Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2284 Covert Action (Part 2)

"Where exactly are we going?"

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Mo Xiaolan and his party had just finished dinner, and Noah was also very interested because he could see that Alpha, Niya, and Le Xiao were hiding something extremely important from them.

Alpha said after lighting a cigarette.

"Even if you know it, you must not start large-scale investigation and deployment in the short term, otherwise the city is likely to fall into greater chaos."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"I understand. Since I have promised, I will abide by it."

Alpha stood up and looked at Huashen opposite. He nodded and looked at Noah, who raised his hands and said.

"Don't worry, I will keep it secret too."

Le Xiao stood up directly, and Alpha looked at Le Xiao.

"You still have something to do? Just a few of us can go there."

Le Xiao said yes, she had to go to District 29, because now the game has begun to be actually tested. Facing the women in District 29, 1,000 people have already started playing it. Le Xiao had to go and see the situation.

Then a director officer from Section 4 drove Le Xiao to Area 29 in a lift. Le Xiao also seemed a little embarrassed.

"Sorry to trouble you again."

"It's okay, it's just a back and forth, it only takes about ten minutes."

The director named Yu Zhen has sent Le Xiao off many times. According to the operating regulations of the takeoff and landing section, there must be a person on the takeoff and landing machine who can manually control the takeoff and landing machine before the takeoff and landing machine can take off.

The purpose of this is to prevent the passengers from being in danger when there is a problem with the automatic driving of the lift.

Yu Zhen looked at Le Xiao, who had closed her eyes, and slowed down the speed of the take-off and landing, planning to take 30 minutes to get there. For this ordinary girl, although all her identity information was fake, she initially made a bunch of directors extremely dissatisfied. , now Yu Zhen likes it very much.

Yu Zhen knew very well that the changes in the business department started when Le Xiao started working as a secretary, and the city also changed drastically after that. Many changes seemed to Yu Zhen to be better.

No one expected Le Xiao to be able to do this. Yu Zhen has been in Department 4 for almost 30 years. The most criticized thing about Department 4 is that students who graduated from medical school join Department 4 unconditionally.

At present, the doctor industry has basically been monopolized by medical departments, which is also a helpless move. Most of the doctors who are still qualified are left over from the past when the medical industry reform was not carried out and are unwilling to enter the fourth department. However, most private doctors Already almost extinct.

When Huashen decided on all this, it encountered resistance from a large number of practitioners in the medical system, but Huashen still resolutely implemented this system.

Successfully eliminated many private doctors, because all this is to completely and stably control medical prices. After capital delisted from medical care, although medical prices have been controlled by 4 departments, many sky-high prices in the past have been Doctors have completely disappeared, and many people can afford medical treatment.

But the income of doctors has actually decreased. Although there are welfare subsidies for various medical departments, the income of members of the four medical departments is far less than that of doctors who still run clinics outside today.

In fact, many people in Department 4 are dissatisfied. The basic salary of most of them is just higher than that of other departments, and they need to do extremely heavy medical work every day.

Because the nursing profession has been basically outlawed, although many tasks are assisted by AI devices, doctors still have to do them themselves in many cases.

Nowadays, people in the 4 departments are very optimistic about reintroducing the nursing profession into the medical system, which can greatly reduce the burden on doctors and create job opportunities for women in special service industries.

Yu Zhen is not very familiar with the disappearance of the nursing industry in the past, but it is certain that it appeared driven by capital, because nursing machinery can completely replace the role of nurses, and is tireless, with a very small probability of accidents.

Driven by long-term interests, capital crazily promoted unmanned nursing, and soon the nursing industry was directly outlawed. Hospitals everywhere also responded very well because they were able to reduce a large amount of additional salary expenses.

But the nurse industry that has resumed this time is different. They have the same treatment and conditions as doctors, and can be gradually promoted to doctors. This is very good for many women who have been engaged in special services all year round.

