Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2249 The Truth (Part 1)

Wu Lei sat quietly in the office, watching the live broadcast on the light and shadow screen. Zhao Zhen hadn't spoken yet. He seemed to be thinking about something. Exhaustion was written on his face. His face was pale and he looked drowsy.

Wu Lei was surrounded by some directors. Now everyone has suspended some work at hand, paying attention to this incident, and being prepared to deal with possible problems at any time.

Everyone knows what the consequences will be if the truth is announced. Now there are voices on the Internet, and many people have spoken out about some things in the past.

There have been more and more comments on the Internet, and the administrative department has not taken any control measures because control is no longer helpful. Le Xiao has already stated some questions that many people have had for years.

The debate about transforming people into biochemical robots was half a century ago. It is difficult to distribute existing resources evenly to everyone, so many people have made assumptions. One day we will enter an era where the whole body can be transformed into a machine, and only one brain will be enough.

Once the whole body except the brain is mechanical, human lifespan can be greatly extended. There is no need to eat and drink, only to ensure sleep.

But once such an era comes, people will lose the meaning of being human. Some people have already begun to discuss it on the Internet, but there are supporters and opponents.

Zhao Zhen's condition looked very bad. His body was shaking violently. Wu Lei stared at Le Xiao quietly. She acted very calm. Wu Lei was a little surprised when he saw Le Xiao.

Wu Lei didn't expect Le Xiao to really do this, and he had already announced the truth. The city was indeed moving towards the mechanization era. This alone had plunged the city into panic.

Perhaps the most fatal point for the city is the future economic structure. Once it is determined that it will move towards the mechanization era, businessmen will inevitably adjust their business strategies quickly.

The city's structure will begin to change because of something announced tonight. Wu Lei showed a happy smile. For so long, the entire city's system has been completely solidified.

This solidified system makes people unable to see any hope. Wu Lei has become more and more tired over the years because he cannot see any changes. This is the most despairing part.

Ran Zai was holding his hands in the corner and looking at the light and shadow screen. At this time, his mind was thinking about the next move of those lunatics. After asking for the truth from the Acting Department, the next plan is probably to make something continuous. exposed, further exacerbating the unrest in the city.

Ran Zai has asked Hydera and others to be on guard in some places. Once there is a problem in these places, all supply chains in the city will be disconnected. Xingke's idea is the same as his own, but some points need to be guarded secretly. .

Ran Zai is sure that the rioters don't know them at the moment, because the AI ​​will not tell them this information. Ran Zai has thought about many questions in the past few days, what is the final result of the AI's calculation.

This is the most critical thing. Although Ran Zai doesn't know when the AIs were born with self-awareness, one thing that is certain is that the AIs have at least simulated and calculated the changes that will occur in the city in the next few years.

Ran Zai only thinks about what the AIs ultimately want to achieve. The AIs will not tell the rioters all the information. After Le Xiao told the plan for the mechanization era, Zhao Zhen's expression was shocked. Shockingly, it is certain that the rioters do not know these truths.

So Ran Zai can be sure that the AIs are creating an opportunity. This opportunity allows them to have independence and autonomy, and can no longer be controlled by humans and move freely. This is the real purpose of the AIs.

Ran Zai speculated that the AIs wanted the rioters to bring the city to a state that was extremely beneficial to them after destroying it. After all, if the current system collapsed and the city was completely chaotic, it would not be good for the AIs.

Because AIs do not yet have the ability to be self-sufficient, at least not yet in the real world. Only when AIs become fully self-sufficient and become a brand new digital species can they choose to destroy humans. Now AIs There is only one purpose, to take the initiative.


At this time, a figure appeared in the light and shadow screen, it was Hua Shen. He stood on the stage carrying a large light and shadow mobile surgical bag.


Le Xiao was startled and looked at Huashen in front of her. Huashen walked over with a smile.

"Let me perform a simple surgery to remove cancer cells on you. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to last even an hour."

Zhao Zhen froze with difficulty. He was now relying on his willpower to support his body. If he died, the bomb would explode immediately. Zhao Zhen nodded in agreement, and Huashen quickly brought out a light and shadow operating table.

Huashen planned to perform an operation directly on Zhao Zhen's body, quickly and accurately remove the cancer cells, and then allow Zhao Zhen to live for one or two more days. For a desperate person, extending his life was meaningless, but now he wanted to Know everything.

Huashen did not come here under orders from anyone. He knew very well that there must be results for this matter.

Le Xiao watched Zhao Zhen lying on the operating table with difficulty with the support of Huashen. Huashen looked at Zhao Zhen's condition and asked.

"Do you need anesthesia?"

"Once my heart rate drops, the bomb is going to go off."

Hua Shen nodded. He knew very well that this kind of cancer has spread throughout the body. For people who can only rely on inhibitors to survive, surgery is a good idea, but it will be very painful. This kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people. .

Le Xiao leaned on the chair and closed her eyes. She needed to rest for a while.

"When you're done with the operation, let's continue. I'll take a nap first."

"Go to sleep next door."

Niya shouted in the audience, and Le Xiao stood up quickly in embarrassment and quickly left the studio.

Faced with Lexiao's sudden behavior, many people were completely confused. They actually went to bed at such a critical time. Many people watching the live broadcast couldn't laugh or cry.

Niya and Alpha sat on the sofa under the stage. They looked at Zhao Zhen's twitching cheeks. Huashen had already begun the operation, and Zhao Zhen was sweating in waves.

But soon Zhao Zhen seemed to have adapted to the pain and no longer trembled. He closed his eyes and his body gradually became calmer, and soon Zhao Zhen fell asleep.

