Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 229 Shocking! Great Good News (Part 1) 98 updates please subscribe!

"No, it's impossible. If you lie, you must be a liar."

Mo Xiaolan's girlish voice came out, and then she trembled slightly, her emotions seemed to be out of control, and she covered her mouth.

The wise man laughed loudly, and then shook his head helplessly. At this time, his mood seemed to explode. He knew very well that his random fabrication had made Mo Xiaolan believe it all.

At this time, Mo Xiaolan was thinking, and the lines in his head were completely connected. No wonder Jewell was in a bad mood that day, and although Chen Se they were interrogating liked this Mansha, this was also love, and Jewell couldn't stand it several times and became very anxious. It was really because something was wrong with his woman.

So early in the morning, before the sun had risen, Jewell ran to the woman's house. That woman had indeed been with Jewell for six or seven years. At a certain party, Jewell even took her as his companion. I took him there, a very sensible woman, and I heard that she took good care of Jewell's night life.

The truth about why Jewell tortured the woman came to light this morning. The woman was tortured terribly. According to the medical records, there were a few burns and severe bruises on her body.

"Hey, what I didn't want to say originally was that you went too far. You have to apologize to Jewell for what happened to Mo Xiaolan this time."

For a moment, the wise man knew that he could stand on the moral high ground and completely overwhelm Mo Xiaolan. As expected, Mo Xiaolan lowered her head at this time, her arrogant attitude was gone, and she murmured softly.


However, the moment she finished speaking, something popped up in Mo Xiaolan's head. She was still doubting it, but such doubts could only be resolved with a phone call.

Mo Xiaolan took out the phone and pressed the number 0011. For a moment, the wise man leaned back comfortably, but he couldn't hold it back anymore. He pretended to be tired and lay down on the sofa nearby, rubbing his hands casually. After a moment, he wiped away the beads of sweat on his forehead.


After a few long tones, the phone was picked up. It seemed to be in a restaurant, it was very lively, and there were voices of women and men nearby.

"Jewell, I want to confirm something with you. First, I want to say sorry to you."

Mo Xiaolan said, then took a deep breath and said again.

"I'm really sorry. I've been investigating everything about you these days and suspect that you have something to do with the rioters."

For a moment, Jewell on the other side of the phone was speechless. After a minute, he spoke dullly.

"Don't take your joke too far, Mo Xiaolan."

"I'm sorry, I can't understand why you went to a woman's house so early in the morning to do that crazy thing, but I just learned a certain situation in the prison tower, so I want to confirm with you, do you really want to Are you married to Lu Xi?"

The wise man pressed his hands on his cheeks, sweat oozing out of his pores, and he was praying in his heart.

Jewell, you big bastard, come on and wake up. As long as you take the blame, everything will be over. You bastard, come on.

"Yeah, I'm getting married."

Jewell's slightly weird voice came from the phone.

"Bless you, Jewel. If the date is fixed, I will definitely give you a big gift. I'm really sorry. Jewel, please help me and your wife. Lu Xi says, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." terribly sorry."

Mo Xiaolan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. The wise man leaned back as if he was about to collapse. His heart, which was about to explode at this moment, finally calmed down.

"I didn't expect that men who have decided on the important matter of marriage are really different. And love is so unbelievable that a man who likes to mess with women so much can do such a thing. It's really shocking. I’m at a loss.”

While talking, Mo Xiaolan started to open the section chief's special communication channel, directly wrote down the fact that Jewell was going to marry Lu Xi, and then sent it out in a group, hoping that they would all be prepared and wish him well.

The wise man sighed and stood up as if he had aged a lot.

"Sorry, just sit down for a while and I will bring you something delicious later."

As he spoke, Mo Xiaolan hummed a little tune and pushed the wheelchair out in a very happy mood. Lilian seemed to have heard it too.

"What a surprise. Lord Mo Xiaolan and Lord Jewell are actually getting married. I originally thought that he would be sucked dry by a woman, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. It's really enviable. I really should wish them well."

Jewell stood quietly behind the window of a shop. His unfazed face was reflected in the window. Several friends next to him were still chatting and laughing. Su Xi was very happy today and kept talking. Although she was wearing It hurts, but my heart is sweet.

"Jewell, who's calling? Hurry up and sit down to eat."

Jewell hummed, smiling solemnly.

"Eat, eat."

What on earth did the old man say and do, and where was I? What am I doing?

Jewell's mind was starting to go blank.

Didi didi

Jewel looked at the call, 0001.

"Anyway, congratulations to you, Jewell. This may be the most fortunate event for our department in recent years. Congratulations. Please be sure to come to our 1st Department to collect your marriage certificate before the wedding date is set. As for the location, we will There is a nice banquet hall in Section 1. I can help you and your wife arrange it in advance. By the way, forget about some things and wait until you have time to come over one day and I will talk to you."

Jewell said oh and hung up the phone.

"You don't look good. Do you have a fever?"

Lu Xi gently pressed Jewell's forehead. He was silent, his whole body was cold, as if he was a loser who had lost everything. The feeling at this time made Jewell feel extremely uncomfortable.

Didi didi

The second call came less than 1 minute apart, 0003.

"Congratulations, Jewel. I'm sorry for those words that ridiculed you before. I take them back. I'm really sorry. I wish you the best and won't say anything else. I will definitely give you a big gift on your wedding day."

"Thank you, Section Chief Tianhen."

Jewel waited impatiently for the phone to hang up.

Jean was holding a cigarette in his mouth and moving forward at a constant speed in the air. He had just been to the bottom floor and was planning to return. However, an urgent message from Mo Xiaolan was sent. He took out his phone directly. The moment he saw the phone, Ji En En suddenly stopped, and when he realized it again, he hit the wall with a bang.

After a while, Gene grinned and got up from the ground. The cigarette he was holding had been extinguished. He swallowed and looked at the sky in the distance in a daze.

"It's really shocking!"

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