Soon the lift arrived at the temporary public security management office in District 29. This place was originally the public security management office. Due to various problems, this place was once banned, but now it has been restored. The five departments in the public security management office Officials are all women.

After the lift landed, Yu Zhen turned on the light and shadow screen, and Le Xiao woke up and hurriedly wiped her saliva.

"Let's go, I will conduct on-site assessment of all aspects."

Le Xiao hummed. At present, this kind of experimental game is not open to the public, and reporters cannot interview and report. Many people are very curious about the plan of Section 13 and want to know, but Section 1 has officially announced it. Notices are not allowed to be reported and disseminated privately.

The women who participated in the game trial also signed a confidentiality agreement and could not disclose any game content to others who had not yet tried the game. Otherwise, the money they obtained in the game would be cleared and they would lose the game. Qualification to play.

Le Xiao and Yu Zhen got off the lift. The local section officer and other section members were already waiting.

The group of people went directly to the street. District 29 was still very lively at night. The streets were full of men and women. The group of people went to the home of a female who was a live tester nearby. Her work and service place was in a back street, and her business had been in the past few months. They are not very good, and she is a bit old, so there are very few customers, only some old customers, who come once or twice a month at most.

Le Xiao knocked on the door of this woman's room. The woman panicked when she saw that it was someone from the business department.

"Why did Master Le Xiao come here suddenly?"

The game was still open. Le Xiao went in and took a look, and was shocked. There were many characters created by this woman, and she had already earned nearly 2,000 yuan, which was very fast.

Le Xiao found it a little difficult to understand. There was a character whose level was already very high, but this woman created other characters. She could create up to nine characters.

"I see."

Yu Zhen understood it at a glance, and Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"Master Le Xiao, because the initial tasks are very simple, as long as you get started, you can get money quickly, but the later tasks will become more and more difficult, and you need to remember more points."

Yu Zhen immediately went over and took people to check the nine characters created by this woman one by one. Each one had at least dozens of tasks to complete. She deliberately blocked the character level and only completed some simple tasks with a small amount of money. There were many tasks. You can get a few bucks when you're done.

These low-level training tasks can be taken on continuously. As long as you are familiar with them, they can be completed very quickly.

Yu Zhen immediately recorded everything, and then the group went to other places, because they went to the homes of women who had gained relatively high amounts of money in the past few days since the game was launched to check out the situation. Leng Rui would Make adjustments and modifications at any time according to the situation.

The woman who tried the game this time only created one character, but she has already earned more than 4,000 yuan. She is the fastest player to get money in the past few days. As soon as she entered, she looked very excited and said, If you can play this game for a lifetime, Enough.

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"Miss, this is just to enable you to master medical knowledge and ultimately carry out medical practice."

The woman curled her lips. Yu Zhen took a look at her mission record, including the chosen talent system, etc. He felt that she had certain medical talents. Then he asked her some medical knowledge about the characters she played with. The woman's answer was correct. The rate reached 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​was due to confusion of inherent nouns, but she still knew exactly what it was.

Until 9 o'clock in the evening, Le Xiao and the others visited the homes of more than ten women who had received high amounts of money, the lowest being more than 1,800.

"Okay, let's go see these people next."

Le Xiao took a look and found that these people all received very little money. The least was only 9 yuan, and the most was only 30 yuan.

I was very happy that Xiao arrived at the first store, but it was in a shop on a busy street. The woman was still working upstairs. Le Xiao looked at it nervously and awkwardly, and everyone present was a little angry.

After a while, the woman came down, and her answer was very casual. Because her business was very good, she didn't have much fun, and she found it quite boring.

"Miss, please continue to play."

The woman agreed, and Yu Zhen nodded. Le Xiao was a little helpless, but Yu Zhen laughed.

"As long as they can succeed, they will gradually start to play."

After that, they looked around for women who had earned less money in the past few days. Without exception, they were all the same as the women before. They had to work every night and were too lazy to play during the day. They were still the same as before, but they all said they would continue to play. .

