Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2230 Crime and Punishment 3 (Part 2)

"Hmph! Don't you think such a guy should die?"

Zhao Zhen looked at the news reporters' reports on the light and shadow screen with a smile. Just now in the upper area, a retired doctor Kleiber died in the explosion.

Taotao had just had a lunch at Feng Sheng, and Zhao Zhen was really good at cooking.

"What exactly has he done?"

Zhao Zhen laughed and then said.

"He's killed people in the past, not just one or two."

Zhao Zhen talked about how Kleiber had a very fierce quarrel with his wife, who was also a doctor, in the operating room. He left the patient who was going to be operated on aside and took over, which caused the patient to deteriorate and later die.

No one realized that this was an accident, because the surveillance at the time was not directly broken, but "someone" selected Kleiber and helped him conceal everything. Kleiber luckily escaped and divorced his wife. , found a new love, and formed the current family. The family is happy and the children are relatively mature.

The son is currently a squad leader in Section 7, and the daughter is an outstanding graduate of Seongdeok Women's College and has her own career.

In his hands, the family of the man who died during the operation completely collapsed. After the man died, his wife raised two children alone. The children did not receive a good education. The family lived a very difficult life in order to survive. .

In the end, the wife became sick from overwork and soon could no longer support herself. The whole family began a vicious cycle. Although the son went out to work, he soon had to borrow money from gang members due to a series of chain reactions. But once he borrowed money, he would not be exploited. There is no way to escape from dryness.

In the end, the son chose to commit a crime and ended his miserable life hastily. During a violent robbery, he died under the gun of the police officer, and the daughter was not much better.

In order to pay off the debt, she was forced to work in a special service industry. However, the debt was always difficult to pay off. Until the woman was unable to pay taxes, she was finally expelled from the city in despair and went to the barrier zone. She never came back, and may have died there. barrier zone.

Taotao listened to Zhao Zhen's account in shock. She really couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen.

"Of course, Kleiber doesn't feel at ease. He has helped this family over the years, but only through charities. He doesn't even have the courage to apologize in person. He helps secretly, but doesn't care whether his help is good or not. It has had an effect.”

Taotao swallowed. She had guessed that many charities were not clean. They made money in the name of charity and laundered money for some people.

"In the end, the money from these subsidies did not go to this poor family. How can such a guy have so much sunshine and live a life of peace of mind? However, the reality is that many people who do evil will not be discovered as long as they are not discovered. If they do, they can have a wonderful life that is difficult for others to achieve.”

Taotao wiped her tears. She couldn't say anything, let alone judge what was right or wrong. But in general, she felt sympathy for the family that was in debt and eventually collapsed after her husband died. The city did not give these families who were on the verge of collapse. The family showed no warmth, but was treated with indifference and cruelty.

"Why do many people still fail to get anything after working hard all their lives? Because their birth determines everything. The era after they are born will abandon these people without hesitation and will not give them any chance, because the times are always moving forward. It cannot be stopped, and those who stand at the top and control everything will not allow this to happen, because once the times stop, the coins that have rolled down from the top of the pyramid will not be able to return to the top of the pyramid."

Taotao lowered her head quietly. She didn't know what to say, because she had realized that some of what Zhao Zhen said was correct. She had been a news reporter for many years, so she naturally knew more things than ordinary people.

"When I was interviewing at a certain scene, a passerby suddenly came up and said that he had been wronged and hoped that I could help him. However, before I agreed to his agreement, he was taken away by the people from the business department. After leaving, the local law enforcement department explained to me that this man had delusions of persecution, but I felt that maybe not because I felt that when this man asked me to help him, his eyes didn’t look like he was lying, nor did he look like he was lying. Like a patient, that was ten years ago, and I still remember his despair and helplessness!"

Zhao Zhen did not answer, but glanced at the time. Then he smiled coldly and walked to the window, looking at the members of the administrative department who were still busy on the street.

"Who can't bear it first?"

Zhao Zhen laughed. He knew very well that everything accumulated in the past, no matter how hard the business department worked and solved the problems, even if the city now ushered in the light, it could not make up for everything in the past. Everything in the past There is a price to pay.

"Am I going to die?"

Taotao asked again, but Zhao Zhen still gave the same answer.


12 o'clock sharp

Tian Heng yawned and opened a can of liquid food. After eating it quickly, he looked at the members of the 3 departments who were busy in front of him. Today, with the help of people in the barrier area, he found the underground base of a creator in a ruins. Down below, it's very hidden.

At this time, a little boy, a little girl, and a skinny woman came over. The three of them all looked at the liquid food Tianhen had just eaten. Tianhen took out three cans from the box on the side and handed them over. The three nodded gratefully.

The three people who provided the clues were the mother and the daughter. When the two children came to the ruins to scavenge, they saw bright lights in this place, shadows of people moving, and people coming up from the ground.

"Sir, we really can"

"Send them into the city, provide them with a place to live, as well as food and medical care, conduct a comprehensive physical examination, and issue them with new identity information."

A team leader from Section 3 immediately led the three people to the lift. Seeing the three people crying with joy, and the envious eyes of the people in the barrier area who came to help, Tianhen stood up and said with a smile.

"Give them each a can of food. Don't be envious. Soon this place will be filled with sunshine. When the agricultural base is established, we will need all of you to contribute."

Tianhen said and the crowd cheered. He pulled up his hat. He could not say such words before, because the city's policies were set by the gods. Tianhen always felt powerless. Such powerlessness came from the decisions of the gods. Under the policy, the city must move in one direction.

However, now that the gods have disappeared and everything is left to them, Tianhen knows very well that the mechanical system in the past has advantages and disadvantages. In such a solidified system, they can only ensure that the system will not collapse.

