Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2251 The Truth (Part 2)

"What on earth are we working hard for!"

On the street, some people pressed their foreheads and kept asking questions. This reality is too cruel. Most people will be left behind. Although it is only fifty years, most people know very well that maybe in fifty years I can't even support it.

The city's temperature can be maintained at about 15 to 20 degrees when the artificial sun shines. Only in the east can it be stable above 25 degrees. Once the sun goes out, the temperature will drop rapidly.

The middle and upper levels of the city are fine. When it gets coldest at night, it's still about 10 degrees. But in the lower levels, it's different. When it's cold at night, the temperature is around five or six degrees. In the outer areas, the temperature has dropped below zero.

In the past, when cars still existed, heat was something that many people had to experience every day. At the highest point, the temperature in the city reached over 40 degrees, making many people extremely tired and sleepy when working in the afternoon.

After cars completely disappeared in cities, almost no one now suffers from heat stroke, but they have to face the night and the cold caused by it. Human beings are relatively fragile. Overcooling and overheating can cause problems in the human body.

It is indeed difficult for humans to adapt to environments with severe temperature differences or serious pollution. After many people learned the truth, they felt no anger or sadness, only helplessness.

The city fell completely into silence. There were only some occasional whispers, but most people were silent because there was nothing to discuss at all. Under such circumstances, Brilliant City could only enter the mechanization era.

The planet is dying and entering the age of mechanization is inevitable.

In the studio, Noah still released some scientific and technological information, as well as some images outside the barrier. In these images, those weird humanoid creatures in the dark are all over the mountains and fields, as well as the species that are crawling all over the barrier and need to be cleaned regularly. plant.

"Okay everyone, I have announced everything I can. If you want to know anything else, you can ask at any time. Can the hostages be liberated now?"

Noah said, Zhao Zhen nodded slightly.

"I'll let them go."

Zhao Zhen's voice seemed a little low, and all the doubts in his heart for many years had been answered. Everything that happened in the past was meaningless to him now.

"I'll be here."

Le Xiao said and Zhao Zhen nodded. At this time, there were noises in the building. CBV employees quickly poured out of the conference room, and all the passages to the outside of the building were opened.

Some hostages had already left the building, and the outside operations department immediately went to respond. More and more people left the CBV building. Zhao Zhen did not break his promise.

Noah sat down with a smile, and the business department would not take any action. It would be better for this matter to be resolved satisfactorily than anything else. At present, it seems that the people have not reacted too strongly to the truth.

The key is that other truths are revealed. Noah probably guesses what Zhao Zhen wants to know, but there is nothing he can do now.

"Mr. Zhao Zhen, since we have reached this point, we will complete this live broadcast openly and honestly, and we will directly defuse the bomb in the CBV building."

Noah asked tentatively, Zhao Zhen did not refuse, and still nodded.

For a moment, people outside the CBV building cheered excitedly. No one expected such an ending, because Zhao Zhen actually agreed to release the hostages and dismantle the bomb.

This is extremely worthy of joy for everyone. In everyone's mind, this matter will eventually develop in a very bad direction, but things unexpectedly ushered in such a major turn for the better this morning.

"Really, I didn't expect such a result."

Mo Xiaolan pressed his forehead, and Lilian beside him also breathed a sigh of relief. The personnel of Section 10, who had already prepared the bomb disposal robot, opened several mechanical warehouses, and the cylindrical robots rushed directly to the basement of CBV. .

Now we only need to dismantle the bombs that can damage the structure of the building. The locations of many bombs in the building have been identified and can be dismantled slowly.

Everyone was happy with this result, and Mo Xiaolan kept smiling, because when such problems occurred in the past, all he got in the end was helplessness, sadness and anger, and tears couldn't help but flow from his eyes.

Mo Xiaolan regretted it very much. If he had talked honestly with Hydra about the reasons like now, those tragedies would not have happened. Hydra's request is the same as Zhao Zhen's today. He only needs the Business Department to announce the truth. .

However, no one agreed in the end. Even Mo Xiaolan felt that he could stop everything by just getting in front of Hydra. However, the tragedy still happened. Mo Xiaolan looked at his skirt and saw that it was empty underneath. Over the years, Mo Xiaolan didn't even use mechanical prosthetics.

Obviously, Mo Xiaolan could stand up and walk with only mechanical prosthetics, but Mo Xiaolan rejected Huashen's suggestions again and again, because she wanted to use this empty lower body to remind herself that there is always a huge crisis hidden in the city. , she must do whatever it takes to crack down on the criminals who try to destroy the peace of the city.

At this moment, Mo Xiaolan felt extremely sad inside, and her tears could no longer be suppressed. She had asked why countless times in the past, but there was still no answer.

"Simple answer isn't it!"

Mo Xiaolan muttered something, and Lilian on the side did not answer, but just smiled back.

The matter was resolved smoothly. The report from Section 10 has been submitted. They accurately found the location of the bomb. Although it is difficult to dismantle, the bomb can be completely dismantled before 11 o'clock in the morning.

There will not be any casualties. For such a major event, there are no casualties. This seems to be a miracle to many people.

Zhao Zhen just wanted the truth. All he had to do was satisfy his request and everything would be solved. For such a simple problem, at this moment, Zhao Zhen stood up and announced the location of the bombs that were still in the city.

The nearby Section 5 immediately began to take action, and there were 11 bombs. Zhao Zhen did not detonate the bombs.

Mo Xiaolan stood up and looked at the light and shadow screen blankly. Zhao Zhen stood in front of the camera and bowed.

"I know that no matter what I say, I am just a criminal, a criminal who has created many cases. It's just that now I can know the truth before I die. It's enough. I won't involve more people. ."

Mo Xiaolan closed his eyes, a strong sadness surged into his heart, and tears burst out uncontrollably.

