Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2288 Undead from the Past (Part 1)

"Sir Lilian, Zhou Yang has been in this company for 2 hours. He should be working in the district office."

Lilian hummed, and had already obtained Zhou Yang's work records through special means. He had completed today's work this morning.

Everything about 38 people had been investigated, and with Zhou Yang's status, it would require a lot of procedures to investigate. After all, he was a member of the parliament, so Lillian went directly to Wu Qun.

We quickly obtained some basic information about Zhou Yang. Even Section 2 cannot investigate members at will without obtaining factual evidence. This is clearly stipulated in the Internal Management Regulations of the Executive Section.

Fortunately, Wu Qun was reasonable and gave Lillian Zhou Yang's information. Zhou Yang had a house in his name, but his wife, including relatives, owned a total of 10 properties.

Lillian accurately asked Wu Qun whether it was possible to obtain so much money after receiving assistance funds from businessmen. Wu Qun's answer was that it was impossible, especially in Area 55. It was even more impossible.

Lillian has investigated some funding issues in District 55 over the years, and Wu Qun also provided information on the use of businessmen's aid funds and taxes by the District 55 District Office over the years. Almost all of the businessmen's aid funds have been given to local charitable facilities.

Therefore, the three nursing homes and nine orphanages in District 55, including some welfare institutions for the disabled, were able to survive.

Based on the information currently available, we can only infer that Zhou Yang took advantage of his position to seek benefits for businessmen and secretly accepted money from businessmen. This was not the turn of the Business Department to investigate because of Zhou Yang's actions. The law was not violated, and they could only conduct an internal investigation by their congressmen.

According to the investigation, the company in front of us, called Luming Technology Co., Ltd., produces some mechanical components. In just five years, it has started to do business and accounts for nearly 5% of the middle-level market share. This is already very remarkable.

Thanks to Zhou Yang giving the company the green light all the way, it shouldn't be a problem for them to make money and continue to grow, and then give money back to Zhou Yang.

There is only one reason why Lilian came here, because this is a technology company, and it is too easy to restore the state of light and shadow matter.

Investigations in other aspects are still in progress. Lilian wants to see Zhou Yang's situation first. After all, there is no time. X may conduct transactions in the next day or two.

Lilian has already sent people to keep an eye on other suspicious objects, but they are easy to investigate because many of them have nothing to do with science and technology industries. Restoration technology that grasps the core essence is the focus of the investigation.

Coupled with the identity of Councilor Zhou Yang, he can use his position to do too many things, such as directly stealing some items in the form of light and shadow matter, and then letting Lu Ming restore it to light and shadow matter.

Based on Lu Ming's work experience, it is too easy to create a light and shadow material interface for restoration and generation.

The city has very clear regulations on manufacturers of light and shadow material interfaces. Only a few companies in the city have the qualifications to produce interfaces, and each interface has a unique and complex quantum code.

Most of the interfaces found on the black market are self-manufactured. Compared with normal light and shadow material interfaces, the generation and restoration efficiency is low, and they are also easily damaged.

All regular light and shadow material interfaces have very detailed specific values ​​such as the number of times from the first use to the latest use, the amount of light and shadow material, and what is generated.

Even though light and shadow substances have been controlled so precisely, there is still a black market selling them in the city.

Therefore, the city has no choice but to steal light and shadow materials and resell them, which will become the same felony as urban endangerment crimes. It starts with 30 years of imprisonment. After the legislation, many cases of reselling light and shadow materials have indeed been eliminated.

But there will still be people who take desperate risks. Lillian looked at the investigation data that kept coming back. After getting Wu Qun's permission, Section 7 had already called up Zhou Yang's consumption situation in various aspects.

Zhou Yang has probably spent about 1 million yuan in the past five years, which is normal. The profit of this technology company in five years is about 10 million yuan, and Zhou Yang taking 1 million yuan is not too much.

There seemed to be nothing to investigate, because everything was normal. Lillian sighed helplessly and picked up the coffee on the table.

Then the phone rang.

"You're on the middle floor, and I'm here too. Do you want to have dinner together?"

The call was from Qin Dong.

"Okay, come over to Area 55. I'm in a restaurant here."

After a while, Qin Dong entered the store. He looked at the people in the room and nodded. They were all disguised as people from Section 2. Qin Dong went directly to the second floor. As soon as he entered, he saw a bunch of people from Section 2. People are busy working, but Lilian is still looking at the information.

"Really, I thought you weren't working. If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have disturbed you."

Lilian grabbed Qin Dong and asked him to sit down.

"Can't you eat while working? You just happened to be here too. You don't have to use my authority all the time to investigate some things. Do me a favor and look at the economic crimes in recent years. Are there any in this area? Cases related to Luming Technology Co., Ltd.”

Qin Dong smiled awkwardly and could only turn on the light and shadow screen. He came here with the intention of having a leisurely meal with Lilian and then drinking and chatting.

After Qin Dong investigated for a while, he got the result. Sure enough, in the past few years, there have been 5 cases due to economic disputes in terms of technology and sales channels. However, many cases were finally closed because the parties who reported or filed the lawsuit could not settle it. .

It seems that Zhou Yang must have done something to make this company grow step by step and reach this point in just 5 years.

The company's annual financial statements have also come over. After several people from the 2nd Department read it, there is nothing wrong. Many things can be matched one by one, so there is nothing to check about the company's economy.

"I think that's pretty much it. How could it be traced to the congressmen in District 55?"

Qin Dong didn't know what Lilian was investigating, but it was certain that the councilors in District 55, under the leadership of Jin Biao, had done too much for non-profit charities in the region and even other regions.

“You know people, you know faces, but you don’t know hearts.”

At this moment, Zhou Yang came out of the company. He ran quickly across the street and quickly returned to the district office.

