Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2220 Father and Daughter (Part 2)

2:09 am

Tang Ye lay quietly on the bed, looking at the green fonts on the communication ball in front of him. He couldn't sleep at all, and he couldn't move. He knew very well that his home was surrounded by people from Section 2. As long as he had the slightest abnormal behavior, They will definitely find a reason to arrest themselves.

Tang Ye felt that something was wrong. He knew in his heart that this day would come sooner or later, and he had already been mentally prepared for it, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

The creators have unanimously decided that killing Feit is the current solution. Now that the executive department has been surrounded by layers of layers, it is impossible to find any methods and means.

Many creator members hidden among the citizens moved closer, but the place where Fit was located was difficult to access, and there were a large number of signal jamming devices. If we wanted to deal with Fit, we would have to use large-scale explosive weapons. Yes, this is the only option at the moment.

Tang Ye has recently felt more and more that the creator has changed, completely changed. Tang Ye can still think of some of the issues he discussed with many current members in that coffee shop in the past. Those are all things that everyone Let’s pursue together the ideals and ambitions that we want to realize.

Perhaps it was with this mentality that Tang Ye plunged headlong into being a creator, but now he is surrounded by emptiness and fear every day. Tang Ye now feels more and more that he really shouldn't have chosen this path. Such thoughts began to appear vaguely after the death of his adoptive father Zhu Qi.

When he was arrested that night, he saw his crying sister Tang Xiwen. At that moment, Tang Ye felt fear. Only at this moment did he realize that if he wants to reform everything, it is not enough to have ideals, nor is it enough to constantly create incidents. , but also requires strong strength, as well as bloodshed and sacrifice.

It is obviously difficult to inspire the people in the city, because the city is undergoing large-scale reforms. People at the bottom no longer have enough food and clothing, and are much better than before.

Although the original plan has been temporarily changed and the construction of the entire proposal has been destroyed, the defense measures of the administrative department are extremely tight now, and Tang Ye can no longer find a breakthrough.

Anxiety accompanies Tang Ye every day. He only prays that Fite can be killed quickly, otherwise all of them are in danger of being exposed, especially Frye Mental Hospital. Once exposed, their plan will completely fail.

Thinking of this, Tang Ye stood up and walked to the window, looking at the area where the lights were still on. He knew that there were already people from two departments moving in next door to his house, staring at him 24 hours a day.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door, and Tang Ye hurriedly walked over and opened the door. Tang Xiwen stood outside with red eyes. She was wearing white pajamas and looked uncomfortable.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

Tang Ye patted his sister's shoulder comfortingly, and Tang Xiwen shook her head.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

This is the unknown number of times Tang Xiwen has asked Tang Ye this question, but Tang Ye still pretends to be innocent.

"What's wrong? What can I do? I'm under a lot of pressure at work these days, and I'm still perfecting a lot of things in my mind, so..."

"Stop lying to me, okay brother, I actually know, I saw it that night."

Tang Ye became even more confused, and then he smiled and hugged his sister, but this time Tang Xiwen didn't want to let Tang Ye fool her, so she pushed Tang Ye away resolutely.

"Brother, if you really did something, you should surrender. In this case, we can meet again in the future."

Tang Ye laughed.

"What are you thinking about, little fool? Your brother and I really didn't do anything. Did you get indoctrinated by someone from the administrative department when you were arrested for investigation that day?"

"What can they instill in me? Brother, why do you always like to use the word indoctrination? And not just once or twice. It's like what the people in the business say are all false and deceiving people. They are poisonous."

Tang Ye didn't know how to answer his sister's question and said hurriedly.

"You are thinking too much, go to sleep now."

Tang Xiwen walked in resolutely, sat beside the bed and said.

"Actually, there is a good side to the administrative department. At least my classmates and I went to some unfamiliar areas many times. Whether we were asking for directions or encountered some troubles, at that time we could only go to the 5th department personnel patrolling the streets, and they would all be enthusiastic. Of those who help us, there are indeed some people in Section 5 who will ignore the public, but after all, this is only a small part, not all."

