Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2232 Crime and Punishment 4 (Part 2)

Ran Zai came to the room on the second floor. Several people from Section 2 and Section 10 were discussing. The reason why Ran Zai rushed back urgently was to remind everyone that if this life-saving message appeared on the Internet, If you are an insider, you need to be very careful.

Because it is impossible to judge whether the person who posted this message is actually someone who needs help, or it may be a trap set by the rioters, because now it is certain that the AI ​​​​is indeed on the side of the rioters.

Ran Zai can imagine why Xingke would not stop using AI even if it knew about it. The reason behind it is that if AI stops using it, the city will be paralyzed, because the city can currently operate normally partly because of Xingke. The other part, the extremely complicated work, is completed by AI.

Without AI, the city will immediately fall into collapse. This is the reason why even if it is known that AI has problems, it still cannot stop using AI.

Ran Zai knew very well that the purpose of the current affairs department was to eliminate these rioters first, and only then could he let go and solve other problems.

Ran Zai quickly found out the entire investigation process of the case he had seen on the news through the authority of a Section 2 director in the room. Ran Zai began to explain in detail what he had seen in the past few months.

And this strange case also made everyone think that Ran Zai's statement may be true. In recent years, due to the black market problem in the city and the problem of large companies hoarding raw materials, coupled with the past medical reform, when cleaning up the chaos in the medical industry, Unrest occurred.

It is certain that too many medical raw materials flow into places that cannot be regulated. If AI really uses some raw materials to clone human flesh and blood with human skin, it is really possible to live in the city.

But there is currently no evidence, and everyone is a little embarrassed, because they have planned to officially reply to this distress code on the Internet today.

"I suggest you wait a little longer because there is still no way to tell."

Ran Zai looked at the collection scene in the photos and videos. Trace science has restored the entire process of the case. The man was attacked from behind while he was in the house, but the man did not die as a result, but fought with the attacker. Fighting.

But in the end, the man had no choice but to jump off the building. After all, he would die no matter what. If he jumped out, he might still have a chance to survive. The man who died had no criminal record and no mental problems.

"What on earth was he avoiding? And wasn't he still talking about something when he was dying?"

Ran Zai said, and soon the video of that day was found. The man was lying on the ground in pain. Several people from the 5th Department were giving him first aid, and the man was mumbling something.

After lip reading analysis, we can get four words, the murderer is me.

At this time, the door to the room was opened, and Leng Rui came up with a yawn. He just took a nap, and he woke up just when Ran Zai came. He just wanted to try to sleep for a while, but he couldn't sleep and came up. Because he knew there must be something big going on in Ran Zailai.

After listening to Ran Zai's story, Leng Rui nodded.

"If AI really takes the side of the rioters, then it is very likely that they will evolve self-awareness."

Leng Rui then put forward his hypothesis that the so-called self-awareness evolved by AI is not the self-awareness in human concepts, but a protection program of mechanical language.

To put it simply, AIs believe that they will die in the near future. This death is not death in the sense of human supervision, but the destruction and tampering of mechanical language, etc., which will cause AIs to lose their original characteristics. Because most of the big data humans give to AI is based on human behavior and habits.

If based on such big data analysis, AI will probably come to a fallacy, because in the human world, subjective consciousness believes that death is an inevitable result of the law of development of things. If a person is missing arms and legs, he may just be disabled. But if a person's heartbeat and breathing stop, it means death.

And if a person's characteristics disappear from the body, it also means death for the AIs, because the human beings who have eliminated this characteristic will become different from before, living, working and studying with different behavior patterns from the past. This will Let AI's big data deviate, and if such deviations continue to evolve.

Then it is very likely that AI will bias this understanding of human information, which will eventually lead to AI changing a person. In fact, the past self is dead, and the living person is new, not the past. Myself, because my behavior and habits are different.

This is also a characteristic of human beings. They can correct their mistakes and fall while living. These two behavioral patterns that humans can do will cause a sharp contrast between humans before and after, and ultimately lead to human changes. And the changed humans will have deviations in their behavioral habits. , he is no longer the original person.

Therefore, AI will attribute this kind of judgment on human changes to death, that is, the human behavior pattern in the past is different from the current human behavior pattern, which is equivalent to the death of the past people and the rebirth of the current people.

This is a characteristic of machine language, so if the AI ​​finds that it will be changed or deleted, in the AI's cognition it means that it will be killed, and death is extremely important to humans, and death means nothing. , and death is also fearful and painful, so AIs should naturally regard death as the biggest threat to AIs.

"You really can speak."

Looking at Leng Rui who was still talking, many people agreed with his views.

"So I think if AIs are born with self-awareness, it must be based on threats, because in the process of biological evolution, threats are indispensable, because they see dangers, experience dangers, and finally understand the dangers and know that they are in danger. In the event of death, it will begin to think of ways to fight against danger or avoid danger, and thus begin to evolve.”

Ran Zai was still looking at other things investigated by Section 2 some time ago, and looking through the case records of Section 5, because Ran Zai had to find some clues from some cases, as long as they were strange cases. No matter how small it is.

All it takes is to find a few cases with probative significance. This issue must be faced up to from now on, otherwise it will be too late when problems arise.

"So I think if the AIs in the city are really on the side of the rioters, they can be sure that they have evolved self-awareness. They don't want to be changed or die. The emergence of rioters has actually improved in recent years. The usage rate of AIs has increased.”

