Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2274 Lonely and Widow (Part 2)

"Thank you, thank you very much!"

Le Xiao hung up the phone with a smile and made an OK gesture. She just called Larry. Larry said that there was still a lot of food left that was not sold today. If it was not sold that day, it would be put back into the inventory. Some food that may spoil the next day will be processed at a low price in the afternoon. If it cannot be sold, it will be directly used to make biological nutrient solution.

Lexiao has already finalized the purchase with Larry. All she needs to do is go to the designated food exchange to buy it later. Larry will give Le Xiao a list of the remaining food for the day.

Now it is time to send people over to deliver this batch of food to the nursing homes and orphanages on the K list. Le Xiao thought about it and thought about it. People from the 5th Section were patrolling along the street, and in the past nearly a week, everyone from the 5th Section had been patrolling. Without taking a break, he directly pressed the number 000301 to contact Hima.

"Miss Hima, are you free now?"

"What's wrong Le Xiao?"

Le Xiao explained the reason, and Xima said after being silent for a while.

"The secretary has the authority to mobilize 2,000 members of the executive department unconditionally. You can just contact the director of the 3rd department to mobilize directly. I still have something to be busy with."

After Xima hung up the phone, Le Xiao immediately called up the numbers of the directors of Section 3. When he saw a director who was taking a rest, he called and explained the situation. The director asked Le Xiao to give the details. Just make a detailed task plan for the amount of food that needs to be transported and give it to him.

Le Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the treasury of Section 13. There was still nearly 20 million in funds. He only needed to spend more than 3 million to buy a lot of food, enough to support these orphanages and nursing homes for a month. .

Each person can have a ration of about 300 yuan, and there is no need to worry about life and medical care for about a month. At this time, Wu Lei has turned on the light and shadow screen and sent a contact application to Larry.

"I'll take care of this kind of thing. Just think about how to solve this problem within a month. This problem has been left in the city for more than half a century."

Le Xiao hummed. It was almost 5 o'clock now. Le Xiao planned to take a closer look at the documents K brought. These documents had listed in detail some of the things needed and difficulties in various places.

"We have organized people to go to the local district office and the administrative department many times, but most of the time they said there was nothing they could do."

Wu Lei, who was waiting for Larry to send the documents, laughed.

"Of course this kind of thing is difficult. This is also caused by you private chambers of commerce, isn't it?"

Le Xiao looked at Wu Lei. It sounded like Wu Lei knew something, and K looked helpless.

"Don't you read the information on weekdays?"

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"I know, I'll take a good look at it tonight."

"To put it simply, most private chambers of commerce appear to be non-profit, but in fact they are making money or laundering money through non-profit. This kind of thing has not happened for a year or two, and many people have been punished and arrested, but it is still I have been repeatedly banned, including your joint meeting. So far, I remember that the joint meeting has been warned at least ten times, and a lot of people have been fined and arrested, right! You still have the nerve to come here? So I think It’s really unnecessary, Le Xiao.”

Le Xiao looked at K in surprise. He nodded and acknowledged what Wu Lei said.

“It is true that there are many people in our association who launder money, evade taxes, or even make money for charitable purposes. This is true, but there are also many people who really want to help these marginalized people in the city. "

Wu Lei snorted coldly and said.

"If you tell too many lies, no one will believe you. You should understand, Le Xiao."

Le Xiao hummed, but still said.

"But these issues cannot be left alone."

Wu Lei sighed.

"I'm really impressed by you."

K laughed and told Le Xiao directly that at the previous gathering, someone made fraudulent donations in the name of charity. In fact, only a small part of the donations went to those charity facilities, and most of the money fell into The company's pocket, after this incident was discovered, it caused an uproar in the city.

This person from the Gongjin Club was arrested, which led to the investigation of the Gongjin Club. As a result, more than half of the people in the Gongjin Club were involved in gambling, money laundering, and using charity funds to make profits. Most of them Arrested.

And this kind of thing is not just a civil society organization, but most people in the city are doing this. In the end, the people are extremely repulsive to some charity activities launched by these civil organizations, and no one cares about the donations, because When most people hear about charitable donations, they think of fraud and money-making.

Therefore, in the past few years, most people's attitude towards these charities is that they would rather give to beggars on the roadside than donate a dime.

The people in the city are very dissatisfied with these civil organizations and have even become hostile. From the original more than 3,000 people in the Gongjin Association, there are now only less than 200 people left.

“Many of us are now working hard for these marginalized people in the city.”

Wu Lei's expression also became a little more relaxed. He didn't want to blame this man too much. After all, things are different now.

Le Xiao scratched his head, unable to find a solution for a while. When he went to the ground floor before, he visited an orphanage. Sure enough, this orphanage was also there. Although the environment inside was not the same as where Le Xiao went. It has been improved to a certain extent, but the underlying problem has still not been solved.

There are a lot of orphans. Although some for-profit orphanages have problems, most orphans can at least have enough food and clothing. Some better orphanages even send orphans to school normally.

"This kind of thing cannot be solved by laws or systems, especially for these complex marginalized groups in society. It is almost impossible to completely solve it."

"What if it's more official?"

Le Xiao asked and Wu Lei laughed.

"Who's going to take care of this, you?"

Le Xiao immediately shook her head. She really couldn't do this. There was still a lot of work waiting for her, so Le Xiao couldn't afford these problems at all.

At this time, Larry sent over the remaining food types and the stocks at the food exchange. Wu Lei started working immediately. In 10 minutes, he drafted the task document, and Le Xiao sent it to the directors of Section 3. official.

Immediately after receiving a reply, Section 3 will immediately dispatch the lift and send people to the food exchange to bring the supplies to designated orphanages and nursing homes.

"Come on, let's take a look first."

