Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2305 Connected (Part 2)

9 a.m.

The city has just started to heat up, but a large number of people have taken to the streets and started protests. The news last night made many people extremely angry, especially the middle and upper class people, who have already gathered in large numbers.

It is being reported in the news media and many people are talking about this matter. Lexiao wants to hand over all the underlying investments to the four major families, which has never happened before.

Most of the middle- and upper-class businessmen have realized that once the four major families start investing, money will continue to flow to the bottom, and a large amount of materials in the city will also be supplied to the bottom. This is very important to the middle-class people. unfriendly.

The middle class has become generally depressed due to the current situation at the bottom, and many people are complaining. Especially what happened last night made many people stand on the streets.

People from Section 3 and Section 5 were on the street, maintaining order. Some people gathered at the door of the local Section 5, and some gathered outside the district office.

The economic depression in the middle class means that tax revenue will drop sharply, and the sharp tax drop will directly affect the living welfare of many people in the region, which seems unacceptable to many people.

Although the Executive Branch has said that it will explain the decision made by Le Xiao, Secretary of Section 13 last night at 2 p.m., someone discovered that early this morning, Section 1 had accepted the review of the establishment qualifications of a joint investment company with a registered capital of up to 100 100 million.

Although many people were helpless about such a certain matter, they still decided to continue protesting.

Le Xiao only slept for four hours, and her head was dizzy. She was still listening to Ivy and Li Ang telling her about various things. Many things were tangled in her mind, but she had to do it at 2 o'clock. When explaining, Le Xiao felt that every time it was like chasing a duck to the shelves.

"Don't be distracted."

Ivy said something, and Le Xiao hummed. Le Xiao thought Ivy's teachings were quite good, because they were easier to accept. Li Ang would add some economic points on the side.

Michelle is still drafting the manuscript. After Le Xiao understands everything, she will ask her to change what she thinks needs to be said as before. Locke Jiahui watched the news, and Xue Wang watched the submissions submitted by various parties. Letter of protest.

No matter how loud the call is, this matter has been started by Le Xiao and can only be done. The prosperity of the bottom means that the establishment of the agricultural base in the barrier area will have strong guarantees.

The rapidly developing economy will allow people at the bottom to live a good life in the next few years, and although the middle class will be slightly worse off in the near future, the economy at the bottom will slowly flow to the middle class in the future, but many people simply cannot wait. Coupled with the rhetoric instigated by businessmen, many people from the middle and upper classes began to join the protests.

These voices have gathered in a short period of time. If these voices cannot be persuaded, the voices will become louder and louder, which will be detrimental to everything in the future. And the businessmen may unite and start cutting off supply to the lower classes. resist.

This is currently Locke's biggest headache. Because of the previous problems, there was a shortage of materials in all aspects. Now if the merchants cut off supplies, the city will fall into a new round of crisis.

"I don't think there is any need to worry too much, Sir."

King Xue took a comfortable sip of the red wine in his hand, and then laughed.

"Once the supply is cut off, very serious problems may arise."

King Xue held the red wine comfortably and poured a glass for Locke Jiahui.

"Relax, Mr. Manager, if they really cut off the supply, the workshops and factories on the ground floor can be put into full production in a week at most. Because they are close to the ravine, many sewage pipes can be installed very quickly, not to mention such a big piece of fertilizer. How many people are really willing to give up meat? They are just seeking higher interests now."

Locke nodded.

"I hope so."

10:21 am

A completely different scene appeared on the streets at the bottom. Many people interviewed by reporters bluntly said that such investment is a good thing for them. Many people are looking forward to the complete improvement of the economy at the bottom in the future. All regions will To be able to look new.

The current ground floor is the same as the Chinese New Year every day. Many shops have to close at 7pm because there is nothing left to sell. Only food shops can still be opened, and many novel foods are constantly appearing.

