Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2222 Crime and Punishment 1 (Part 1)

The roar resounded through the sky of Brilliant City, and everyone looked at it in amazement. A violent disk-shaped stream of colorful flames appeared in the sky, spreading in all directions.

There was a loud cracking sound, and the violent airflow directly broke the glass of the high-rise building. In an instant, shouts were heard everywhere, and the colorful flames continued to spread, covering the night sky in six areas, and then began to dissipate.

Everyone was frightened by the roar that appeared at this moment. Some people sat on the ground with weak legs. No one knew what happened, but there were cries and shouts everywhere, and glass and glass were still falling from some buildings. There were rubbles and people hiding everywhere.

swish swish

Wishes of red light instantly streaked across the night sky from the direction of the Capitol Hill, flying towards the pitch-black barrier area. The speed was so fast that many people only heard the roar, although they caught a glimpse of the giant winged creature flying across the sky. aircraft, but did not see clearly.

In less than a few seconds, the panicked people at the top saw streaks of fire rising from the dark barrier area in the distance.

"It's war."

Only then did someone react, screams spread, and Locke's voice came from the light and shadow pole on the street.

"All people, please don't panic. It was just an attack on the city by rioters. The situation is still within our control. Please go home immediately without worrying."

The members of Section 5 on the street immediately began to evacuate the people according to the order they received. A large number of takeoffs and landing aircraft flew over the city and flew towards the dark barrier area.


Huashen looked at Fit being carried off on a stretcher and had already asked the elite surgeons in Department 4 to be on standby in Department 10.

"Ning Ning, I leave the command here to you. I have to go and perform surgery on him."

Gu Ningning nodded, feeling that at that moment, no one knew what happened, but after the explosion happened the next moment, everyone realized what was going on. Lilian and Qin Dong looked at the information sent by Section 10, Only to learn that they had just been attacked by missiles.

The missile exploded at an altitude of 400 meters. It was not shot down by any weapon used by Section 10.

"It's Miss Alpha."

Gu Ningning swallowed, and everyone looked at Alpha walking over, bowing slightly to show respect. Alpha nodded and exhaled a puff of smoke.

If the missile had just fallen, this area would have turned into dust in an instant. Although there have been casualties now, it is already the best result after the missile exploded.

Alpha looked at the night sky in the distance with sharp eyes. At that moment, she felt a violent surge of air in the sky. This was what the blue divine power in her body told her.

In an instant, a tragic image flashed through Alpha's mind. The building collapsed, dust flew everywhere, and everyone was enveloped in violent flames. Alpha reacted in an instant, and the power in his body burst out, black The alienated cells provided Alpha with incomparable power. She stood in front of the missile in an instant and directly destroyed the missile.

Therefore, the missile exploded at high altitude before it hit the target. However, the damage was still caused. The violent shock wave spread to five or six areas. Most of the high-rise buildings were impacted, and the falling broken stone and glass were still nearby. For people, it is fatal.

Fortunately, these high-rise buildings are not in densely populated areas, because many high-rise buildings are commercial and are the locations of some companies. There are no people at night, and the nearby streets are even deserted.

"A very wise judgment, President Alpha!"

A light and shadow screen appeared. Noah looked at a group of secretaries and directors and smiled happily. No one expected that the rioters would launch such a powerful missile.

Section 10 has analyzed the material structure of this missile. If the missile explodes on the hotel, the fire storm and shock wave will destroy six areas, and the number of casualties will exceed 300,000.

The current number of casualties is being counted rapidly. It is currently less than 100 people. Only 4 people were hit by falling objects and died on the spot. The others only suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Alpha clenched her fists, and the hand holding the cigarette was trembling slightly. If she had been a second too late at that moment, and if the missile had dropped any further, everything would have been over.

Section 10 has launched super fighters. A total of 10 sorties of unmanned AI fighters have accurately carried out all-round deep bombing of the missile launch site. Tianhen has brought 3,000 elites from Section 3, as well as members of the special operations team. Everyone went to the barrier area.

