that our Brilliant City has a population of more than 30 million. Anyone who knows a little bit about mathematics can naturally calculate the approximate situation. ."

Leona's words made everyone a little embarrassed, and then Ivy suggested.

"Why don't we first announce some industries in our city and what is the situation of the practitioners? In this way, it will be difficult to calculate anything when the situation is unclear."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"That's all we can do. The scale of our agricultural base cannot be announced, as well as medical things. These things can only be discussed step by step after their official visit. Of course, they can only talk to us if they are willing to talk."

Mo Xiaolan's words reminded everyone present.

"By the way, there is one thing I hope everyone must make clear."

At this time, Deguna said, everyone looked over, and her expression became very solemn.

"Before their official visit, we have to carry out effective deployment work, as well as clear routes from the Planning Department, as well as reasons for not letting them go when they ask for some places they want to go. I hope you will go back to these things. If you think about it carefully, it is difficult to reach a consensus on the dominance of interaction if they are not on the same scale."

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