Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2268 Simulation Game (Part 2)

Lexiao looked at the screen. This game was not complicated to operate, but it was a little different from some of the games Lexiao had played before.

Le Xiao chose the role of a surgeon. It seems that the data in all aspects are relatively low. The main content of the game is to treat patients and fight germs. The gameplay is real-time.

Lexiao clicked on it for a long time, but found that she didn't know how to move. This game was very different from the games that Le Xiao had remembered in the past. It didn't look like a game, especially those weird medical terms, which made Le Xiao feel like her head was spinning. a bit big.

"Is this game really okay, Xiao Leng?"

Leng Rui said immediately.

"Try it for yourself first, then feel it and see. I will explain it to you slowly."

The wise man on the side said with a smile.

"This game is good, very entertaining, and the most important thing is that it has a very strong purpose. If you play it well, you might actually become a qualified doctor."

Le Xiao felt more and more strange, and still couldn't figure out how to move. At this time, Leng Rui handed a pair of metal glasses to Le Xiao, and Le Xiao put them on directly. At this time, accompanied by a cheerful male voice, the operation instructions began. .

Leng Rui has designed a control mode with optical recognition sensing. You only need to stare at everything in the game screen to complete all operations. No manual operation is required. Whether you are playing lying down or standing up, it will not work. have any impact.

The characters started to move, and Le Xiao felt great. Although the relatively new brainwave displacement game in the city was very real, for Le Xiao, she didn’t want to play it after playing it once because it was too tiring.

The weight of the glasses is not large, and the most important thing is that this kind of free control feels so good. Soon it comes to the task link, where Lexiao needs to treat a patient. According to the game guide, Le Xiao quickly starts from Start with some of the healing options currently available to your character.

The whole treatment process is quite interesting. The patient will talk about his condition, and the character can make various judgments from the information obtained. Finally, Le Xiao finalizes the treatment plan, and soon the task is over. The final result is that Le Xiao The entire process of treating patients only received an E2 rating, which was at the bottom of the scale, but I still received 40 yuan.

"Is it that simple?"

"You probably know how to play."

Le Xiao hummed. Although there were many other characters including some game modes, Le Xiao felt that this game was actually quite average.

"You think it's pretty ordinary, right?"

Le Xiao hummed, but during the treatment just now, Le Xiao did see a lot of things that she had never heard of before, and they were all medical things.

"I knew you would say that."

Leng Rui was a little dissatisfied, and Le Xiao also said bluntly.

"That's right. These little development games are basically the same. They constantly make the characters stronger and get better things. I find them quite boring."

"The key is to get 40 yuan."

Le Xiao groaned.

"What can this game currency do?"

"Can be cashed out."

Le Xiao blinked, startled, and then asked cautiously.

"real or fake?"

Leng Rui started talking directly. The purpose of this game. If you want to play better, you have to memorize everything in it. Many things are from simple to complex. The entire modern medical learning system, Leng Rui It has been completely integrated into the game, and many arrangements and designs have been carried out, as well as actual simulation training, and finally such a system has been finalized.

"It only takes about two hours a day. If you're lucky, you can earn hundreds of dollars a day."

Lexiao swallowed.

"The 100 million renovation funds allocated by Congress should be enough to last for a while, and the follow-up depends on you."

Leng Rui pressed Le Xiao's shoulder, and Le Xiao immediately stood up and said.

"The money will not be gone in a minute."

Leng Rui said with a smile.

"Just keep playing and see."

Le Xiao was suspicious and started playing again. This time it was a simple suturing operation. As a result, the patient screamed, the operation was cancelled, and the task failed. Immediately afterwards, a blockade period was issued prohibiting such tasks, which lasted for 2 days. Le Xiao After swallowing, she realized that she chose this operation because she would receive a reward of 50 yuan after the operation.

Seeing that there were many functions, Le Xiao looked at them one by one. After a while, she saw something that promoted the level. She clicked on it and bought the cheapest book "Basics of Wound Suture and Precautions" for 10 yuan. 》.

