Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2242 Crime and Punishment 7 (Part 2)

"What kind of truth is going to be announced?"

In a daily necessities store, a confused voice came from the crowd queuing up to buy items. Many people were talking about the Black Mountain side, because there had been rumors for a long time that the Black Mountain side was a secret of Brilliant City. Experimental base.

The specific experiments are unknown, and many problems have occurred near Black Mountain several times, especially problems in the mines, because there are rumors that a mining company accidentally unearthed the secret research base of the Xingke Branch while digging. , which eventually led to the arrest of the entire company, and the mining company was directly banned.

Including some reports that several public hazard incidents that occurred in the city were actually caused by the Executive Branch. Such rumors became more and more intense. People in the city were curious about what the rioter Zhao Zhen wanted the Executive Branch to announce.

2 o'clock sharp

As a helicopter landed outside the temporary headquarters in front of the CBV News Building, the section chiefs and secretaries all entered the temporary headquarters, including the section chiefs and secretaries of the 12 sections, plus the section chiefs and secretaries of the General Affairs Section. , and the secretary of Section 13, a total of 27 people sat in the temporary headquarters.

Le Xiao looked around and found that everyone's expressions were more solemn than ever. Locke coughed after everyone sat down.

"Let's take the first vote and then discuss it. If it passes unanimously, there will be no need for any discussion."

After the light and shadow screens appeared, Le Xiao glanced at the two options, approval and disapproval. She wanted to look left and right but was frightened by such a solemn atmosphere. She didn't dare to look at anything anymore. She clicked OK and closed. On the eyes.

Le Xiao felt that many people should agree with it. She glanced at Yincai and Leti. During the short video call between the two of them, their attitudes seemed to be in favor. The same was true for Niya and others. Section chief Le Xiao would probably object.

Le Xiao glanced at Larry, Qin Dong, and Song Xuan again. Their expressions were very relaxed, and they should agree to the announcement. After all, this is the criminal's request, and it involves the lives of more than 4,000 people. Now there is no Any means and methods can stop Zhao Zhen and rescue the hostages.

"That's it."

Locke looked at Le Xiao with a serious expression. Michelle on the side frowned slightly, and then Locke smiled helplessly.

"The result was 26 to 1."

The moment he finished speaking, everyone looked at Le Xiao, and King Xue even took off his glasses and smiled helplessly.

"What a surprise. It reminds me of the city meeting before, little girl! What kind of considerations did you have to agree to this?"

Le Xiao was startled. Just as he was about to stand up, he was grabbed by Gu Ningning. Gu Ningning looked at Le Xiao eagerly.

"Lele, don't say anything for now."

Le Xiao lowered her head in embarrassment and blushed. Needless to say, she knew that except for herself, everyone else was opposed to announcing the truth, and Niya burst into laughter.

"Fat man, as you said, if there is any objection, discuss it and then hold a second round of voting."

Locke sighed.

"Secretary Le Xiao, may I ask why you agree."

Le Xiao stood up in a hurry and said tremblingly.

"That. This"

Michelle said.

"Please explain clearly why you agree."

Le Xiao said cautiously.

"Of course there are more than 4,000 hostages, and this, it seems that it is not good for the truth to be announced! Haha, haha."

"Stop laughing and joking, you idiot who only has water in your head!"

Zi Yuer said directly, Le Xiao blushed and lowered her head.

"Is it just because of the hostage considerations?"

Locke asked, Le Xiao looked around.

"Your Excellency, Chief Manager, are there other things to consider besides this?"

Mo Xiaolan hugged his belly and laughed loudly, slapping the table.

"What a masterpiece, Secretary of Section 13, hahaha."

"Okay, stop laughing."

Ye Chunwang sighed. The reason why he disapproved was because if the truth was announced, it would cause a huge commotion and add fuel to the current situation. In addition, he knew very well that no one would agree, so the problem must be solved as soon as possible. OK.

What Ye Chunwang didn't expect was that Le Xiao would agree. He looked at Locke and said.