Tang Ye sat on the edge of the chair and stared at his sister sideways. She did seem to know something. It seemed that tonight would not be so simple.

Tang Xiwen has been taken care of by Tang Ye since she was very young. Tang Ye is not only his half-brother, but also her father. When Tang Xiwen thinks about the past bits and pieces, it is no longer sweet, but fear.

"Brother, tell me what exactly you did. Please, I don't want to lose you."

Tang Ye hummed, his mouth moved slightly, but he quickly spoke.

"I really didn't do anything. Did you misunderstand something? What did you see that night?"

"I saw you and a woman talking about something on the rooftop, brother, and then she handed you something."

Tang Xiwen spoke in detail. She originally planned to go home that night, but was forcefully dragged by her classmates to stay in a hotel together. It happened to be near the company where Tang Ye worked. Tang Xiwen saw it accidentally, and she could see it. It was very clear that it was indeed his brother and a woman wearing a hoodie.

After returning, Tang Xiwen asked Tang Ye about the woman. Tang Ye was very confused and said that she had seen it wrong because Tang Ye was at home that night and had called Tang Xiwen to ask her to go home.

Tang Xiwen thought so, and it was true that she might have seen it wrong, but since this incident happened, Tang Xiwen remembered the incident a few years ago, and she felt something was wrong, because that day was Wednesday, and Tang Ye had no idea what happened. It was impossible to go home. If I went home, I would have some trouble going to work the next morning.

So Tang Xiwen was sure that she was not mistaken. Tang Ye did meet a woman on the rooftop of an office building opposite the hotel, and the two stayed for a long time before leaving.

"Brother, can you tell me? I beg you."

As Tang Xiwen spoke, she got up emotionally and came to Tang Ye. She knelt on the ground and pressed Tang Ye's knees. Tears were already falling from her face.

"What are you doing? I really didn't do anything. You believe me."

Tang Xiwen shook her head and kept wiping her tears. Tang Ye's expression became serious and angry.

"Tell me what exactly the person in charge said to you that day?"

Tang Ye's anger completely burst out, and Tang Xiwen shook her head.

"They just asked you everything and most of the time I was shaking my head because I knew you must have done something to get arrested."

Because Tang Xiwen thought about it, for so many years, everyone has been denouncing Section 2 because the actions of Section 2 were too drastic, but no one has ever said that Section 2 arrested the wrong person. Those arrested by Section 2 were later announced In all the cases that came out, without exception, they all committed crimes.

There is no airtight wall in this world, but Tang Xiwen thought that even those who signed a confidentiality agreement, as long as there are good people, they will definitely hold on to the unjust, false and wrong cases of the 2nd Section, but there has been no such thing as the 2nd Section in so many years. Regarding the false case, although Section 2 provided false evidence, the person arrested was indeed the criminal.

After Tang Xiwen came home that day, she found a note in her pocket. She was shocked after reading it. She didn't take it seriously at first, but when she thought about it carefully, she realized that everything her brother had done in the past few years was indeed problematic.

If you still want to live with your brother, please think carefully about all his actions over the years. Are he really just an ordinary citizen? This is the last chance. Once he is exposed, you brother and sister will no longer be able to live together. Please think carefully. Another point is that Section 2 has never arrested any innocent person. Although there was an exception a few months ago, it did not become an exception in the end.

Tang Xiwen didn't know who put this note into her pocket, but the more she thought about it in the past few days, the more she felt a chill down her spine.

Looking at Tang Ye's appearance, Tang Xiwen was even more convinced that in his heart he hated Xing Ke so much that he wanted to kill them.

Not only did I see Tang Ye and the woman talking on the roof that night, but also when I was still in elementary school, I always had the impression that someone came to my house at night.

Although Tang Ye always said it was his illusion, now Tang Xiwen thinks about it carefully. It is true that Tang Ye was still in college at that time, and people often came to his home. Now that he thinks about it carefully, those people don't look like Tang Ye's. classmate.

Tang Xiwen never mentioned these matters to anyone in the business department, nor did she ask Tang Ye.