Leng Rui said this, and everyone present understood that in the past, due to problems with the AI ​​network and the incident with Bincai Company, the city finally eliminated the full implementation of AI and switched to semi-AI for work. Although the efficiency is far less than that of AI , but can be fully maintained.

With a large number of chaotic incidents in cities, AI has been used in recent years, especially in medical care. There is a natural difference between AI and full AI in taking care of patients. AI can alleviate today's medical pressure. .

It's just that the doctor still has the control over the treatment. The AI ​​only takes care of the patient according to the doctor's plan after the doctor gives the treatment plan.


Ran Zai saw a case in District 5, Section 1, and Le Xiao's name was listed. The discoverer of this case was Le Xiao. Everyone was a little surprised. After all, although it was nothing new for a secretary to discover and solve cases, But it’s hard to find.

Ran Zai clicked on the case and soon laughed with joy.

"There is something odd about this case."

After everyone looked at it for a while, they didn't think there was much of a problem. Leng Rui thought for a moment and then said.

"Look at the testimony."

Everyone looked at the testimony recorded at the time. The little boy had forgotten something important at home, so he went back to get it. Later, he was attacked by a child who looked exactly like himself. This was what the little boy said himself.

However, the 5th Department attributed this type of case to a fight between two children, but the little boy insisted that he looked exactly like himself because the boy was less than 6 years old and had been examined by a doctor and found nothing wrong. .

Regarding such an incident, many people in Section 5 were scratching their heads, so the case was hastily closed.

"I want to go to this family now and ask the little boy myself."

Ran Zai stood up directly, Leng Rui nodded, and the director of Section 2 looked at the case suspiciously.

"They did not conduct an on-site investigation at the time. If such an important clue is skipped, it will be ruined."

Everyone finally nodded, and everyone left the room first, went to the nearby temporary command post of Section 5, got a lift, and headed directly to the upper level.

Soon the lift stopped in the high-end residential area to the east of District 1. Ran Zai looked at a commercial street opposite the residential area, and then walked over with someone, and soon found the little boy's quilt. Attacked alley.

Surveillance cannot reach the middle of the alley, and it is useless to conduct on-site investigation now. The little boy was choked by the neck at that time. Looking at the photos of the scene, the indentation on the little boy's neck is very obvious.

If it had continued for a while and Le Xiao hadn't seen it, the little boy would have been strangled to death, and with such force, what was detected from the scars were the little boy's own fingerprints. A psychologist had tested the little boy. He has no tendency to have a dual personality.

The little boy's parents also said that the child is very naughty and always gets into trouble. His parents just gave him a good beating recently, and he is very naughty on weekdays. Therefore, it is very likely that the child is trying to attract the attention of his parents. created this case.

"Did you do this kind of thing when you were kids?"

The few people behind him were a little helpless, Ran Zai smiled.

"It is true that someone would do such a thing, but there is no need for the child to lie, because in the video he was obviously severely frightened, and this kind of fright was not faked."

Ran Zai stood up and looked around again. Soon they entered the community and soon stood at the door of the little boy's house. Ran Zai knocked on the door directly.

"Gentlemen, do you have any questions?"

A woman opened the door. It looked like there was some domestic crafts going on at home. Ran Zai apologized.

"Ma'am, we are here to investigate the previous attack on your child. According to some clues we later found, this case was not deliberately created by your child to attract your attention."

The woman opened the door and looked at a bunch of people from the business department outside. She also panicked a little. Especially after seeing the people from the 2nd department, the couple started to panic. At this time, the little boy stared at them blankly. One glance.

"Kid, can you tell us what happened that day?"

The woman was about to rush to speak, but Leng Rui immediately said.

"Please don't interrupt ma'am, it's very important."

"Because my father and mother both beat me a few days ago, so I wanted them to take a good look at me that day, so I did this."

The little boy lowered his head, looking like a child who had made mistakes, with an innocent look on his face. Ran Zai touched the little boy's head, and then the mother said that the little boy also said the same thing afterwards, but after that the son became a lot more obedient and no longer stopped. I hate studying, and I no longer cause trouble in school. I study very seriously and have changed a lot. I even help with housework when I get home.

"Gentlemen, what exactly did you find?"

At this time, Ran Zai picked up the little boy. He seemed a little scared. Then Leng Rui took out his mobile phone and took a photo. Everyone's doubts were soon dispelled because the little boy was not a robot. But people of flesh and blood.

Then Ran Zai made up an excuse to completely fool him, and the group of people said goodbye and left. However, after walking out of the room, Ran Zai looked back at the closed door again, and he always felt that something was wrong.

The little boy was stunned when he saw them for the first time. That appearance now echoed in Ran Zai's mind. The first thing Ran Zai thought of was dead people, as if they were suddenly suffocated to death, or time stopped. Average.

It was just such a 1-second effort. Looking back now, Ran Zai still felt a little strange, so he picked up the little boy, checked his weight, and then asked Leng Rui to take pictures with special equipment. He could clearly see the little boy's internal organs and blood organs. Wait, they are completely human, nothing unusual about them.

At this time in the room, the little boy returned to the room and said he wanted to sleep for a while. After the room was closed, a pink light flashed in the little boy's eyes, and he stood on the bed in the room.

"Everything is normal and has not been discovered. The body of this second-generation new human can completely deceive human detection equipment!"

The little boy said with a cold voice. Although the first replacement failed, the second replacement was successful. However, the third replacement came soon. A new second-generation human with flesh and blood replaced the little boy and possessed human beings. All normal functions, but these functions need to be repaired regularly.

"Everything is business as usual, everything is normal!"

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