The bottom class is experiencing an unprecedented opportunity, and as Le Xiao said last night, the money earned by the bottom class will still be invested in strengthening the construction of the bottom class and will not flow to the middle and upper classes. In the eyes of many people at the bottom level, this plan is too good. .

"I really don't know what those people think. We have been living in hardship for half a century. They are really evil-minded."

A woman directly criticized the reporter, and many people around her echoed her, saying that people in the middle and upper classes were greedy. Le Xiao's decision polarized the voices. People at the bottom were praising such a decision. People at the top are lashing out.

"Stop reporting."

At this time, a person in charge of a media company came over and pulled several reporters from the company aside, and the group stood in the alley.

"Boss, what's going on?"

"Hey, it's hard to talk about this matter. Anyway, you should stop reporting on these developments at the bottom."

Several reporters understood immediately, and one of the younger ones said.

"Why is this so? I think this decision is very good. If the bottom class becomes rich, the economy will always flow to the middle and upper class."

"Who knows, let's not report this anymore."

Everyone knows that since last night, many media have only reported on the protests of the middle and upper classes, and almost no reports on the bottom class. This media company originally wanted to make some money by reporting on the bottom class, but soon the person in charge of the company received some commands.

Now the reports in the city have become one-sided, and the voices of the people at the bottom rarely appear in the reports.

This situation is exactly the same every time, and many people at the bottom are full of complaints. Everyone is waiting for Le Xiao to give a more detailed explanation of last night's decision at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Time passed by, and at 1:50 in the afternoon, the streets were crowded with people. Many people were looking at the light and shadow screen that had appeared, counting down, waiting for Le Xiao to explain later.

Some people are still watching the news reports. Now most of the middle- and upper-class businessmen have gathered in the square of the General Affairs Department and are still holding a massive protest.

Almost everyone in the family came. Chen Qiao stood in the sun with an annoyed look on his face. He was about to explode with anger. Field beside him smiled.

"There's nothing we can do, we have to hurry up and make money this time."

"If you do this, it will be tantamount to betraying all of us."

Field didn't plan to ignore Chen Qiao. Su Li had already talked to him last night about the need for a large amount of mechanical production equipment. Of course Field agreed, and it was a relatively primitive production equipment that was not a matter of light and shadow. The price given by Field was also I am very satisfied. After all, these production machines made of metal are products of the last century for the Field family.

But now it is too simple to manufacture. You only need to use light and shadow materials to generate corresponding parts manufacturing machines, and you can easily ship them in large quantities.

Jiang Hao watched from the side as if watching a play. They were not in a hurry. After all, the construction of the cinema would have to be settled sooner or later. As long as it was approved, it would be enough to build a cinema within a week.

Honghong on the side winked at Jiang Hao, and Jiang Hao walked away with a smile.

"Don't make any noise, do you understand?"

Jiang Hao looked at his wife in confusion.

"That's not good either."

"You have to think carefully. At this time, if you still look at things from the perspective of the past, the next situation will be very bad."

Jiang Hao nodded. Honghong now knows very well that the business department must vigorously promote the construction of agricultural bases in the barrier areas, and vigorously support the underlying economy, so that the bottom level is completely separated from the control of capital by the middle and upper classes. Such a grand strategy is currently being implemented Coe and some members of parliament agreed. After all, most of the members of the group were at the bottom.

Nowadays, although the businessmen have gathered, so have the parliamentarians. The leaders of the seven major associations have not spoken. Instead, the parliamentarians from the major underground factions have gathered. However, the lower-level parliamentarians have not made any sound this time, because They know very well what the business department is doing.

And this time it is completely beneficial to the bottom class. The bottom class councilors should have gathered together. After all, this time the investment of the four major families can bring huge benefits to the bottom class, and the bottom class councilors can also directly benefit.

Everyone is waiting for Le Xiao's explanation. After the explanation is over, the lower-level congressmen should speak out collectively.

Time passed by, and soon a large number of people from the General Affairs Department came down. A light and shadow stage was set up directly at the door of the General Affairs Department. Le Xiao came out, and several section chiefs were beside them. Michelle He came to the stage first.