After opening it, Le Xiao started watching it immediately, including some video explanations. Le Xiao watched it for a while and basically finished it. At this time, when he was advancing, a bunch of multiple choice questions and quiz questions popped up.

Sure enough, she was very happy, but Xiao got the wrong answer. As a result, the promotion progress was only 10%. Le Xiao looked at it again and tried again, and only improved by 5%. She was a little unconvinced.

"This is too difficult."

Le Xiao changed to other tasks, and the tasks were all strange. Le Xiao started to think about it, and felt that she couldn't do all tasks, but had to do something simple that she might be good at.

After playing for a while, Le Xiao found that there was a type of task that he was quite suitable for, which was treating bone injuries. Le Xiao was able to prepare the medicines needed for this type of task in just a few steps, and received a B3 rating. , this time I earned 30 yuan at the end of the mission.

Now that there are 60 yuan in the account, Le Xiao thought about continuing to improve, so he directly bought the Human Skeleton Encyclopedia. When you click on it, you can see all the bones of the human body from beginning to end. After clicking on each bone, there will be some mini games to help. Le Xiao understands the function of this bone, and after playing the mini-game, he can increase his advancement progress.

The whole process was quite interesting. Unknowingly, Le Xiao had played until 11 o'clock in the evening and had 120 yuan in his account. At this time, Leng Rui came over and took off Le Xiao's glasses.

"What for? I'm having a good time."

"Try binding your 7-subject information."

Le Xiao said oh, and after binding her 7-section information, Le Xiao tried to withdraw cash. One second later, 120 yuan was credited to her personal account.

"It's really here."

Le Xiao laughed happily and hurriedly took the glasses.

"I'll play some more."

At this time, Le Xiao felt very happy. After all, after playing like this for a few hours, she would have earned more than 100 yuan.

"You're still having fun."

Leng Rui directly snatched the glasses from Le Xiao's hand. Le Xiao smiled awkwardly, but she was itchy. This game looks complicated, but you can get started after playing it for a while, and it can make Le Xiao think better. After wandering around, Le Xiao felt that she knew a lot of medical knowledge.

"First use this method to put something in the minds of these women, and then formally let people from the fourth department train them, so that they will not reject complicated medical knowledge."

"Xiao Leng, this method is great, and you can still get money."

Wise Man played the game for a day yesterday, during which he asked Leng Rui to make some modifications to make the game more attractive. The key is still the issue of money.

"Instead of investing huge amounts of money and manpower in providing them with this boring education, it is better to let them take the initiative."

Leng Rui also said that in order to increase their enthusiasm, the funds must not be cut off. The 100 million funds can last at least one year, and in one year, they can remember quite a lot of things, and then let them carry out the work. On-the-spot internships will get twice the result with half the effort.

"It's all done, hurry up and push it out."

Leng Rui looked at Le Xiao.

"You can push it if you want. You don't have to report it to the General Affairs Department and then sign it."

Le Xiao hummed, then looked at Leng Rui.

"Give me detailed information on the motion."

"Hurry up and do it."

Le Xiao frowned slightly, the wise man had already opened a light and shadow screen.

"The two of us will work on it slowly, Xiao Leng, you can continue to optimize."

Leng Rui nodded, and the three of them started doing it.

At around 1 o'clock in the morning, Le Xiao felt dizzy. The door to the room was pushed open, and Yu Fangfang walked in, accompanied by a smell of barbecue.

"Eat first, and then do it tomorrow morning after eating."

Le Xiao doesn't plan to go back to the General Affairs Department. He will first get the detailed report on the implementation of this bill. As long as there are no problems, it can be started immediately.

As long as this bill is successful, it should be able to provide a group of doctors to the city's medical system in a short period of time. Le Xiao, who does not understand medical care, feels that after playing this game, he can really treat people.

Because Leng Rui said that all medical conditions in this game are real, and the medical values ​​​​are also determined based on the internal data of the 4 departments, which is very accurate.

"By the way, you can ask someone from Section 4 to come over tomorrow."

Leng Rui said as soon as he came downstairs, Le Xiao looked at Leng Rui doubtfully.


