Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2275 Lonely and Widow (Part 2)

"You boast about such a big seaport. If you can't do it in a short time, it will be dangerous."

Le Xiao looked at Wu Lei, her cheeks were slightly red, she was holding a bottle of wine, took a big sip and stretched her limbs comfortably.

"What can't be done? If I don't do it, how would you know that I can't do it? Besides, these children and old people are very pitiful. The problem must be solved."

Wu Lei laughed helplessly. During this period of following Le Xiao, he was really helpless by this girl's innocent thoughts every time, but this girl gradually realized these innocent thoughts.

"So how do you think we can help those children? Give them good food and a good environment?"

Le Xiao scratched her head and said.

"We have to let them go to school normally."

Wu Lei laughed, and indeed he got the point right in one sentence. Education is the only way to change the destiny of these orphans. Although there are various subsidies and exemptions for primary school education in the city, the cost of education is still unaffordable for these orphans. Started.

To solve this problem, it is obviously not possible to rely on local tax rationing. Le Xiao has seen tax rationing in many regions. Most of them are used to maintain the economy and life in the region, including maintaining some facilities in the region. It is impossible to take out other money.

"Why don't you go find someone from the Education Association?"

Wu Lei smiled.

"It's very difficult to handle. How about you raise a wave of donations for them? I guess many people in the city will donate to you. The money will be distributed and managed by Section 13. In this case, at least they won't have to worry about it for a few years. Life."

Le Xiao slapped his forehead, but then said immediately.

"No, how can I do this? Besides, shouldn't this problem still have to be solved after it has been delayed for several years? It is impossible to wait until there is a big riot like now before solving it."

Wu Lei was at a loss because he didn't know how to solve it.

"Do you know the phone number of the bald president of the Education Association?"

"Do you really want to find him?"

Soon Wu Lei dialed Chris's number directly, explained the reason, and gave the phone to Le Xiao.

"Mr. Chris, I want to talk to you about education in the orphanage."

"Where are you, Secretary Le Xiao? I'll come over and talk to you in person."

Le Xiao explained the place and went directly to the section officer's office after dinner. At this time, K came with the people who were attending the meeting.

“I think we should start with education.”

K and others also agreed. This is also what they think. If they really want to prevent these orphans from being too miserable in the future, education is necessary, at least some basic education. Otherwise, they are likely to become criminal.

Everyone was waiting for Chris and the others to come over. When it was close to 8 o'clock, Chris came over with some people from the Education Association.

"Secretary Le Xiao, we have actually done some free education work for orphanages and nursing homes a long time ago, but it didn't go very smoothly."

Le Xiao nodded and K said.

"Actually, we also approached people from the Education Association a long time ago, but if we want teachers to go to these places to teach, they need to obtain certain relevant qualifications, including many procedures, which are problematic."

Chris nodded. He had also promoted these free education work back then, and many people had joined in. However, due to qualifications and other issues, it had never been established.

A group of people went to the conference room and began to discuss how to promote education first. Le Xiao planned to essentially solve the problems existing in the orphanage. After all, many orphans spent every day in the orphanage, maybe There was nothing to do except help some nearby shops and earn some money.

If they are unable to receive an education, they may only have manual work as a way out when they grow up, and this industry cannot last long. Compared with educated people of the same age, they have no advantage at all. .

As for the problem of the elderly, we can only discuss it later. This problem is a problem that the entire society must take on to solve. Chris has known this from a long time ago. Individuals or organizations alone cannot solve it.

"It's better to set up a special joint academy for orphans."

Chris said, and Wu Lei immediately laughed.

"How many resources must be allocated? Who is willing to work for nothing? I'm afraid there are very few such people."

Chris shook his head.

"Secretary Wu Lei, the special joint college I am talking about is not fixed, but mobile."

Lexiao became interested, and everyone in the room looked at Chris.

Chris directly stated the plan. He would find volunteers with teaching qualifications in the society and recruit them into this mobile school. The school site would be directly found by nearby companies or individuals who are willing to provide space. These things can be done in advance. Arrangements are made.

All orphans in the orphanage learn the same content as in regular schools, and all teaching materials are distributed free of charge, so all the teachers only need to be arranged to take turns teaching in the area.

Most volunteer teachers only need to sacrifice their rest days to complete such work. After all, most schools in the city have different rest hours. This is the result of the reform of the Education Association after several riots occurred in the city.

It is also to divert traffic for weekends. In the past, many parents were used to taking their children out to play on weekends. This would cause congestion in many areas, and the consequences would be disastrous if there were riots.

Just need to make good arrangements in all aspects, and it should be possible to organize a group of volunteers to use their breaks to teach.

"This is a good idea."

Le Xiao said with a smile, Wu Lei had already recorded everything Chris said, and then spoke directly.

"The search for volunteers, including scheduling, is up to you. As for finding the venue, the local district rights office and administrative department can be responsible for it."

K was extremely happy looking at everything in front of him. This was the most worrying thing for K in recent years. Although it was extremely difficult before, he only went to find Le Xiao at noon today, and there was a way out in the evening.

"Secretary Le Xiao, I hope you will draft a formal bill as soon as possible and submit it to Congress. Such a bill does not need to be reviewed, but is an informal bill, that is, a bill that has nothing to do with the economy. It is just to help the society. Bills from marginalized groups can be implemented directly as long as they are reviewed by the General Affairs Section and reviewed by local councilors, and as long as they do not touch laws and affected areas."