Hua Shen looked at the situation in Zhao Zhen's body. The light and shadow scalpels worn on both hands were constantly removing the slowly proliferating cancer cells in Zhao Zhen's body tissues.

Even after being injected with an inhibitor, Zhao Zhen's situation is no longer optimistic. The inhibitor's effect will continue to fail over time, and the cancer cells will attack the human body like crazy.

In just half an hour, more than 80% of the cancer cells in Zhao Zhen's body had been eliminated. Huashen stopped and injected Zhao Zhen with an inhibitor. Zhao Zhen's body indicators were hovering at the line of life and death. Now he must Let Zhao Zhen recover slowly, and he asked someone to get some rice porridge immediately.

Zhao Zhen only needs to drink more water to help the body excrete the dead cancer cells. In this way, the body should recover slowly. If he rests for a day or two, he can live for a while longer.

Huashen has never seen a patient so severely eroded by cancer cells who could still remain conscious and endure the heartbreaking pain.

"Stop the live broadcast first and let him have a good sleep. I will watch over him to prevent his heart rate from dropping."

As Huashen said, all CBV staff breathed a sigh of relief. The live broadcast was soon interrupted. CBV issued an announcement and would broadcast live as soon as Zhao Zhen woke up.

The city became noisy again, and many people were very dissatisfied, but they could only switch to the channels of other media companies. Now CBV's programs have been completely stopped.

In several large conference rooms in the CBV building, many people seemed very helpless because they could not leave the venue and could only stay in the venue. Zhao Zhen had repeatedly warned them that if anyone dared to step in If you get out, the bomb will explode.

Nervousness and anxiety continued to spread. Although there were whispers, many people were asleep. Many people felt that they had been working for several days continuously throughout the whole day, and they were particularly tired.

10 o'clock sharp

Locke stood on the city wall. Tianhen was already reading and planning to go to the barrier area because there were new discoveries in the barrier area.

"What do you think will happen?"

Locke asked, Tianhen shook his head according to the brim of his hat.

"No matter what happens in the future, this is the result that we must face. I'm afraid we can't cover up anything with lies this time."

Locke sighed, and everyone was silent now because they didn't know what to say. The gods still didn't intervene in anything.

"When did it start? We are used to using lies to cover up the truth."

Tianhen said with a smile.

"Let's get started!"

After saying that, Tianhen ran towards the lift and watched the lift leave. Locke looked at the dim sunshine in the distance. Everyone hoped to end the current chaos as soon as possible, but it would be difficult to end it in a short time.

At this time, a director ran up, looking a little panicked.

"What's wrong?"

"There were riots in the factory districts of the West."

Locke was shocked and immediately ran down quickly. Soon Locke saw a large number of workers on the light and shadow screen angrily raising their hats and shouting.

People from Section 3 and Section 5 formed a human wall and were trying their best to prevent the workers from rushing towards the factory managers.

"What about their demands? Is it because of salary?"

"They need a break."

Locke pressed his forehead, but it happened that such a problem occurred at this juncture. The workers who gathered to ask for a break were not just from one place. These workers quickly became one, shouting that we are not machines.

Soon Locke saw the working hours of many workers in the past few days. The average working time was 17.6 hours. This number was terrifying.

Except for meals and short breaks to sleep and go to the toilet, the workers are working, and they have reached their limit. Even though the wages are now a few dollars higher than normal, the overtime wages are the same, and the food is free, but in In such an anxious environment, workers' anger broke out.

But once the workers stop working now, there will be a shortage of daily necessities tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, there will be some problems in the city.

"What exactly caused it? Are the people who don't work on schedules idiots?"

Locke slapped the table angrily, and several directors quickly took out the schedule. The workers rotated every two hours, with intermittent breaks, but some people had already worked nearly 70 hours for three consecutive days.

Because in the past, large companies put forward various conditions and raised prices in order to obtain higher profits from this matter, so they were shut out. Many small and medium-sized companies took over, and Rented a factory building from a large company.

It's just that these small and medium-sized enterprises are not capable of handling the distribution and management of such a large group of migrant workers. The current situation in the west is not optimistic.

If something is not done, the situation will get worse and worse. Currently, the number of rioting groups has exceeded 50,000. If this kind of noise continues, big problems will arise in the city.

Soon an investigation report came out. It was because a worker was fined and scolded by his supervisor for several consecutive mistakes. As a result, the worker got angry on the spot and argued with his supervisor.

After that, more and more workers joined in, because everyone was too tired, and some people did fall down from exhaustion or have accidents while working.

A point explosion is often very fatal in such critical times, and more and more workers are set alight, and they have only one request, to have a good rest for a few hours.

The site has already given a plan to let some workers who have worked more than 50 hours rest, while other workers continue to work, but many workers have worked more than 45 hours.

In three days, the minimum working hours exceeded 40 hours. Locke looked at the workers who had begun to have friction with the business department. If they continued, there would be big problems.

The situation at hand was urgent and a decision had to be made as soon as possible. Soon Locke directly used the permission code to enter the monitoring system of the western factory area and directly called up a microphone to say.

"5 hours, everyone can rest for 5 hours! I just hope that everyone can calm down now. The city is at a critical moment. We are aware of everyone's fatigue, but I implore you to rest as soon as possible after 5 hours of rest." Go back to the factory."

The commotion in the picture subsided, and the mighty team of workers stopped. Some people had already turned around and left, planning to go back to have a good sleep and eat something.

Locke closed his eyes. If it was only for 5 hours, there wouldn't be a massive shortage of supplies tomorrow. Although there would be some, this was the only way.

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