Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2292 Unknown and profound (Part 2)

3:51 am

In a long downward passage, I remembered the sound of footsteps. The passage was dark and lightless, but the man walking was moving forward steadily. After a while, a faint light appeared in front, and the man's figure was revealed.

Akimi wore a plaid suit and walked slowly to the underground arena, where there were some machines and instruments. Marcus was sitting next to a training cabin, quietly looking at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panel.

"How's the situation?"

Akimi jumped down and nodded.

"Those guys are already hiding. I'm afraid X has betrayed everything."

Marcus laughed grimly.

"Just in time, come and take a look."

Archimi walked over quickly. On a light and shadow screen, there was a human body value. In the training cabin, there was a man lying. His body was white, and there were clearly visible black meridians on the surface of his body. He seemed to be undergoing Asleep.

Looking at Marcus in front of him, Akimi had a strange feeling. This man was not Marcus. Akimi had suspected this a long time ago, but he never said it clearly.

Akimi has been working with Marcus all year round, just for the same purpose, and he can only cooperate with Marcus. As for the group of creators, in the eyes of both of them, they are all the same, stupid and not looking for margins.

They are still dreaming of the dream that Frye has set out for them. Unfortunately, this is just a dream and it is impossible to realize it.

It's just that today Akimi wants to have a good talk with Marcus, or the guy who has been controlling Marcus' consciousness. Akimi already realized it a long time ago when he was still in the Academy of God. Si has changed.

This change may not seem obvious to many people, but Akimi is very good at observing people. He sees the changes of every student in the college, but Marcus’s change is not a curve, but a curve. It's a difference, a huge difference in change.

No one noticed, including the gods, but Archimi noticed that such a change lay in the change in his major.

When Marcus entered the Academy of God, his best subject was not medicine, but he had a very high talent for mechanics. But in medicine, Archimi could tell from the first time he studied medicine. His medical talent is average.

However, after a period of time, Marcus chose medicine. This field that he could not be good at at all, he was able to conquer easily, even surpassing Akimi.

As a genius in medicine, Akimi knew very well that he had a medical talent that was no worse than Hua Shen, but Marcus suddenly showed his talent, which was even appreciated by the gods.

This is what makes Akimi suspicious. Talent is often revealed when doing something for the first time, but Akimi has been mediocre in medical courses many times in succession. Any talent.

Archimi, who was already a doctor at the time, knew very well that Marcus was not good at medicine, but it was completely the opposite later, so Archimi suspected that Marcus was no longer the same Marcus as before, and that something unimaginable had happened to him. Variety.

Over the years, Archimi has been observing Marcus's every move. This difference in him has been revealed to Archimi countless times in the past seventy or eighty years.

Sometimes Marcus would ignore even the most basic medical common sense and would be completely stuck, but it was only after a period of time that he returned to a fairly high medical level.

At first, Archimi suspected that this was caused by schizophrenia, but after detailed observations and conversations, Archimi discovered that this was some kind of state above schizophrenia that humans are currently unable to understand.

The cause of this state could not be Marcus himself, it could only be an external force, so Archimi determined that there were other things in Marcus' body, like auxiliary programs, that were always controlling Marcus's behavior. behavior, helping Marcus gain a foothold in medicine.

"What's wrong Akimi you're acting weird tonight."

Akimi sat aside without a smile.

"Don't you think it's a little strange, Marcus?"

Marcus asked, looking at Akimi in confusion.

"What's weird?"

"Do you really know everything about medicine?"

Marcus was even more confused and stood up.

"What exactly does this issue involve?"

"What little trust we have left in each other."

Marcus laughed.

"Akimi, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. Don't say these incomprehensible words. In the medical field, I am..."

Marcus's expression seemed hesitant, and he spoke after a while.

"I am second only to you and Huashen."

Akimi nodded, and Marcus sat down and continued to look at the data.

But this did not make Akimi feel at ease. Instead, he felt strange. When Marcus paused, the confusion in his eyes was completely revealed, as if he was being asked about a field that he did not understand at all.

Archimi continued to observe Marcus. During his years of research on the nanometer world, Archimi discovered something extremely interesting, which Archimi has not mentioned to anyone so far.

There may be matter smaller than quarks in this world, so small that it cannot be observed by any means.

This was discovered by Archimi during his years of nanometer research, and he discovered it from plant-like plants. Archimi had privately conducted many years of research on plant-like plants. He had conducted tens of thousands of experiments, and it was certain that The things that make up plant-like substances are substances smaller than quarks, but they cannot be discovered at all, but they can be felt through certain experiments.

Many strange events that have occurred in recent decades have made Archimi feel that there is something hidden in this city, something that cannot be seen at all. These things are currently unable to be detected by humans by any means.

But these things are related to Marcus, so Archimi feels that there is really something in Marcus' body, but Archimi still cannot find evidence to directly confirm it.

"By the way Marcus, can you answer me a question?"

"What exactly is it?"

Akimi asked after thinking for a while.

"Are you really Marcus? Is it really Marcus who is talking to me now?"

"Then who else could I be?"

Marcus said with a smile, and Akimi also laughed.

"Maybe it's my delusion. You took over Marcus' body and used Marcus to do something."

"What happened to you today?"

Akimi shook his head.

"If you really occupy Marcus' body, I hope to have a conversation with you about what exactly you are going to do."