The situation had completely escalated and it was clear to everyone in the room that the war had begun and that the rioters would attack.

"The gods have issued an order, orange martial law for the entire city!"

Noah said, and everyone present nodded. Soon Locke issued an order. Five departments, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, established a temporary combat headquarters to do their best to deal with the current situation. The city's operational departments were about to All 300,000 department personnel were mobilized.

Le Xiao swallowed and looked at everything in front of her. She had just been awakened by a violent roar and fell to the ground in fright. Her throat had already felt better.

"Sister Alpha, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Alpha glanced at Le Xiao and smiled slightly.

"Not yet, just think about what you can do, Le Xiao."

Gu Ningning walked over and pulled Le Xiao up.

"Lele, you come with me to the General Affairs Department. I will be responsible for the medical dispatch in the city."

Le Xiao hummed, stood up, and followed Gu Ningning out of the temporary headquarters. Soon the chiefs of each department determined the location of the temporary headquarters, the middle-level Area 58.

Everyone got busy. Several directors stayed to deal with the current virus problem in the area and the impact casualties caused to nearby areas after the explosion. Others left the room and ran towards Area 58.

Alpha looked at some of the information transmitted from Section 10. Section 10 had indeed detected the missile just now, but did not activate optical nuclear weapons to directly attack the missile, because if used in the city, the situation would become very bad.

But before hesitating, the missile exploded, and everyone was shocked.

"It's really thanks to you this time."

Noah said and Alpha smiled.

"If there is any situation, please report it directly to me and I will take action within the city."

Noah nodded and Alpha left the room.

3 o'clock sharp

"You have been surrounded. If you still persist in resisting, we will not be polite."

Luo Hao stood on the roof. Not far away, Tang Ye was smiling broadly. His whole body was covered in pitch-black armor. He stood on the edge of the rooftop, surrounded by people from Section 2.

"Take care of yourselves first, all-out war has begun."

Tang Ye said, holding the small ball in his hand, and there was a clicking sound. Pieces of metal pieces were building up around Tang Ye's neck, and soon covered his face. In an instant, several mutants had rushed in.

Tang Ye held up the contact ball in his hand, accompanied by a burst of intense white light.

"You can't catch me. After all, unlike that guy Feite, I am a member approved by the dean."


The moment Tang Ye's face was covered, the others had disappeared along with a burst of electricity, leaving only a piece of the rooftop that seemed to have been chewed, as well as white light and electricity.

Ran Zai watched quietly, this was just like when Alpha met Lolita before, when she wanted to catch Lolita, the movement method she used, she disappeared in an instant and could not be captured at all.

"If we were tougher"

Luo Hao said, and Ran Zai patted his shoulder.

"Lao Luo, there is no need to investigate secretly now, because they have come out from the darkness."

Luo Hao nodded, the real war has begun, and it is unknown what attack methods this group of rioters will use. Now they can only do their best to deal with their attack methods.

The people on the street are still being evacuated, and all members of the administrative department are still receiving weapons. Every public security management station has weapons manufacturing and production machines, so that when problems arise in the city, the officers in the area can immediately Equipped with weapons.

There was a shrill cry, and Ran Zai looked over. It was Tang Ye's sister Tang Xiwen. In just 10 minutes after the explosion, Tang Ye took action. He suddenly left home and quickly came to the rooftop. , it was too late for them to catch up.

"Miss, I know you feel uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable you are, you can only accept the worst outcome."

Ran Zai said and turned around to walk away, but Luo Hao stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to gather my people. After all, the war has started, right?"

Luo Hao smiled helplessly.

"I really don't understand you kid, what are you doing?"

"I'm on your side!"

Ran Zai said and jumped off the tall building. After landing, his phone rang. It was Hydera calling.

"What's wrong?"

