Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2303 Connecting (Part 1)

As dusk approached, many people in the barrier area walked in twos and threes towards a small selling area in front of them. Many people took the money they earned today and planned to buy some things and then return to the barrier area.

The market is very lively. There are many people from Section 5 patrolling. Most of the things sold are daily necessities, as well as some ointments. Many of the gadgets have been eliminated in Bright City, but now many people at the bottom of the market are selling them. They take these things out and sell them. Many of the vendors are old people, and most of the things are scraps.

More than ten meters away from the small market is District 116. Many people in the city are looking at this small market, but they cannot enter the market. Many people in the city are waiting and watching, and near the market, There was a management office jointly established by the administrative departments, and many people lined up in a long queue.

The people queuing up are all registering in various aspects, because now the business department has decided to open multiple such small markets in the outer areas for people in the barrier areas. Many people want to enter the market to sell some things.

The situation now is much better than before, and many people feel more at ease because people from the barrier areas will not enter the city. Various demolitions and constructions are still going on in the ravine areas, and some people in the barrier areas have moved into temporary housing. The sheds were built to facilitate the soil cultivation work the next day.

Most of the people at the bottom did not have much objection to the people from the barrier area entering the city, because seeing is believing, they did not cause any major riots, and the security at the bottom was now better than ever.

What troubles many people is that many daily necessities are often out of stock. The shelves in many stores are empty, but there are still goods every few days, but they are quickly sold out.

Many people can feel that the intermittent supply of goods has become longer and longer these days. Some goods may not be available for a week, and the price of food has also increased. However, many people at the bottom are now earning rapidly. It has grown, many people are happy every day, and the activities organized by the bottom-level business department are still going on.

Many people at the bottom have never experienced such a lively business scene. Now more people at the bottom are concerned about the establishment of agricultural bases in the barrier areas, because many people believe that once the agricultural base is established, the current prosperity of the bottom will be able to Continue.

The sky gradually darkened. After 6 o'clock, there was only a flash of red light left in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the city fell into darkness, but soon the lights came on.

It was completely different from the past. The lights on the ground floor were unusually bright, while only the residential areas on the middle floors were lit, with only sporadic lights on in many places.

For many people, the current life is what they want to see. Although the lower floors were once bustling due to construction, it is nothing compared to this period of time.

Especially as the end of the year approaches and the year 2278 is approaching, many people are already preparing to celebrate the New Year.

It's just that there is a shortage of many materials. Many people hope that Congress can solve this problem as soon as possible, especially now that some small workshops and factories on the ground floor have begun to start up again, but most of these factory equipment are relatively old and cannot meet the standards. Under the circumstances, the output is very low and the personnel are insufficient. After all, the salary and benefits are relatively low, even worse than working on the construction site.

Nowadays, many small workshops and factories with a few people and more than ten people are in urgent need of some investment, and the enthusiasm of businessmen for investment is also very high, but now the investment at the bottom is in the hands of one person, Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13 .

However, Le Xiao did not agree to the investment of many businessmen. Now only a small number of businessmen at the bottom are investing in various aspects in the region, but these investments are far from enough for the huge bottom class.

Many people hope that middle- and upper-class businessmen will invest as soon as possible, so that these small workshops and factories can quickly produce goods and the current shortage situation can be alleviated.

The temperature began to drop in just half an hour. Many people in the barrier area who lived in the city returned to their shacks, while those who still lived in the barrier area got into nearby trucks.

The debate in the city about people from the barrier area entering the city is still going on. Many reporters want to enter the ravine area where the people from the barrier area are to interview, but they are blocked by the administrative department.

However, some reporters were still filming outside the cordon, and some were thinking of entering secretly. However, several reporters who entered were soon caught by people from Section 5 and were handcuffed directly and taken to the local security management station.

Ma Tao was also nearby. When he saw several reporters being brought over, he gave them a serious education and then directly punished them to participate in punitive neighborhood cleaning work in the future.

Since the large-scale protests took place in the middle and upper classes of the city yesterday, an order came down from Niya, absolutely no one from the city is allowed to enter the living area of ​​​​the people in the barrier zone, especially reporters.

In order to be able to do this, Ma Tao has strictly ordered his men to keep an eye on the nearby surveillance cameras. If anyone is found to have crossed the border, they will immediately go in and arrest them.

"If this continues, there will be big problems sooner or later."

Ma Tao knows very well what the middle and upper class businessmen are doing these two days, and he also knows that if the businessmen invest, the current prosperous situation at the bottom will make them make a lot of money, and in the end the money will return to The middle and upper classes will go, while the bottom class will go back to the old ways. This is probably why Le Xiao doesn’t want businessmen to invest large amounts of money.

Seeing that many people at the bottom were really anxious now, Ma Tao had nothing to do. Several businessmen who came from the middle and upper levels at noon had no choice but to go back after Le Xiao left.

The businessmen's protests will become more intense unless they can be allowed to invest at the bottom. Ma Tao has experienced this countless times, and every time he sees Congress compromise, and the businessmen's investment has indeed brought a good economy to the bottom. But when the too-rapid economic flow passes, only chicken feathers are left at the bottom, and the businessmen will leave at this time.

The middle and upper classes are getting better and better, while the bottom class has become worse and worse after being exploited again and again. Finally, it has become a completely different group from the middle and upper class, and everyone wants to escape from here.

Over the years, Ma Tao has seen many young people leave the bottom class, some come back, and some can only continue to struggle in the middle class.

"When will this end?"

Ma Tao really couldn't bear to see this situation again and again. Once the construction of this bustling scene in front of him was completed, the bottom layer would return to the same state, and it would be heated up due to the rapid economic flow. At the bottom, consumption has exceeded the consumption at the bottom many times in the past. This situation will only have one result in the end.

