Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2277 Mechanical and Biochemical Transformation (Part 2)

"Did this girl drink tonight?"

Several middle-aged men were sitting in a drink shop watching the live broadcast. Many people noticed something was wrong with Le Xiao. Looking at the red face on the screen, Le Xiao was obviously drunk, which was completely different from usual days.

However, many people started talking about it. Le Xiao's speech just now made many people pay attention to it. In today's TV speech, representatives of various civil groups were criticizing the sudden actions of the Executive Branch. The bad thing is, no one mentioned the issue of orphanages and nursing homes.

"The old man who lived in the house next to my house used to have no children and was in poor health. He finally sold his house and went to a nursing home. Within a few months, he was gone."

Many people have said that the current living conditions of nursing homes are indeed very bad, and many for-profit nursing homes are not necessarily that good. After paying fees, a large number of elderly people have a lower quality of life.

In the past, there were a large number of orphanages and nursing homes that made fraudulent donations or illegally made profits in the name of charity. These problems have existed for too many years and no one has paid attention to them.

“Are you really here to speak up for these marginalized people?”

Wu Lei looked at Le Xiao with a solemn expression. There were more than 200 people from large and small social and non-governmental organizations below, and many regions had also sent parliamentarians, including so many people in the city watching the live broadcast. Wu Lei hurried over. Standing next to Le Xiao, he tugged on the corner of her clothes, trying to remind Le Xiao.

Now there is a surge of anger, and many people have begun to become dissatisfied.

“Are you really here to speak out for these vulnerable groups?”

Le Xiao asked again, and immediately a representative stood up with his hands raised and said.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, our social advisory group has been speaking out for disadvantaged groups since a long time ago. We have been..."


"you shut up."

The man who stood up was stopped by Le Xiao before he finished speaking.

“I only remember that when I was a child, many so-called social groups came to the street where we lived. Every time they came, they said they would speak out for us, but every time, there was nothing but meaningless hype reports. No."

Le Xiao walked off the stage and stood in front of the man. She was still drunk and looked a little shaken.

"Have you ever been to the streets at the bottom? Have you ever been to the slums? Half a century later, the streets are still the same as before, and most people at the bottom are still getting poorer. How much of the city's population is at the bottom?"

The man was a little panicked and Le Xiao asked sharply.

"answer me."

"About 70 percent."

Le Xiao nodded and glanced at these people with her hands behind her back. She had seen these so-called civil society organizations countless times. They had been to the lower level many times. Many of them always brought some food and beautiful clothes every time they went. , but the show-like voice has been staged at the bottom countless times.

"Then I want to ask you, why do you so-called speaking for the disadvantaged groups after so many years, the bottom is getting more and more dilapidated, orphanages and nursing homes are getting worse and worse, including Frye Mental Hospital, I want to ask Everyone, what is the use of you in the city these years? A bunch of people gather together to make speeches and stir up public opinion like a show. Besides, what have you done?"

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, our Southern Business Federation has made many donations over the years."

"How much was donated?"

Le Xiao asked, and the man who stood up to speak immediately said vaguely.

"Of course it's a lot."

Wu Lei quickly opened a light and shadow screen, quickly found the official donation data, and pulled up the news about the chamber of commerce's donation. This man was also in the news report at the time, and he looked very happy.

For a while, most people looked at each other in shock, because the actual donation record data was less than one percent of what was boasted in the news, and this chamber of commerce also charges a large amount of membership maintenance fees and other miscellaneous fees every year.

Many of the top members have served as district councilors. Most of these civil organizations serve as springboards for many people to become district councilors. Le Xiao knew this when she was in middle school, so She hated this group of people.

"Do you have the nerve to speak up for the disadvantaged groups? Of course not everyone is like this. I have also seen many people who are speaking out for the disadvantaged groups. But over the years, everyone has used these associations as a springboard and gathering place for rights, and How many have actually been done?”

Wu Lei quickly used the authority of the General Affairs Section to retrieve information from Section 6. Many groups had the purpose of speaking out, but in fact they were raising capital for some people in the group to elect members. Le Xiao returned to the stage.

"I'm not here to blame you. I just want to explain a problem. Please stop using lies to gain reputation for your group. If this continues, no one will care about the actual problem. The reason why I proposed biochemical mechanical transformation The plan is to enable more marginalized elderly people to have a place to rely on in their old age."

Le Xiao's heart was beating violently. She was completely awake now. She had just been made inexplicably angry by the questions from a bunch of people under the stage. Previously in Locke's office, Le Xiao became angry whenever Noah mentioned these groups. big.

Because these groups have been to their streets countless times since they were young, and many people have been to their homes. I thought they would really help them, but in the end there was no follow-up. This kind of people gave people a little hope, and then disappeared. The guys are a pain in the ass.

Only when Le Xiao grew older did he realize that they came to these places just to win the favor of the people in their area and gain points for them in the parliamentary elections.

"I just want to make one point right now. The helpless elderly people in nursing homes, whether they are non-profit or for-profit nursing homes, cannot be ignored at all. They are indeed We exist in this city, right next to you and me, and the city has entered an aging society. In another 10 years, one-third of the elderly will appear in the city, and nearly 70% of the elderly will Loss of workforce.”

Wu Lei directly called up the chart in conjunction with Le Xiao's speech.

"What should we do in the future? I would like to ask the young people in front of the screen and the people on the scene, let everyone give 1 yuan for free every month, is it okay? 1 yuan can solve many problems, but 1 yuan There is no way to solve the current problem of the elderly and orphans in the city, so what about 100 yuan? 100 yuan is definitely enough. Let everyone spend 100 yuan every month to solve this problem. Can you do it?"

