It's approaching 6 o'clock, and the sun's rays are almost cold. At noon, the administrative department has announced that the sunset will be normal starting tonight. After a final inspection tomorrow, martial law will be officially lifted the day after tomorrow.

Many people are already celebrating at home, because they can go out on the streets normally the day after tomorrow. Some merchants are already making preparations. Most merchants are allowed to go to the food exchange. Especially once the catering industry opens the day after tomorrow, the customer flow will increase. The quantity will be very large.

The commotion caused by the truth announced in the morning is almost invisible, and few people are still discussing these things, because this matter is still a bit far away for people today.

How to conscientiously live every day has become a matter of discussion among many people. Many people have written down their future plans and plan to live every day according to the plan from the day after tomorrow.

Zi Yu'er has just finished processing some reports of manufacturers with questionable qualifications. This time, many problems have been exposed during the martial law. Many small manufacturers' items generally fail to meet the qualification standards, and some are even far below the qualification standards.

Many of them are caused by aging production equipment and the production environment. However, this time, Section 1 did not stop the qualifications of these manufacturers, because most of them were manufacturers who quickly started work to help the city survive the crisis during the city's martial law.

Section 1 gave them a month to improve, and Section 10 would send people to help repair the old equipment, or directly replace it, and the businessmen accepted it.

"It's surprising, Zi Yu'er."

"Yes, Lord Xue."

Zi Yuer couldn't understand that such a serious situation calmed down completely after seven or eight hours, without even any casualties. Now all the bombs in the CBV building have been defused, and a large number of CBV employees have We returned to the building and everything was business as usual.

King Xue held a glass of wine and smiled helplessly. He looked at CBV's report that the film and television area would be completely lifted from martial law tonight. Because of Mansha, the film and television area had basically been thoroughly checked before. Towards the sky.

Including some darkrooms built in the past waterways underground in the film and television area, they have also been completely found. These rooms have been filled in, and plans are under way to fill in all the underground waterways in the film and television area.

In addition to the martial law on the streets in other areas, there are no longer controls in residences. Many people have invited relatives and friends to gather at home. The purchase restrictions on supplies in some stores have also been lifted. As long as they are not buying in large quantities, there will be no problem.

"Come on, Ziyu'er, we should head to the General Affairs Department."

Zi Yuer turned off the light and shadow screen, stood up and looked at King Xue. Both of them looked relaxed.

"Master Xue, what do you think of tonight's meeting?"

"It will affect the future direction of the city. Let's go."

The two left the office. In the headquarters building of Section 1, there were a lot fewer people today. More than half of the staff were on vacation. All the staff had not had a break in the past few days, and many staff could no longer hold on. .

Arriving at the landing on the rooftop, Zi Yu'er entered the cab, and King Xue sat in the co-pilot. Zi Yu'er pressed her hands on the pop-up light and shadow screen and set automatic flight at a constant speed.

After the helicopter took off, she seemed a little dazed, dazed and a little sad. Zi Yuer has been like this since the matter was resolved this morning, and she has always been worried in her heart.

"Do you think it's strange? Or maybe the things you firmly believe in are beginning to waver."

King Xue said, Zi Yu'er didn't answer and nodded silently. King Xue took off his glasses and put them aside, then closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"The world may need people like that girl, but people like us are absolutely indispensable, because without us, the world will stop functioning, and if there are too many people like that girl, the world will be in chaos."

Zi Yu'er still didn't answer. At this moment, she felt sad and happy in her heart, but more importantly, she was helpless. Le Xiao's previous method of announcing the truth made the entire business department at a loss. Time was too tight and they had no way to deal with it. .

However, this random method miraculously solved the problem without any casualties. The bomb was successfully dismantled, and the larger-scale riots they expected in the city did not happen. The citizens were not aware of the truth. There was no too drastic reaction. On the contrary, many people now support Le Xiao's remarks.

"Have a good time every day!"