Wu Lei stood up as he spoke, and K said thank you again. The orphanage they were going to was a middle-level orphanage. It existed more than fifty years ago and still exists today. It is a middle-level non-profit. The largest orphanage, there are nearly 80 orphans in total.

The situation in this orphanage was already very bad. On the takeoff, Le Xiao called Gu Ningning directly. Gu Ningning promised Le Xiao that he would remove a medical team of 20 people from the medical school and bring medicines. Come over with the equipment.

"Lele, if you really want to do that, you have to give me statistics on the number of sick people in orphanages and nursing homes, so that I can arrange for manpower to go directly there."

"Thank you Ning Ning."

Le Xiao hung up the phone with a smile. Wu Lei drove the lift and quickly left the upper level. At 5:20, the lift landed in the yard of the orphanage.

As soon as the lift landed, more than 20 people in charge of the orphanage, including more than ten people who had received the news and rushed over, gathered around. The children in the orphanage all gathered around, and when they saw Le Xiao He cheered happily.

"Master Le Xiao, you are here to help us."

A little girl asked excitedly, Le Xiao nodded.

"Food will be delivered soon. Please be patient for a while and feel at ease. Sister, I will definitely help you."

Wu Lei felt that there were reporters nearby and wanted to remind Le Xiao to pay attention when speaking, but the next moment the entrance to the orphanage was already busy, and many reporters rushed forward. Wu Lei directly transferred hundreds of people from the 5th Section Team who were patrolling nearby.

But it was too late, Le Xiao had already begun to answer reporters' questions head-on.

"I came here today to solve this problem, because the problem has existed for a long time. Our 13th Division exists to solve some of the problems left over in the city. I will definitely come up with solutions to solve the problem in the future. I am also very I hope that all sectors of society can get rid of the inherent concepts caused by some bad problems in the past, because things are different now."

"I would like to ask Master Le Xiao, will the government manage non-profit organizations in the future?"

Le Xiao hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"Yes, we are preparing a plan. Okay, everyone, instead of interviewing me, why not report on the situation in the orphanage? I still have things to do."

The reporters were still asking questions. At this time, people from Section 5 poured in, but they could not hold back the enthusiasm of the reporters. Le Xiao said that as long as there was a disturbance, they could follow and report. The reporters were also sensible enough not to ask some questions. .

"Can you praise Haikou so much?"

Le Xiao immediately curled his lips and said.

"Do I? I just want to solve this problem."

Wu Lei sighed. He could only turn on the light and shadow screen and help Le Xiao handle some activity reports from various districts. Wu Lei was the best among the secretaries of the General Affairs Section, so Michelle directly assigned him to help Le Xiao. Wu Lei also knew that it was to make Le Xiao fully familiar with the work of the business department as soon as possible.

Another point is that Le Xiao is too naive. Wu Lei can only helplessly follow behind Le Xiao. Reporters still ask some questions from time to time, but Le Xiao answers them one by one. She came here just to Solve the problem.

When the artificial sun was about to go out, a Section 3 helicopter loaded with supplies landed, and the children cheered. After nightfall, a medical team of 20 people, all young, also came over. Doctors studying in the medical school are led by two experienced 4-department personnel.

"Hurry up and start cooking. After eating, let these doctors treat you all."

"Sir Le Xiao, in the past, there was a lot of corruption in non-profit charitable facilities managed by some private organizations. That's why Section 13 will take action this time."

Wu Lei looked solemn. A female reporter asked a relatively sensitive question, and Le Xiao nodded and admitted.

"It is true that there were problems such as fraudulent donations and illegal profits before, but this is in the past, and these will be formalized in the future. As I said before, children are the future of the city, and the elderly are the cornerstone of the city. If anyone can If you don't care, then this city will be too indifferent, so I appeal again to everyone to help. As long as we work together, such a small problem can be solved easily."

Wu Lei glanced outside the courtyard wall. More and more reporters were coming, and more and more people were watching. Sure enough, Le Xiao's simple trip caused a stir in the city, because most people now regarded Le Xiao as Xiao Dang became the weathervane of the city.

The orphanage became completely lively, and people from Section 5 immediately started to help.

Le Xiao looked at many of the facilities in the orphanage. They were all relatively old and similar to those on the ground floor. The land holder of this orphanage had died. It was the people from the Gongjin Association who inherited the land. This orphan The hospital was established a century ago.

After identifying some basic issues, Le Xiao took people directly to a nearby nursing home. There were more than 100 lonely elderly people living there. They were all childless and their lives had become completely problematic. He needs someone to take care of him, and he also has a little bit of savings to pay for some medical treatment, including the extremely low salary of nursing staff in nursing homes.

When Le Xiao arrived, Section 3 had already delivered supplies. Many elderly people seemed to be in poor condition. After asking the person in charge, Le Xiao basically felt confident. This problem could only be solved by relying on the city. It requires a solution, which no organization, company or individual can afford.

"How about it? It's difficult."

Wu Lei asked, and Le Xiao put her hand on her chin and said.

"I think it can still be solved. Let's discuss it carefully when we get back. By the way, let's eat first and go to the cafeteria in nearby Section 5."

Wu Lei smiled helplessly, and then ordered a clerk to buy wine.

K followed quickly and said that he would directly invite Le Xiao to dinner. Le Xiao shook his head.

"No need, I still think the food in the cafeteria tastes good."

Wu Lei nodded, and after K bowed slightly, he watched the girl who was laughing and joking around surrounded by people go away. His heart was calm at this time.

"Maybe I should have come to her a long time ago and the problem should have been solved."

Le Xiao feels that the elderly and children are two completely different groups, and it is indeed too difficult to solve this problem. Moreover, there are more for-profit institutions for the elderly and children in the city, and many of these institutions are in poor condition.

"Finish your meal first and think about it!"

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