Lilian had secretly installed a monitoring device, and she stared at the screen carefully.

Zhou Yang went directly back to the office, and then started to bring up the light and shadow screen, a document report he had prepared in the morning, it was almost 8 o'clock.

At this time, a large number of congressmen came back. As soon as Jin Biao entered, he went directly to Zhou Yang's office.

"It's done, no Xiaoyang."

"Teacher just finished everything."

Jin Biao nodded happily.

"Go down and eat. I'll pack a meal for you."

Then Jin Biao sat in Zhou Yang's seat and reviewed the documents. Zhou Yang went down and ate hungrily.

"He doesn't have to lie."

Lilian muttered after seeing this scene, and Qin Dong nodded. He also felt it was strange that he lied about not finishing it when he had finished it long ago. This did not conform to his logic as a councilor.

Today there is an extremely important event in District 55. This kind of thing is exactly what the congressmen want, because in the process of remembering the interview, it can increase the goodwill of the people in the area and even the whole city towards this congressman.

However, Zhou Yang rejected it and even deceived Jin Biao, which aroused everyone's doubts.

"I feel like I can catch a big fish tonight, believe it or not."

Qin Dong smiled helplessly. He still didn't know what Lilian was investigating.

"Women's intuition?"

Lilian smiled.

"Of course, my intuition is always very accurate, isn't it? Although I warned you in the past, you..."

Seeing Qin Dong's expression change, Lilian hurriedly smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Sorry, I talked too much."

Qin Dong smiled and the two continued to read. Zhou Yang said he was very tired after eating. Originally, the MPs had to hold a meeting, but Jin Biao asked him to go back and rest quickly. He would just read the minutes of the meeting tomorrow morning.

Jin Biao did not go home, which made Lillian and Qin Dong very happy. Qin Dong also learned what Lillian was investigating through the words of a 2nd Section member.

After Zhou Yang wandered around again, he entered Lu Ming's company from the blind spot of the surveillance. There was no one in the company, and Lu Ming was not seen. Lillian asked someone to go to a new restaurant opened by Lu Ming on the ground floor. The company asked, but Lu Ming was not there. He seemed to be processing some important documents in the company.

"I'll mobilize the special team."

Qin Dong said, Lilian grinned.

"Don't let out a fly."

By about 9 o'clock, there were almost no people on the street. This was completely different from the bustle of the past. The restaurant where Lillian and the others were staying was also closed. The group of people stared at the company opposite in darkness.

Qin Dong has arranged for 100 members of the special management team, including ordinary members of Section 5, to be secretly on standby nearby because Zhou Yang has not yet come out of Lu Ming's company.

The lights in the district office are still on, and the council members are still meeting.

Time passed by, Qin Dong yawned, Lilian put her arms around his shoulders and said.

"What time do you go to bed these days? You seem very tired."

Qin Dong sighed.

"The section chief has somehow ignored all the work in recent days and left it to me alone. My workload is too heavy."

Lilian looked at Qin Dong suspiciously.

"What a coincidence, our section chief is not busy these days."


Lu Ming was sweating as he looked at the large bucket of light and shadow material in front of him. Zhou Yang on the side anxiously looked at the time from time to time because the time for the transaction had passed and X had not yet appeared.

"This guy can't play tricks on us, right?"

Lu Ming looked at the cracked bathroom floor. The two of them had to repair it later. Then he sealed the room on the grounds that the toilet was damaged. This way, if it were to be opened again in a few days, there would be no traces. .

Although it is a bit troublesome to do this, both of them will break the ground every time they collect a certain amount of light and shadow materials, and then store the light and shadow materials underneath.

The advantage of this is that it is secretive and no one will find it at all, and the container is also a plastic organic material that cannot be detected by metal signals.

However, time passed by, and at 11 o'clock, Lu Ming felt that something was wrong, and Zhou Yang also became anxious, because his wife had called several times, and she would betray him if she didn't leave.

At this moment, there was a knock on the bathroom window. Lu Ming took a look and hurriedly opened the window. It was Zorn who climbed in through the window.

"Why are you here? Mr. Zorn, we have been waiting for you for two hours."

Zorn was holding a suitcase, and when he opened it, it was full of cards.

"What you do is your business, but I would like to remind you not to use a lot of this money in a short period of time."

Lu Ming laughed happily, and Zhou Yang hurried out of the bathroom. However, the next second Zhou Yang was stunned, covering his mouth with one hand, and then a certificate from Section 2 was right in front of Zhou Yang.

Lilian made a booing gesture. The lobby of the company was filled with people from the administrative department, including people from the 2nd department and the special task force. There were a lot of people outside.


Lillian heard a sound in the bathroom. Although it was very small, it should be some kind of heavy object being moved up and placed on the ground.

"Inspect the goods, Mr. Zorn."

When The bucket leaves.

The reason why X came so late was because he was watching nearby and also went to the district office to make sure everything was correct before X entered directly.

Seeing that there was no problem, X held the bucket and said.

"I'm going to go to the rooftop and turn off all surveillance in your company."

After Lu Ming nodded, he took out his mobile phone and turned off the monitoring. Liang, Qin Dong had appeared behind Lu Ming, grabbed Lu Ming and threw him out of the window.

"Sir, please immediately put your head in your hands and lie on the ground."

Lilian smiled ferociously. She indeed caught a big fish tonight. All her efforts during this period were not in vain.

"How did you find me? At least you have to let me know."

"Sorry sir, no comment on this."

Lilian said, , and a brain soaked in liquid.

"I am not a human being. You should have known this for a long time."

Qin Dong and Lilian were already planning to arrest, X said with his hands raised.

"Call your section chief, including other people in the business department, I want to talk to you."

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