Zi Yu'er muttered, and King Xue hummed. He knew very well what Zi Yu'er was thinking, and he also knew that Le Xiao's approach was incompatible with the elitism of the entire business department. It was a completely different approach, but it achieved such success. Big voice support.

Some people even think that the reason why the Xingke Branch can make changes is because of Le Xiao. King Xue does not deny this. In the system that has been completely solidified in the past, no one knows if there is any loosening of the whole body. , what will the city become?

Because as the elite, they can only consider the city from an overall perspective and cannot consider issues from a personal perspective. Everyone knows how important the truth is, but this is precisely what they, the elite, cannot do.

The elite can only evaluate the situation based on past experience, because the harsh lessons of the past have taught the elite a lesson, which is the attitude they should have in order to prevent and respond to crises.

Le Xiao's entry completely broke this system. In King Xue's view, Le Xiao had no merit at all. She was no different from ordinary people. She was even relatively inconspicuous among ordinary people.

Both appearance and IQ are very inconspicuous. There is only one thing that many people think is good, but many people think it is like a fool.

"Before she takes action, the first thing she considers is others."

Zi Yuer said, and King Xue nodded.

King Xue probably knows what the current thinking of most of the senior management of the executive department is. From the directors to the department officers, they are basically the same, because what everyone believed in in the past has been completely defeated.

This is the reason why most people have become relatively silent nowadays, because no one expected that things would end in such a relaxed way, which is tantamount to what many people cannot understand.

It would be okay if such a miracle happened once or twice, but everything Le Xiao has done since becoming the secretary of Section 13, although surprising, has been successful without exception.

"I am not willing to give in, Lord Xue."

As Zi Yuer said, King Xue hummed, and he could already see the General Affairs Department. The section chief and secretaries had already arrived, as well as the presidents of the seven major associations.

The two quickly arrived at the conference room. As soon as they entered, everyone was immersed in dealing with things, and the atmosphere in the entire room was silent.

Zi Yu'er sat down next to Chloe angrily. As soon as she raised her head, Zi Yu'er held down her head.

"Stop it and play with me for a while."

Chloe was a little surprised, and the two played a board game. Although the atmosphere in the room was silent, it was relaxed, because everyone was relieved that the matter was resolved.

King Xue looked at Niya who was smoking a cigarette and looking at the case. Among the senior management of the business department, only Niya was considered an outlier and was incompatible with the elite. However, everything she had done over the years was still in line with the practices of the elite. , everything takes the city into consideration and works on the premise of urban stability.

Soon the section chiefs and secretaries came in, as did the presidents of the seven major associations. Only Le Xiao was missing. Michelle frowned slightly, stood up and walked to the door of the room. She was about to call Le Xiao. Telephone.

Wu Qun called Michelle.

"I just saw her still eating down there, wait a moment, after all, this time, the little girl slapped us in the face, right everyone!"

As soon as Wu Qun finished speaking, Letty burst into laughter.

"I don't think so, it's just"

When the words came to her lips, Leti pressed her forehead helplessly, Tianhen laughed, Xima sighed on the side, and then looked at Tianhen, Tianhen nodded and whispered in a low voice.

"Maybe I lost."

Xima patted Tian Hen on the back. Everything Owen said in the past came true for Le Xiao, without exception. There was no need to explain anything in words, because the result had already decided everything. .

"Isn't this great? Isn't this the best result?"

Chris said happily, and Wang Ying glanced at him.

"Indeed, it will be like this in the end."

Lin Xiao couldn't help but shook his head, and Mo Xiaolan glanced at everyone.

"Then should I praise her properly?"

When this was mentioned, everyone showed helpless expressions.

"No matter what, it's good that the matter can be solved. Let's discuss some issues first."

As Locke said, Michelle, who was standing at the door, looked at the elevator in the distance. What came to her mind at this time were some of the things that Jean had told her countless times, and what happened to Jean during the recent period. It was the God Queen, the story Jean had told her about Ellie.

You made the right bet this time, Lord Jean! congratulations!