Le Xiao's question made many people in front of the screen agitated. Many people were unwilling to pay even 1 yuan, let alone 100 yuan.

"Why are you right? A long time ago, Congress would allocate part of the tax revenue to marginalized groups. However, the city was filled with various voices of dissatisfaction, because after the money was allocated to marginalized groups, everyone in the region Water and electricity subsidies have been reduced, shopping subsidies have been reduced, including some other miscellaneous expense subsidies, and even the maintenance of facilities has become a problem. The most important thing is that the tax exemption amount for businesses has dropped, so businesses can only increase price."

Le Xiao pressed his hands on the table and motioned to the clerk on the side to give him a glass of water. After drinking it, Le Xiao felt much better and was completely awake.

"So what I want to explain is that while everyone is criticizing this measure, have you ever thought about a question? Who will take care of those who have no one to rely on, you? Or you? Or you? Everyone has their own life. , and when everyone’s lives are disrupted, many people have a hard time. There have been too many protests because of the issue of tax subsidies given to marginalized groups in the region. In the end, many councilors from the district rights office were in charge of taxation. In the distribution of income, marginalized groups will not be considered because they are a minority, so the majority of people who have made contributions should enjoy all welfare benefits in the region, but have you ever considered this question?"

Le Xiao looked at everyone seriously.

"We also have times when we are helpless as children, and there will also be times when we grow old. This problem is something that the city must solve, but the current monthly tax revenue cannot afford these problems. And do these people deserve it? They are old. When you are old, you should find a place to bury yourself, so as not to add any burden to this society. But I have said it a long time ago, these old people are the cornerstone of this city, because they are old and useless, they need to bury themselves. Abandon them? Do they deserve to endure such a helpless life?"

Le Xiao closed her eyes and exhaled a long breath.

"When I proposed this plan, I never thought of forcing those who were unwilling to participate. If this plan starts, our 13th Department will take responsibility and respect the wishes of every elderly person. When their consciousness is clear and with their consent, biochemical and mechanical modifications will be carried out on them to allow these old people to return to society."

It was already past 4 o'clock, and the scheduled one-hour televised speech had already been exceeded. Le Xiao still had a lot to say.

"There are still many rumors on the Internet that this is to prepare for the mechanization era. So please tell me. If you have a way, you can directly write the plan into a report and submit it to the General Affairs Department. Then I will take a look and see if you can solve it. Regarding the problem of the elderly and orphans, I will definitely submit the bill to Congress. I only hope that this problem can be solved completely and reliably. Today I just want to explain to you the seriousness of the problem of the elderly and orphans in the city today, at least for now. We have the ability and time to solve this problem. This is just an attempt, not to prepare for the mechanization era. I hope everyone understands this. It is obvious that the 10th Department has such technology, which can make people who have lost their labor force and can only wait for death When the elderly return to society, why do many people view this matter with prejudice and suspicion? That’s it for today. We will start sending people to some nursing homes today to conduct various opinions. All consultation processes are open to the public, but I don’t want anyone to distort this matter. If anyone does, our 13th Section will definitely prosecute him.”

After Le Xiao finished speaking, he bowed solemnly, then turned and left. The scene became commotion for a while. Many representatives of civil society groups angrily commented on some of Le Xiao's attitudes just now. Wu Lei walked quickly with a smile. After following him out, it can be seen from the expressions of these people that they are angry just because they have lost face. They know what is going on in private better than anyone else.

What Wu Lei didn't expect was that Le Xiao would say these things, because these civil society groups have been inseparable from the riots in the city over the years.

Most of these groups have urgently integrated with businessmen and parliamentarians. After joining these groups, most of the groups are using their voice to seek their own rights and capital for the grassroots. This practice is no longer a day or two. Wu Lei took a look at the shadow Everything on the screen, just a few hours later, the sound changed again.

Many people are saying that these people can stand and talk without pain in their backs. If they are asked to support an old man who has nothing to do with them, it is impossible for them to do so.

"You really scared me to death. I thought you said that."

Le Xiao pressed her forehead, blushed and shook her head.

"I will never drink again when there is official business. I'm going to take a nap."

Le Xiao yawned. Although she woke up a lot, she was still too sleepy. She planned to sleep until lunch in the afternoon.

"There are still a lot of things to deal with."

Wu Lei said, and Le Xiao laughed awkwardly.

"Forget it, just go and have a rest. At least the problem has been solved. I'll just help you with it. Get up and take a serious look."

Le Xiao said thank you and quickly ran to her room.

As soon as Wu Lei turned around, he saw Michelle and Noah coming over, and they were talking about something.

"Be better prepared next time."

Michelle said as soon as she came over. Wu Lei nodded immediately. Noah was still smiling. He didn't expect it to be solved so easily. Although it seems that this girl is very ordinary, what she has experienced is what ordinary people would do. encounter things, so she instinctively knows how to solve ordinary people's problems.

"This is a gift. Those of us in the elite class will probably never know the solution to solve the troubles of ordinary people in our lifetime."

At this moment, news of an on-site report came. The three people opened the news channel. It was a report interviewing a nursing home. More than a dozen elderly people had expressed their willingness to undergo mechanical and biochemical transformation because they could no longer survive. They have to spend every day in pain and hunger, with no relatives around them, and almost no money in their hands. They don't want to wait for death any longer.

Noah laughed excitedly.

"I will personally take people there immediately. Now a breakthrough has been opened. After all, this city will need a lot of labor in the future. Otherwise, it will be difficult to complete the two bills!"

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