"Please keep quiet. We will respond to the many questions you have raised one by one. If you have any questions, you can post them directly."

After Michelle finished speaking, the staff of the General Affairs Department set up a speaking platform on the left side. Soon the noisy voices began to disappear. Michelle walked off the stage and looked at After Le Xiao came over, he nodded at her.

Le Xiao walked to the stage and said with a smile.

"Thank you all for coming here despite your busy schedule. I will give a more detailed explanation of the series of decisions made last night."

Wu Lei stood aside with more than a dozen secretaries, and soon a huge light and shadow screen was generated.

"First of all, I need to explain that this decision definitely does not violate the principle of fairness. The reason why the tripartite joint investment company established by the Su family, Angus family and Ai Bolun family is to invest in the bottom layer is to ensure that the funds can It was quickly put into place and invested in the ground floor. It was here to facilitate management, as well as all aspects of technical and investment issues, including the welding of personnel issues. It is very effective. Now the ground floor urgently needs investment because the supply of daily necessities in the city has been declining in recent days. If the fault continues, problems will occur in the city."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, Chen Qiao immediately raised his hand. After she nodded, Chen Qiao came to the podium.

"Then I would like to ask, Mr. Le Xiao, you just said that this matter did not violate the principle of fairness. Is it true? After all, you have just become the patriarch of the Su family. Isn't it because of your relationship that this decision was made?"

Le Xiao swallowed. Li Ang had said before that Chen Qiao would definitely not be able to sit still and would attack her in different ways. As expected, Le Xiao said with a relaxed smile.

"It is true that I am the patriarch of the Su family, so I let the Su family be the first to take the lead in investing. There were indeed many investment applications before, but funds were a problem, and there were so many people who needed to review their investment qualifications. Including the original business qualifications, it is very time-consuming, as well as manpower and material resources. The current city no longer allows this to continue. According to the city's laws, when the city is in crisis, it must give priority to solving the crisis. ."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, she felt a lot more relaxed, but Chen Qiao laughed.

"I'm afraid this statement is untenable, Secretary Le Xiao."

Le Xiao did not answer, Chen Qiao continued.

"The city is in crisis? What kind of crisis is it? It's just because some businessmen use various means to increase the price of goods and don't supply goods to the market."

As soon as Chen Qiao finished speaking, many people felt nervous for a moment, and Le Xiao was even more confused, because she didn't expect that Chen Qiao would say such unfavorable things to their businessmen.

"So the solution now is simple. We businessmen have made so many contributions to the city, but now we are required to go hungry. Such a thing is unfair."

Chen Qiao quickly listed some cases where during previous crises in the city, goods were sold to Congress at low prices at almost no profit, and then sold to the people. This has harmed the interests of many businessmen. Now many businessmen have The depression in the middle level has begun to cause a crisis in the capital chain. The only hope is to invest in the bottom layer to quickly recover the capital.

"Then please provide more detailed data."

Le Xiao felt completely confident now, because Ivy and Li Ang had anticipated all this, so they had made countermeasures early in the morning.

"Of course there are a lot of them."

"Please list detailed data."

Le Xiao still spoke, Chen Qiao was a little angry, but at this time Le Xiao changed the topic.

"Many difficulties in the middle class are only temporary. In the past nearly half a century, there has been almost no change in the bottom class. As the cornerstone of this city, the bottom class has been exploited countless times. I want to ask everyone, what are my decisions? Is there a problem? I just want the lives of the people at the bottom to be a little better. When their lives get better, the economy lost by the middle class will slowly flow. I believe that everyone with a clear mind will know if they think about it for a moment, the goods at the bottom will The quality is the cheapest in the city, but when people at the bottom make money, will they want to buy better goods? Will they want to go to better places to play? What we have to do now is to connect the cities. Be connected as one, rather than continue to create ravines and make the distance farther and farther!”

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