When the heat wave recedes, only a piece of scorched earth will be left, and nothing will be left at the bottom. This has happened again and again. Many people will find it difficult to achieve prosperity at the bottom and then move up to the middle class throughout their lives.

Because the bottom level, as the most basic of everything, will be constantly squeezed, Ma Tao pressed his hat and closed his eyes. In his mind, it was the first time he patrolled the streets on the bottom level. Ma Tao had been there a long time ago. He came from the middle level. As the first generation city manager, he was able to enter the management because his parents were servants of the family.

When Ma Tao came to the ground floor for the first time, he deeply felt what it meant to be dilapidated. However, half a century later, the ground floor was still like this.

Ma Tao doesn't know why the businessmen are unwilling to leave a little at the bottom. If only a little is needed, the city will become much better, but the reality is that it is impossible.

Ma Tao turned on the news. Protests and demonstrations had broken out all over the country. Many people in the middle and upper classes also joined the wave of protests at the instigation of businessmen.

The situation would become the same as before. Ma Tao really couldn't do anything to stop it. Just when Ma Tao was secretly feeling sad, his cell phone rang. He hurriedly opened it and immediately determined Le Xiao's location.

Sure enough, Le Xiao came over in a short while, accompanied by people from the Su family, the Angus family, the Ablon family and the Phoebes family. The surrounding reporters hurriedly rushed to the scene. Go up, Ma Tao immediately gave the order.

After a while, a large number of people from Section 3 and Section 5 poured out of the streets and alleys, and many reporters were blocked out.

Ma Tao ran over, accompanied by more than a dozen scientific officers. He saw the smile on Le Xiao's face. When he was confused, a scientific officer pulled Ma Tao and said.

"Lao Ma, the bottom group will soon receive investment from the three major families."

Ma Tao was shocked. He could indeed see that in the face of the current shortage of living materials at the bottom level, investment and construction were necessary.

The group of people directly crossed the cordon and entered the stinky area that had been completely demolished. The smell wafting in the wind was very unpleasant. Charles pressed his nose slightly.

"It doesn't smell very good."

Locke said with a smile, and Charles smiled helplessly. Ma Tao immediately handed over a bunch of protective masks, but the group refused. The reporters were all filming. Although Charles wanted to take one, he held back in the end.

Charles is happy now. The problem of risk control in the construction of agricultural bases in the barrier area has always been a problem that troubled Charles, but now this problem has been solved.

Regarding the current good business forms at the bottom, investing in some industries at the bottom is guaranteed to make a profit, but there is only one thing that makes Charles feel helpless, but this is understandable. Every penny earned by the bottom must be retained. At the bottom level, it cannot be transferred to the middle and upper-level industries.

"It's pretty empty here, isn't it?"

Le Xiao said with a smile that at the investment consultation meeting just now, many people had disagreements on the investment in some small workshops, because to invest in a large number of small workshops and factories on such a messy ground floor requires various supporting facilities. For investment, demolition and construction are indispensable, and the investment is bound to be a lot more.

At this time, Le Xiao directly suggested that all such small workshops be moved to the stinking area, and the problem would be solved. Le Xiao's proposal was recognized by everyone.

Because it does require a large amount of money to be renovated within the area, and various problems will affect such reconstruction. If you move outside, you only need to simply build some flat-floor factories for production. That’s it.

With proper planning, a new type of factory area for the people at the bottom can be born. If more and more of this happens, daily necessities should soon be able to meet the demand, and it can also effectively reduce the price of goods that are still continuing to rise. They stabilize and return to the original price.

Le Xiao planned to write a report when he went back tonight, and then tomorrow he would gather all the businessmen from the small workshops on the ground floor that could produce materials, and then hold a symposium. The investment from the three major families could be in place quickly.

This simple factory can be built in one day at the earliest and can be put into production the next day. The key is whether the Huosen family will make any strange noises.

"I think it would be better if you go talk to him about this matter, Su Li."

Violet said, and Suli laughed helplessly.

"I'll go talk to him tomorrow."

The Huosen family actually controls more than 70% of the city's mechanical products, and production equipment requires them to provide a certain degree of help.

Many people in the barrier area came out to wait and see. Once these small factories start operating, they will inevitably require a large amount of labor. People in the barrier area can solve this problem to a great extent, and their wages will not be too high. It can create a lot of profits for these businessmen.

In Ma Tao's view, this can be regarded as an attempt to slowly bring the relationship between the people in the barrier area and the people at the bottom closer, and slowly integrate the people in the barrier area into the life of the city. Everything will become better in the future. Brightened up.

But what Ma Tao is most worried about now is that the other major families, including the big businessmen in the city, may protest more seriously, because this is equivalent to excluding them from the outside, and some of the goods they produce , and in the end all the profits went to the big families who invested.

The remaining businessmen would never allow this. Ma Tao looked at Le Xiao and said something happily. Everyone else was smiling. Ma Tao took off his hat. He felt that Le Xiao was really strange. .

Ma Tao can't express this feeling now, but what is certain is that once it is done as Le Xiao said, the bottom layer does not need to be controlled by those big capitals. These factories standing in the stinking area will be able to satisfy their needs. All the needs of the people at the bottom.

Some reporters who were allowed to follow along and report have already begun to report on this shocking news. The three major families will directly announce this tomorrow and set up a joint investment company at the bottom to invest in all aspects of the bottom.

Just as Le Xiao was explaining happily, a phone call came. Le Xiao was startled and hurried to the side.

"Your Excellency Secretary General."

"You can come to the General Affairs Department later. The general manager, I, and the heads of several other departments are all here."

The phone was hung up and Le Xiao swallowed. She didn't know whether what she did was right or wrong, but it was right because Le Xiao felt very comfortable.

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