Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2332 Formal Dialogue (Part 2)

"Why don't you all eat first? I'll have the food delivered."

Locke immediately held up his cell phone as he spoke. At this time, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was solemn. Everyone was waiting for the experts from Section 2 to analyze the words of those who were whispering in the previous meeting of Tianji Space Country.

After Locke Jiahui finished explaining the people below, he sat down. Michelle beside him looked a little solemn.

"What's wrong?"

Michelle was still watching the video of the meeting just now. She seemed to have thought of something, but she was not sure.

"I always feel that a country like theirs is a little vague."

"What's the meaning?"

Locke asked and Michelle shook her head.

"I haven't figured it out yet. I just think it's a bit strange that they can build such a huge cluster of space stations, live stably in space for hundreds of years, and that technology can still develop."

Michelle's words made Gu Yi and Weite on the side also react.

"Indeed, this is too strange. With a population of 3 million, if the space station in the past had a population of less than 200,000, it would not be difficult to grow to 3 million, but in such a harsh environment like space, it would be difficult to grow to 3 million. If we have so many space stations, the labor force is completely insufficient.”

Witte's words surprised everyone present, because for such a huge country, the labor force is far from enough. Everyone present has at least reached the level where they can understand some principles in the field of science and technology. degree.

Although mechanized countries can use high-precision robots to replace labor, in the vast and dark space, the sun's rays are the source of energy. The energy is inexhaustible, and some small stones floating in space can also be mined. A lot of metal is produced to make it.

And after this disaster, it is indeed not difficult to develop some new substances brought about by the disaster, and it is in a place like the sky where a variety of very high-precision experiments can be carried out.

Even if mechanization can be used as labor force, the mechanization system is still built by people, and in the harsh environment of space, the damage rate of equipment is very high. Damaged equipment needs the support of a strong industrial foundation to be able to continue to protect it. Efficient development.

This kind of development is all based on population. Witte clearly remembers that the Asgard space country had almost 100,000 people at that time. After the disaster, some more people entered, and the maximum did not exceed 200,000.

It is almost impossible for a population with such a base to develop to the current scale. If it wants to develop to this scale, it will require a larger population base.

"Probably if they want to rely on manpower to develop to the current scale in the cosmic environment, the minimum population base must be more than one million."

After Li Chu finished speaking, he immediately brought up a light and shadow screen. After a simple calculation, everyone present could understand it.

How the Tianji Space Nation developed to such a huge size and has 5 army groups and an army of more than 300,000 people is unimaginable. After all, a population of 3 million requires an army of more than 300,000 people. The consumption of food, as well as all aspects of supporting consumption, are unaffordable for a population of 3 million.

"The size of the space station is also wrong."

At this time, Noah said, he brought up a light and shadow screen. According to the visual calculation, the space station on the screen has an area of ​​about 20 square kilometers. The maintenance of such a huge space station requires a lot of people and a lot of resources.

How they maintain the size of 80 space stations is a big problem. Even if they have a lunar base, if they want to build a lunar base without being able to transform the environment, they can only keep the base in a protective cover, so they A population of 3 million is simply not enough to sustain such huge losses.

The complete shortage of labor was the key, and this issue became a consideration for everyone present.

"Is it possible that they found some way to be more productive?"

Niya asked, and Noah scratched his head.

"There is no such possibility for the time being. All production capacity is based on demand, and their demand is so huge that 3 million people working day and night cannot keep up with it, so they should have used something that can definitely maintain this Volumetric approach.”

At this time, Mo Xiaolan laughed excitedly, because the linguistic experts from Section 2 had read the lips of some people who were whispering to each other. It was impossible to read every sentence completely, but Key words.

"It feels like we don't have to think so hard anymore about cloning!"

Mo Xiaolan said and immediately passed the document to everyone. Among those who were whispering to each other at the meeting, many people mentioned the term cloning, and also talked about rapid output.