"Where to meet?"

Ran Zai thought for a while and then said.

"Come to my house."

Ran Zai said and ran quickly, shuttling between the buildings. He was very anxious because he thought of something and had to discuss it with everyone as soon as possible. The most uneasy thing in Ran Zai's heart now is Urban AI.

Once this thing changes sides in battle, it will be difficult to determine the outcome of this war. Although it is only doubtful, Ran Zai is almost convinced in his heart that AI has long been on the opposite side of human beings.


A black shadow jumped over, and Ran Zai immediately dodged. There was a loud bang, and Ran Zai almost fell down the stairs. There was no one on this street. It was a commercial street. There were many people during the day, and there were many people at night. few.

Ran Zai looked at the broken shoulder, which was burning. At that moment, if he hadn't relied on the reflexes he had trained in daily life, he would have died.

"Why, are you taking action now?"

Ran Zai looked at the ghost face wrapped in jet black armor in front of him. He was very strong, at least S-level or above. Although Ran Zai was an A-level mutant, he simply couldn't stand in the face of such a powerful force.

"How about we cooperate?"

Ran Zai said with a smile, and with a whoosh, Ran Zai raised his arm and blocked the opponent's fist. In an instant, he ejected towards the left and fell into an alley. But the next moment Ran Zai stopped because of the ghost face in front of him. It had landed in front of him, and the wall shattered with a bang. He ejected directly to the wall in front of Ran Zai, stepped on the wall, and then attacked.

After Ran Zai stopped suddenly, he quickly ejected backwards. Violent red particles flashed in front of him. Ran Zai knew very well that if he was caught by the opponent's telekinesis, he would be dead.

Ran Zai just reached into his pocket, and the next moment he could only jump to the left. A piece of his pants had been cut off, and the phone had been torn apart.

"Can't we talk peacefully?"

As soon as Ran Zai finished speaking, the opponent launched a fierce attack again. This time Ran Zai did not get out of the way, but faced the menacing enemy directly. The ghost face on the opposite side was obviously very cautious. He did not directly Attack, but avoided Ran Zai at the moment when he was about to contact Ran Zai.

Ran Zai put one hand in his pocket, but in fact there was nothing. He seized the only opportunity and jumped to the top of the pole in an instant. Ghost Face realized that he had been deceived and just turned around.


With the sound of explosions, the lights on the electric poles lit up instantly. With the light of this moment, Ran Zai had jumped to the top of a house. There were lights in the distance. Ran Zai knew that as long as he could reach the The bright place wins by itself.

There was a loud bang, like a cannonball falling in front of Ran Zai. The moment the ghost face fell, the floor collapsed. Ran Zai smiled slightly. Facing the ghost face that was chasing after him again, he did not flinch, but kicked him. past.


Ghost Face grabbed Ran Zai's foot, but the next moment Ran Zai suddenly pulled out his foot and stepped on the floor with all his strength. In an instant, the entire floor began to roar violently and was collapsing. The moment Ghost Face became unstable, Ran Zai had jumped to the opposite roof, and then punched the floor directly. After a hole was exposed in the floor, Ran Zai immediately sank into it.

The moment he landed, the window behind him exploded, and the ghost face jumped in. Ran Zai was already running towards the window on the other side. Ran Zai, who had once again escaped the power of telekinesis, caught him when he fell. He lived on the window edge of a room, then suddenly used telekinesis to break the window and rushed in again.

There was a loud bang, and Ran Zai's series of actions angered Ghost Face. In an instant, a huge force tore through several ceilings. The moment Ghost Face fell, Ran Zai seized the opportunity and accurately kicked Ghost Face in the chest. , Ghost Face's eyes widened in shock, and the person had already flown out.

Ran Zai was waiting for such an opportunity. Although he could not cause any harm to the opponent, he could buy a lot of time for his escape. Ran Zai turned around, quickly jumped out of the window and ran away.

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