"In that case, let's first discuss the worst consequences if something is announced."

"My lords, there is no need to discuss it at all. Once something is announced, it will only make the current situation more ugly. But no one with a normal mind will agree with it."

Zi Yuer's words made Le Xiao even more embarrassed. She did not expect such a result. Originally, Le Xiao thought that someone would agree.

"There is basically no need to discuss it. The worst result is that some people will be incited by the rioters, and the harm to the city will be further expanded. In the next ten or even twenty years, the business department will be labeled, and this label is very easy to It’s hard to tear it off. This time is different from the past, especially the mechanization era. I believe anyone would be uncomfortable knowing about it, and everything in the past was actually to prepare for entering such an era.”

As Bu Xiaolan said, the meeting fell into silence again. Le Xiao kept her head lowered after sitting down.

"Lift your head, little girl, you didn't do anything wrong. You only considered the lives of the more than 4,000 hostages. If you don't agree, at least come up with a corresponding plan that can guarantee the lives of more than 4,000 people."

After Ye Chunwang finished speaking, Tian Hen laughed.

"I have already had a preliminary discussion with His Majesty the Controller."

Locke nodded and told Tianhen's plan. Mo Xiaolan immediately looked at Lilian. Soon a simulation report came out. Once the ground of the building was blasted, it would take about 50 seconds for it to completely collapse. People on the roof can be picked up one-on-one by people from Section 3 using individual combat aircraft, which is guaranteed to be no problem at all.

But the people inside the building are a problem, because Zhao Zhen may discover the plan of the executive department at any time, and the hostages' plan to quietly move to the rooftop is very likely to be discovered.

The secretary of the section chief and some powerful directors, members of the special management team and the special operations team enter the building. If conditions permit, they can indeed rescue at least 1,000 people, but it all depends on whether Zhao Zhen will be there for them. Aware of plans before they are laid out.

After analysis from all aspects, the success rate of such a rescue operation is less than 30%, and there will be various problems. As long as it cannot be carried out according to the normal plan, if any problem occurs in any link, the plan will fail, and the result will still be the same. Being able to rescue about 1,000 people is already the limit.

"If the truth is not revealed, this is the only feasible solution, which can at least ensure the survival of some people."

As Tianhen said, Mo Xiaolan continued to look at the building structure of CBV headquarters. There were more than 4,000 hostages. If the more than 1,000 people inside were excluded, it would take at least 20 minutes for all 3,000 people to get to the rooftop. That means it must be within 20 minutes. In minutes, he used some means to prevent Zhao Zhen from noticing that the hostages were moving.

If this is not possible, there is no way to complete the rescue. Noah, who had been silent at this time, suddenly laughed.

"You idiot, what's so funny."

Niya said, stood up and walked over. Noah immediately pointed to a 3D model on the light and shadow screen, which was some kind of aircraft.

"I only need you to do one thing after entering the building later. At least implant this light and shadow module into a large number of light and shadow generation interfaces. It's very simple."

Just when everyone was confused, Noah stood up, spread his hands and said.

"The power of technology can solve many problems. It's all thanks to you, Secretary Le Xiao."

Le Xiao looked at Noah suspiciously, looking flattered. Everyone was confused. Soon Noah walked directly to the top and said confidently.

"When this incident first happened, I was thinking about whether it would be possible for everyone in the building to have an aircraft, so that even if Zhao Zhen detonated the bomb at the bottom, they could escape directly with the aircraft on them. Out of the building, the answer is yes, but it’s extremely difficult and complicated to do.”

As Noah spoke, he brought up a large light and shadow screen. On the light and shadow screen was a machine wrapped around his waist, with two jet-like tubes behind it.

Lexiao recognized it at a glance. It was a slow-falling machine produced by a small technology company before. It was somewhat similar to that one.

"With the limited open technologies, it is not easy to achieve such a design."

As he spoke, Noah explained the principle of this slow-falling machine to the people present. It is a machine designed to prevent people working in high-rise buildings from falling. It can make the kinetic energy of people falling almost equal to 0 when they are close to the ground. .