Many words and phrases have already stated one thing: the Skyland Space State uses human cloning as its primary productive force.

"It's true or false, it's too outrageous."

Niya looked at it in disbelief, because this was unimaginable to everyone. Cloning technology had indeed matured more than 200 years ago, and it should become more mature after improvement. However, cloning has a shortcoming. The lifespan of clones will be abnormally short. The more clones, the shorter their lifespan will be.

The city is already well aware of cloning in the future cloning plan, and according to the clone Frye, they have developed gene multiplication agents based on cloning technology to help clones adjust their bodies. genes, and then extend the clone's lifespan.

"If it is true, then they are cloning unlimited people, extracting the DNA required for cloning from every citizen, and then cloning a large number of their own clones, using the labor productivity of the clones to support the entire sky space country’s human beings.”

Li Chu said, and Noah immediately explained.

"If there are 100,000 to 200,000 people living in this 20-square-kilometer space station, then the number of clones in the entire Sky Space Country is at least tens of millions, and tens of millions of clones supply the Sky Space for 3 million people. It is completely sufficient for the country. The productivity of three clones can completely feed one person, and there must be workers among the 3 million people. This can explain why they only have 3 million people, but they have 80 space stations, and The lunar base can support 300,000 troops."

After Noah finished speaking, he looked at everyone who fell into silence. At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room. Ye Jiao, who was nearest, stood up and opened the door. Several members of the General Affairs Department came over with a dining cart.

"Go to my lounge and get the wine. Today is a day worth celebrating. Let's all have a drink together and wait for the evening meeting."

Now such a thing seems unbelievable to everyone. Indeed, if you think about it carefully, there is only one way to go. Although the life cycle of clones is short, they can work, even if they die, for those creators It doesn't matter, it's equivalent to short-term cheap labor.

"It's like an ant empire."

King Xue muttered, Hua Shen smiled helplessly, and Gu Ningning said.

"Didn't they say before that they have developed many crops that can meet the needs of the human body? As long as these crops can be grown regularly on a large scale, and in a sky with such sufficient sunlight, the yield should be stable, and then manufacturing Produce enough culture fluid, so that cloning can be very fast, and the dead clones and body tissues can also be decomposed into new cloning raw materials."

Gu Ningning attracted everyone's attention before she finished speaking, and Hua Shen smiled helplessly.

"Ning Ning, you can really think of such a cruel thing."

Gu Ningning smiled awkwardly, and Locke sat over.

"Everyone eats first, and let's talk slowly."

It's already 6:40

Le Xiao was already a little drunk. She drank two large glasses of wine and toasted with many directors. Wu Lei felt something was wrong. Le Xiao was chatting about something cheerfully, so he hurried over and grabbed her.

"Don't drink. We have business to do later. If you don't wake up, you'll be in trouble."

Le Xiao didn't care and poured another glass. At this time, the directors in the cheerful atmosphere hurriedly began to dissuade him, but Le Xiao still poured a small sip. The rich dishes whetted the appetite, and the wine was naturally delicious.

"Drink a little more. What are you afraid of? My ability to drink recently is no longer what it used to be. I'm just a little drunk, but don't worry, I'm not drunk."

Le Xiao raised the wine glass again, and Wu Lei was too lazy to care anymore. Anyway, if the evening meeting could not be held later, she would be the one to be scolded. Moreover, Wu Lei found that this girl has become more and more courageous recently. In other words, I am getting thicker and thicker.

"This is not a good thing!"

Wu Lei leaned back on the chair comfortably. The General Affairs Section was still busy today, because the section chiefs and secretaries were all in meetings, and some council officers were also summoned to form this kind of diplomatic group, so it seemed even busier.

Many staff who were coming in and out would look over, and Wu Lei could only smile helplessly, but now Wu Lei thought of something. King Xue had told them before that the directors behind Le Xiao, during Private conversations are absolutely not allowed. Now that Wu Lei has figured it out, I'm afraid the game between the two countries has already begun.

