Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 227 Psychological Warfare (Part 2) 96 updates please subscribe!

The wise man kept adjusting his mentality. It had been a long time since he had encountered such a well-matched opponent, and now he was at a disadvantage because Jewell's unusual behavior had once again aroused Mo Xiaolan's suspicion.

Originally, as long as Jewell waited until Mo Xiaolan came over in person, nothing would happen. Mo Xiaolan called Jewell over that day, talked about it, and showed him the process of torturing the prisoner. , the purpose is very clear.

It was just to put pressure on Jewell, because at this juncture, the incident with the rioters had just passed a few days ago, and with the expulsion of members of the National Assembly, many people knew about the attitude of Congress towards the rioters. Tolerate, so when Jewel realized that he had inadvertently helped the rioters, he became mentally unbalanced.

Once a person's psychology is unbalanced, he is prone to many unusual behaviors. Such subtle actions have made Mo Xiaolan bite Jie Weier. Coupled with the interaction between himself and Jie Weier, Mo Xiaolan wanted to Just pry your mouth open.

"I really don't know anything. What exactly do you want to ask? Why don't you say it clearly?"

The wise man smiled and his tone began to sound strong.

Mo Xiaolan's eyes darkened.

"I'm here to investigate the relationship between the rioters and you."

"Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense. You can't talk nonsense about this, us? Who are you referring to?"

Mo Xiaolan raised a finger, and the dessert was brought in. It was a piece of cake. Mo Xiaolan inserted one hand into the cake, then took out the cream inside, and licked it on his finger, with a satisfied look on his face. look.

"Sweet things help you think, but eating too much will make you tired."

As he spoke, Mo Xiaolan stuffed the whole cake into his mouth, finished it quickly, still licking the crumbs around his mouth, and then took a sip of black tea with just the right temperature.

At this time, Mo Xiaolan almost wanted to give up, but soon after eating sweets, she came to her senses again. Torturing the will of others was like a double-edged sword, and it was also torturing herself.

Originally she thought it was impossible for that idiot Jewell to have an affair with the rioters, but today Jewell went to find the woman, and later learned from nearby investigations that there were cries and screams from a woman in the room. , but after coming out, the woman appeared very happy and smiled.

After that, the woman went to the medical store and got the medical records. The signs of being tortured were obvious. Jie Weier went with her because she went to a regular medical store. Originally, Mo Xiaolan didn't want to deal with Jie anymore. Will is an idiot.

But years of experience forced her to doubt that as long as there was something in her head that she didn't understand, her mind would not stop. What she couldn't figure out was what was the reason for Jewell's unusual behavior, because Jewell urged him to go back that day, and he had done so several times. But things got busy when he went back, and he was able to stay comfortably in Section 3.

After returning, Jewell rushed all the way to the woman's house early the next morning. Mo Xiaolan even mobilized nearby surveillance cameras. The face of Jewell captured was angry, as if he wanted to kill someone. .

So the final conclusion is that the wise man may know something and even give Jewell advice. Now he must endure it until the other party can't stand it completely, then he can squeeze the truth out of the other party's mouth. People are It is unbelievable. Humans are animals that are good at lying. They are born with it. This instinct of lying is to protect themselves, so lies are a part of human nature for humans.

"I'm asking you again, you guys"

"You tell me one by one. It is true that I have helped Jewell deal with some problems, but they were all financial problems. You all know that the Prison Department has never grabbed those fertile bills in these years. It will be left to other departments, and what you get is the worst bill, so you must give some benefits to the people who come to visit the prison tower in these years, and turn a blind eye. I am just helping Jay. Will drew some lines about the appropriate fees for prison visits, but I don’t know about the rest.”

At this time, the wise man has already thought of countermeasures in his mind. Some wheat fields behind the prison tower are not mature yet and mature a little later than other places. Due to the problem of sunlight, those wheat fields are still growing, and Jewell should Many nutrient solution delivery pipes 1 meter deep in the soil have been pulled out.

It's just a matter of time, because these crops ripen five times a year, they will absorb the nutrient solution like crazy. Once there is no nutrient supply for three days, these crops will have problems. By then, Mo Xiaolan will naturally find the illusion created by Jewell, and will Treat it like the truth.

The premise is how to survive three or four days. The guy in front of me has amazing perseverance, and his brain will not stop doubting until he gets the truth.

"I'm really hungry, get me something to eat."

The wise man said, Mo Xiaolan smiled and shook his head.

"I want to hear the truth. Otherwise, whether it is one day, two days, or three days, I will let you replenish the nutrient solution every two or three days. You only need to be hungry. Whenever you want to Get up and tell me when you get up."

The wise man choked and swallowed.

"There's no need to play tricks on me like that, right?"

"Do you think I'm joking with you? Well, I'll continue to watch the TV series. Just think carefully about how to answer my questions and how to tell me what I want to know. You are the best at these things, aren't you? After all, you are good at people. You are very good at psychological control, and the officers in the prison have a pretty good attitude towards you!"

The wise man snorted coldly and was about to explode with anger, but there was no other way but to endure it. Unexpectedly, she discovered that she and the rest of the prison department had very good attitudes as soon as she came here.

"Our 2nd department has always lived in poverty. Although the minimum salary is 10,000 yuan, we still don't have enough money. After all, we live in the upper class, and some department members have to support their families. You can also teach us. How to make money easily.”

The wise man's eyes became serious. He knew very well that Mo Xiaolan's second wave of more vicious attacks had begun. If he couldn't hold it back, he would be finished, and so would Jewell.

"How do I know how to make money? If I knew, I would tell you."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled, and then clicked on some videos, which contained a lot of indecent content. The atmosphere in the room seemed awkward for a while, and Mo Xiaolan chuckled and turned around.

"As a man, do you still have the ability to use the most important part of a man's body?"

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