Le Xiao was actually a little disappointed with their attitude, because this was a plan to let them regain their dignity, but they didn't appreciate it. Yu Zhen, who saw Le Xiao's unhappy expression, whispered.

"Effects cannot be accumulated in a short period of time. As long as this game can really successfully train nurses, things will gradually change."

Le Xiao hummed and laughed happily. The group came to Yu Fangfang's shop. As soon as they entered, they saw Leng Rui sitting on the first floor eating.

"Where's Fangfang?"

"We're playing games on the second floor."

Yu Zhen began to tell Leng Rui about the visit they had just made. Based on what Yu Zhen said, Leng Rui retrieved the information of these people. After a brief review, the two began to discuss changes to the game.

As soon as Le Xiao went up, she saw Yu Fangfang doing a task. She went over and took a look. She had obtained more than 500 yuan in the past few days. Watching her having a great time, Le Xiao did not interrupt until It was half an hour later when Yu Fangfang noticed Le Xiao.

"I'm sorry, Master Le Xiao."

"Just keep playing, it'll be okay."

Le Xiao also said that she just came to see the results of the bill, but many women she visited before seemed not very interested in games.

"I think interest is something that is not developed in a day or two. Some people may not like it during this period, but they may be influenced to like it after a while."

Le Xiao hummed.

"Am I too anxious?"

Yu Fangfang shook her head.

"No, you must be anxious about this kind of thing. If it doesn't work out, we won't care when the time comes. It's you who will be blamed."

Le Xiao looked at Yu Fangfang blankly. At this moment, she finally understood why she was so anxious. When she was in the Congress, she had felt it. If she didn't do it well, she would definitely take the blame and be blamed. The congressmen mocked, and Le Xiao laughed through gritted teeth.

"It will definitely succeed."

The two of them went downstairs together, Yu Fangfang asked.

"Would you like to get some food and wine, Master Lexiao?"

Lexiao swallowed and then laughed.

"sorry to bother you."

When they came downstairs, Leng Rui was discussing the direction with Yu Zhen. The two seemed to have reached an agreement. Le Xiao was stretching comfortably. At this moment, the wise man walked in and Le Xiao was startled. .

"Master Wise, didn't you go to the bottom?"

"Hi, I'm back again. Let's go upstairs and talk."

Le Xiao looked at the wise man suspiciously. Yu Fangfang was already preparing side dishes in the kitchen.

"Master Le Xiao, I will serve it to you later."

After arriving on the second floor, the wise man pointed to the room opposite and said.

"You'd better notify the people in Section 2 to investigate."

"What are you investigating?"

Le Xiao was also confused. The wise man explained his suspicion, while Le Xiao was a little confused.

"real or fake?"

"you do not believe me?"

Le Xiao immediately shook his head, but it seemed that Alpha had said now that he should try not to cause big problems.

"But Sister Alpha said it shouldn't cause big problems, because once a riot is discovered, the city will most likely fall into even greater riots."

The wise man sighed and sat down and stared at the window opposite. He chose to believe his feeling that someone was indeed watching them 24 hours a day.

"My feelings are not wrong. They are often more effective than machines."

At this time, Yu Fangfang came up with a stack of prepared side dishes, as well as the wine that Le Xiao liked to drink on weekdays.

"Really girl, you'd better inform Section 2. After all, this matter can't be delayed any longer."

Le Xiao took a bite, hummed, and decided to talk to Alpha first.

"Girl, are you hiding something from me?"

Le Xiao immediately denied it.

The wise man did not delve into it because he knew Le Xiao was lying.

11 o'clock sharp

Mo Xiaolan looked at the cemetery quietly. Lilian was leading people to detect the area. Alpha said with a solemn expression.

"Xiao Lazy, didn't you promise me?"

"It is true that I promised you a small-scale search, but I have to turn this hospital upside down because the clone is lying and hiding something! I want to use it as a bargaining chip."

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