"Brother, can you say something?"

Tang Ye still remained silent, and soon the brother and sister were in a stalemate. Tang Xiwen was not going to go back to sleep. She had to ask clearly, because some things happened in the city every now and then. In Tang Xiwen's opinion, these things were all vicious. Those rioters are very hateful.


"Why are you so sure that the little girl can ask something?"

A director of Division 2 said, throwing up a peanut, eating it in one bite, and taking a comfortable sip of wine. Ran Zai yawned next to him.

"Lao Luo, if you don't believe it, just watch. There may be results tonight."

Ran Zai was very sure that a breakthrough had been found, and it was not Tang Ye. Tang Ye was very difficult to break through, but his sister Tang Xiwen was different. During the interrogation that day, it could be seen that Tang Xiwen lied many times because she panicked. God, I know there is something wrong with my brother.

The director next to him is named Luo Hao. He is a veteran member of Section 2. He joined Section 2 when R was still the section chief. Until Mo Xiaolan took over as section chief, he never resigned. He has obviously arrived. Old enough to retire.

"Lao Luo, why did you enter Section 2?"

Luo Hao laughed.

"My daughter died in a traffic accident. It should not have happened. If there had been an early warning mechanism, or if we could have known earlier that the car produced by the manufacturer was defective, such a tragedy could have been avoided. It is very common. story."

Ran Zai threw up a peanut, and Luo Hao next to him naughtily stood up and caught it with his mouth.

"You kid is also very troublesome. In the past, our department had a special department responsible for recording your affairs. In many cases, it was impossible for Mr. Jean to keep an eye on you all day long."

Ran Zai laughed.

"But the arrest of the secretary of our department before was considered a mistake by Department 2."

"Not really. Although Le Wen has confessed everything now and took the initiative to join Section 10, when such a big thing happened back then, he actually ran away and hid. What makes me feel most outrageous is that you were only a few years old at that time. Sui, it was you who hid him."

Ran Zai burst out laughing.

"Unexpectedly, the reason why I did that was just because that man took me to a good meal when I was at my lowest point, and also let me live in their house for a long time. A person must know how to repay kindness. ."

Luo Hao sighed, and the two continued to throw peanuts. Now they are partners, responsible for the line of Tang Ye. There are various signs that Tang Ye has indeed concealed something. Although no evidence can be found, Luo Hao now also feels that Tang Ye Something is wrong.

Because the attitude of Tang Ye's sister Tang Xiwen has changed in recent days, it is obvious that she knows something, but she cannot tell the business department. The two of them looked at the picture taken by the external monitor, and the curtains were open, so They could see what was going on inside.

The brother and sister seemed to be still in a stalemate, when Ran Zai stood up and said.

"Lao Luo, let me make a bet with you."

"Okay, you say."

Ran Zai said with a smile.

"Do you think he'll say something before sunrise tomorrow?"

Several serious lip-reading experts looked at the two people with serious expressions. The two had talked about a lot of things recently. Ran Zai had done many things in the past. He also admitted it, but those things were not so much cases as cases. Said it was a complete hoax and there was no evidence.

"Can you two be more serious?"

A female director of Section 2 muttered something, and Luo Hao laughed and said.

"It's definitely impossible to explain anything."

"Then I bet Tang Ye will definitely explain something before dawn. If he doesn't explain, I will pay for all the midnight snacks in the future."

Luo Hao nodded, Ran Zai stood up and patted Luo Hao's shoulder.

"If he confesses anything, I have only one condition. Lao Luo, you must marry this beautiful lady behind you!"

Luo Hao stood up immediately, and everyone in the room laughed.

"You brat, how dare you make fun of me."

At this time, everyone became serious, the curtains were pulled up, and the surveillance was quickly switched to penetrating. The two people in the room were presented in 3D modeling, and their mouth shapes could still be seen.

"Lao Luo, it looks like you have lost, okay."

Ran Zai stood up, and everyone looked on excitedly, because Tang Ye did say two words, indeed!

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