"Obviously it is a very simple thing, but we have gone through nearly a century and still have not done it."

Lilian said, sitting next to Mo Xiaolan and patting her back comfortingly.

"What else do you want to know, Mr. Zhao Zhen."

Le Xiao spoke again, and Huashen stood up.

"It's about the longevity vaccine. I'll answer this question because I am one of the core members involved in the research and development of the longevity vaccine. No one knows this better than me."

Zhao Zhen nodded, and Hua Shen began to speak.

"First of all, let's start with the plan of cloning the future. When the city was first established, this plan was already on the agenda. This was a human genetic improvement project led by the gods at that time, in order to allow humans to have longer lives. It has a longer lifespan and can work for a longer period of time, so that the city's resource consumption can be reduced to the greatest extent."

After Huashen finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, brought up a light and shadow screen, and then used his own permissions to unlock some files.

"In the past, human lifespan reached its limit at eighty years old. From the time a person was born to when he started working, this period spanned about 20 to 25 years. If you want to maintain a vigorous experience at work, this cycle is ten years. Years are already the limit. When humans are 35 years old, more focus is placed on family life, social life, and maintaining their own independent space. In another ten years, when humans are 45 years old, illnesses will take the initiative. Come to the door. Human work efficiency is very low at this time."

Huashen said, pointing to a chart and continued.

"In another 10 years, when humans reach the age of 55, their lives will have reached the end. At this time, humans' thinking and working abilities will be reduced to the lowest level, and their energy will not be the same as when they were young. In another 10 years, humans will be 65 When he was 2 years old, he was basically incapable of working, and after that, he just spent the rest of his life before death."

Huashen then opened another chart.

"In the past, the prime working time of human beings was only 20 years, from the age of 25 to 45. But to have these 20 years of prime working time, a lot of things are needed. Once this cycle is over, many people in the workplace will will begin to rotate, and the younger generation will take over. The cycle for the younger generation to adapt to the work from stumbling to proficiency is at least five or six years, or even longer. Therefore, the most core golden working life of mankind is only less than 15 years. . The city already has the problem of insufficient resource supply. Each rotation is bound to consume a large amount of urban resources, and many of those who are aging have no output! Although this sounds cruel, the fact is that cities No more resources can be used to support those old people who have no output value! This is very sad, but it is also very realistic. They have made great contributions to the city, but when they get old, they can only Abandoned by the city.”

At this time, many people in front of the screen looked at some elderly people around them. Many elderly people were over a hundred years old, but they still could only work.

Because many elderly people do not have pensions, this is a very real problem, and under the current social pressure, it is very good for many people in their prime to not ask for money from the elderly.

"So the Cloning Future Plan was born. The ultimate purpose of this plan is to allow cities that are in desperate need of development to have enough development time, so that technology can continue to improve, in order to cope with the end of the planet that may cause destruction to human beings in the future. . Therefore, human lifespan must be extended so that it does not have to be rotated every fifteen years. Humans have 4 to 5 times the golden working time. And mutants even have more than seven times the golden working time."

Huashen said and pulled up a record. The drafter of this plan was signed by Lolita.

"I want everyone to remember this woman as my teacher and the person who gave everything to the future of cloning, and we did have human trials."

For a moment, the city was boiling again. Hua Shen was silent for a while and then continued.

"The human trials we are conducting are human cloning. Everything started with Lolita's clone. We have conducted life-span vaccine experiments on clones countless times until the life-span vaccine can be fully adapted to humans. , this plan was successful. This is the truth about longevity vaccines in the city. These vaccines were not made by the gods, but were researched and made by the medical scientists who established the city in the past under the leadership of the gods. . The life-span vaccine that everyone is injected with now is type I, which can increase human life span by 2 to 3 times. It depends on the individual’s system. However, mutant people usually have 3 to 4 times the life span. I can tell you very accurately that there is another Life-span vaccines suitable for the brain, type II life-span vaccines, can increase human life span by more than five times. However, once this life-span vaccine is injected, it is difficult for human organs to withstand it, so this type of vaccine is made for the mechanized era. prepare."

After Huashen finished speaking, he sat down.

"The other parts need no explanation."

Le Xiao swallowed. Zhao Zhen's expression became much calmer. Huashen glanced at the values ​​​​on the medical machine panel aside and closed his eyes. Zhao Zhen's condition began to deteriorate. It is a miracle that he can survive until now. .

"Is there anything else you want to know?"

Le Xiao asked, and Zhao Zhen nodded, looking very weak.

"What is going on with AI? Is it really going to get to that point, where AI replaces humans and replaces everything human beings do?"

Le Xiao shook his head.

"We will not let this day happen. Although this is an helpless fact, do we still have fifty years to go? We still have time to change everything. As long as we start from now, live every day from now on, and let people live as soon as possible. The agricultural reform plan in the barrier area has been passed and has begun to be implemented. There is vast land outside the Brilliant City where we are located, and these lands are in darkness all year round. As long as there is sunshine, this land will definitely wake up. If resources can be supplied to Everyone in the city, even if this planet really does not exist in the next fifty years, we are already fully prepared, right? Although we cannot decide the fate of this planet in the next fifty years, But we can decide our own destiny. We still have time to change everything. Fifty years is enough. We can decide to live into the future fifty years later as human beings instead of cold machines. I believe that as long as we work hard Some things can be done. This cannot be done by one or two people. It requires the efforts of the whole city. Please believe in us, please believe in yourself, and work hard every day. There are indeed some problems now. , but I hope that we can all work together to solve everything! What we need is a future under the sun, not a cold and ruthless future where everything is frozen! Fortunately, we have the sun, which can illuminate in this dark night The sun of everything, this is the path we need to take in the future! A path full of sunshine!"

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