Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2321 The gradually disappearing gap (Part 1)

In the dark night, Alpha stopped quietly in an alley, her eyes always staring at the light coming from a small house not far away. When Alpha returned to the city, she began to investigate the hiding rioters.

What is certain now is that these rioters are hiding in the homes of ordinary residents, and they do not leave their homes, so it is very difficult to catch them. However, Alpha has just returned, and the one-eyed fox has already provided Section 2 with A piece of information.

During the few days when Alpha was out, a man went to the One-Eyed Fox bar and bought some drugs at a high price. These drugs are all available in the city, but they need to be prescribed from the hospital after the corresponding disease diagnosis, but The fact that these drugs are purchased privately from the black market is enough to illustrate the problem. What buyers want is not the drug, but the ingredients contained in the drug.

The ingredients in these drugs point to one place, cloning.

According to clone Frye's account, he should not only be a clone in the entire organization, but also Becky, who used to be a student of the first generation God, also survived by cloning.

So when Alpha came back, he immediately focused on this line. The man who bought the drugs was a worker. He did not have any criminal history. The neighbors all spoke well of this man. Section 2 has fully investigated all the people who had any relationship with this worker. The people contacted found nothing unusual.

But Section 2 did not make an arrest, because as long as the worker successfully bought the drugs and handed them over to the rioters who needed the drugs behind the scenes, the man would buy drugs next time. This line must continue to be open. Once If rioters are identified, arrests can be made immediately.

Alpha now just wants to uncover every rioter lurking in the city as soon as possible. No matter what they want to do secretly, the city is at a critical moment and they will never be allowed to destroy the hard-won opportunity for change. Alpha has already Thinking clearly, if they cannot be arrested, they will be annihilated directly.

Alpha stared for a while and then turned around and left. It seemed that nothing special would happen. There were many people from Section 2 nearby who were watching. Now Section 2 had too few clues to take the initiative. Those who were The clues provided by the captured rioters were of little use because the rioters had completely dispersed.

As the biological father of Gu Ningning, the current secretary of Section 4, Feite is still resisting. He still doesn't say anything. Mo Xiaolan does not use severe torture methods, but plans to ask questions slowly every day. There will always be questions. The method is to find something from his language, demeanor and words.

Now the situation in the city has improved. Even if the rioters want to do something, it is already too late, because for most people, the city is now prosperous and has a beautiful and bright future. At this time, no matter what No amount of fanning by the rioters will help, and they should know this very well.

Walking on the street, Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it, looking at the excited crowd. Many people were paying attention to Tianai's unfair dismissal today. The reason why this incident caused such a big stir was Because most people have long hated this false and tooth-itching film and television industry.

As a provider of entertainment content, the film and television industry has not provided high-quality content to the audience for so many years. Instead, most of the programs that are shoddy and distort values ​​have emerged one after another. Moreover, some people without any acting skills or abilities can rely on secretly Some transactions appear openly in front of the public.

There have been calls for a thorough investigation of the film and television industry for a long time, but under the protection of the glamorous appearance and huge capital, the film and television area has not been touched for many years. Alpha still clearly remembers that she led people to conduct a thorough investigation of the film and television area. When the time came, he was stopped by Jean.

Now Alpha gradually understands, because there was no opportunity at that time. If there was a thorough investigation at that time, it would affect all aspects of the city. Many problems would surface at once. By then, big problems would occur in the city, and more people would be affected by it. Unemployment, and the problems caused by unemployment are incalculable.

But it’s different now. The direction of the wind has completely changed. Le Xiao’s speech to reporters before is currently the most talked about by many people at the bottom. They all feel that what Le Xiao said is extremely correct. Even a three-year-old child knows what to do if he does something wrong. I admit it, but those companies that fired Tianai for no reason issued statements after the incident. They almost always said that the incident was due to personnel changes within the company or the divestment of the company's project executor, etc.

There are too many such things. In the past, there were too many examples of entertainers who were loved by the public and were hidden because they offended the capital behind them. The capital only needed to move their fingers and the entertainer's path was completely cut off.

Capital can unscrupulously control film and television entertainment, as well as film and television entertainment practitioners. This is the real reason why most people hate the film and television industry. This circle does not have the ability to have the final say, but must comply with the choices of capital in order to be able to rise to the top. Go out and stand on a glamorous stage.

However, this time it is different. Unscrupulous capital originally thought it could control everything as it did in the past, but it ended up being kicked out of the iron.

At this time, riots broke out on the streets because someone was arrested. Several heads of a company were directly handcuffed and sent to the custody of the local Section 5 because someone provided an insider trading report. The reporting materials include transactions involving money, power and sex. More than a hundred people are involved in the case, and all of them will be arrested.

Some people clapped their hands directly on the streets, because they finally saw the glamorous disguise of these hypocritical and disgusting guys being torn off. For most people, this is something to be happy about.

Although the lower class does not have such a high degree of entertainment, over the years, many people at the lower class can only talk about some things after tea and dinner. Their voices are not heard at all and cannot be conveyed.

Alpha walked to the edge of the newly built highway, which had completely turned into a lively night market. People in the barrier area were using their wages earned that day to buy some food and supplies with some low-level vendors.

Many people at the bottom even renovate and repair many old cotton clothes from the past, clean them and sell them, and people in the barrier areas will try them on and buy them.

Alpha was very excited at this moment. The contradictions accumulated due to various problems in the city in the past led to the final emergence of the barrier zone, and the huge problems caused by the mighty referendum eventually created many different worlds. .