"Let them try it out and see. If they are professional doctors, they should easily get a higher task evaluation and be able to complete the task quickly."

Le Xiao nodded.

"good idea."

The four of them sat around the oven and started eating. After taking a sip of wine, Le Xiao felt that all the fatigue in her body was gone.

"If you drink like this, you will drink to death sooner or later."

Leng Rui muttered, and Le Xiao slapped him on the shoulder.

"When will you get married?"

This sentence made both Yu Fangfang and Leng Rui feel a little embarrassed. The wise man said immediately when he saw that the momentum was not right.

"Drink less and talk less."

Le Xiao laughed disapprovingly and ignored the wise man's advice. Yu Fangfang always lowered his head. Leng Rui was panicking inside at this time and he didn't know what to say.

"I understand. You will give me a big gift on the wedding day, so hurry up and eat your barbecue, it will be burnt."

Yu Fangfang looked at Leng Rui in astonishment, but smiled lightly, her eyes full of bitterness.

The wise man only ate some and went upstairs. He planned to continue working on the documents. After just a few days here, the wise man felt that this place was being watched. Although he could not be sure, based on his intuition over the years, the wise man knew that someone was watching. Staring at them.

Sitting by the window, the wise man opened the window and looked quietly at the small building opposite. There were three women sharing the house opposite, and the shop was run by another woman in the back street.

The lights were still on in the room opposite. The wise man had investigated the identities of the three women during the day, and there was no problem. However, the wise man keenly felt that the person staring at them came from the opposite room.

The wise man has quietly informed the people in Section 2 that tonight there will be people from Section 2 pretending to be guests and going to the small building to investigate directly.

Section 2 believes in the wise man's words very much, because he has never been successful in arresting the wise man in the past. The wise man's sense of crisis that naturally exists in his genes is the key to his repeated escapes.

After a while, Leng Rui came up, smelling of alcohol. He also drank a little, and Leng Rui took out his wallet.

"Old man, if you can't control it, go find someone to play with. There are still more than 90,000 yuan here. Mr. Jean gave it to me. Just be careful not to hurt your body, just in case you die suddenly."

"You brat."

Ran Zhi told Leng Rui what he had discovered, but Leng Rui didn't quite believe it, because the three women opposite often came to the shop to play cards with Yu Fangfang and the others, but when the words came out of the wise man's mouth, it was another story. Something happened.

"Do you want to install surveillance?"

The wise man shook his head.

"When I come up with a solution, maybe it will work tomorrow."

"Why are those women staring at us?"

The wise man shook his head and said he didn't know, but he was sure that there might be rioters among the three women.


"It's really boring."

A woman stood at the door of the room smoking a cigarette. The other two women had just tidied up the room. The three of them started laughing and chatting. The guest who had just arrived seemed very drunk. After arriving at the shop of the three of them, , fell asleep within a few minutes.

The three women all came to this area four years ago and rented here to do business. One of the women asked the other two women to take a rest quickly, and then returned to the room by herself. The guests behind her were snoring. The woman stood at the window, looking at Yu Fangfang's shop opposite, with a pink glimmer constantly flashing in her eyes, but it was almost impossible to see clearly under the street lights.

At this time, there was a noise behind her, but the woman did not turn around. A drunken man stood up and came over, pressing his hand on the woman's shoulder, but the woman did not move.

"What are you doing? Come here quickly, I'm here."

The man felt a hint of coldness. He subconsciously came to the front of the woman and saw the woman with dull eyes. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the woman suddenly smiled and said.

"Sorry sir, I was just stunned."

The man was so drunk that he felt something was wrong with the woman. When it was applied on her back, it was cold, and when he saw the woman, she looked like a dead person.

The man immediately planned to leave the house, but after taking a few steps, the door of the house was closed, and the woman came over with a smile on her face.

"Sir, will you let me serve you?"

The moment the man turned around, a hand covered his mouth, and a sharp long cone pierced his heart. The man's body fell down little by little, and the blood stained the floor red.

"If there is a risk of being discovered, please ask someone to replace you immediately."

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