It was already 7:20 after dinner, and many people were drunk. Wu Lei looked solemn and asked everyone to take a rest together. If you can't open your eyes, just take a nap, otherwise it will be troublesome if something goes wrong during the meeting later. .

"I'm not drunk, really not drunk."

Le Xiao was dragged staggering upstairs by Wu Lei. In desperation, Wu Lei could only put her on the sofa in the lounge area. Sure enough, within a few minutes, Le Xiao's smiling voice stopped suddenly and she started snoring.

"I'd better buy hangover medicine."

As soon as he arrived at the square of the General Affairs Section, Wu Lei noticed some reporters coming over. A female reporter he knew among them immediately came over to say hello.

"What's going on? Is there any big news to report?"

This female reporter is called Zhao Siya, and she is a former classmate of Wu Lei. Wu Lei gave her a little bit of gossip for some of her news reports, so the two have a very good relationship.

"I didn't know, why did you come here?"

Wu Lei was also completely confused, and Zhao Siya whispered immediately.

"We were called here after a strict review by Section 1. We will report a special news, but we are not told what to report, and we are strictly prohibited from telling anyone about this matter, even our boss."

Wu Lei looked at Zhao Siya in shock.

"Anyway, just be obedient. You'll probably know what's going on when you get in. Just act accordingly."

Soon, Zhao Siya and more than 20 other reporters entered the hall and there was a secretary from the General Affairs Section waiting. They were taken to a room. As soon as they entered, they saw King Xue.

"Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm asking you to come over despite your busy schedule. From today on, you are no longer employees of the original company."

As soon as King Xue's words came out, everyone received the dismissal notice from the original company and the settlement of work wages. Everyone present was completely confused. No one knew what this was about, but they had to obey after being called over.

"You are all professionals who have reported big news, and your words are accurate and your reports are accurate. You are all elites in the journalism world. Now, our 1st Department will employ you and form a special reporting team. This team is mainly used for diplomatic purposes." , and everything related to diplomacy will be reported by you, and I will slowly tell you what can and cannot be said in the future. If it is a solid report, then you need to pay attention to your words and deeds."

Zhao Siya was shocked, as were her other colleagues. Indeed, they were all excellent news reporters in the media industry, and they had been in the industry for more than 20 years.

"There are 15 of you in total. I will divide you into 3 groups, and each group will have a team leader. I will slowly make adjustments based on everyone's performance. Please don't worry about the salary, it will only be more than the original company. "

Soon everyone saw an employment contract for Section 1 that you had decided. The salary above shocked everyone. The salary was three times the previous normal salary, and there will also be independent villa housing in the future. No matter where you go, there are transfers and all the corresponding shooting equipment.

"There is a piece of information below. I just hope that everyone will keep it in mind. Before I let you report it, please don't tell anyone, or say that you will live in the General Affairs Department in the next few days. I have already arranged the room. The arrangements have been made, and you will have an authorized identity from the General Affairs Department."

King Xue said and opened a light and shadow screen, and everyone gathered over. The next moment everyone was stunned. The fact that there was an extraterrestrial country in front of them was completely unbelievable to everyone present.

At first, Xue Wangsuo's diplomacy made some reporters understand that he might be reporting on the barrier zone, but now this shock made everyone present extremely surprised.

"Okay, you still have 20 minutes to prepare to adjust your emotions. Some questions will not be asked by Secretary Le Xiao, the head of the diplomatic team, but by you. Come on, elites in the media industry, let me take a look at you. Ability to work later.”

The 15 people immediately began to read the information seriously. Everyone was browsing quickly and mumbling some questions that needed to be asked. King Xue looked at the group of people and smiled helplessly. After all, he had to let people know. The public knows it, so he prepared it early in the morning. This is a test. If the 15 people fail to complete it, they will have to look for news reporting talents.

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