Akimi continued, and Marcus stood up a little annoyed.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Akimi also stood up and then spoke.

"You cannot complete this research by merging human and animal genes to make human mutants more powerful, because you have no talent at all, both medically and biologically. Tell me what you are." who?"

Marcus grabbed Akimi by the collar and then growled.

"I am me, who else could it be? Are you having a brain problem tonight?"

After Marcus let go of Akimi, he said sorry.

"I'm going downstairs to check on the situation."

Akimi walked towards the cave opposite, but at the moment when he was about to step into the cave, he suddenly turned sideways and made an attack gesture. A black shadow crossed the edge of the cave. Akimi looked again. It seemed like something None, but just after taking a few steps, Akimi heard a rustling sound in the dark cave.

Archimi watched with vigilance to see what was in the dark cave. Soon, Archimi discovered in his head that all the nano-robots he had released had disappeared.

"Who is it?"

A dull voice came.

"Nice to meet you Akimi."

Akimi became even more confused. He turned around, only to find that there was darkness behind him, and a scarlet light spot appeared in front of him.

"You are the first human to realize my existence, so as a reward, I will tell you something."

Archimi swallowed. What he had been thinking about for many years actually came true. He didn't know where he was because the nano-robot could not identify its direction. This was the first time in Archimi's knowledge.

"What exactly are you?"

"Before answering this question, should you turn off the light source in your hand?"

Archimi looked at the thing in front of him in surprise. Archimi probably guessed that this thing was afraid of light, because plants were also afraid of light.

"This is also for my safety."

Akimi said as he took out his cell phone, he had already pressed the position that triggered the strong light.

"Plantoids are indeed conscious as you think, and they are called shared consciousness."

Akimi thought doubtfully. Now he might be able to know what this thing is. He could see it if he turned on a strong light, but Akimi gave up.

"A wise choice. If I really wanted to kill you, it would be easy to do it underground."

In a blink of an eye, Akimi saw Marcus standing next to him with a dull expression, which made Akimi feel incredible.

"The reason why I did all this is just to break free from this damn prison. Things should start from the beginning of time that you can't understand."

Akimi swallowed, feeling increasingly shocked.

"This Marcus is the closest to me in the same position, so I can use him, but he can never sense my existence, and what about you? Why can you see me and hear me speak? Your cognition What do you think?"

Akimi shook his head. He couldn't understand what was in front of him and what he wanted to ask.

"Because you realize that there are existences like me that humans cannot detect, and even cannot be detected by all the scientific and technological means in this world. After you realize it, you gradually believe that such a thing exists, so your co-location rate can be compared with I am in contact, so you can hear me speak and see my existence, but this is temporary. In the future, you will lose the co-location rate again because of fear and will not be able to perceive my existence."

Akimi nodded.

"Then tell me, what kind of existence are you?"

"My existence is equivalent to the existence of this universe, or the origin of the universe."

Archimi felt a chill coming from his head, feeling increasingly cold. At this moment, a vast starry sky appeared in front of his eyes. Even from a distance, Archimi felt extremely shocked.

"In terms of your human classification, I am a life form of the ninth level, the highest level, the Devourer."

Akimi took a step back, feeling increasingly cold.

"Sure enough, the co-location rate has begun to be lost, and you will soon be unable to hear me, see me, or feel my presence."

Gradually the light returned, and Akimi woke up. He looked behind him. Marcus was still conducting numerical research, but there was nothing in front of him.

Akimi looked at his trembling hands. Everything that happened just now seemed to be not an illusion, but a reality. However, he couldn't see it now. The guy might be staring at him secretly. Akimi laughed.

"It seems that there is no problem in cooperating for the time being, Devourer! A ninth-level life form."

After checking Marcus again, Akimi entered the dark cave.

At this time, Marcus, who was looking at the data, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"The time will come soon."

7:19 am

Le Xiao felt a chill and struggled to open her eyes, smelling the smell of smoke.

"The sun is shining on your butt, little girl, get up quickly."

Niya's voice came, and Le Xiao got up quickly. Both Alpha and Niya were there. Le Xiao was completely stunned. After a while, he regained consciousness and Le Xiao immediately asked.

"What on earth is it? Why didn't you call me during the meeting last night?"

After Niya put out her cigarette, she took off her shoes, lifted Lexiao out of the bed, lay down in the quilt, and pulled the warm quilt over her.

"I'm very sleepy, I need to take a nap."

Alpha laughed easily.

"You will know after a while. Le Xiao, you have to go to Section 1 today. King Xue has something to do with you."

Le Xiao swallowed. The thought of that guy who looked kind but was actually sinister gave Le Xiao a headache.

Alpha shook his head and urged Lexiao to hurry over, directly moved out another bed, lay down on it, and fell asleep on his side.

"Really, don't tell me anything. If there is something important, if I don't know, I will be embarrassed again later. It's true."

Complaints are complaints. After washing up, Le Xiao went straight to the canteen. It was still the same as before. The chef had already prepared it for Le Xiao.

"Give me some hard-boiled eggs. I can eat them later if I get hungry."

The head chef smiled and brought five over. Le Xiao looked around and hurriedly put them in his pocket.

"Did they have an important meeting last night? Didn't you deliver the food?"

The head chef smiled and shook his head.

"It was sent up by the steward and Michelle."

Le Xiao became more and more confused.

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