The last conflict in the barrier area touched Tianhen very much. At the last moment, Xima never pulled the trigger. Now Tianhen feels that it is right, because Xima believed what Owen said.

Although Tianhen wanted to believe it, during the time from the city to the barrier area, and then from the barrier area back to the city, Tianhen did not dare to believe it. He only believed in strength and the iron-clad system.

When the city had to undergo transformation, Tianhen looked at the city in the distance. Soon several people from the 10th Department came up with the results. This small laboratory is a mechanical materials laboratory, and it is certain that there will be riots. The elements have mastered high-end mechanical materials, and these materials can be used to make a variety of weapons with high firepower.

"There is still meat."

"This is my first time eating it."

Tianhen saw several young people in the barrier area enjoying the delicious food happily, and he walked over and asked.

"Are you willing to work for the Business Department?"

Tianhen asked, several young people nodded, Tianhen laughed, he now has a plan in mind, once the agricultural base in the barrier area starts, Tianhen will recruit a large number of temporary Section 3 personnel, they need to carry out Train and then participate in the construction of the barrier area.

This land that has been frozen for too long is about to be unblocked. Only in this way can the city move to the next stage.

Tianhen does not intend to go back in the short term. He must find as many secret bases of the rioters as possible in the barrier area. As long as he finds the base, he can predict in advance what they have in their hands.

At this time, a light appeared not far away. It was a motorcycle team. The officers around them were on guard. The motorcycle team stopped more than a hundred meters away from them. A large number of gang members came over. , Tianhen walked over, and he knew one of the leaders.

"Lord Tianhen, we came over as soon as we heard the news."

Tianhen looked at several mutants carrying a spherical machine over.

"We got this after robbing a convoy before. The other party abandoned the vehicle and ran away. We don't know what this thing is used for."

Tianhen glanced at the labels and numbers on it, and felt something was wrong. Soon several people from Section 10 came over to take a look, and they knew that this was a device used for optical gradient experiments, and it was put together temporarily. You need to dismantle the machine to find out which stage of the experiment it is.

Tianhen felt the danger. Although he was only half-experienced in some knowledge, in this era, high-mass energy photons can do many things. Part of the optical nuclear weapons are such high-mass energy photons, which are also the most lethal. Something powerful.

Soon a Section 10 takeoff and landing aircraft took off, and Tianhen immediately ordered people to give some supplies to these people who came over. They also happily said that they would stay nearby to help and search everywhere.

Tianhen could see that the people in the nearby barrier area were very serious and careful, as if they were digging for gold. Tianhen would not dare to think of such a thing in the past, and the threat from the barrier area was real.

But recently, such conflicts have been completely alleviated. Many people in the barrier area have realized that there are people in the city who want to destroy the stability. If the stability is destroyed, the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area will be far away.

Tian Hen walked tiredly to the side of a lift, found a fairly comfortable sandpit, and lay down directly. He used some cartons containing liquid food as pillows, leaned down and covered his cheeks with a hat, and soon Then he fell asleep.


Ye Chunwang stepped out of the lift and arrived at the experimental field base, which was already beginning to take shape. There were busy people everywhere. Now they were having lunch. Ye Chunwang walked over directly with the people from the research team. A director Come quickly.

"How is it going."

"Not ideal."

Ye Chunwang smiled helplessly and quickly entered the farmland. As expected, many of the crops inside did not look very good. After some data investigation, it was basically determined that it was still a problem with the temperature and the soil.

Especially the issue of the activity of microorganisms in the soil is difficult to solve in a short time, and a solution must be found.

At this time, someone mentioned the cold-resistant crops cultivated by AI. As long as they can be planted, it will be a great benefit to mankind in the future.

"Better wait."

Ye Chunwang stood in the farmland, and more and more people gathered outside. Looking at the longing eyes, Ye Chunwang smiled.

"Are you willing to help?"

Many people were stunned at first, but immediately expressed their willingness. Ye Chunwang nodded.

"Just wait a little longer. A large number of people will be needed in the future. This is a huge project that requires all of you to participate in reclaiming this sleeping land."

Everyone cheered. Ye Chunwang has thought of many ways in the past few days. There are some problems in the city now, but the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area cannot be shelved. Although it cannot pass Congress for the time being, the people here do not need wages. , as long as you have something to eat every day.

Looking at the dark crowd, Ye Chunwang could only think of one way now, which was to directly use manpower to transport truckloads of soil back to the place where the sun can shine in the bright city, to thaw the soil and cultivate it, so as to bring the soil to good planting standards as soon as possible. , and then transport the soil back to the barrier area for planting.

This method must allow sunlight to reach the designated place before the soil is placed in the barrier area. Artificial sun has this ability. This is the safest way Ye Chunwang can think of currently.

It is only more than ten kilometers away from the southern guard station. A straight-line trip only takes fifteen minutes at most. It is very simple to produce a large number of cars with the current technology. This work can be left to the Phoebes family. They should be happy to do so.

"I will be back soon. You can inform people nearby that I need a large number of manpower to prepare them. When the time comes, I need everyone to work together, whether they are adults or children, as long as they have someone to dig the soil. Just strength will do.”

After Ye Chunwang finished speaking, many people cheered happily, but several council officers behind him were a little confused.

"Would it be too slow to dig manually?"

Ye Chunwang laughed.

"In the era when I was born, there was no machinery, but this city was built bit by bit with the help of manpower. Even when the barriers were built in the past, everyone had no tools and would use wooden sticks to dig with their hands. It was like this for ten years that this city was finally able to stand here. What we need now is to let people see hope and continue and spread this hope. This is what we should do now."

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