Le Xiao looked at the dishes on the table. Today she specifically asked for a few more dishes, but she only asked the chef to make a small portion. She was in a good mood and wanted to eat more.

"I think it's better for you to eat quickly. After all, it's not a meeting with the section chief's secretary?"

Wu Lei reminded, Le Xiao snorted.

"It's nothing to do with me anyway. It's better to announce the truth."

Le Xiao said angrily, and Wu Lei laughed. He glanced around at the people in the business department. They would look here from time to time. The way they looked at Le Xiao had changed, and they looked at him with respect. This is of course , because everything Le Xiao has done since taking office seems to be very outrageous, but in fact it has achieved very good results.

Starting from letting the artificial sun shine into the barrier area, Le Xiao's actions along the way not only won the support of the public, but also many people in the administrative department supported Le Xiao.

In Wu Lei's spare time, he chatted with some of his subordinates. They all looked at Le Xiao with admiration, although many of them did not know Le Xiao's true identity at all.

The dull air inside the business department has been blown away. This is what Wu Lei feels. He feels that he has motivation again. After all, the current business department is no longer lifeless because of Le Xiao.

"You are really lucky."

Le Xiao's mouth was bulging and she was chewing food.

"Good luck? I feel like there may be something wrong with my body. Now I can't sleep unless I drink a few sips every night."

Wu Lei burst out laughing.

"So you are lucky!"

Wu Lei didn't say it clearly, because she didn't feel that everything she did could be called a feat. In her eyes, it might be just insignificant, or that what she tried her best was not worth showing off at all. This was her ordinary values.

"Hurry up and eat. I'll help you get whatever else you want."

Le Xiao held up her chopsticks and said.

"Bring me some more cold lettuce. I'll make it spicy after I finish eating to avoid feeling sleepy."

Wu Lei stood up and walked over with his dinner plate, and the chef immediately came over.

"I said Wu Lei, you wouldn't like it."

Wu Lei laughed and shook his head.

"Enjoy it."

After a while, Le Xiao had almost eaten and patted her belly. Wu Lei advised her to go up quickly. Le Xiao blinked and said nothing.

"Anyway, you will definitely get scolded if you go up there. Also, thinking about it makes me angry. During the vote that day, I thought a few people would support announcing the truth."

Wu Lei laughed. At this time, the elevator door opened and Michelle came out. Wu Lei hurriedly kicked Le Xiao. Only then did Le Xiao notice and hurriedly got up.

"Your Excellency Secretary General."

"Now that you've finished eating, hurry up. The meeting has already started for a while."

Le Xiao said oh, followed, and smiled naughtily at Wu Lei from behind Michelle. Wu Lei made a gesture of wiping his neck, and Le Xiao stuck out her tongue.

After entering the elevator, Lexiao was a little nervous. Standing next to Michelle, she could only lower her head. Michelle glanced at Lexiao.

"This time, things have come to a successful conclusion. Secretary Le Xiao, you did a good job."

Le Xiao looked at Michelle in disbelief with her eyes widened.

"But next time, please at least inform us all before making these decisions."

Le Xiao's heart skipped a beat and she nodded quickly. Le Xiao felt relieved now. It seemed that at least she wouldn't have to be punished today.

The two of them arrived at the door of the conference room. The two clerks who were guarding them immediately saluted. Michelle signaled them to leave, then pressed the door handle and asked.

"Have you not considered the consequences?"

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"Don't you want to know the truth? Just let everyone know the truth. As long as everyone knows the truth, everyone will have a clear understanding of the matter and won't think about it."

Michelle looked at the door blankly. In her mind, she remembered her roommate in the past, the roommate who was brutally murdered. She was also from the Su family. She said the same thing as Le Xiao.

"Let's go!"


Michelle opened the door to the conference room, and Le Xiao hurriedly put away her smiling face and walked in. This time, Le Xiao felt not panic at all when she entered. This feeling was very strange. Le Xiao raised her head and sat down at the bottom, which was marked with the words "13 subjects". on the seat.

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