It relies on the air mass energy generator to carry out drastic changes in air mass energy, thereby squeezing out huge kinetic energy in an instant. The reaction force is simply used and the composition is not complicated.

Therefore, Noah added light energy flight technology to the slow-landing aircraft technology. The individual combat aircraft that originally used light energy flight technology are extremely complicated. Although the operating system can already recognize human consciousness, such It is almost impossible for an aircraft to instantly dispatch all the hostages in the building.

The manufacturing time of such a sophisticated individual combat aircraft can take up to 15 minutes at the fastest. Even if dozens of light and shadow interfaces are opened at the same time, it will take several hours to equip all personnel. This is only a theoretical time. But the reality is more complicated, because in addition to the light and shadow interface, other aspects of craftsmanship are required.

Previously, Lexiao submitted some products from many small technology companies, hoping to obtain market operation qualifications. They had to undergo 10 subjects for actual testing before they could be approved. Noah accidentally saw this kind of product that looked a bit weird, but maybe it didn't actually exist. A slow descent machine that is too effective.

"To put it simply, this kind of slow landing machine is modified into a machine with direct and violent flight. It can eject all the people in the building in an instant. After flying to high altitude, the slow landing function is activated. In this way, even if there is any No, people from Section 3 can also perform timely rescue in the air. What a great idea, everyone!"

"What's the success rate?"

Locke asked.

"One hundred percent, it has been tested. And as for how to eject them out of the building instantly, there is only one plan. We have to decide on some relatively wide corridors and other places around the building, and use directional nano-blasting disintegration robots. At the moment the building collapses, remove all the walls and windows, and then activate the slow landing machine on these hostages, and the powerful light energy flight function will instantly launch them into the sky outside the building."

Noah said and then looked at Mo Xiaolan.

"I have told you a 100% successful plan. How to implement it next to achieve 100% success is your business, Xiaolan."

Mo Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone's expressions relaxed. No one was willing to sacrifice the lives of more than 4,000 people in the first place to keep the secrets of the business department.

"Sure enough, people come up with solutions, right everyone!"

Mo Xiaolan muttered.

"You idiot, you didn't expect it to come in handy at the critical moment."

"The only thing I can do is to use the power of science to make the impossible possible. A program for controlling ejection and detecting obstacle space has been created to ensure that everything is foolproof, including the structural mechanics between layers. The calculations have been made, and if they all go to the rooftop, it might make Zhao Zhen suspicious, but if there are only a few hundred people, it should be fine."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly, but she still lowered her head. Noah walked over and put a hand on her shoulder.

"How should I put it? Your starting point for agreeing to disclose secrets is good. There is no need to blame yourself. Unless it reaches a point where it cannot be solved, perhaps when it is really necessary to disclose secrets, your opinions may come in handy. Unfortunately, this time it is only Can do what we say.”

"No, this, I am that"

Michelle stood up.

"All the secretaries follow me into the next office and continue working on the problem."

In the meeting that lasted less than an hour, many reports had been submitted, and Noah smiled.

"Don't worry, Michelle, we will definitely come up with a more reliable plan."

Michelle directly opened the light and shadow screen and quickly marked out some possible problematic points about Noah's plan that she had just written.

"My lords, I hope you can consider this carefully."

As soon as Le Xiao came over, Michelle stared at her. She was startled and could only ask awkwardly.

"Ms. Michelle, me"

"Go back to the General Affairs Department to deal with logistical issues."

Le Xiao said "oh" and watched the secretaries leave. She immediately turned to go out, when Alpha walked in.

"Have you thought of a solution?"

Nia said raising her hands.

"Sister, come next to me and I'll tell you slowly."

Alpha hummed and looked at Lexiao who was about to leave, and she held Lexiao back.

"I have already informed Ran Zai and Leng Rui. They will go to the General Affairs Department to help you."

Le Xiao hummed and started running with a smile, feeling very relieved when she thought of those two boys.

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