Le Xiao hummed. Wu Lei looked at her expression and felt a little helpless. He winked at Le Xiao and said he would help with it.

It is true that the whole process is too difficult for Le Xiao, a rookie who knows little about the work, especially those involving legal and regional issues. She is beyond her capabilities. However, for Wu Lei, such a bill has long been completed. It's easy to get used to it.

People in the room were eagerly discussing education matters, but the most critical issue was the survival of these orphanages and nursing homes. Le Xiao also thought about this, if she really went to those merchants to ask for the remaining daily income. For some items, this seems inappropriate.

“Think about what else you can do within your authority.”

Wu Lei reminded him, and Le Xiao scratched his head, thinking about what else he could do, especially what should he do with the elderly who had no labor force. It was obviously unrealistic to spend money to support them. ,

"labor force?"

Le Xiao's eyes widened.

Wu Lei looked at her doubtfully, and so did everyone else. At this moment, Le Xiao suddenly burst into laughter.

"There is a way. If they can't work, just let them work."

Everyone present thought about it for a moment, but more people were frightened. K also seemed very helpless. Le Xiao immediately spoke.

"Think about it, everyone, they have little savings and still need someone to take care of them, but now the city can't come up with the money to support them. Can they be allowed to undergo mechanical and biochemical transformation so that they can work? And also No need to endure physical pain.”

Wu Lei laughed.

"It's a shame that you can think of such a solution, but you have to go to the people in Section 10 to ask about this matter, including whether these old people can withstand mechanical and biochemical transformation."

Le Xiao immediately took out the phone and pressed the number 0010.

"What a surprise that you called me, Miss Hamster!"

"Who is the hamster, you bastard."

Le Xiao immediately shouted, and Noah laughed.

Le Xiao hurriedly ran to the side and talked about her plan in detail.

"I see. In order to help those old people who have lost their labor force regain their labor force, so as not to wait for death, you let them undergo mechanical and biochemical transformation. You are really one of them. Maybe you are a genius."

"I'm just worried that they won't be able to withstand the transformation. After all, they are all old people."

Noah laughed.

"Why can't they bear it?"

"I told you he is an old man."

Le Xiao stomped her feet, and Noah's voice became serious.

"Just because their bodies have various chronic diseases and their organs have aged, but as long as their brains can still think normally, there will be no problem, because once the transformation is completed, in addition to their brains, The other parts are all mechanical, so there’s nothing to worry about. Just ask the wise old man how he feels after completing part of the transformation.”

Le Xiao nodded with a smile.

"He's in much better spirits than before."

"You really can think of this method. You can quickly get me a report, and then we can officially start."

Le Xiao groaned, completely at a loss.

"What else? This will be of great help to the future of mankind in our entire city. We can obtain more massive and accurate experimental data. These data are very valuable and will be beneficial to the day when mankind really reaches a desperate situation in the future. , we can directly carry out batch modifications. If you hurry up, you'd better give it to me tonight. I haven't been so excited for a long time. Hurry up. I'll take a nap."

After hanging up the phone, Le Xiao stood there dumbfounded. Then she told everyone. In addition to being stunned, everyone was more happy because the problem was solved. K looked at the laughing little girl in front of him in disbelief.

Mechanical biochemical transformation is extremely repulsive to people in the city, but if these old people who have no one to rely on complete the transformation and return to society, maybe humans will be able to have such a model in the future, and they will not want to bear the pain and pain when they are old. If you are suffering from loneliness, you can directly transform yourself so that you can return to society. This is excellent for human beings.

"I really admire you. How did you come up with this idea?"

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"Didn't I say that the mechanical and biochemical transformation technology is very mature before? And I saw that the old man of the wise man was completely different from before. I used to see that he was always coughing and sick. Now he is more energetic. I I feel more energetic than me.”

Everyone was very happy. Le Xiao directly asked the local officials to bring some food and drink, planning to have a drink with everyone.

"How about you be the actual person in charge of these two things."

Le Xiao suggested directly, and K was a little surprised.

"I'm too busy. As long as there's nothing wrong with the reports you submitted to Section 13, I'll just sign them. And you used to be the secretary of the Business Section, right?"

K was a little surprised, then nodded.

"Okay, just leave it to me."

Everyone decided to go to the cafeteria to celebrate together and then discuss the details. Once in the cafeteria, Le Xiao picked up a bottle of beer.

"You just drank a lot, you'd better drink less."

Le Xiao blinked and said.

"That's not enough. I'm very happy today."

Wu Lei smiled helplessly. Everyone in the room was very happy. He did not expect that in just a few hours, this problem that had plagued the marginalized people in the city for decades would be solved. If there is no one to rely on in the city, If all the elderly receive rehabilitation, the resources in the nursing home will be allocated to the children in the orphanage. They will be able to complete their studies and live a better life.

Seeing many people gathering around Le Xiao and talking happily with Le Xiao, Wu Lei couldn't help but shook his head.

"It's true."

"I see."

K stood next to Wu Lei with a glass of wine.

"Such a girl, I really thought she was very powerful at first, but after I learned the real situation from my friends in the business department, I was very desperate. Such an ordinary girl could stand in such an important position. , but it seems I was really wrong, and very wrong.”

Wu Lei smiled.

"When she encounters a problem, she will definitely find a way to solve it, because that's how she thinks. Maybe this is what she has from birth. Ordinary people will probably think like her. She is just kinder than ordinary people. Just a few.”

The two drank a drink, and the last haze in K's heart disappeared.

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