Alpha knew that she was the one who caused all this. After she killed the Hillman family, a series of problems broke out. The city almost came to a standstill afterwards, and problems emerged one after another.

During the years when she woke up in prison, Alpha often thought about a question, what would happen to her if she was given another chance? This question now has the answer, even if she is given another chance, she is powerless because of the overall The atmosphere is like this. No matter how hard she and other students try, they can only retreat when it comes to resource allocation.

Now Alpha will stay at the bottom all day long, listening to many people at the bottom talking about simple things, but these simple things make them in the elite class powerless. This is Alpha's most profound experience during this period.

Although the elite class can make everything seem like a machine and make everything develop rapidly and efficiently, when encountering problems, these problems will only become more and more numerous and complex, and finally accumulate to the point where they cannot be solved at all.


It is obviously a very simple problem, but in the view of the elite, things have many aspects and may have many bad consequences. The city must move forward. This is the thinking of most elites, but the emergence of Le Xiao Breaks everything.

Alpha saw a lot from Le Xiao. Many of her ideas did not consider the consequences too much, but were more like a beautiful ideal, a dazzling ideal, but it was such a simple approach that made the city move forward. It is developing in a good direction.

After watching for a while, Alpha came to a crowded noodle stall and asked for a bowl of noodles. Many people in the barrier area were immersed in eating noodles. This kind of normal food was something that many of them were craving for. Out of reach.

Seeing some people in the barrier area chatting with some vendors, the corners of Alpha's mouth raised slightly, and she felt that something was slowly disappearing.

After eating, Alpha continued shopping. It was almost 0 o'clock, and the number of stalls continued unabated. There were still some vendors pushing carts over. Some simple grilled or fried foods were very popular.

At this time, a large number of people were coming towards this place not far away. Alpha felt a little strange. After walking a few steps, she saw some people from Section 3 and Section 5, as well as the bodyguards of the Angus family. Angus and his wife were among them, as well as many people from the Lightning Skull Guild. Alpha was very surprised.

"How did you get here?"

The couple also thought that they did not expect to meet their daughter here.

"We are looking for a place to eat. Everyone has been busy all day."

Alpha smiled helplessly, and Violet walked over and took Alpha's arm.

"Come with us."

"I still have"

Before Alpha could finish speaking, he was dragged away by his mother.

"We've been coming down here a lot lately. Do you still remember some of the experiments your father did before?"

Alpha remembered. Indeed, his father had conducted some experiments at home before. He once said that the barrier area could actually be used effectively, especially wind energy and sand, including mineral deposits in some mountains in the barrier area. These things could It provided a large amount of resources to Brilliant City, but unfortunately everything came to nothing after the armed forces in the barrier area gradually grew in size.

“Our family has already started investing and plans to build some wind energy power generation bases first.”

Alpha laughed.

"Mother, you should have never been to the bottom floor before."

Violet smiled.

"It is true that I have been on the upper level since I was born and have never been to the bottom. This period is the longest I have stayed on the bottom. Many things are actually quite good. Your father and I are very happy. It is your idiot sister who spends all day Nagging, we need to send someone to protect us when we travel, but our bodyguards are enough."

The group of people returned to a street on the ground floor. Soon several section officers came over and said that the food was ready and asked everyone to go over. In a relatively large store, the group of people went in.

"Alfa, you're quite old now."

Violet muttered at this time, and Alpha smiled.

"She's almost turning into an old woman."

After sitting down, Alpha felt a little strange, because in such a small shop, which was extremely simple for the upper class, he would sit here eating with his parents. Violet brought some wine over.

"Let's have a drink."

"You don't drink, don't you?"

Violet smiled.

“I tried it recently and it’s pretty good.”

At this time, Avano also leaned over, and Alpha felt a little helpless, because her parents had changed a bit during this time. During the days when she had just returned home, her parents had not changed much as before. For those in the city, He has been too lazy to pay attention to many of his problems and will only take care of the Alpha family's property, but it's different now.

"Our entire family's fortune cannot be thrown away, Alpha. You have to take the time to return to the family."

After Avano finished speaking, Alpha smiled helplessly.

"Wouldn't it be nice to wait until that Niya guy retires and let her take over?"

"I'm afraid she will bring down the Angus family in a few days."

Avano said, and the three of them laughed. This was of course a joke, but neither sister had any intention of inheriting the family business and taking charge of it.

"Wouldn't it be nice to pick some young people from among our relatives?"

Alpha said, Avano shook his head helplessly.

"I am the most trustworthy Alpha in your hands."

Alpha shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I don't have the energy to take care of these things now. Mr. Jean is leaving, and I have to protect everything for him."

The couple said nothing more, and the three of them started drinking. After a while, the couple became a little drunk. At this time, a bunch of Section 5 personnel at the door of the store moved away.

"Why are you looking for me? It's so late."

Niya came in angrily, chewing her cigarette. The lively atmosphere in the store stopped abruptly as soon as Niya entered.

"Why are you bastards here?"

Nia glanced at the Lightning Skull's friends, and only then did she realize that Alpha was actually here.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"Come over and have a couple of drinks Nya."

Avano stood up holding the wine glass, and Niya said in surprise.

"It's a miracle that you can drink in such a shabby place."

The boss smiled helplessly. Indeed, he could not imagine that the richest couple in the city would come to his store to eat today.

Violet stood up and grabbed Nia's ears and pulled her over.

"What are you doing!"

Alpha laughed, and Niya said nothing and sat down.

"Such a change is too rapid, sister."

"Yeah, it was so fast, I can't even believe it!"

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