Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2309 The Call of the Mountain (Part 1)

The sandstorm stopped.


Alpha opened his eyes and saw a shaking figure in front of him.

"How's it going? Did you sleep well?"


Alpha yawned and stood up from a mountain col. Werther smiled and nodded. The two of them quietly looked at the black shadows that kept flashing in front of them.

"Did you feel anything?"

Werther asked again, and Alpha pointed to the mountains in the distance. Although the feeling was not too strong, he was certain that there was something in the mountains. After Alpha sorted out the matter in detail, he told the gods.

Last night, Werther decided to go outside the barrier with Alpha to investigate. That day on the barrier, Alpha clearly felt a breath in the distance.

"We can't feel anything. I guess that's the difference between humans and non-humans."

Vert said and Alpha laughed.

"Teacher Witte, people are people who have thinking, consciousness, and heart."

Witte nodded happily. He had not been so happy for a long time. The last time he took his students to investigate a strange land was more than 200 years ago.

"What, did you remember something?"

Werther hummed, and the two of them walked leisurely. Alpha looked the same as usual. He was only wearing a loose jacket with a sports vest underneath. However, in the faint light, Alpha's face could be seen. There seems to be a thin layer of colloid on the surface of the body. This is the latest scientific research result of 10 departments.

The quantum crystal armor is made of the latest V-shaped mimic, processed using phantom technology, and is equipped with an environmental monitoring and recognition AI system. It can automatically adjust according to the external environment, even in the cosmic environment. To use it, you only need to bring a built-in Yang Qi block.

This can be regarded as an experiment. After a while, all the traveling personnel brought by Gene will wear such clothes and go to the distant center of the Pacific Ocean to search for supplies.

"I once took my students to an unknown grassland to conduct biological surveys like this before. At that time, a mutant virus that had been studied by humans spread in that area."

"Have you found the source?"

Alpha asked and Veidt smiled.

"Unfortunately, the students and I were kidnapped by the rebels while we were still on the way to research. After being imprisoned for nearly a year, I was rescued."

Alpha glanced at Werther, then took out a cigarette. As soon as he put it to his mouth, a small hole opened. Alpha lit the cigarette and asked.

"Where are those students!"

Werther closed his eyes. At this moment, there was a rustling sound in front of him. The ground bulged for a moment, and accompanied by a violent roar, a huge beast two or three meters high flew towards him with grinning teeth. It looked like a bear, but it was not. Because it has an insect-like shell and bird-like claws, it looks like a splicing of many things.

"Really! What a pity!"


Alpha suddenly moved forward, punched it sideways, and there was a loud bang, accompanied by the surge of black particles. In an instant, the huge thing in front of him fell into pieces, and the broken limbs flew around like scattered stones. .

An orange light emitted from Werther's eyes, and the creatures of various sizes that rushed towards him were turned into pieces by the blades that appeared in the air.

It's already a miracle that these things between living things and non-living things can exist. However, how did they come from? So far, Witte and the others still can't figure it out.

"What exactly are these things?"

Werther shook his head, and the two of them began to walk down the hillside. The two of them did not speed up. Alpha was still confirming the aura she had felt before. The blade-like mountains in the distance were what she felt on the barrier. breath.

Alpha himself is not sure, but he did see something in his hallucination that day. The gods attach great importance to this matter. Alpha felt that kind of atmosphere again on the barrier last night, and then she and Werther came here. After lying here quietly all night, I was indeed very sensitive to this smell.

"Maybe only living things can feel it."

As Witte said, many more humanoid creatures appeared around them and came toward them. The two of them speeded up their pace slightly and soon entered the valley. The two of them continued to speed up, and there were more and more rustling sounds behind them. , many humanoid creatures hidden in some underground caves gathered together.

Gradually, the mountains and plains were filled with these strange creatures of different sizes. After Alpha took a look, Werther stopped Alpha who was about to take action.

"If we continue fighting like this, there will be no end."

The two people quickly jumped up the hillside and climbed quickly towards the mountain. However, at this time, a large number of winged, bat-like creatures emerged from the holes in the ground. They had lava-like bodies. With their heads and sharp mouths, the two did not attack, but dodged these creatures and continued to climb quickly towards the top of the mountain.

After reaching the top of the mountain, those humanoid creatures still gathered on the mountainside and chased them. The two jumped directly from the cliff.

The moment he landed, Alpha felt movement under his feet. The ground was rumbling. Alpha was squatting half-crouched. The ground in front of him bulged. A huge round head turned around, and in an instant, a large black hole faced him. He bit Alpha.

With a loud bang, Alpha had smashed through the head in an instant. The scattered stone-like fragments hit the mountain wall, directly making holes in the mountain wall. The ground trembled again. Only then did Alpha You can see clearly that it is a giant beast, and it has stopped moving after its head was knocked off.

"It looks very consistent with the characteristics of a creature. There will be no signs of activity after the head is destroyed."

"Have you studied it early?"

Alpha asked, and Werther nodded. The road in front of him became smoother, but there was still a long way to go to the mountains and rivers in the distance. Alpha could only slowly confirm the location of this special aura by walking in this way.

If this aura is present or absent, many times it may disappear as soon as you feel it, and Alpha will immediately confirm the direction.

"When we first discovered these things a long time ago, we were extremely surprised. We speculated that this might be related to the annihilation virus that had previously ravaged the entire planet, because the same annihilation virus as the annihilation virus was indeed detected in the bodies of these creatures. substance, but there is still no way to determine it.”

Alpha threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, looked at the mountain peaks in the distance quietly, closed his eyes, and after feeling it for a while, he still couldn't feel it. He didn't feel the strange feeling even once today.

"Still not working?"

Alpha hummed, and the two continued to move forward.

"Is that similar to the biological substance developed by Lewen?"

Werther nodded.

"There are some similarities, but not much. The existence of this kind of thing goes against all the current knowledge that humans have."

At this time, a large bunch of rustling things not far away came towards them. A fierce white light suddenly emitted from Alpha's chest, and soon there was a scarlet color in front of them, and a large group of plant-like plants were coming towards them. Burning without fire.

"Including this thing, X once said that he didn't know exactly where these things came from, but he was sure that these things came from the falling asteroid after the disaster. More specific things He doesn’t know.”

Previous experiments from 10 families have shown that this type of plant has a core, and those people who are parasitized by the type of plant have a core-like thing. This thing will be wrapped in the human cerebral cortex. If you don't look for it carefully, it will almost disappear. It cannot be discovered.

"Mr. Witte, what do you think the purpose of these things is?"

"If we look at it from a biological perspective, the purpose of life is to evolve and adapt to everything around it, so as to continue life. However, these things can no longer be said to be living things. The purpose of their existence is both Not for evolution, let alone for survival. If we insist on saying so, the purpose of the existence of these things is strictly for expansion, or in other words, they exist for some purpose that we are completely unable to understand at the moment."

While the two were talking, a small hill appeared in front of them. Witte stopped. Along the way, he could see many kinds of plants. These things crawled very slowly, but their attack speed at close range was very fast, only 0.3 seconds. That's it, normal people can't react. If these things grow quickly, they will be a big threat to Brilliant City.

Although they are growing every minute and every second, one of them will only extend about 1 meter, and they have the weakness of being afraid of light. Fortunately, they need a core to parasitize humans.

At present, 10 families have selected many types of plants for various experiments, and specific conclusions should be available soon.

Suddenly Alpha pressed his forehead, and there was that feeling again, as if someone suddenly knocked on your heart. Alpha turned his head and pointed to the left. The two of them changed their direction. In front of them was a large plain, and they could see a lot of things. An active creature.

"Teacher Witte, what kind of existence do you think you are?"

Alpha asked, and Veit said after thinking for a moment.

"Maybe it's not necessarily a high-level life form. Our bodies are made up of particles. The number of these particles will continue to increase, just like cells, and these particles can act as alienated cells. What happened more than 200 years ago The mutation in us is related to the explosion, and most importantly, Ellie’s resurrection from the dead.”

Alpha has listened to Jean in detail about some of the previous things. Alpha is worried about the current situation of the gods. The energy in their bodies will expand as the particles continue to increase. Those Gods placed inside the 10th Section Crystal is the condensation of their power. They usually place the power condensed to a certain extent in that form.

Those crystals of God are also key items that can extend human lifespan, and are the essential reasons why humans become mutants.

Only a small piece of these things can be used to create a life-span vaccine that can satisfy tens of millions of people. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous for these things to remain in Brilliant City in addition to making life-span vaccines.

Because 10 subjects tried to use these things as new energy sources before, but failed. These powers that are part of the bodies of the gods can only be controlled by them, and any energy conversion method is ineffective.

Therefore, the gods must leave the city at a certain time, otherwise the energy contained in these things will one day reach a place where the gods can no longer control it, and this energy is enough to destroy the planet.

Only a handful of people know all these secrets, less than 10 people in the entire Brilliant City. When Alpha heard all this a few days ago, he was extremely surprised.

Alpha finally understood why the gods wanted to enter the mechanized era so much. Once the gods left the city, the city could only rely on its own strength to resist the coming crisis, so humans must be allowed to Make all preparations to start the long space age.

"The situation no longer allows the city to continue like this. It will take at most five years. If the city remains the same as before within five years, the mechanization era is inevitable."

Alpha nodded, this was irrefutable. The human race is about to be destroyed due to disasters, and there may be wars in the future. The mechanized era is indeed the only option for humans, which can allow humans to adapt to harsh environments in a short period of time. Use the lowest energy consumption to keep the human race alive.

"This is the last thing we can do for this city before we leave. In the past, we thought about developing towards the mechanization era from the beginning. Although the conditions at that time did not allow it, the population was not as large as it is now. If we started from the beginning If we move towards the mechanization era, maybe this city will be a steel-like city now. Maybe it will be a different situation."

Alpha took out a cigarette, lit it, smiled, and shook his head.

"Perhaps the difference will not be too big. Human society is like this. Even if everyone becomes a biochemical machine, there will naturally be disputes in other aspects. Unless we can really completely control human beings and give them an ideal hometown. It’s the same world, but obviously it’s unrealistic because the truth will be discovered one day.”

Werther nodded after being silent for a while.

"Actually, we finally found the source of the virus before. My student also said this before he died. It was concocted by the country I was working for at the time. In fact, I also vaguely felt that it was not an accident that we were hijacked. But it is inevitable, because if we discover the truth, it will destroy that country's strategic plan."

Alpha laughed.

"It's the same no matter what era it is!"

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